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Posted by psr1 (Member # 22957) on :
Hi all:
I have been doing the Cowden protocol for 18 days, and tonight is when I am supposed to add 20 drops of Samento. This has me somewhat apprehensive, as I am afraid of the herx. Has anybody else done this, and if so, how was it to add the full dose of Samento as opposed to ramping up (which is what you do on Cowden with the Cumanda)
Posted by mojo (Member # 9309) on :
Ramp up, definately ramp up. Sometimes the instructions aren't that clear.

When I was on Cowden I called them a couple times for clarification. For instance I had already worked up to full protocol but it was time to change from Cumanda to the other one (I forgot which one!) and they told me how to ramp up.

I would advise a phone call to them but if you get too sick go as slow as you need to. Like adding only one drop a day if necessary.

Everyone is different. I also used Samento when I plateaued on Biaxin/Amoxy and was able to ramp up pretty quickly. BUT a year or so prior I had a much tougher time. I think it depends on your germ loan as well as how 'clean' your body is. If you can do some detox - that would really help.

Epsom Salt baths, infra red sauna, Burbur, Parsly (both Nutramedix( lemon water, etc.
Posted by PB4 (Member # 20799) on :
Hi psr1,
I am on day 130 of Cowden. When I started with

Samento I herxed like crazy. It took me longer

to get up to the full dose, but I knew this

meant it was working. I would stay at a dose a

time or two and then raise it. I only raised by

a drop at a time. If raising it made me feel

bad I would stay at that dose for another 1,2,

or even 3 doses. I'm not sure if we are using

different Cowden. I'm using the Condensed

Protocol. I just double checked the chart at the

Bionatus/Nutramedix website and Samento is

started gradually. WHen it came time to switch

to the other antimicrobials I didn't need to go


Stick with the herbs. I was just thinking how

much better I feel today and I actually put in a

full day at work! There are two of us in my

house using it and we are both much better. If

you need to look up anything I would be glad to

give you the website I mentioned.

Posted by mojo (Member # 9309) on :
Holy Crap - I just read the protocol - you are right it says to go right to 20 drops. I wouldn't advise that, though.

Hopefully we'll hear from some folks that have used this protocol (it's a year old now) and see how they did it.

It look like the first three days are detox only but still.......
Posted by unsure445 (Member # 15962) on :
If you are over herxing from starting the Cowden herbs you should be okay.

Did you herx when you began the protocol? For how long?

If you do feel worse tomorrow take detox drops every 10 minutes until you feel a little better.

You should be okay though with the full 20 drops.

Good luck!
Posted by psr1 (Member # 22957) on :
I did not really herx with the Cowden stuff; nothing like abx and Zhang. Although now that I think about it I probably did have some herxing from the Cumanda: I'm at 26 drops (trying to get to 30.) But I am not really 'clean' - I know I need a great deal more detox. I think I will go with a few drops tonight and call them in the morning lol. PB4 are you using abx as well or just the Cowden? I am also on the Condensed. It is good to know it helps: God knows it costs enough. Please keep us up to date on your progress. Thanks everybody
Posted by psr1 (Member # 22957) on :
I did not really herx with the Cowden stuff; nothing like abx and Zhang. Although now that I think about it I probably did have some herxing from the Cumanda: I'm at 26 drops (trying to get to 30.) But I am not really 'clean' - I know I need a great deal more detox. I think I will go with a few drops tonight and call them in the morning lol. PB4 are you using abx as well or just the Cowden? I am also on the Condensed. It is good to know it helps: God knows it costs enough. Please keep us up to date on your progress. Thanks everybody
Posted by PB4 (Member # 20799) on :
abx did nothing for me. I am totally on cowden.

I am using the condensed and the chart from the

website has kept me on track. Let us know how

you do. I'm 60% better. I just found out I have

a big mold problem, so that may be why that

number is not higher. I really believe in the

protocol. I go to a support group where most of

the people use it and I'm not the only one with

good results. You need to do all the stuff in

the program. The detox herbs carry the junk out

that the antimicrobials kill off.When you don't

you get toxic and feel horrible.

Best of luck with it.
PB [hi]
Posted by sonee123 (Member # 18632) on :

What website are you using for the protocal? I am also intrested.
Posted by keltyl (Member # 14050) on :
I just looked in my protocol booklet, and it starts Samento 1 drop at a time. Up 1 drop each time you take it (twice a day).
Posted by psr1 (Member # 22957) on :
Thanks all. I did just do 4 drops last night: I feel kind of energetic and jazzed, but not well. Weird. I am following the protocol to the letter (my husband thinks I am nuts as I mix all the little concoctions at all those times of the day. Where is the support group where members are using Cowden? I wish there was a way to sort out what's the result of Ceftin and what is the herbs. Oh well, guess it will all become clear eventually. I started taking some Vitamin C as well.
Posted by mojo (Member # 9309) on :
Here's a good link:

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