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Posted by Chronic Triathlete (Member # 15245) on :
I just had a routine blood count taken. My calcium was "high". I had at 10.7 (reference range 8.9 - 10.3). Hardly seems like something to worry about, but my PCP said to stop taking the multi vitamin I take everyday. He didn't have a suggestion on what was causing the increase other than this.

Anyone else have any thoughts? I have been eating more yogurt recently. Could it just be the result of diet changes or do the bugs have something to do with it?

Posted by greenbow (Member # 21463) on :
i had that too...sometimes it is acutally ca leaking out of your bones...and you should actually take ca and mg and vit D..for absorption instead of it remained in the blood sream.
it is me..christine...also the runner...we have exchanged info before.
email me anytime.
Posted by jmb (Member # 18338) on :
I bet the Marshall folk would have an explanation for you, Chronic. Have you been on the D?
Posted by kitty9309 (Member # 19945) on :

Check this out:


qoute from the above site:

"I must tell you... although taking a bunch of Vit D so that you absorb lots of calcium from your diet which makes your blood calcium go high sounds quite plausible... it is so rare that it is hard for me to believe that I'm spending the time writing about it, and I'm sorry to waste the 20 seconds it took for you to read it. If you are taking dozens of vitamin D pills per day and your calcium goes high... then stop taking all the vitamin pills."
Posted by IckyTicky (Member # 21466) on :
I have had high calcium for over a year now and my LLMD isn't really concerned (although my primary is and I am seeing an endocrine Dr on the 31st) My LLMD says he sees lots of Lyme patients with high calcium.

I had a PTH levels checked that also came back slightly high so it def. indicates hyperparathyroid (begnign thyroid tumor).

I had a sestamibi scan ordered and it showed a very small tumor in one parathyroid gland.

There is a specialist that does minimally invasive surgery to remove the tumor (1 inch scar and very reasonable price) in California. I'll give you his info and website if you want. He is good about calling and emailing. I had my results sent to him as well and I've never met him in person or paid for his advice (he calls and emails... he is the one who told me to go get the scan done and a 24 hour urine calcium test done). Real nice guy.

I am positive that what you have would be SECONDARY hyperparathyroidism caused by Lyme/co because my teenage daughter ALSO has tested high calcium (10.6) We have not had her PTH levels checked yet. But really, the odds are that it's caused by Lyme since we both have Lyme and high calcium.

I'll ask my LLMD at my next appointment if the calcium level goes down in any of his patients, because what I've read indicates that it will NOT go back to normal until the tumor is removed.
But I'm also of the mind that the tumor is there for a reason possibly..the body's way of coping with the attack on it from Lyme? I don't know.

Stopping a multivitamin isn't going to help the calcium level.

Posted by Chronic Triathlete (Member # 15245) on :
Thanks for that link. The symptom list is like looking at my list of issues:

Symptoms of Parathyroid Disease
- Loss of energy. Don't feel like doing much.
- Tired all the time.
- Just don't feel well; don't quite feel normal. Hard to explain but just feel kind of bad.
- Feel old. Don't have the interest in things that you used to.
- Can't concentrate, or can't keep your concentration like in the past.
- Depression.
- Osteoporosis and Osteopenia.
- Bones hurt; typically it's bones in the legs and arms but can be most bones.
- Don't sleep like you used to. Wake up in middle of night. Trouble getting to sleep.
- Tired during the day and frequently feel like you want a nap.
- Spouse claims you are more irritable and harder to get along with (cranky, *****y).
- Forget simple things that you used to remember very easily.
- Gastric acid reflux; heartburn; GERD.
- Decrease in sex drive.
- Thinning hair (predominately in older females).
- Kidney Stones.
- High Blood Pressure (sometimes mild, sometimes quite severe; up and down a lot).
- Recurrent Headaches (usually patients under the age of 40).
- Heart Palpitations (arrhythmias). Typically atrial arrhythmias.
Posted by Renee K (Member # 21220) on :
The doctor who set up the site Kitty referred to is in Florida and does parathyroid surgery exclusively.

I had high calcium levels noted after I had an adrenalectomy for hyperaldosteronism. The endocrinologists then tested Vitamin D both 25 hydroxy and 1,25 levels, also PTH, all were abnormal and continue to be till this day.

I sent my levels of calcium and PTH to the surgeon in Florida and he stated I did not have hyperparathyroidism and that my levels showed my parathyroids were functioning as they should. I asked him for further explaination but never got it but I trust his judgement..

A nephrologist tried to pin all the abnormal levels on my having Sarcoidosis
This has also been ruled out by my integrative MD who happens to also be an LLMD

This endocrine stuff is beyond most physicians and many actual endocrinologists, most study thyroid and diabetes, understand little about adrenals, HPA axis, pituitary.

I think the Lyme throws all the endocrine system off, I had the double bonus of losing an adrenal gland; to worsen this, females have it tougher because of the female hormonal's hard to understand so don't kill yourselves trying.

My LLMD doesn't feel the elevated Calcium level is a problem so I don't either
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
It can become a problem esp. in the kidneys.

And can cause heart problems. Renee is right is is

a great circle of life the endocrines. When one is

off they all get hit. It is likened to an

orchestra. If there is a sour note it is known to

all. I would do some research on what you can eat

to lower this. Maybe vitamin E to pull it out? It

is not at a dangerous level but over time it

could become harmful.

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