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Posted by adamm (Member # 11910) on :
Doc said it's been the key for some patients who've just gotten worse on abx, and I just wanted to see if that was consistent with the collective experience here. Anyone found this to be the case? Does it have any anti-spirochetal activity in addition to its anti-fungal? Has it restored anyone's cognition?

Also curious about its adverse event profile. Nothing neurological, hopefully...

[ 03-10-2009, 03:41 PM: Message edited by: adamm ]
Posted by Need Lots of Help (Member # 18603) on :
I took it for 4 months. I had yeast in my blood and stool. It was really hard on me because it has its own herx.

I thought I couldn't get any sleepier than I was, but when I first started taking the diflucan, I thought I would fall over from fatigue.

I think it has helped, some. Not in the fatigue area, but with going to the bathroom more regularly.

I can't take it now because it is not good to take with biaxin.

Posted by Kreynolds (Member # 15117) on :
I took it for 3 months, didn't notice any changes....
Posted by TS96 (Member # 14048) on :

I'm curious too. I will be starting Diflucan for a suspect fungal sinus infection, hoping it helps my cognition which has improved slightly on Rifampin.

I'll let you know how I do on it. I was given a 10 day supply so we'll see if the brain improves along with the riddance of the fungal infection.

And always remember NO Rifampin while on Diflucan.
Posted by Niere (Member # 14387) on :
Pulsing Doryx and Diflucan together has helped me tremendously. [Smile]

I'm now on Zith/Mepron, but I think overall pulsing the doryx and the diflcan will be what eventually gets me completely well.

Crossing my fingers!
Posted by JKMMC09 (Member # 15795) on :
Please be careful with Diflucan, as it is a Cytochrome P-450 inhibitor, it interacts with many different medications that are also metabolized through the P-450 liver pathway.

My daughter ended up in the ICU for 2 weeks due to a severe interaction w/ Diflucan and a seizure med used for Lyme symptoms, I would hate to see this happen to anyone else.

Do your research and be safe!
Posted by disturbedme (Member # 12346) on :
I took it for a short while mainly for yeast but felt slightly better while I was on it. Not much of an improvement, but a slight one.

I don't remember feeling worse while on it or it giving me a herx either.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
If you'll take the Diflucan while on an anti-yeast diet, the yeast herx will be less severe. Anyone on long term abx WILL have yeast.

Supposedly, Diflucan helps with Lyme too. I actually have my doubts. Being that Lyme and yeast have similar symptoms, I think it's just working on the yeast the patient thinks he/she doesn't have.
Posted by adamm (Member # 11910) on :
Looks like I shouldn't get my hopes up...

Thanks, though!
Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :
I think that diflucan was a turning point in my treatment.

I had minimal yeast prior to the protocol.

I take 200mg of diflucan a day for 60 days.

Two weeks off then repeat.

I did this with babesia treatment and doxy for Lyme.

My word finding abilities greatly improved, my memory greatly improved

My brain fog mostly has gone away.

It could just be the combo of biaxin, malarone or mepron and diflucan.

However, it was when it was added in....about 5 months later I noticed

Really big improvements.

Just my experience though.

Diflucan can make your hair fall out and over time can

Cause pre-ventricular contractions.

My liver enzymes have been normal, normal, normal.


Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :
Fairly common after continuous use.

However, it comes in waves.

Also despite hypothyroidism and diflucan,

I still have a full head of hair.

Long hair too. [Big Grin]

I don't sweat it. It was worth it to me.

Oh and it can also lower blood sugar levels so watch your diet.

Check your sugar if needed.

I just eat lots of small meals.


Posted by adamm (Member # 11910) on :
That's good to hear, Geneal! My LLMD wants me on it for 2 months, which, according to what I've read, really isn't long enough for it to cause hair loss. But thanks for the "heads up," as it were.
Posted by TS96 (Member # 14048) on :
Adamm, you still have a good sense of humor.

That's something [Smile]
Posted by djf2005 (Member # 11449) on :
great drug adamm.

many report when paired with an intracellular oral or IM shots great progress.

i pulse it when deem neccessary and would recommend to anyone.

also, the "crazy" warning about pairing it w macrolides is hogwash.

the warning concerns a possible rapid heartbeat which can be caused by any of the drugs we take.

i suspect that warning is a herx reaction in the trial that they obviously didnt attribute to lyme since no one has lyme [Smile]

ive taken diflucan w macrolides and every other class for 3+ yrs now and i never had a problem.

one of the 3+ lyme docs i see prescribes zith and or biaxin paired w fluconazole as his staple. he sees great success.

sometimes mepron is needed to be thrown in along w bicillin IM and ketek and you get there.

look into proper in depth metal screening. prolonged neuro issues unresponsive to abx would strongly suggest that.

my neuro issues (SEVERE) cleared after A PROVOKED URINE ANALYSIS (hair, etc, is NOT sufficient).

i tested + for mercury, poisoning actually, and only after careful aggressive chelation along WITH aggressive high dose multi class abx did i begin to get well.

i am now 70-90% well depending on the day.

i was unable to walk, speak, or do just about anything for 2 yrs.

it can be done.

hang in and good luck

Posted by stymielymie (Member # 10044) on :
vfend and diflucan only will kill yeast and vfend
fungi also.
the symptoms of systemic yeast are very similar to lyme and co's.
you can not ever get better if you are on abx without
diflucan or vfend after abx is complete.
massive doses of probiotics are also necessary.

Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
stymie: do we have to be careful of other drugs when on diflucan?

so far it just makes me feel better-no herx-just clearer, more energy,
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Adam.. I fully believe in Diflucan. It doesn't matter WHY it helps you, but I trust it WILL!! Nothing to fear!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by stymielymie:

the symptoms of systemic yeast are very similar to lyme and co's.

you can not ever get better if you are on abx without diflucan or vfend after abx is complete.

massive doses of probiotics are also necessary.


ditto ditto ditto ONE HUNDRED TIMES
Posted by Need Lots of Help (Member # 18603) on :
Well, not sure why my LLMD said that biaxin and diflucan were not to be mixed..... confused, what is new!?

Posted by adamm (Member # 11910) on :
I'll be on it without anything else--figure it'll still do any good?
Posted by tickbattler (Member # 14873) on :
I have heard more and more great things about diflucan and want to try it myself...

Check out this study! I think it's pretty clear from this that it works on lyme too.

Posted by pab (Member # 904) on :
There can be an interaction between Diflucan & Xanax:

Fluconazole may block the breakdown of alprazolam by the liver. If this happens, blood levels of alprazolam could be increased and this could cause an increase in side effects. Side effects that may occur with the use of alprazolam include prolonged sedation, dizziness, confusion, and breathing difficulties.

Use caution when driving or performing tasks that require careful attention. If fluconazole and alprazolam are used together, your doctor may want to monitor you for side effects. This potential interaction may continue for several days after therapy with fluconazole has been stopped. If you are experiencing problems, it may be necessary to adjust the dose of alprazolam.

Your doctor may also consider using an alternative for alprazolam.Discuss this potential interaction with your healthcare provider at your next appointment, or sooner if you think you are having problems.
Posted by pab (Member # 904) on :
Originally posted by stymielymie:
vfend and diflucan only will kill yeast and vfend
fungi also.
the symptoms of systemic yeast are very similar to lyme and co's.
you can not ever get better if you are on abx without
diflucan or vfend after abx is complete.
massive doses of probiotics are also necessary.



What is your experience with Vfend? My LLMD hasn't prescribed it a lot. Diflucan doesn't work for me anymore.
Posted by sparkle7 (Member # 10397) on :
I actually felt that Yeast Cleanse by Solaray was more effective... I notice most people who posted here are more into drugs, though.

It's only about $14 a bottle & you can find it at most vitamin stores. BTW - I don't sell it or get any commissions...
Posted by Need Lots of Help (Member # 18603) on :
I am taking ThreeLac now. I was on diflucan until my doc said they were not good together.

It did make me extremly sleepy. My FFC doctor said that she loves using herbs when she can, but she thinks diflucan is by far the best.

If you have systematic yeast, I think it will do you some good. Please let me know if you had a reaction like mine or not.

Good luck!
Posted by shelly23 (Member # 16124) on :
what are alprazolam ? what about doxy daily with flagly on weekends then dificlan wenes and sunday has anyone heard of this is this safe
Posted by pab (Member # 904) on :
Originally posted by shelly23:
what are alprazolam ? what about doxy daily with flagly on weekends then dificlan wenes and sunday has anyone heard of this is this safe


Alprazolam = Zanax

Drug Digest is a good place to check drug interactions.
Posted by steven (Member # 13101) on :
you wrote: "I can't take it now because it is not good to take with biaxin."

why? who says that? just heard it somewhere or is it a reliable information? im on biaxin/plaquenil/diflucan (and feel horrible at the moment)...
Posted by stella marie (Member # 7216) on :
Waiting for our Doc Dave to come back w/ his reply. I've had luck w/nizoral.
Posted by stymielymie (Member # 10044) on :
i was on vfend for 10 weeks very very expensive
but may be covered by insurance if written to
cover systemic yeast infection not killed by
i had clearing of brain,concentration and cfs
in three days.
must be off abx prior to taking or just wasting money.
yeast also has been linked to multiple chemical
sensitivity but mine actually got worse.
however, i moved into a new house at the time i was on vfend.
i can control my lyme outbreaks at the present time by taking short 10 dose of zithro and
plaquenil. after 3 days lyme symptoms decrease.

this may not work for all, but i can now treat
lyme and co's like a cold for 10 days.
have done this 5 times during 2.5 years remission
and has worked every time.
i am very careful in controlling my stress levels
because i know it is still in my system.

i'm not sure your wasting your time taking diflucan with abx even during tx.
probiotics are important but can not stop
systemic yeast, and you can't take enough to prevent it, no matter what form it is.

it is best to get the lyme semi- undercontrol
then treating the yeast but must take antivirals also as they will come out as the yeast is killed.'

all meds that effect liver should have liver function tests at least once a month, that includes abx, as they are filtered by the liver
and toxic liver can lead to hepatitis drug induced ,don't remember letter think it is
hep c or d.

Posted by pab (Member # 904) on :

Thanks for the info on Vfend.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by adamm:
I'll be on it without anything else--figure it'll still do any good?

YES!! absolutely!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by Need Lots of Help:
[QB] Well, not sure why my LLMD said that biaxin and diflucan were not to be mixed..... confused, what is new!?

Check it out on
Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :
Maybe your doctor wants you only on diflucan to

Get a serious handle on the yeast.


Posted by stymielymie (Member # 10044) on :
ok with my info???

Posted by djf2005 (Member # 11449) on :





Posted by stymielymie (Member # 10044) on :
must do a metal toxicity test prior to wasting your money on removing amalgams,.
i have never read a research paper actually proving this helped, unless extremely metal sensitive.
i have removed many amalgams in my life on immuno
suppressed patient and even with detox and chelation
they did not get any relief.
some people do get better, but this is one very small aspect in the realm of getting better.
i have almost a zero mercury level, yet i have been around mercury all my life.
i also have been in remission for 2.5 years.
i also have a mouth full of amalgams and root canals and i still got better.

so think and look very closely before you drop thousands of dollars on something that may not help.
leaving room for gigi comment:

Posted by adamm (Member # 11910) on :
No fillings here!
Posted by coltman (Member # 21272) on :

so think and look very closely before you drop thousands of dollars on something that may not help.

it cost me over a grand to do it . I did have elevated mercury /lead (didn't test afterward so I dont know what it is now). I didnt get any improvement , but I didnt really chelate properly

Would I do it again even though it cost me a lot and I dont see improvement?- YES.

Peace of mind that at least that part is ok is worth it to me. I am considerably less anxious now that I know I dont have mercury in my mouth anymore.

They claim there is no research proving amalgams is toxic - it is false. There is (not plenty ) but some. With mercury imho is better err on side of caution
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Just a FYI, several months ago I posted on an Adamm thread and got HAMMERED by members here for providing false hope he was back. It was not received happily let me tell you. Funny thing is I don't even know who he is!

[Smile] I had no idea what they were talking about and no intention of causing issues. You may be next for the crucifying Coltman. Maybe better to post on another thread?

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