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Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

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Posted by jocus20 (Member # 11576) on :

Do u know of any practitioners on the east coast who perform neural therapy?

I have had a question about my tonsils for the past year or so after reading Dr. K's article.

My tonsil have been large and inflamed looking my entire life. When i was really young i used to get tonsilitis alot and then it stopped after about the age of 8.

No doctor ever wanted to remove them and just thought that i would grow into them. That never happened and every doctor still comments on how large they are.

I am concerned that they could be causing issues and have seen ents who said that unless im haveing sleep apnea that they would reccomend not getting them removed. Ive also asked my llmd and he just says they look large but he wouldnt get them out.

If its something that is going to make a dramatic difference than id be totally up for it but alot of things have backfired on me including getting my amalgams removed. The only benefit i recieved from that was more dental problems.

Does getting your tonsils removed really make a great difference? please be honest. Im still very sick and going in for sugery might not be a good idea at all.

However, Id be willing to get them checcked out by someone who does neural therapy.

Thanks for posting this,
Posted by Looking (Member # 13600) on :
Regenerative Cryotherapy

Regenerative Cryotherapy (deep freeze treatment) for snoring, chronic tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils), chronic pharyngiti(inflammation of the throat), chronic rhinitis (sniffles) and other diseases.

Specialist in Regenerative Cryotherapy - Dr. Sergej Dorochov

Medicine in Russia: Otolaryngologist Pediatrician
1995 - Alternative Medicine Practitioner specializing in Cryotherapy, Germany

1994 - Russian Patent - ``Treatment for Snoring by Means of
Regenerative Cryotherapy''

1998-1997 - German Patent - ``Device for Sectional Tightening
and Revitalization of the Mouth and Throat Mucosa''

Cryotherapy (`kryos' gr. `deep freeze') is a treatment by means of Regenerative Cryotherapy and has been used for many centuries in different medical treatments depending on the intensity of the deep freeze effect.

Deep freeze is used as well as the regenerative and healing treatment (regenerative cryotherapy) as in cryosurgery; where cells, organs and ulcers are put under destructive influence (the so-called destructive necrotic cryotherapy or cryosurgery.)

In this article I have outlined regenerative cryotherapy (regenerative and healing) by discussing the application of the procedure in treating chronic inflammations of the nose, throat and anti-snoring therapy.

In 1986, I developed, researched and applied the procedure for regenerative cryotherapy in Russia and set up private practice in Germany from 1995.

Many of my patients have shown dramatic health improvements from my treatment. The regenerative cryotherapy adjusts the mutated cells and activates the whole organism for increasing the body's immunity.

This is achieved by means of regenerative renewal. It is important to note that the procedure of regenerative cryotherapy has no known side effects and is highly recommended for both adults and children.

It is important for everyone to maintain and care for their complete/whole self and avoid surgery wherever possible. It is therefore important to care about the throat by applying a therapy which, when needed, does not involve surgery.

Latest immunological research has proved that the tonsils play a vital part in the protection of the body. The procedure of regenerative cryotherapy cares about the inflamed and degenerative cells of the tonsils (in the case of chronic tonsillitis).

The procedure, therefore, regenerates and activates the cells so that the body's defense against viruses and bacteria is wholly restored.

Other lymphatic cells, such as the lymphfollicel and lymphgrains, also exist in the throat. They look like little knots and grains and are placed towards the back and sides of the throat. Chronic pharyngitis results from the inflammation of these little knots and grains.

Regenerative cryotherapy restores the function of these lymphatic follicles and grains so that the immune system adjusts itself to its optimum and healthy potential, fighting against viruses, bacteria and other foreign microorganisms. Chronic inflammation in the throat (chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis) pass by very often without symptoms.

Sometimes they can be accompanied with scratching or burning in the throat. During this time the patient has the feeling that something is stuck in their throat, which causes coughing. Another symptom is the frequent inflammation of the tonsils.

The therapeutic effect of regenerative cryotherapy is the complete regenerative care of the protective function of the lymphatic cells in the follicles, grains and tonsils. In this way, a full elimination of the inflammation is achieved.

Chronic throat inflammations are dangerous for the whole organism because they may lead to complications, such as rheumatism, heart disease, kidney failure/disease and others. Arthritis (disease of the joints), asthmatic illnesses, blood-cell diseases, skin problems, disease of the sexual organs, etc.

With regenerative cryotherapy all these problems begin to disappear by themselves. The therapeutic effect on the entire system is stimulated and the increased immunity of the cellular system wholly restored.

Regenerative cryotherapy is suitable for chronic inflammation of the constipated nose, Ozaena (stink nose) and Polypose. After the deep-freeze treatment the structure of the mucus in the nose is regenerated and heals itself.

The breathing system, below the swallowed mucus, therefore regenerates. Asthmatic attacks are reduced, polyps become smaller and even disappear.

It is also possible to cure the patient from snoring with the help of regenerative cryotherapy. Snoring is an unpleasant noise which, whilst in a deep sleep, can be extremely dangerous.

There is a direct connection between high blood pressure, myocardiac attack (heart), cell-disease and psycho-neurotic disturbances.

In most cases the muscles of the palate are treated with deep freeze. A local narcotic spray is used in the throat to avoid vomiting. Regenerative procedures begin on the muscle cells of the palate.

The strength of the muscle palate cells is restored and palate tension shortens. In most cases, the reason for snoring is the slackening of the muscles, which is caused by other diseases that effect the palate.

These include: chronic tonsillitis chronic pharyngitis, chronic sniffles, colds and flu. If one does not treat chronic inflammations and swallowed mucus, one starts snoring and after some time, the dangerous apnoea syndrome - frequent stops of breathing in the night - will set in.

In some cases it was confirmed that after the application of cryotherapy in the nose and throat the strength and elasticity of the palate was slowly gained back. Naturally this depends on the individual nature of the person, which is assessed during my treatment.

I was granted a patent from the Russian Committee for Patents and Inventions for my method and procedure for treating snoring with regenerative cryotherapy. The procedure does not require any preparation and can be applied to a conscious patient who is sitting upright.

A local narcotic spray is used before treatment to reduce vomiting stress. The procedure takes half an hour, after which time the patient is back to their ``normal'' eating/drinking habits. I was also granted a Patent for my cryo equipment for this use of cryotherapy.

Deep freeze is produced by circulating nitrogen, which does not have any direct contact with the nose, throat or mouth. Some patients feel an unpleasant cold feeling for a few seconds, whilst others feel nothing. After the procedure the cell system regenerates and restores new and healthy cells.

This process lasts for four to six weeks. After this period, the patient should go for a check-up. If the cells are not completely renewed another treatment is required to complete the regenerative process.

Many people (especially children) suffer from different stresses of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, joints, skin, inner organism bronchial asthma and other disease. They are not aware that their inner stresses are caused by a chronic inflammation in the throat and nose.

These inflammations pass by very often without any symptoms. Normal cell functioning is restored and increased stability of the entire immune system is wholly established by means of regenerative cryotherapy.

By means of the generative cryotherapy system, diseases or the skin can be cured such as: psoriasis, atopic and allergic dermatitis, erythema, eczema, warts, papilloma and kondylomathe.

I strongly believe that if everyone (especially children) underwent prophylactic treatment of the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils, pharynx and nasal mucosa using the method of regenerative cryotherapy the following positive effects would be observed:

- improvement of the protective functions of the entire organism
- correct and healthy stimulation of the immune system

We conclude therefore that the general risk of catching systemic, rheumatoid, infectious allergic and oncological diseases, immune deficiency states, snoring and sleep apnea would be distinctly reduced. The regenerative cryotherapy of Dr. Dorochov guides a new direction in modern medicine.

Regenerative Medicine helps the sick mutated organism to regenerate itself by renewing cell function to a complete restored

``My aim is to introduce regenerative cryotherapy into all aspects of medicine so that we can all benefit from the rich life we were granted at birth.''

KryoPraxis Sergej D. Dorochov
Posted by sunshinyday (Member # 14337) on :
Is there anyone in the US who does this therapy?

That would be nice.
Posted by luvs2ride (Member # 8090) on :
Interesting to read in Dr K's material that Dr Issels found some people experienced relief from arthritis pain after tonsilectomy.

Dare I hope? So far, no arthritis since day of surgery. Too soon to give the surgery the credit though as the ENT doctor gave me some steriod during the operation to help keep swelling to a minimum. I have no idea how long this steriod is supposed to last but certainly plan to ask him at our follow up appt.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Sunshine, I do not know of anyone doing this tonsil treatment here in the USA. I know quite a number of people that have gone to Germany just for that purpose. They fly during off-season, get the treatment and return home a couple of days later. A couple three years ago the treatment was not expensive, very managable.
Anyone interested can contact the doctor.

Neural therapy does take care of some of the scarring due to infections. It is one of the first treatments I received from Dr. K. Same for my husband, who had his tonsils removed as a youngster. The scars can get as toxic and need watching. I had several of these quick NT treatments over the years.

Now, I usually test them and treat them if necessary with the green laser and the T vial for tonsil area (from AR). It works very nicely and takes 5 seconds before the person can clear some of the "whatever you call it" out. The light hits me too and I always have to clear my throat automatically at the same time I use the laser on my husband. And of course I can easily treat myself by shining the laser into the area.

Take care.

P.S. Jocus, there are many people in the east that do Neural Therapy. Check with alternative practices, ACAM. Pres. Kennedy used to be treated with it for his back problem -- it's been available here for a long time. Check the www.neuraltherapy/referral list. I have not looked at it lately -- maybe it is updated now? Dr. K. has been teaching NT for 20-30 years.
Posted by sunshinyday (Member # 14337) on :
Thanks Gigi,

I would love to talk to you, could you pm me and let me know when would be a good time?

I appreciate your wisdoma and sharing.

Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I was planning to do this treatment while in Germany for the Bionic 880 treatments but based on input from others I respect, I decided not to do both in the same trip. I may still do this procedure in the future as tonsils have been an issue for me identified in the past.
Posted by luvs2ride (Member # 8090) on :
I'm over the hump now and glad they are gone.
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :
My mom did this recently after running/walking 10 miles. She said the effects were pretty amazing.
She recovered so fast from the run & felt great.

Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :
Sorry I'm bumping an old thread.

I did cryotherapy today for the first time. Powerful stuff.
It only lasts 2-3 minutes and I was quite tired afterwards (the detox is powerful and immediate. My tongue went white!! And I had cotton mouth). I wasn't tired enough that I could t go hit golf balls though.

I'm very relaxed right now and looking forward to hopefully getting some longterm immune system benefits using cryotherapy.
Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
Can you speak to how you determined it was a worthwhile thing to try, or, how the practitioner determined that. Any tests of any sort (blood, energy testing, ...)?

Did you get this in the US? If so, I would be curious to know where, if you don't mind posting or PMing.

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