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Posted by Amy C (Member # 19297) on :
Ok so we are about to take our 2 boys to their 1st LLMD appt tomorrow.

My oldest son is having leg weakness that gets worse while walking or standing. My youngest son is having urinary urgency all day. Sometimes it's worse when he sits. Not sure why? But I just had to go pick him up from school because of it.

Between these problems and many other Lyme symptoms they are missing several days of school each month. Or they are late. This is all before starting abx. So I am thinking it will get worse!

If anyone else out there is homeschooling their kids with Lyme please send me your advice. Also if you have Lyme how to do you manage with your own cognitive problems? Are there ways to get a tutor instead of you teaching? I have a hard time with just homework!

Also what do I need from the doctor for the school? Any other ideas? Thanks!!

One last son is signed up to go on a band trip to an amusement park. I already paid $66 for it. He is also signed up to go to DC with his class in May. His dad is going too. I paid over $400 for that! I wonder if I can get my money back or if he is up to it if he can still go if he is not in school? Anyone ever been in a similar situation?
Posted by shelly23 (Member # 16124) on :
Hey Amy, how's Y-Town
I know there are actually a lot of home schoolers in the Y town Western Pa area.. The beka system is a real easy system almost self taught and is way way ahead of public schools. In esense your kids could come out way ahead
Posted by shelly23 (Member # 16124) on :
Amy by the way just curious could you PM me what doc are you seeing in that area the one in Pa or Oh
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
amy, i'd ask for $$$ for both trips BACK.

amy, go to my newbie links page, use table of contents and unlimited info there about home schooling from several people...very detailed! good luck.
Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :
Check with your local school system.

Find out what they need before your LLMD appt with kids.

They may need a letter with diagnosis and recommendations

For teaching at home.

For you to "home" school you may need to apply to the

State Board of Education to get permission and also

Get the current curriculum from them so your children stay current.

I would call the school first.


Posted by Lisa1230 (Member # 17525) on :
I was able to have the town provide a tutor for my daughter. Her lyme specialist prepared a letter and spelled out everything and every reason why she couldn't attend. We haven't had any problems at all. The tutors are wonderful, caring, and very understanding about how she is feeling. He even requested a 504 Plan for her so the teachers are making special accommodations for her, i.e. english - reading is an issue because of her migraines, so the tutor reads to her, amount of books to read has been cut down drastically, and she takes mini tests after each chapter. This has worked out really well.
Posted by Amy C (Member # 19297) on :
Thanks! I am working on everything for their LLMD appt tomorrow. I have details for him to write a letter to the school. I called the school today and that is what they want. So we will see what happens!
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
from my newbie links...

EDUCATION - Lyme discrimination law geneal, 8-22-07 It is Public Law 94-142;
Free and appropriate education for all children.

``HOME SCHOOLED''/LAWS for LYME KIDS, ETC. 9-07;f=1;t=058178

Homebound (504) Lyme student not allowed on campus 11.07;f=1;t=060953

IEP COME BACKS FOR SCHOOL by Mo, 5-06;f=3;t=015157

IEP FOR SCHOOL FOR LYME KIDS by Pineapple 1-08;f=1;t=062630

PARENTS OF of ``KIDS`` WITH LYME from SometimesDilly
Posted by sugarfreak (Member # 19376) on :

I homeschool my two boys who do not have lyme, but I'm waiting for my diagnosis. I'm not going to candy-coat it, it is difficult. But, I must also say it is very rewarding.

And seeing that they have many issues with school & their health, it may be worth considering if you are up to it.

Check the laws in your state. We have none in Illinois so it's totally up to the parent what they do. But, each state has their own regulations & you can find them on the net.

My boys are ahead of their peers, even though we are actually behind the school system this school year by a few weeks. It's hard to keep up with all the appts. and such!!!
Posted by Faith6 (Member # 14072) on :
We have homeschooled(6 kids) for 20 years. This is the 1st year they are all out of the house or in college. We started homeschooling because of problems with our school system. I'm sure I had Lyme before that time because I was diagnosed with fibro 22 years ago.

Because of my health I consider our homeschool style to be relaxed. I couldn't do what many others were doing - school at home. I wasn't healthy enough to be part of co-ops.

Our kids have all gone on to lead productive lives and those that have went to college have been at the top of their class. (I think I bored them so when they had the chance they really took off!)

Remember that much of school in the early years is busywork. The teachers have to keep everyone at the same level. It may only take an hour a day to do basic math and reading, etc.

The most important part, I feel, is to keep them reading and doing chores around the house(cooking-math, laundry, dishes, cleaning, taking care of siblings, etc). If you live in rurally having animals to take care of and be responsible for is a big plus(science).

If their health is very poor, some of the science programs on TV may be something they can do. Also, writing, drawing and other things that don't take much energy. Grocery shopping with you may be all the exercise they can handle.

It is funny that the years I was the worst health-wise, my older kids scored higher on their standardizes tests. They basically were taking care of me, siblings, and the home, and not doing much school work. Go figure!

If they learn to work, as their health allows, I think everything will fall into place. Remember they all learn at their own pace and in their own way.

Check with Homeschool groups in your area for the state laws. Government agencies will usually give you requirements that go beyond what the law calls for.

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