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Posted by darla135 (Member # 15688) on :
I desparately want to try to lose this weight that has piled on with the Lyme (also tested positive for Bartonella, Babs and Erlichia, coupled with Hashimotos). Has anyone been successful at losing weight during treatment? If so, what has worked for you?

I am currently on IV Rocephin, Doxy and Rifampin orals.

Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
My advice: do not attempt to loose weight. Do not diet but adhere to a "diet" of plenty of healthful foods in the right amount to support all that your body has to do for you.

You cannot run a car with gasoline, same regarding our bodies. We require fuel.

Focus on healthful habits and just enjoy all the flavors of life as you can. Health will happen.

A gluten-free diet will help decrease inflammation. Magnesium will help, too.

Cut out all artificial sweeteners. These can cause weight gain and some are neuro-toxic. MSG, too, is neurotoxic. Google for all the names of MSG.

Avoid all artificial ingredients, fillers and dyes, as they can mess with your brain and liver and make a health weight harder to achieve.

Do not focus on the weight, it can be punishing. Do NOT judge yourself. Do not look at "glamour" magazines unless just for fabrics and styles. Do not focus on others' bodies. If you find yourself with negative self talk, stop it. Retrain your brain and your attitude about what makes a person beautiful. Key: smile. Smile often.

Just be good to yourself. Eat enough healthful foods to nourish your body and get gentle movement.

I hear that when the infection is successfully treated that they weight will return to normal (assuming Twinkie consumption is not a problem).

Many viral and bacterial infections can cause weight gain for someone who has good eating habits. Be kind to yourself and just take the best care of yourself that you can.

Trying too hard to loose weight can be too stressful right now. Be mindful, of course, but easy does it.

This book is specific to lyme and other chronic stealth infections.

The author discusses the endocrine connection and effects of STRESS on a person with such infections.

You can read customer reviews and look inside the book at this link to its page at Amazon.

The Potbelly Syndrome: How Common Germs Cause Obesity, Diabetes, And Heart Disease (Paperback) - 2005

by Russell Farris and Per Marin, MD, PhD


More about self-care, diet and safety with exercise here:

Dr. Burrascano'sTreatment Guidelines (2008)


Liver support and endocrine/adrenal support can make a huge difference with weight. That is discussed at length here:

This book, by an ILADS member LLMD, holds great information about treatments options and support measures: (through Amazon)


- by KS , MD

You can read more about it here and see customer reviews.

Web site:


For the flavors of life:

The Cure is in the Kitchen

A Spoonful of Ginger

Any MOOSEWOOD cookbook

Mediterranean cookbooks

spices of India

take the flavors you like and adjust recipes.

Nuts are your friend (unless you have mouth blisters).

Enjoy ! Enjoy ! Enjoy ! Food is your friend.

[ 10-18-2010, 04:57 PM: Message edited by: Keebler ]
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
It's pretty much understood that lyme patients are on anti-candida diets.

LymeToo just posted this in another thread. In case you've not yet addressed candida issues, that can have a tremendous effect on weight.

Candida diet and elimination:

Lyme symptoms list compared with yeast symptoms


more at this current thread:

[ 10-18-2010, 05:00 PM: Message edited by: Keebler ]
Posted by METALLlC BLUE (Member # 6628) on :
No success here. I've been training for well over a number of years doing appropriate exercise and diet and the weight "will" not budge, not with diet, not with exercise, nothing except total starvation (which I am not attemping).

I also am diagnosed with Bartonella as well as Lyme, Babesia and some other things. It's that "Bartonella Belly." It's bull****, because I work my *** off to take care of myself and I still look like a slob. My step father makes fun of me sometimes and I feel like smashing his face onto the flat top stove. That's one thing that gets under my skin, literally. Vanity.

You know those times when you say "Well, except for that rare select few who have a "hormone" problem" -- I'm that rare few and it ****es me off. Those of us with this illness either can't keep weight on, or we can't keep it off. Sometimes we swing back and forth but most of us are either..... or.
Posted by METALLlC BLUE (Member # 6628) on :

I hear that when the infection is successfully treated that they weight will return to normal (assuming Twinkie consumption is not a problem).

Many viral and bacterial infections can cause weight gain for someone who has good eating habits. Be kind to yourself and just take the best care of yourself that you can.

Trying too hard to loose weight can be too stressful right now. Be mindful, of course, but easy does it.

This advice is spot on. It's what I've had to do. It's ultimately -- bottom-line -- about recovery and health. Irritations and frustrations will be present regardless, but we have to try not to make the situation worse.
Posted by dguy (Member # 8979) on :
low carb works for me

if I cut back to 75 grams of carbs per day, it's almost impossible to eat enough non-carbs to keep the weight on
Posted by DaveNJ (Member # 17362) on :
Was on weight wathcer before going acute....i believe this helped thigs from getting out of hand. i have lost weight, lower my cholestoral and triglycerides while being can be done...but i agree focus on healthy habit and not the number on scale...

from what i know we will have to adopt these habits for the rest of our lives.

Just my two cents,

Posted by DeafFromLyme (Member # 18795) on :
Now after reading all of this my question is what do you tell the person that can't keep the weight on????

I know part of my problem is the nausea so I don't eat as much as I used to but I am practically anorexic now. (Not trying either) I have lost 20 lbs in a little over a month....

I'm pretty worried about this.
Posted by METALLlC BLUE (Member # 6628) on :
DeafFromLyme, Nexium is the first recommendation. Dont' use it long term. Use it combined with the shake until weight stabilized and symptoms disappear, then use it sporadically, every few days and such. Use Probiotics with the shake. In your case, VSL #3 is the best choice until your weight stabilizes. You should consider then using a massive shake that I recommend to people. Depending on their allergies of course.

Now this is going to sound gross, but I assure you it's not at all. It's extremely good tasting.

1 to 2 scoops Optimum Whey Protein
Frozen Fruit (Berries, Green Apples w/Rind, Lemon, Melons are best)
4oz Cottage Cheese 4%
4oz Yogurt Low Fat Non/Sugar
1 tbsp Olive Oil Cold Pressed Extra Virgin (In a light proof container -- don't buy the cheaper stuff, buy the dark green brands in tins if possible)
1tbsp Peanut Butter or Almond Butter (Preferably natural)
2-4oz Oatmeal
8oz Soy Milk or Regular Milk
1tbsp Honey, Black Strap Mollasses, Spenda or 1/4 tsp or less of Stevia (Most would say Stevia for losing weight)

You can blend this at fast speed in your blender, then pour it into a shaker bottle (You can get most of this from the healthfood store) and then add your probiotics to a protein shaker bottle, like VSL #3 and gentle shake it all together.

This will put the weight on, and it'll be mostly muscle mass. Inour case, the sweet added should be Black Strap as it is the most nutrition, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and has calories, Stevia has antioxidants but no calories.

Use the Nexium away from antibiotics about 2 hours.

If you have allergies to anything in this drink, simply exchange things for things you aren't allergic to. Example: Peanuts, use Almond, example Milk, use Soy instead. If both Soy and Milk, try Almond Milk, or just add 8oz of Water in place of the Milk. It'll taste the same once mixed.

[ 03-04-2009, 01:23 PM: Message edited by: METALLlC BLUE ]
Posted by METALLlC BLUE (Member # 6628) on :
Once you've put on the weight, you can maintain it using that shake every few days or even just one a week. It depends on your body.

When the weight stabilizes, it's then time to use the Lemon Olive drink for Detoxification and to clean out everything that may be increasing inflammation and toxicity.

This is a therapy used by HIV/AIDS patients originally. A guy I'm friendly with out in Wisconsin was conducting anecdotal reporting through his health food store. Patients were calling in all over the country after he released a newsletter.

The Lemon Olive drink consistently and constantly showed improvements in weight gain, decreased lymphnode inflammation, decreased neuropathy, as well as detoxification. Weight gain in patients who were underweight was a consistent response, and patients who are overweight, saw a decrease in weight. I do not use this drink consistently, if at all most of the time because of the amount of medications I'm on.

Lemon juice triggers detoxification of the liver and kidneys.

The exterior of the rind, the yellow part, is packed with antioxidants, which of course provides nutrition and large amounts of vitamin C. This improves immunity substantially.

The pectin, or the white part, is blended down so that it is both a liquid, as well as fiberous chunks (They are small). This is both absorbed into the body, as well as stays in the G.I. system, depending on the size of the molecules or the actual "chunk" of the pectin itself. Pectin is an incredibly strong detoxifiying agent, and it protects the fruit from pathogens with it's bitter toxin absorbing shell. This protects again parasites, bacteria, viruses, fungus/mold/yeast etc. Eventually, if enough toxins are absorbed, it loses it's ability to work, thus many fruits rot, but Lemons -- note how Lemons stay good for months. Certain apples do as well, if they are high in pectin, like Green Apples.

Pectin also absorbs heavy metals inside the body, as well as in the intestinal tract.

Olive Oil: High quality cold pressed virgin olive oil which isn't heated or exposed to constant light has high antioxidant properties, provides viscosity in the blood permitting better blood flow, increases HDL cholesterol, and triggers the liver to expell bile and waste into the gallbladder, and from the gallbladder into the bowel -- where the pectin, picks up some of it, bringing it out of the body


1: Cut up lemon either a whole lemon or half. Rind and all.

2: 1 cup water.

3: Place water and lemon/rind into blender

4: Blend on medium/high for 1 1/2 minutes (Some blenders require use of their highest speed if a weaker powered machine)

5: The lemon/water should look whitish, but still a little chunky. Take it out, and pour it into a compression strainer, or regular strainer, and press the pulp to get the liquid out. Compression strainers can be bought at your grocery store. They look like cylinders with holes at the bottom with a hand squeezing press at the top.

6: Pour liquid extracted either into the blender and add the olive oil, 1tbsp per half a lemon is good and blend at the highest speed of your blender for 1-2 minutes. You can add a cup of juice if you like, assuming you don't have yeast issues. 1tbsp of Olive Oil per 1/2 lemon, so 2 tbsp for whole lemon.

Also, when you go to mix the oil, you can add 1 cup of fruit juice of your liking, or Stevia. Spenda is fine too, though a lot of people would condemn me to hell for it. *lol*

7: Pour contents into a glass cup or a glass bottle (If you're keeping a few servings for three to four days)

8: To gain weight, drink it three times a day, to detox daily once per day or every other day is fine.

Final Notes and Options:

Beware not to take this near your medications, or herbal therapies. It can and will bind some of these things.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Hmmm.. above there is a measurement calling for 2 tsp of Stevia.

Is that correct? 2 tsp of Stevia is about the amount I would use in a 2-year time frame. Just a dash or a drop will sweeten substantially.

[ 10-18-2010, 04:58 PM: Message edited by: Keebler ]
Posted by lymemommy (Member # 12495) on :

I have actually managed to lose weight, but it called for a major change in diet.

To give some perspective, I had a baby almost 4 years ago, took off all but 7 lbs of the pregna-fat in the following 18 months, then boom, I started gaining weight like crazy, went right back up to what I weighed at 9 mos pregnant. This despite no change in diet or life style.

Ultimately, I had a pretty bad gall bladder attack, after which I could not eat any fat whatsoever, without experiencing pain.

So I lived on raw fruit initially, then I started in with veggies, and eventually was able to eat (jumbo) shrimp cocktail. (the little shrimps would set off the gall bladder.

I maintained this diet for 6 weeks until I had surgery, then for a couple of weeks after. During that 6 weeks, I lost 40 lbs.

Now, 6 months later, I have maintained that weight loss. I try to limit fat intake by stearing clear of red meat, and sticking with fish and poultry, but in very modest amounts.

Unfortunately, when I was waiting to have my gall bladder out, I could not take abx, and have not been able to take it since as I get severe diarhea.

SO I'm not sure that my 'diet' would work for you, unless you go with the 'lots of fruits and veggies, with just a taste of lean meat' plan.

best of luck,
Posted by Larkspur (Member # 5131) on :
I have finally got most of the lyme weight off after 3 years of it not budging not matter what I tried (diet, exercise) -

My LLMD says this was caused by Leptin Resistance that for me got much worse after I tried a particular treatment (I've been in treatment for 5 + years; the weight gain happened in year 2)

Anyway, what finally helped reverse the Leptin Resistance was a Nutramedix supplement called Vermela. It's been slow, but I've lost about 20 lbs so far, 10 more to go...

Posted by METALLlC BLUE (Member # 6628) on :
Karkspur that sounds interesting.

Oh and about the Stevia, we're talking about maybe 1/2 tsp, sorry, not 2 tsp.
Posted by Janice70 (Member # 16319) on :
Even with all the variables, doesn't the body lose weight if you burn more calories than you

consume? With all the things that can go wrong with the body, I understand this could mean a

starvation diet for some people.

I think that yeast and bartonella can cause bloating in the stomach that makes people look

fat, even when it's not fat.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
It's important to read the Potbelly book for an answer to that question. You will be very surprised. It is much more about the endocrine stress than calories - but it's so important to read this book. It has changed the way I talk to myself, the way I see myself.

A starvation diet can be a disaster for a lyme patient for many reasons.

Food is necessary - enough calories - enough nutrients and enough bulk.

This just is not about calories anymore. The Potbelly book is absolutely amazing in how it explains what has happened.

Also, since aerobic exercise is contraindicated with active lyme, it's really hard to burn a ton of calories. You can still walk and lift weights - according to Burrancano's recovery guidelines:

Dr. Burrascano'sTreatment Guidelines (2008)

Go to page 32 for rehab - exercise advice


Gentle. You can be proactive and still gentle. If there is room for improvement with your intake of nutrition, some simple changes might help. But, if your nutrition is in great shape, it may just take some time.

This can get better when the infections are addressed.

[ 10-18-2010, 04:59 PM: Message edited by: Keebler ]
Posted by darla135 (Member # 15688) on :
Thanks so much guys!!

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