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Posted by Wimenin (Member # 15294) on :
Ive noticed in the past couple weeks, and its getting worse, that Ive developed some sort of rash of bumps under the skin on my scalp. Theres no flaking or dead skin, but they are raised welts that are red little dots.

Does anyone else have this symptom?

Is this a lyme symptom or reaction to a med/supplement?

Do any coinfections have red bumps?

Any ideas on a good shampoo that will clean and soothe the scalp? (Not tar based...!..not interested in that because of possible cancer and smell..ugh).

As always...Thanks!
Posted by psano2 (Member # 11711) on :
I've been dealing with this this past year. I've been treating it topically with various things. First was Farah's Lymessence oil, which is no longer made (but you can make your own if you want - there's a thread here about it.) More recently I've been using Venex bee venom ointment and Flagyl cream.

I massage these things into my scalp and they make me herx, so I think this is a cutaneous manifestation of Lyme. It's helped a lot, but I still haven't gotten rid of it completely. Depending on your bacteria load, you may want to start conservatively, and just do a small area and see how you respond.

It's time consuming to do, and your hair looks a mess afterwards, so I only do the whole head at night before bedtime. During the day, I'll put some on the worst areas.

This seems to have also helped my neuro symptoms as well.

Also, increasing the dose of my doxy and other meds (Mepron and tini, but I'm off of tini now)also helped.
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
i've had stuff like this the last two years and i have been dealing with lyme since it is a new thing for me

doc give s me special shampoo and stuff but really no answers and nothing works-they just come and go

i remember in hospital after surgery i was groggy and noticed a patchy thing on my scalp and i -in my groggy way- i probably sounded drunk-said to the nurse," why do i have cradle cap?" she yelled at me-said i wasn't a baby so couldn't have cradle cap.

guess she was overworked.
Posted by psano2 (Member # 11711) on :
I've also used artemesinin gel on it.
Posted by clairenotes (Member # 10392) on :
In my case, I felt these were symptoms of mainly babesia and fungus. It sometimes felt that with the introduction of anti-microbials or an increase of them, these symptoms would appear and/or become stronger, as though the plasmodium (?) were baring into my scalp to get away. Perhaps this was my imagination, but that was how it seemed. It eventually cleared over time with treatment.

Topicals can be helpful as mentioned... also immersing my hair/scalp in hot water for 10-20 minutes (as much as could be tolerated) was also helpful at times. Sometimes a sea salt paste could also be helpful (a small handful of salt with a small amount of warm water) rubbed into the scalp.

Posted by luvs2ride (Member # 8090) on :
I had this symptom for years after my first bout with lyme and before my second bout (10 yr span).

Nothing cleared it up until I dealt with my leaky gut and yeast issues. Today, my best guess is that it is a fungal infection.

When I contracted lyme in 1995, I was given 6 mths of antibiotics which did clear up the obvious.

Unfortunately, nothing was given me for the damage to the bacteria in my gut. No doubt, yeast began to grow and overtake my gut which eventually caused a leaky gut which then caused a miriad of illnesses before lyme arthritis struck in 2005.

The sores on my head were awful and worse in the summer when I would sweat a lot. They disappeared after months of working with a medical doctor who practices CAM medicine and was detoxing and cleaning up my body. I don't think I ever mentioned the bumps to him and I never used anything topical.

I have been free of this symptom for 2 yrs until last week. I noticed the bumps and itching around my hairline both at my forehead and at the base of my skull. The next day I found ringworm on my dog and my cat.

Searching for the best treatments for them, I stumbled on a website where everyone kept talking about ACV (apple cider vinegar). They claimed it cleared up the ringworm faster than anything else.

I used it on the dog and cat and I washed my hair and then rinsed it with 1/2 ACV and 1/2 water. I left the vinegar rinse on and let my hair dry.

No more ringworm on the dog and cat and no more bumps on me. Supposedly the ACV makes an alkaline atmosphere that is not healthy for the fungus.

That is kind of odd since those with a yeast infection are supposed to avoid consuming ACV. Beats me, but it is cheap to try.

Ultimately, you need to deal with the internal fungus.
Posted by Wimenin (Member # 15294) on :
Not sure if I read this in a Candida book or someone here mentioned it...but... I thought that perhaps the lyme bacteria, (or coinfections or yeast), may release their toxins throughout the body, including through the skin via perspiration, so its possible the bumps are a reflection of that?

In other words, as the brain is healing, along with the meningis, its possible these bumps are moving outward and over time will disappear?

Most of my lyme problems have been neuro, so who knows if perhaps this is just a sign of things progressing in the head, or if its a sign of yeast/fungal situation instead.

If anyone has recommendations for shampoo (at a chain store or even on the net), please let me know (except no tar based).

Posted by luvs2ride (Member # 8090) on :
yes. It certainly could be a release of toxins.

If so, no topical treatment will help, and you don't want to stop your body from detoxing. Clearing toxins from the body will help.

One other thing I did that may have a bearing on my clear up is that I stopped using commercial hair dyes.

I don't know if you dye your hair, but if you do. Stop. That is a lot of toxic junk absorbing into your body right at your brain level.

I now use natural hair dyes and the bumps did resolve after I stopped using the commercial dyes.

I had forgotten about that.

[ 15. January 2009, 11:11 AM: Message edited by: luvs2ride ]
Posted by mojo (Member # 9309) on :
I have this!

I think it's a release of toxins or something.

I had it the entire time I did the full Cowden (especially when using the Cumanda). Recently I started using "drops" specially made for me my my NP after he uses a Biofeedback machine that identifies my current health problems.

The "hurty bumps" on my scalp are back.

My scalp itches and I have bumps on my head that hurt and they feel like pimples. When on Cowden I also had some facial acne. I had facial acne when I first started the new drops but fortunately that seems to have cleared up.

Mine tends to get bad then sort of clear up and then come back.

I was wondering if it was related to Bart as oftentimes skin manifestations are Bart?

Could be plain old toxin release. It does make me feel like those drops are working.

I use all natural and toxin free shampoos and hair products. Recently I've used Aubrey Organics Rosa Mosqueta Shampoo and condition as it is more moisturizing.
Posted by luvs2ride (Member # 8090) on :

I'm sure you know that Cumanda is for yeast. It sure sounds like you are chasing yeast from your body or the die off toxins.

Try the ACV rinse I mention earlier and see if it clears up. Cheap and easy to do.
Posted by clairenotes (Member # 10392) on :
Luvs -- I am going to try your suggestion for my dog this week-end. In the summer we bathe him in ozonated water outside. But we cannot do this for him in the winter... he has to go to a special dog bathing place and use the water there. So we will bring an ACV rinse with us this week-end.

He surprises me as he seemed quite ill a year or so ago... but he went on a chinese herbal formula for his digestive tract and seems his old self now (tigger-like [dizzy] ). But I do worry about possible external fungal issues.

Thanks for this suggestion.

Posted by mojo (Member # 9309) on :
Oh, yeah, Cumanda is good for yeast. I had forgotten about that. I don't test high for yeast but know I do have a yeast issue - not a real bad one but definately an issue.

I will try your suggestion - thanks so much, luvs.
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
Wimenin, sounds like yeast but of course i'm not a doctor and we're just guessing on discriptions here.

I tend to have oily hair and developed a similar sounding condition (little red bumps, no flakes)a couple summers ago.

My dermatologist recommended OTC Nizoral shampoo(it's an antifungal). Lather then leave it in your hair for 5min 3days per week until the bumps go away. Then treat 1x per week or every other week once things get under control. You can also apply the suds to your face and neck too if the rash is spreading a bit.

On days when you are not treating use a gentle non-drying shampoo and avoid using conditioner on your scalp (you can still use it on the ends of your hair though).

This protocol fixed my problem, maybe it could help you. Worth a try anyways.

Good luck!
Posted by microw (Member # 14702) on :
I believe Bartonella causes this--microw

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