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Posted by barbarame (Member # 16423) on :
Anyone have their inside mouth, tongue and teeth effected.

Posted by Cockapoo1996 (Member # 14238) on :
Yes. The right side of my tongue in the back is numb and then sometimes painful.

I have had it before. It went away. But it's back. [Frown]

I am not much help but at least you know you are not alone. [Smile]
Posted by Clint31 (Member # 16420) on :
not sure if this is what you mean but my gums bleed in the morning when i brush my teeth
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
I have a lot of tooth sensitivity. I use a special toothpaste for it and it's no problem. If I use regular toothpaste, it comes back. I didn't have this prior to treatment.
Posted by laura j (Member # 14257) on :
I also had the major tooth sensitivity and your post made me realize it has lessened a lot w/treatment.
Posted by Nora DeBoard (Member # 15600) on :
My gums used to bleed a lot. Not sure if it was due to the fact that I did not know that I had mold in my HVAC sytem in my apartment at the time. So I was in TOXIN overload. [Eek!]

I still have times when I wake up and my bottom two teeth are very painful. They even feel loose. Yet the dentist at the VA says my gumline is not recided and I do not have gingivitis.

The outside Dentist told me that maybe it's something systemic. Now I know why!
They ache aweful on some days. I can litteraly move them. I am afraid of loosing them at times. [Frown]
Posted by Lymeorsomething (Member # 16359) on :
Plaquenil made my gums bleed a lil bit.....
Posted by disturbedme (Member # 12346) on :
Like one person said above about their teeth feeling loose at times. Same here. And this started happening before I began treatment with antibiotics so that is not the cause.

They not only feel loose, but I can move them with my fingers or tongue and feel/hear them click (they are not always feeling loose, but off and on usually). Yet, when I go to the dentist and bring this up to them I am told time and time again that my teeth and gums are healthy and that they are fine.

So not sure why they'd be doing this. I've come to the conclusion it's the lyme/co's. But really have no idea. It's very strange... [shake]
Posted by tailz (Member # 10014) on :
I have had major teeth and gum problems, and my teeth had always been perfect prior to this mess. I have no dental insurance either - I figured since I'd taken such good care of my teeth, the only thing that could damage them would be a car accident.

But I've lost a significant amount of gum tissue in certain areas. I first noticed this around the time I was experiencing extreme dizzy spells and would often notice my gums were pale blue or white when this would happen, so I'm guessing I had no blood flow to my head or gums, and the infection took over.

I had the doctor do a culture, and only normal bacteria grew.

I have alternating episodes of my teeth either feeling too tight or too wiggly. Rarely are they just right.

If my teeth are too tight, I often experience personality changes, highs/lows, rages, and wig out on people because it feels like someone is holding a strong magnet up against my teeth from inside my brain - or maybe it's the other way around - it's hard to tell.

I definitely feel a constant tugging going on though in my jaw/head area - whether my teeth feel loose or tight, and I feel suicidal some days from it. I can't think when this happens, and all I do is react.

My teeth are damaged though, especially my lower teeth, from constantly grinding them and/or clenching them. My top teeth are chipped, too. I think most of the damage occurs in my sleep, but my teeth are essentially ruined.

Finally, I've been developing a greyish-black coating on my teeth. It accumulates between my teeth and in the biting crevices, but when my symptoms are really severe, this substance can coat all surfaces of my teeth.

It is not a 'stain', but rather a coating of something. It tastes like metal, too, and is impossible to remove with toothpaste. I usually resort to attempting to scrape what I can off with some instruments I bought at the drug store, but it's useless.

I believe I am in the process of developing Alzheimer's like my grandmother, and that this coating, which is even difficult for my dentist to remove, is magnetic iron oxide - magnetite.

I actually have some pieces of magnetite rocks, and if I pick one up and rub it on my hand, this is exactly what appears to come off of my teeth.

They have linked an excessive accumulation of magnetic iron oxide in the brain to Alzheimer's - which goes along with my theory that Lyme, Alzheimer', whatever I have is definitely caused by the current concentrations of electromagnetic/radiowave fields in the environment.

In fact, I can't even handle a thunderstorm any more. Like my cat that died of an enlarged heart, I can feel them before I hear/see them - like the one we had last night. The tension in my teeth/jaw was extreme during the storm last night, and I feel suicidal lately.

By the way, the girl who cleaned my teeth this last time had told me she had never seen this coating on anyone's teeth before, as bad as mine was. So I sure do hope I can find a doctor somewhere to listen to me - I'm seriously not going to be able to handle this much longer.
Posted by Alv (Member # 15192) on :
I found I have lyme and coinfections after I lost 12 root canals.

I compleined for my jaw and my teeth cheaping off years ago.And my root canals doen one after another.

Noone could find out.

MY JAW pain was unberable.Than the reinfection with BLO.I had bart already .That made it.When my lyme became active my mouth got so infected and my gums were licking ...horrible.I had pain in deep in the bone and bells palsy.

Insisted on removing them.My biological dentist that I found ( he saw them and said YES I have big time cavitation).While all regular dentist will tell me I was fine and there was no problem ....and I need to use a toothpaste for the sensitive teeth.


YES right !!!I was in pain.So even though my holistic dentist wanted to save them with ozone injection ( as I was too young ) I did not wanted to keep them ( very costly also ) .I was told I have leuqimia from my PCP , lupus, maybe cancer ...etc as my WBC was 1.5 and was about to fly to MEXICO to see if I had cancer.My insurance denied MRI while I was in pain EVERYWHERE.

So when I decided to remove tham and could not weight to go to SANOVIV hospital in mexico as they had all the best " GADGET " to test me and what was wrong with me( after too much of reading ph calls all over amerika with the best holistic doctors) was told from them as WHATever health issue I had ..I would not get better if I do not remove my root canals and my metals and they would do the same thing right away for me.

BEside that they would put me on strong prtokoll for detoxification.I was already doing ALL CLEANSINGS of DR SHULTZE and all the DIET to protect and help my liver that was hurting like hell with SANDRA CABOT " the liver DOCTOR " and many many other things.

So I decided to remove them , and the one that were having root canals I had bridges and metlas also anyway.

WELL while my doctor ( surgery for 5 hrs paid out of pocket) removed them .....he had to clean my jaw ...deeply as it was SO INFECTED with dead bone...HE was astonished.

Even though he was takign pictures way stronger than the regular dentist with 3 dimention and he had the best way to check my mouth ...he was surprised of the infection that was below all the teath so MUCH DEAD BONE!! He send my bone to do a biopsy.

My good root canals were moving very easy and I was surprised..( JUST CHECKED them right now but they are so tight now..that I have been 1year on strong treatment ).
My right side that I had bells palsy right below my right side above the tooth on the right jaw had pus inside the bone.
It took the doctor to keep the place oped so the pus could lick out for ...very long and he had to open the window.

HE said that this could have KILLED ME EASY !PEOPLE DIE FROM THAT .AND he said that I did make a VERY GOOD DECISION as it would have caused my life.YES I WAS on IV glutathione and I had tachiocardia and bloot cloots moving from my left arm to the liver and right arm.
I could feel it easy .GOD knows HOW I SURVIVED it.

This Whole scenario happend when I was already prepared about it for 3 months so by the time that I felt pain on my jaw thanks GOOD I had set up the apointment with him.I WAS about to go to MEXICO.I am glad I did not as I WOULD HAVE NEVER made it there alive.I was crawling to the bethroom and to my bed.Without mentioning FULL Blown enchephalitis in my brain.
I had 3 years that felt that pain on and off at that doctors after doctors and physical therapies and ( IGNORANT DOCTORS AND CLUELESS TO EVERY kind of speciality ) and hated it.BUt nowone had beilived me or link all the things were LYME and coinfections.

Do not they know that JOINT PAIN IS SO LYME DISEASE with associated headaches....what more did they wanted to just mention that name to me.

MY PCP knew ( HE never mentioned the name of the disease to me ) he only did an ELISA to COVER HIS *** and was living it up to me.HE knew I was reading on the internet to find out what is wrong with me as I was not patient to wait 3 months for each specialits that he was refering me too.

I suffered and removed them.I never , I SAY NEVER regret That I removed them.

They got infected when I got active lyme and became assymtomatic( before was dormant) since in germany .My root canals got done all at the same time infected within 5 months of infection with lyme and bart back than ....than they got worst and worst..over the years.

IF you read Dr J S book he exsplain how somebody lost within 3 year the entire teeth( they were so loose) as the lyme and bart was activated..and had severe gingivitis.

Dr J S had used oils( diferent kinds) and strong treatment with antibiotics to save the teeth to other patients.

The problem is if YOU have ROOT canals done than you really need to remove them -NO regreat for them as the coinfection hide there and they are near your ears and head.

But if you have nrmal roots and have them loose...treat them agreasively with antibiotics to stop the infection beeing active at your gums.

I do not have anymore JAW pain .I already clean my cavitations, and my mercury tattos and did take from that doctors dosages of homepathic formulas to draw the toxic from my mouth.

Also did detox..this helped my face from bells palsy.WAS the best thing I EVER did otherwise I would have had BELLS palsy yet.

If you have read GIGIs post you will learn.I already had done what GIGI has recomended as I had followed HULDAS CLARCk advise.

Right after the removel I self diagnosed myself 2 weeks after the removel with LYME disease.

The conclusion was SOMETHING ONLY CRONIC in the body can cause all the teeth to be damaged all at the same time otehrwise did not made sense.My biologic dentist was very open minded...

REGULAR dentist are clueles.

By the way .I had a small mercury tatto on the right jaw.I had the constant pain there.I decided to remove that again.I do not know why showed up.I probably said I have mercury deep in the bone.AFTER the removel healed fast and the numbness and the pain went away.

THAT link to the fact.The bugs were having their house right there were mercury was .And it did not matter what i was taking.The minute I removed it a couple of day s the dull pain was gone.

SO MERCURY IS DEFINITLY The house of this bugs.ROOT CANALS ARE VERY dangerous also.Do a search on the topis about teeth.

I would remove them without even thinking twice.

Posted by cordor (Member # 9449) on :
I have all three. My tongue (mostly the tip area) constantly feels like it has been burned. And I mean constant. Toothpaste has become torture.

The inside of my mouth on one side gets very painful to the point where it wakes me up out of a sound sleep and the ENT said I am now developing episodes of shingles inside my mouth (I am 50 yrs old- prime time for shingles I guess)

And my teeth- well I don't even want to talk about it. I have terrible pain. Dentist says it's neurological. Neurologist says it's "dental".
I give up sometimes.

You are definately NOT alone with these 3 issues.
I never had these problems until the past 3 years.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Alv, I didn't know I had a partner in crime. I also used to have twelve root canals. They are long gone, and most likely the single reason I am well and happy and alive today. I learned one thing that if I come back another time with a new set of teeth, I will never try to save a tooth once it's dead. Dead body parts are a constant contributor of toxin - one of the most deadly toxins known to man. Mercaptans and thioethers, the most potent carcinogen known to man.

Good luck to you, Alv, on your journey back to health. I hope you get to use the Bionic - it will help even more.

Take good care.
Posted by llelnino (Member # 16067) on :
Yeah I have not started treatment yet but I do get pain in 1 or 2 teeth and they feel loose at times. Even when I chew on things at times my teeth start to hurt.
Posted by Nebula2005 (Member # 8244) on :
In my case, the tooth problems are tied in with the other trigenimal nerve symptoms: facial twitching, eyelid drooping, ears moving around, and pain pain pain.
Posted by Alv (Member # 15192) on :
It is true!
I had no idea that you were talking about this things years ago and I had followed the same path as you have mentioned on all your posts.

I did not even knew you than .So by the time I came to this board ...I had followed Dr K path, pendulum , Rfe, herbs , cleansings for over 3 by the time I figured I had lyme I alredy had done the job to be ready for the big GUNS.

YES I regreat that I have done even 1 root canal and I HAD paid$$$$$ all these years for bridges in GERMANY ( gold covered with WHITE) and all that story about my teeth work was probably a total of $30K for my entire life.Trying to keep them in my mouth.

I regreat.i should have gone in the best beaches of the world to get some sun light instead of wasting my money for saving the root canals.

BOY --I regreat for doing somthing like that.WHO knew.It took me 3 years day and night reading on how body works...and I could link that all these amalgams ruined my life and my health.All these toxins on every dental apointment.

MY biologist dentist said to me.IRONICLY people that do more work on their mouth thinking they are saving their teeth they are ruining them more...and have more issues on their health.


YEs GIGI I have read so much and that is why I beilived on YOU as I found somebody that had read and beilived on what I belived and was true as I was living PROOF!

BEILIVE it or not that is what I am thinking.Buying the BIONIC or going there in germany!

That is my dwelling right now!
Posted by blinkie (Member # 14470) on :
I have loose teeth. My dentist is the one that noticed. He was baffled. This was before I knew I had lyme.

Now I know. It's lyme.
Posted by wantabe (Member # 14703) on :
I had major jaw pain and the roof of my mouth hurt.

I was as if someone was pushing down from the inside of my skull putting constant pressure on the top of my mouth. It hurt to smile.

After starting antibiotic treatment, most is gone!

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