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Posted by skrwolf (Member # 1575) on :
I've had many years of undertreated Lyme. Finally with an LLMD who is treating aggressively (just started Rocephin injections, Bicillin injections, Biaxin XL, and Alinia).

I have had weakness of mostly my right side of the last 6-7 years. It had gotten better but over the last 2-3 years, I now have weakness on the left as well!! My left arm/hand is really bad - starting to lose dexterity. My whole body hurts when I wake up in the morning because of the way I walk differently to accommodate the weakness.

Does anyone else have this? I noticed that it really got bad during the Rocephin injections last week (doing them 4x/week), a little better yesterday, and bad again today (I did Bicillin yesterday). I feel that I may end up in a wheelchair, unable to use my left arm. I am praying that this gets better with the Rocephin...

Shelly :-)
Posted by feelfit (Member # 12770) on :
Hi Shelly,

I have experienced extreme weakness in my arms and hands in the past few weeks along with the feeling that my fingers had lost dexterity. My arms and legs also felt very heavy.

For myself, it is getting better (somewhat) day by day. I believe that a prolonged herx caused this.

I would venture to say that your increased weakness could be caused by your treatment and the killing off of TBI's. Toxins, herx reaction, often bring out new and scary symptoms. In my experience, most of the time they resolve.

Are you doing any detox, liver support?

Hang in there,
Posted by farraday (Member # 21494) on :
My weakness has increased markedly since I started the Bicillin injections. I drop things, stumble, etc. I am so exhausted I can only stand up for short periods....nearly passed out in a store.

I have to believe this is a herx. It has to be! Someone please tell me that it is. Otherwise I'm getting worse and that is too awful to contemplate!
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
Have you all seen UOS? they clearly demonstrated worsening with treatment, especially aggressive treatment.

Still. it is so freightening to go through. the hardest part for me is keeping faith and hope.

let us know how you do over time. aliyah

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