This is topic 1/19- Georgia showing of Under Our Skin followed by a Seminar by Pat Smith in forum Medical Questions at LymeNet Flash.

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Posted by onmyway (Member # 17607) on :
Have you been diagnosed with one of these???

Multiple Sclerosis?


ALS (Lou Gehrig's)?



Chronic Fatigue?




January 19, 2009

Under Our Skin-Documentary Showing 5-6:30pm

and Pat Smith - Key Speaker -7 to 9 pm

**In the Sanctuary**

� *56 strains of Lyme disease have been found in the South.

� *Georgia doctors diagnose Lyme 40X more than is being reported.

� *Lyme is much more common than West Nile Virus.

� *Lyme disease can disable and even kill.

SPEAKER-Pat Smith, President of the National Lyme Disease Association

CALL 678-478-9211 OR EMAIL [email protected]

[ 04. January 2009, 08:59 AM: Message edited by: onmyway ]
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
I've got Georgia on my mind!

Good for you!!!!

And what a WOW speaker you've got!

Good luck and thank you!!!!

I'm VERY happy to see Georgia is rocking and rolling on the Lyme train!

[Big Grin]
Posted by onmyway (Member # 17607) on :
Yes I am very thankful for Pat's presence!!!! It was very unexpected!!! I am soooo excited and I prey we get a huge turn out!

Myself and a few others down here in GA are very passionate about this disease. We have been hit hard some children still sick after 4 years living on feeding tubes, having granmal seizures and fighting to stay alive! Something has to change! They were innocent just jumping in a pile of leaves in there back yard here in GA and BAM sick as a dog! No one could tell them for a year until they found Dr.J!!! THe GOD!!!!

I hope god blesses us with acknowledgement and awareness!!!!

Thank you Tincup for the kind words!

Take Care,
Posted by onmyway (Member # 17607) on :
Posted by onmyway (Member # 17607) on :
Happy Holidays!!!!!

We are getting closer to the Showing of Under Our Skin and Pat Smith Presentation!!!!!

Just wanted to Bump it up!

God Bless

Posted by onmyway (Member # 17607) on :
Bumpity Bump
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
on my way,

how about showing 1-19 date in subject heading for those in your state; great reminder of WHEN it will be showing there! [Smile]

just edit your 1st post above by clicking on pencil to right of you nickname, and add date at beginning of post! click edit send when done.

in the last couple of days, i'll bump it to top for you [Smile] [Big Grin]
Posted by SuZ-Q (Member # 5903) on :
Where is Roswell? I recently moved to SC (not too far from Savannah). Would love to attend!
Posted by scared08 (Member # 14695) on :
Thank you so much for posting this!!!! I have been wanting to attend a screening forever.

I pray, and ask y'all for prayer that I can go and bring as many people as I can, Please! I say that because everything finally was straightened out and I start IV on Monday. So I'm afraid that I will be herxing too bad at that time!!!!

Thanks again for posting this!!!
Posted by onmyway (Member # 17607) on :
Sux-Q - Savannah is about 4 hours from the screening of the movie in Roswell! If you make the trip you may want to make it an overnight trip! If you need any hotels let me know!

Scared08- let me know where you live by PM and I have someone who has offered to give rides for people. Let me know if I can help! You may have people who can bring you!I truly hope you can make it!

Posted by scared08 (Member # 14695) on :

Thank you so much!!! I'm pretty sure that my husband can drive, but if not I will most definitally ask for help getting there!

Did you set this up???? If so, how???? No matter, God bless you dear!!!

I'm going to go to the site on your post to see if there is some sort of flyer that I can print out. I'll get to as many people and DOCTORS as possable.

I live about 40min. from the Fl. border. If there is anyone in this area that needs help, please let me know. If I'm able, I will help as much as I can.

You mentioned that there are some children that are dying???? That just sickens me!!!! We are being hit hard here and most of the Dr.'s will not even aknolegde Lyme!!!! Do you know where these children live??? If so, please PM me.

Thank you TC!!!!
Posted by lymielauren28 (Member # 13742) on :
I will be there!! I grew up in Georgia and actually lived in Roswell for a brief period of time. I live in Mississippi now - but I know it'll be worth the drive.

Onmyway, Thank you so much for setting this up! See you there!

Posted by scared08 (Member # 14695) on :
Bumping [group hug]

Posted by onmyway (Member # 17607) on :
Yes TC I set all this up with help with from very smart women!!!!!

I hope you see you!

Take Care,
Posted by hshbmom (Member # 9478) on :
I'm planning to come. I hope to see you all there.

Want to meet before for the movie for dinner?
Posted by onmyway (Member # 17607) on :
Bumpity Bump

Thank you for all those have responded to me! I look forward to putting a face to a name! I will also have a name Tag on!!! [Smile]
Posted by onmyway (Member # 17607) on :
Bumpity Bump!!!

I hoep this helps! Call me if you have any questions!!!

I hope to see you there!

Posted by scared08 (Member # 14695) on :
Posted by onmyway (Member # 17607) on :
Thank you Scared08 for bumping this!!!! I was just coming to do the same thing!!!!!

We are one week away!! I am sooooooo excited and we are going to have a great turn out!!

The one thing I should have put on the flyer is for people to bring something to write on so when Pat does her presentation they can take notes. There will be a lot of information exchanged at this forum! There are also a lot of Dr's coming so I am very excited for spreading awareness!!!!!

Hope everyone is doing ok!!!

Take Care and for those of you coming I will see you soon!!!!

Posted by onmyway (Member # 17607) on :
Bumpity Bump!!!!

Also just a note we are selling copies of Under Our Skin at the venue so for those of you coming they will only be $30 which is a discount of $4.95 and then no shipping!!!

Looking forward to seeing everyone!!!!

Posted by Barby (Member # 18348) on :
I wish this would come to Texas.
Posted by onmyway (Member # 17607) on :
Just get a group from Texas together and put it on! I am sure you could use someone's church and then deligate out little things to others and then it will all come together! Hey I just started this by myself and ran with it! People jumped on board and I had one other lady who is really working with me but besides her I had some very kind people to offer to help and I took them up on it!

I cannot tell you the excitement and gratification I will have when this is done and knowing we have educated that many more people!!!! I was very fortunate to have the presence of Pat Smith! That just fell in my lap but besides that we were already planning on showing the movie but then we were able to add her to the event!!!!

I am even getting calls from Dr's letting me know they are going to be there! I have a permagrin on my face!! It will be there until this i over!!

Okay I am done rambeling!!

Hugs to all!!!

Posted by scared08 (Member # 14695) on :
Posted by scared08 (Member # 14695) on :

I owe you an apology!!!! I am so very sorry as I just scrolled though this and saw that I had put TC on my post to you; asking it you had set this up and thank you!

I have no ideal where that came from, but I'm sorry!!!!

TC---I do appreciate all that you do so much and thank you!!!!

But Onmyway, I just wanted you to know that I meant you and I don't even know how I did that.

So----THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! [kiss]
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
on my way ROCKS!!! getting drs. there and them calling you to say they will be there plus pat smith!

you're a REAL JEM !! best wishes; 5 more days!

what did you think of my idea to hand out a sheet on dr. jones and needing funds plus SUPPORTIVE LETTERS to his home, etc??

i also handed out this that i typed up of combining 2 lda brochures together ...

Betty G's LYME/TICK BROCHURE with 2 LDA brochures combined together plus other stuff from Betty including:

lyme books, support groups, lyme/co-infection illnesses, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, hunting/gardening ... how to dress; how to remove ticks, etc.

prints out to 9 pages 2 columns per page!;f=1;t=045337
Posted by onmyway (Member # 17607) on :
Betty I would be more than happy to put out stuff on Dr. Jones b/c the other lady I am working with both her kids go to him!!!!!

Also Thank you for all the info I will definitley use it! I also have the DVD's for sale and I will have Lyme Times there as well! WE have a lot going on and I have a lot of stuff coming to my house!!!

It will all be worth it in the end!!!!!

I know you all are tired of seeing this but I am advertising up until the day of!!!!! Sorry Ya'll!!!!!

Take Care,
Posted by stella marie (Member # 7216) on :
Woo-Hoo.....looking forward to being there!
Posted by hshbmom (Member # 9478) on :
Anyone want to meet for dinner before the movie?

Is there a restaurant nearby?
Posted by onmyway (Member # 17607) on :
I saw your post and I would have loved to but I have way to much stuff to do to set up and get ready but you all should really meet up for dinner and get to know each other!!! Believe you me I would meet if I didn't have all this stuf to do! You guys make it fun!!!

I will see you after your fun!!!!

See you soon!


*****Stella Marie you are a hoot!!!! [Smile]
Posted by SuZ-Q (Member # 5903) on :
I really wanted to come to this event, but realized I have a scheduling conflict (daughter's homebound instruction-teacher very limited on availability).

Will someone possibly be taking notes and posting a summary of Pat Smith's comments, etc.? I hope to be able to find out a little of what I have missed. Would have liked to meet you all.

Sorry to miss out,
Posted by scared08 (Member # 14695) on :
Are we allowed to video Pat Smith??? My husband can probably take notes, but there is soooo much that his and I will both miss.

Thanks again!!!!!!
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
onmyway, you and your friend sound very organized and you're getting the most for your buck with EVERYTHING you have planned and with PAT SMITH there too!! uffda.

hshbmom's idea sounded great ... meal together prior getting to know each other better or for 1st time!

best wishes, and i'll now work on keeping your post to the top as i did my own! you worked hard, and there are SO MANY NEWBIES DAILY SIGNING UP. you might get another one from your area ... who knows? [group hug] [kiss]
Posted by stella marie (Member # 7216) on :
[woohoo] [woohoo] [woohoo]
Posted by onmyway (Member # 17607) on :
Bump!!!!!!!! [woohoo] [woohoo]
Posted by lymielauren28 (Member # 13742) on :
My turn! [woohoo] [woohoo] [woohoo]
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
lauren, shall be dance? MY turn [Big Grin] [lol]
Posted by onmyway (Member # 17607) on :
Thanks Yall!!!!!!! You are so funny!!!! See you tomorrow!!!!!

Please everyone be safe who is driving. You have my cell number on the flyer if you get lost call me!!!! Hopefully you already have directions or have map quested it before you venture out on your journey!!!!

God Bless Everyone,
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
Wish I could be there too. GREAT movie!!!

Just did some work for Georgia behind the scenes over the weekend (adding to other stuff I worked on earlier based on Melanie's dedicated work).. so hope it is good.


Wanna have some fun?

Tell Pat that Tincup said she is a dork.


Then run like crazy!

I won't be responsible for what happens when you do! HA!

[Big Grin]

Lettuce no how it goes. And thanks for doing this much needed program!
Posted by scared08 (Member # 14695) on :
Praying that I can make it, but as it's getting closer; I'm getting more worried! Started 3rd wk or treatment and it's kicking tail.

Does any one know it any if there is any way that Ms. Pat Smith would allow her discussion to be video taped??

Thank you so much!
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :

that is an EXCELLENT IDEA videotaping Pat's presentation to be shared at support group meetings or sent to those who can't leave their homes?

TODAY IS THE DAY RIGHT? in the dark, i can't see a calendar.


tell pat hi from me although she has NEVER met me; just private emails! [Smile] thanks.
Posted by onmyway (Member # 17607) on :
We are trying to get a video recorder! Believe me when I say people keep asking me if I can do a webinar. I have been so busy I have kept forgetting to ask her if we can video the Presentation and Q & A! I am still trying so I m not going to say no yet! She is on the plane on her way here now so I won't know until I see her tonight! I will still try tohave a recorder there! I willl let you all know tomorrow!

Prey for us that everything goes as planned! I amgetting very nervous!!!! AS well as I am very excited!!!!

Take care,
Posted by onmyway (Member # 17607) on :
Scared08- We will all be there to support you and help you! Meeting others that are just like you or are delaing with very similar issues!!!! Just remember we are here for you if you com to the showing or not!!!

Please take care of yourself! That is the most importantthing you can do!!!!!

Posted by lymielauren28 (Member # 13742) on :
Betty, I would LOVE to dance with you! I'm a little clumsy though, so let's hope I don't step on your feet [Big Grin]

Posted by scared08 (Member # 14695) on :

Honey----Don't be nervous, just look at what you've done, bless your heart!!! My prayers will be with you, Pat Smith, and all of you always!!!

I'm hooked up to my IV now and still praying that somehow we can get there!!!!

Is anybody else that is bed-ridden able to go????? If so, PLEASE tell me how. I have 2 wheelchairs, but I don't know if I can last sitting up for that long. Any suggestions would be wonderful!!!

Thank You!!!

Many prayers will be with you all!!

Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
is there anyone coming who has a VIDEO RECORDER who could bring it and blank tapes... WORKING BATTERIES, etc?

it's in church; what THEY HAVE ONE?


we'd make a great pair of clumsy dancers! i have 2 left feet; do you have 2 right feet?
[Big Grin] [lol]

my beloved, late parents were outstanding dancers! polka and waltz's were there favorite; just like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers ... so smooth!

enjoy yourselves! you've done everything you can to prepare and GREAT ADVERTISEMENT HERE and i'm sure elsewhere.

let us know how many there were etc. ok!

mine was very small; only 7 or 8! but i only had 1 week to advertise and newspaper put it in 1 day PRIOR. [Frown]
Posted by onmyway (Member # 17607) on :
Thank you to everyone who showed up!!!!!!

It was wonderful meeting LymieLauren and Stella Marie, gosh just so many people were there I was so overwhelmed!

In case I did not say bye I am doing so now but it is only or a short period of time! I met a bunch of wonderful people and I swear you all felt like family!!! I will always have a place in my heart for you all and will always be here to talk!! We are all going through the same thing and as Pat said tonight we need to fight together!!!!

God Bless everyone and I prey that everyone got home safely!!!!

Hugs to everyone!!!

Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
0n my way,

thanks for updating us; i can tell you were thrilled by the turnout of ALL you met personally! [group hug] [kiss]
Posted by stella marie (Member # 7216) on :

A big thanks [group hug] to you for all the tireless hard work you did! It was fabulous to meet you in person. My dear husband enjoyed the super informative evening too!

Another big thank you to Pat Smith for her fantastic presentation with the question and answer session.

I'm sorry I couldn't stay after longer and meet other people but I was crashing fast. I was plum tuckered out.

LymieLauren I think you were sitting behind me & my husband during Pat Smith's presentation. You came a long way and I hope you trip home was safe!

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