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Posted by katc (Member # 17210) on :

I have been posting and reading out here for a few months b/c I suspected Lyme. My doc called and said I tested as "chronic lyme" on the western blot.

My ?'s:

I got sick 16 years are 13,11 and I get them tested or would they have already been really sick?

Someone please explain babesia to me....I have trouble breathing, like something is on my chest. But along with this, I have to constantly clear my throat, sometimes I can't clear it. Maybe this has nothing to do with Lyme. Most things I have read on here about babesia don't sound like me.

Doc said to take that the norm?

Can u ever get rid of it? Especially after having it 16 years?

And how is it, that I have had great times physically since having had this? I don't understand it...I have never been treated for it. 16 years ago they said I was negative.

Scared as hell to take meds....I almost died from amoxycillin and humibid around the same time as getting sick. I feel screwd either way....'

I don't know which scares me more, having Lyme or taking meds?

Anyone else react weird to meds?

Any help is great, Thanks
Posted by 22dreams (Member # 17846) on :

I am sorry to hear you are suffering.
I would like to suggest that your adverse reaction to antibiotics is perhaps Herxing.
(Jarisch- Herxheimer reaction)

In case you don't already know:
A herx presents as an increase in symptoms or entirely new symptoms that appear as a result of taking antibiotics.

Herxing is the result of endotoxin release.
As the Bb are killed off or broken down, toxins within the spirochete are released.
The herx may be a result of the toxins or the immune response to it.

Some folks on here can probably give you good Toxin Flush recommendations (i.e. activated charcoal, Colosan, et al).

As far as babesia and chronic lyme, I defer to others with more experience and knowledge in their treatment protocols.

Best of luck to you. You have much support, so please keep reaching out!
Posted by adamm (Member # 11910) on :
I'd get the kids tested, as Lyme can lay dormant for indefinite periods of time.
Posted by Ocean (Member # 3496) on :
Hi Katc,
I'm kind of in the same boat as you. Got really sick when I was 17 (12 years ago), then a couple years later felt better, then got sick again, then felt better, then got sick again. It's exhausting! I just found out last month that I was positive.

I also had a test 11 years ago, it was negative and was told I had chronic fatigue syndrome, doc said there was nothing he could do and sent me out the door.

I would have never gotten tested except my husband and I went to an MD turned alternative who uses electrodermal testing. He told me that I had Lyme Disease and Babesia. I'd never heard of Bab's. But I used to have horrible night sweats, changing my clothes 2-3 times per night.

IGENEX I came back Pos Lyme, neg co-infections. LLMD says sometimes after you are antibiotics, the co-infection shows up.

I too am terrified of taking meds. I've never had a reaction, but am an RN and have heard horror stories, before becoming a nurse, I wasn't afraid of meds. Ugh!

I'm sorry you had a bad reaction. Your doc may choose to put you on Doxycyline, it is not in the pennicillin family. Many people try Samento (or Cat's Claw TOA free), I am going to order some. I'm taking my time learning because I figure that I've had this for 12 long years and it hasn't killed me yet!

The good thing, is that you tested positive, it means your body is still fighting, I was happy to learn that. I have 3 children too, ages 2, 5 and 7 and am getting them tested, I suspect 2 may have it. And no they don't have to be really sick. Kids are so resilient.

Anyhow, you've found a great place to learn.

Take care,
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

I know I've posted a long list of links for you at previous threads so you have the basic list of articles and books, etc. I hope you have been able to get a copy of the Singlebook as that explains so much.

If you go to Amazon, and search: "Schaller, Babesia" you will find even more books, obviously, more specific to babesia.

This is his web site:

The Diagnosis and Treatment of Babesia

Dr. Schaller first became interested in Babesia after one of his children was infected with it, and none of the elite pediatricians or child specialists . . . .


PubMed Search:

Babesiosis - 2827 abstracts

Babesia - 2921 abstracts


about PHLEGM:

You say that you have to "constantly clear . . . throat, sometimes I can't clear it . . ."

Do you eat wheat (gluten) and consume dairy? Corn? Soy?

Sometimes those will cause thick phlegm to get stuck in sinuses, throat, etc. An elimination diet may help you figure this out.

Phlegm is a cozy home for many microbes. Anything we can do to cut that is good. Lemon tea, in the meantime, might be very nice.

I don't consume any of the foods I mentioned but still have some phlegm issues. With an inner ear disorder, it's especially important that I try to clear that. I have found that both allicin and (separately) andrographis do a fantastic job of keeping the phlegm clear.

I've been taking andrographis now for a couple months and am amazed how much better I can breath. Both Singleton and Buhner discuss andrographis in the books I listed at your previous threads.

Good luck in finding all the answers - and solutions.

Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :

i saw something from you and i just learned this !!!

gluten and dairy products causing THICK PLEGM ... i still indulge in smaller quantities so i'm paying the consequences of it....

could gluten/dairy also be causing to COUGH ALL NIGHT LONG! i'm BONE DRY IN THROAT and needing to sip water all night long with many pee calls ... uffda [Frown]

kat, sorry, didn't mean to hijack your post...

From ``GENEAL'' June 2007

I have been doing some research regarding Lyme and signs/symptoms in small children.

I know many of you have small children that you may be concerned about.
I believe my youngest child (4yrs old) may have gotten this disease from me.

For All Children

-neck pain and stiffness in almost 90%
-sore throats
-swollen lymph nodes
-excessive thirst,
-Chest pains in at least 70%, some have palpatations
-Sense of air hunger or shortness of breath, dry cough

-abdominal pain in about 50%, can mimic acute appendicitis
-sometimes vomiting, heartburn
-rashes that come and go, malar rashes, new psoriasis

-migratory arthralgias, joing pain in 50% to 100%
-myalgias in over 80%, back ache, morning stiffness, pain at rest, muscle weakness

-frequent illnessses, dark circles under their eyes
-intermittent red, hot pinnae of ears
-sleep disturbance in over 80%

-Neurological symptoms are protean and can appear AT ANY TIME during the course of infection
*hypersensitivity of skin, scalp and hair
*Hypersensitivity to noise, light, smell
*Alterations of taste
*poor balance and coordination
*Uncharacteristic behavior outbursts, mood disturbances, depression
*social withdrawal
*New onset phobias
*Oppositional behaviors
*Obsessive compulsive disorders
*Deterioration in school performance in over 90%
*Difficulty with concentration and attention in school with easily distractibility as well as "brain fog" in over 80%
*New onset of ADD

*When measured with formal neuropsychiatric testing, children demonstrate defects in auditory and visual sequential processing

Less Commonly:

*Movement disorders-spaticity, ataxia, motor or vocal tics
*Cranial neuropathies, e.g. Bell's Palsy or optic nerve neuritis
*Peripheral neuropathies-numbness and tingling, distal parathesias, subtle weakness

Pre-Schoolers and toddlers

- Modd swings, sudden emotional outbursts
- Irritabiity
- Personality changes
- Regression of motor and social skills (developmental milestones)
- Changes in play behavior, tire easily, less active

- Trouble falling asleep, frequent awakenings
- Nightmares, new phobias, recurrence of seperation anxiety
- Diaper rash unresponsive to normal treatment
- Frequent URI's, ear and throat infections, bronchitis, pneumonia

Congenital Lyme Disease

* Infants can be infected with Borrelia transpacentally in any stage of pregnancy and/or via mother's breast milk.

* The co-infections: Babesia, Bartonella, Mycoplasma and perhaps even the Ehrilichias can be transmitted transpacentally to the developing fetus.

* Gestational Borreliosis can be associated with repeated miscarriages, fetal death in utero, still births, hydrocephalus, cardiovascual anomalies,

intrauterine growth retardation, neonatal respiratory distress, and maternal toxemia of pregnancy.

* Infants either infected congenitally or from breast milk can have

- Floppiness with poor muscle tone
- Irritability
- Frequent fevers and illness early in life
- Joint sensitivities and body pain
- Skin sensitivity
- Gastro esophageal reflux
- Developmental delays
-Learning disabilities and psychiatric problems

Infants infected congentially can have

-Small windpipes (tracheomalacia)
- Eye problems (cataracts)
- Heart defects

* Infants bitten very early in life will have many of the same symptoms
- loss and decline in developmental milestones.

I found this to be a pretty inclusive list of signs/symptoms for small children, infants, and those suspected of congenital Lyme.

Sadly, my two children do exhibit many of these symptoms and both have positive bands for Lyme via Igenex diagnostic lab in PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA.


if your kids have quite a few symptoms, i'd get them tested due to CONGENITAL lyme.

best wishes! [group hug] [kiss]
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