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Posted by Curiouser (Member # 14128) on :
I'm going to ask my doc about this, but would like to hear folks' personal experiences.

Has anyone done a parasite cleanse while taking antibiotics?

Which cleansing protocol do you recommend?

How long were you on it?

Did it help?

Thanks in advance. [Smile]
Posted by Cold Feet (Member # 9882) on :
Humaworm, then the Clark liver cleanse. I recommend both....but if you are really ill, it might just about kill you!
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
I did Humaworm while on abx. I told my LLMD about it AFTER the fact, LOL. He wrote down the website but never told me what he thought (I mainly see the PA, so it was a while till I saw him again).

I found Enula helped with the parasites that Humaworm missed.

Oregano Oil, Uva Ursi, and Plant tannins are also good for the gut.
Posted by AnneRoto (Member # 13363) on :
I went for a cleansing procedure and the nurse found (yuck) parasites and fungal material. I am taking Parmax which consists of a capsule and a liquid 3times daily. I am doing this while being treated for Lyme/Bart and am on Cefdinir and Azith.
The at home cleanse is a 35 day procedure. 15 days on the program, 5 off and then back on for another 15. The nurse and I talked again after I told her I now have Bart as well. I will be returning to her for another cleansing procedure followed by a coffeee enema.
Gosh, what fun. But I do have to say I felt so much better after the procedure which took close to an hour. Upon examing my abdomen that my spleen was very sensitive. It was tender to the prodding.
Can anyone explain why that is?

I was only diagnosed about a month ago. Was bitten about two years ago in a highly endemic area in RI. I have minor symptoms (compared to others), achy knees, thumbs, elbows, some fatigue at times, night sweats (occassionally), some word retreival problems. I work full time and maintain a full schedule. I feel worse on the abx than I did prior to taking them.
I think going for the cleansing was one of the best things I have done for myself. You can not accomplish the same result on your own. It was worth the $75 for the result that I got.
Posted by keltyl (Member # 14050) on :
I ordered and received my humaworm, now I don't dare take it. There are about 25 ingredients and it seems so many things interact with mepron.

Anybody take it while on Mepron?
Posted by Curiouser (Member # 14128) on :
Cold Feet,
Thanks! I'm sick but most of my symptoms are neuro these days.

One of those "easier to seek forgiveness than permission" things? LOL! I've got a phone conference with L in a couple of weeks. Will ask her about it. Thanks! [Smile]

I think babs can cause problems with the spleen.

I've been thinking about doing that as well. I do e-coffee from time to time when I'm feeling particularly toxic. Wondering if a colonic wouldn't give my system a kick-start. Thanks! [Smile]

That's one of my concerns as well. I'm on a ton of stuff, including mepron. In spite of that, they've got me upping my milk thistle because my liver tends to run wonky and LFTs are high again. Guess the tradeoff is worth it if it means keeping an organ.

I'm a little concerned that the cleanse would "push" the meds through faster, reducing absorbtion time, in addition to interactions.

Part of my thought on this is that a parasite cleanse may help with absorbtion of both nutrients and meds.

I'm deficient and low in a lot of stuff these days.... again. Hoping if maybe I clean out my pipes it'll fix that, to a certain degree.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Curi, sort of, LOL! L had me on three different herbs for bacterial overgrowth of the intestines, then I found Humaworm which killed the same bacteria I had, so I switched. [Smile] I didn't realize I had other parasites.
Posted by Alv (Member # 15192) on :
Ok .I have tried "EVERYTHING "...that has been reported here in the last 3 years.

Huldas Clarck -every protocoll( even 3500mg Coq10 dosages at once or L-cystine and ozonated oil and Tapeworm protokoll-had no clue that was LYME and company back than and wanted to reach them in my brain ), Dr Natura , Humaworm for 5 times in a row even the maintanance , Alinia , Flagyl , Combinations of herbs from My ND based on muscle testing.

Oh by the way forgot that I have tried Dr SHULTZES protocoll , 5 liver flushes , all Huldas Liver and KIDNEY cleans and fusting and ...Can not recall them all ...Oh yes even the COLONICS.

( I was told that all the cleansings that I used ...made me to be BETTER from lyme than others she has ever seen.I was recomended that I need only 1 colonic as I was -PERFECT than even normal people that had no lyme -that was thanks to EVERYTHING THAT I HAVE USED to clean my GUT in 3 years ).

But I want to offer another protocoll that I just finished .I found thanks to QXCI test that I had -Amebas /Protozoa and nothing eradicated them.So based on my ( eksperience on Curezone .com and the veterans) I had to try this new combination.

I did the :

Very effective against: Blastocystis hominis, Endolimax nana, Iodamoeba butschlii, Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba fragilis, and Entamoeba coli.

Humatin (paromomycin) 250 mg 2 pills 3X per day for 10 days
Iodoquinol 650 mg 1 pill 3X per day for 20 days
Metagenics Candibactin BR 1 pill 3X per day for 20 days (800-692-9400)
Start all of the above on the same day. Take together in between meals with a full glass of water (at least 30 minutes before or two hours after a meal). Mild to moderate gas, bloating, nausea, and even cramping may occur. Stop all the medications if frequent vomiting or a rash occurs.

Following this treatment, take a high potency probiotic supplement for at least one month. I recommend:

Custom Probiotics - Adult Formula CP-1, 1 capsule 2x/day with or without meals (800) 219-8405

And again another combination that My ND has created particulary in my case.But that was used before .In my case this is a strong protokoll.( I do muscle test everything before I try , pending on my own body`s needs).

So I wanted to offer.It really send me to a higher level of functioning.

So I am offering for the ones that are willing to try .

Hope that this will help someone that is strugling and has not found a releif yet.

Take care!!
Posted by Curiouser (Member # 14128) on :
They've only got me on Nystatin right now. I'm taking caprylic acid on my own to keep the little buggers in check.

What meds were you on when you did the Humaworm? I vaguely remember you talking about it on OMG, but can't remember when that was.

I didn't realize I had other parasites.

Woah. I'll bet that must have been an interesting morning when the Humaworm started working. [Eek!]
Posted by Curiouser (Member # 14128) on :
Thank you so much for the info! Your latest protocol sounds pretty heavy-duty.

How did you feel while you were doing it?

I'm assuming you're not on antibiotics?

I've considered talking to the doc about taking a break from meds for a couple of months for several reasons.

The first is financial. We're broke and simply can't afford it.

The second is to get my body back in gear, give it a good cleaning out, and 'then' see if that makes any difference.

I'm also curious to see what symptoms are from lyme&co and what's from the meds. Since I've gotten worse while in treatment, I'd like to see what my baseline is.

Thanks again. [Smile]
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Interesting, to say the least! Shocking even!

I was on Levaquin, Tindamax, Malarone, Lariam, Plaquenil, and Minocycline at the time.

I know our doctor is open to breaks from meds. [Wink] I know I had great results from the Buhner protocol.
Posted by Curiouser (Member # 14128) on :
Wow! That's quite the load of meds. And I thought my current protocol was heavy.

I really am thinking about taking a break from the orals.

L wants me to start on IM bicillin shots and I may stay on those since they don't go through the GI tract. Dunno yet. Still feeling this whole thing out.

I'm pretty sure he'll approve of the break. Considering how my LFTs have been, he'll probably think it's a good idea.

Of course, that means getting my diet back on track too. I've been a baaaaad girl. [Big Grin]

Re: Buhner protocol - Does the doc give you a handout or do you buy a kit like with Cowden? To be honest, I really haven't looked much into this.
Posted by Alv (Member # 15192) on :
I have been on Azithr , Mino , Levaquin , Rifampin Only once 1 month in KETEK , Doxy ..but than $$$ TONS of HERBS.I do muscle testing.

I stop the antibiotics when my body does not want them anymore.My body does not want the rifampin anymore -IT WAS OK for 9 months than stoped working ( finished its job) .

Than USED LEVAQUIN until yesterday -it said NO MORE , while since in the begining it was showing that WAS the MOST WANTED DRUG that I needed desperatly ( BLO) .My body finally said stop to FLAGYL .

I am still on antibiotics and MANY HERBS and RIFE ..I use everything.I have been severely sick .1Year ago I was crawling from the bed to the stairs in my bed and vomiting and my body was jerking around.

I HERXED 3 years.2 years I did not know what I was killing while cleansings ..but LEARNED that I had LYME AND COMPANY ( ALL OF THEM , BLO , BART henselae , Muc fermentas , EHRLICHIA , BABESIA , other protozoas , NEUROBORRELIOSIS , -now came up Q FEVER -Cronic name it -LUCKY ME).

But I kept fighting .My friends that have seen me 2 years ago NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD MAKE IT ALIVE.

I never gave up .YES you can have a break .BUt take herbs.At least I would recomend( I take BUHNERS and have tried them all ) .Let me know what you have and I will offer you a protocoll that you can keep up with financialy.

I HAVE SPENT$$$ literaly A LOT.BUT I would have been buried as I was told cancer, maybe leuqimia , maybe lupus , mercury poison than finally GO HOME DIE , NOTHING we Can do in your case.

Again I go on daily basis on what my body needs.
I have herx non stop for 15 months .YES my entire protokoll was very strong .But during this time I made sure that MY LYMPH system , my digetivce track , my kidney , my liver were on top form .I also did saunas .So I used all the ways to detox.EVEN the RIFE frequencies...

THANKS GOOD the knowledge paid off.BUT I am telling that the money was used wisely and every penny that I spent was well worthit and I do not regreat.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
No, Buhner is a piece of cake compared to Cowden! It's just Andrographis (doc carries viragraphis, great product), Samento, Resveratrol (Source Naturals brand), and Banderol. All are available from doc except resveratrol.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
YOu can get the Buhner herbs from 1st Chinese Herbs over the Internet.

Very inexpensive to encapsulate your own! (Relatively speaking)

There's an internet group at Planet Thrive which discusses Buhner and sources for herbs, capsule making machines, capsules, etc. Buhner sometimes answers questions posted there, also.

I found his book, Healing Lyme, to be very useful.

Unfortunately, I got a very serious herx reaction from the herbal combo I was on (went unconscious for about 50 minutes), so I had to stop it.

His Babesia treatment really helped me, however.


Cass A
Posted by groovy2 (Member # 6304) on :
I had stomach parasites real bad for many years-

I did 5 days of Alinia ( Nitazoxanide )
it comes in generic also

Totally Fixed my stomach -
I highly recommend it

Alinia also helps kill Babs --

It will make you herx --Jay--

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