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Posted by Radha (Member # 8464) on :
my vision is getting even worse than what it was

before and i am very worried, i am bedridden and

cannot leave home to see an eye doctor, my vision

is geting more blurry, sometimes it feels like

there is not enough light in the room, like

vision is getting darker, and other times there

are spots, could all this be because of lyme and

babs? i have always worn glasses but my blurry

vision is not the same all the time, sometimes

extra bad and other times not very bad, please,

any input or advice would be appreciated, is

there any eye drops or medicine i could take to

improve any of these symptoms?

Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
radha [group hug] [kiss]

blurred vision ... i think of several things, macular degeneration. have you ever seen one of their GRIDS; a continuous 4"x 4" table with vertical/horizonal lines like playing tick tac toe.

anyway look at the center of that; if you can't see the middle or the LINES ARE CROOKED, you should go to an eye specialist to have your vision checked.

here are some other eye files i have; will post links here for you.

Eye Floaters and Spots 9-07

EVE PROBLEMS ...NOT ABLE TO SEE; Tincup, 7.20.09
I had inflammation and eye problems from Lyme... from which I was declared to be legally blind due to the damage caused. May I suggest?

Rather than waiting to do steroids for the inflammation from uveitis, etc... and ONLY because you can't find anyone right now...

This is what I did which worked VERY well for me... recommended by one of my docs.

Vitamin C

Wobenzyme- 3 per day

Querectin- as directed on bottle- max dose

Bromelain- as directed on bottle- max dose

Vitamin E- max dose recommended on bottle.
I know.. that sounds too simple.. but it has wordked for me and others.

These supplements have anti-inflammatory properties and I was actually found to do better on them than the steroid drops they prescribed .. [doc thought I was doing the eye steroid drops when rechecking me several times].

My eyes cleared up faster than they would have on the steroid drops. I think I took this combo for about 6 weeks.

If I feel problems coming on... I start the protocol again.
I MUST say you need to check with a doctor before doing anything I am posting about... as I am NOT a doctor.
Hope this helps. tincup

There is also something that is called "Scheerer's phenomenon" or "blue field entoptic phenomenon".
This is basically the ability to see white blood cells traveling through in the squiggly capillaries of your retinas... especially when looking at a blue light. (like the sky)
When a leukocyte travels through.. it makes a wiggling motion. The link below is v\ery interesting and even has an impression of this phenomenon. "Scheerer's phenomenon"
How lyme impacts the eyes - legit sources from Marnie, 2-22-09
Originally posted by Rebekah 6.7.09
Hi. Newbie here.
I'm a very sick eye doc with Lyme, bartonella, and borelliosis.

Eye pressure up to 29 may be normal. Not a very good test for glaucoma.
Better to look for dammage to optic nerve (visual nerve) with dilated exam.
When in doubt, a threshold visual field test (painless but boring) can be done to detect early glaucoma.

Other reliable tests that can help pick up glaucoma include corneal pachymetry and gonioscopy.

I agree that optic neuritis is a much greater concern with Lyme than glaucoma, but of course the possibility of glaucoma still exists in everyone.

If you're quite concerned about glaucoma, easiest way to rule it out would be the visual field route. Maybe ask a glaucoma specialist for a second opinion.
Posted by Radha (Member # 8464) on :
i am only 33 and never had problems with eyes

before lyme started getting worse, so i dont

think i could have glaucoma or cataracts or

macular denegeration, and i would love to take

all the supplements you mentioned, but i herx

even on bromelain! that is my main problem now,

herxing on everything, or i would take

antibiotics, so i dont know what to do, sometimes

rest, ice and sometimes eating something helps

the vision, the blurriness, and spots and

darkness, it is always different, what is optic

neuritis and is there any treatment for it?? or

any other vitamins you know of that would help

these symptoms? i also get bright flashes of

light blind me for a second that come suddenly

too and just as fast go away,

thanks for your help
Posted by Starfall1969 (Member # 17353) on :
My vision has been alternating between really bad and not so bad too.

I have seen several eye doctors, none of whom can find anything.

Robin on here suggests mangosteen juice and says that that does miracles for eye problems.

I haven't personally gotten any because we're on a very tight budget here right now.

My hubby just got laid off for the 2nd time this year. [Razz]

So you might try that. Look up Xango or Xanga on the search here, and that should get you the info.
Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
Get B12 shots because of the high dose abx's your losing the b12 you need.
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
Some lyme docs are pulsing antibiotic eye drops like they pulse oral or IV's. When one quits working go to the next. It is amazing how they can burn like fire on initiation and then quit. Time to move on to next. Why they like the eyes is most likely defined in the tissue and fluid.
Posted by glm1111 (Member # 16556) on :
Check out

Filarial worms can infect the eyes. Have you treated for parasites and worms? Also bowel congestion effects everything.

Are you constipated? Circulating toxins in the G.I. track can also affect the eyesight, Maybe try a warm water enema,

Posted by s0ngbird1962 (Member # 16395) on :
"i also get bright flashes of

light blind me for a second that come suddenly

too and just as fast go away,"

My son has lyme visual can't discount that. BUT, bright flashes are often a sign of the retina pulling away from behind the eye ball. Please get to an eye Dr. as soon as possible.
Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :
Have you tried any mangosteen juice? It ended/ends my eye symptoms. There are lots of brands. I drink the Ultra one with 70 minerals added. If you try it, go slow, and drink a lot of water too.
Posted by Radha (Member # 8464) on :
no i am never constipated, and i have not tried

the mangosteen because i hear you can herx on

that and i herx on everything and anything, and i

cannot tolerate any sugars either, thanks again

for all your suggestions, if you think of

anything else, please please email me, thanks

Posted by timaca (Member # 6911) on :
Have you been tested for toxoplasmosis?

I am glad to hear from you...I've been worried about you....

Posted by EyeBob (Member # 12572) on :

PM me, maybe I can help.

Posted by sharonrainey (Member # 22987) on :
wow, i am just reading these and am amazed at everyone's generosity . . ..

i have blurred vision as well, not as bad as Radha, but enough to concern me. i will try the suggestions.

I'm new, just diagnosed a few weeks ago. Thank you for all your support and help. This is amazing.
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
PLEASE try OmegaBrite. It is very high in the Omega 3 - EPA.

It reduces inflammation...bigtime.

It costs about $24 for a 20 day supply...recommended dose is 3 capsules all at once - daily.

Call 1-800-383-2030

The Omega 3s are "touted" on nearly every eye-problem-solution website.

That one...and ONLY that one (OmegaBrite) has the "right" formulation.

LOTS of EPA, a tad of DHA and a tad of vitamin E.

I am in no way affiliated...I just KNOW this supplement from a personal standpoint.

Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :
Radha - I do not herx on the mangosteen juice. I think the mangosteen juice that has the least amount of sugar is Xango, and the second least might be mango-xan. If you try it, go slow, and also drink a lot of water.
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :
I have some eye issues too.

Floaters, red eyes, blurred vision (sometimes), and my left eye's vision is weakening.

I'm going to ask my LLMD about this. I had an ophthalmologist tell me my eyes were healthy about 3 months ago.

Maybe he missed something??

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