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Posted by Jbmarley (Member # 23803) on :
Hello everyone! I am new to the post and was looking for some guidance.
Does anyone have any suggestions on treating the dizziness from Lyme? I've had lyme for over a year and a half and have been on all the antibiotics that were recommended by my lyme doctor. All of the symptoms have subsided but I can't seem to get rid of the dizziness and light mental fog.

Any suggestions would be great.

Thank you all
Posted by dfalcone (Member # 19035) on :
Originally posted by Jbmarley:
Hello everyone! I am new to the post and was looking for some guidance.
Does anyone have any suggestions on treating the dizziness from Lyme? I've had lyme for over a year and a half and have been on all the antibiotics that were recommended by my lyme doctor. All of the symptoms have subsided but I can't seem to get rid of the dizziness and light mental fog.

Any suggestions would be great.

Thank you all

Posted by dfalcone (Member # 19035) on :
I have had a lot of that too and notice it was made worse by Lyrica, even at small doses. I'm glad I HAD the Lyrica, don't get me wrong, but when I went off of it the balance issues and dizzy feeling improved. Really great that your other symptoms have subsided!! That's really great news!
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
You might want to copy and past this to a word file - and even print for easier reference. I've struggled for years with all sorts of ear stuff. This is just the first part of what I learned along the way. I hope you find relief but also know that it can take time for the nerves in the brain and ears to heal.

Be sure to keep the neck straight by elevating from the hips, not just from the neck.


My guess is that you will rest several times before finishing reading this. So, when you rest, lying with head/torso elevated 30 degrees above legs is the best position for the inner ear system. ONLY at that angle can the ears really be the least stressed and have any sort of chance at the best circulation.

It's nearly impossible to have any sort of vertigo without also having problems concentrating. See the symptom list of vestibular disorders below. It's amazing, really, all the things the inner ear is responsible for &/or all the things that go tilt with that system is kaput!


* First, although it just may take time to heal, lyme may still be a player in this. Be sure your LLMD is aware of your vertigo and brain-fog.

There are also other chronic stealth infections beyond the tick-borne infections. Were you assessed and treated for any other infections or just for lyme? I would reassess.

* I was not sure if you were done with lyme treatment or not. You just said you took all the meds for a year and a half.

Are you taking ANY medicines now? Cross search EACH ONE with each the terms: vertigo . . . vestibular . . .and then . . . ototoxic.

Now, some essential medicines may cause vertigo but if you need to take that for infection you can either ask for a different RX or work with liver protective supplements to help lessen the effects on the ears.

For medicines that don't directly treat infection, you may be able to more easily stop them if for symptom control and ask for other ways to approach that.

While technically they are supposed to calm irritated nerves, benzodiazapines are some of the worst for contributing to vertigo and other ear stuff - if a person's liver is not in tip-top shape (and nearly every lyme patient has a liver that is overwhelmed).

You might also cross search with each medicine's name with "Dr. Neil Bauman" as he's a researcher in the field of ototoxicity. Most doctors are not aware of drugs that are ototoxic. Here is more about him:

In addition to cross-searching all your medicines with ear terms, I'd also cross-check for their effects on both the liver (hepatic) and the kidneys (renal). If any drug is hard on the liver or the kidneys, that increases the chances for it contributing to vertigo.

You can also cross search at PubMed to find medical abstracts:

* Have you been tested for HEAVY METALS such as mercury, etc? This is very important and can be a huge reason for vertigo and brain fog. Most lyme patients have elevated heavy metals.


Are you getting all your need in the way of nutrients? Folic Acid, B-12 and B-6 as well as Beta Carotene are especially vital to the ears. Fish oil, too. OmegaBrite is one of the best kinds.

On the flip side to nutrition is the fact that some foods really "gum" up the ears, increasing phlegm and inflammation. Those foods which vestibular patients are instructed to avoid are: Dairy; Gluten; Corn.

Avoid ALL artificial sweeteners and MSG in all its names (search Google). Actually, it's best to avoid all additives completely.

Eat all or mostly ORGANIC food as the chemicals used in farming can be toxic to the liver and, thereby, also toxic to the inner ear.

Keep your distance when on the road so as to avoid breathing in fume from the vehicle ahead of you.

If you have gas heat or a gas stove, air out your home, especially upper levels EVERY DAY. The toxic stuff that makes it smell collects. Use the exhaust fan on stove top before turning on the flame and again before turning it off to capture the excess that is released during that time.

* Have you done VESTIBULAR REHABILITATION? See the VEDA site below.

Tai Chi would be excellent to help retrain, too. Tai Chi will also help you with proper posture throughout your daily activities. Poor posture can contribute to vertigo.

* Evaluation by a vestibular specialist - nave you been evaluated by (hopefully, a LL) neurotologist?

* I assume you've already tried GINGER. The capsules, 3 times a day, have a stronger effect than tea. The optimum dose is mentioned in the tinnitus tread below.

* CRANIAL & VAGUS NERVES? You might also try visceral therapy - massage - of the belly by someone trained in the UPLEDGER technique for visceral manipulation. Search that term at Google to find a DO, DC or PT trained in your area.

* In addition to belly massage, UPLEDGER's technique for CRANIAL-SACRAL manipulation can be very helpful to treat some kinds of vertigo, especially if cranial nerves, TMJ or other impingements are involved. Lyme often damages cranial nerves. In addition to hands-on work, it takes time to heal.

* ACUPUNCTURE helps on many levels

* LIVER SUPPORT supplements are very important for reasons discussed in threads below. Too many toxins can cause vertigo.

ANTIOXIDANTS, other supplements to decrease inflammation are good. Ginger and Curcumin are two of the best in that regard.

Green Tea is superb. Absolutely essential to our healing.

MAGNESIUM is also very helpful for various reasons. Mentioned above, FIsh oil also helps calm inflammation that can contribute to vertigo.

* HYDRATION? Are you getting enough water?

* SALT? While all ear doctors will advise going as low as possible, that does not work well for many lyme patients who frequently pass out from not enough salt (its the kidney/adrenal/endrocrine thing but soduim helps).

However, AVOID TABLE SALT. Get a good SEA SALT and go with light or moderate use to keep your balance up.

* ADRENAL SUPPORT ? Weak adrenal system can cause vertigo and brain-fog. Most LLMDs address that along with liver supplements. If yours did not, you can search and learn more about all that.


There are many great links here for more detail on all things relating to ears:;f=1;t=065801

Topic: TINNITUS: Ringing Between The Ears; Vestibular, Balance, Hearing with compiled links






See the links for "Secondary Porphyria" and for KPU.



Now, after all that about ears, nutrition and the liver, it's also important to look at what might be going on in your brain. I assume your LLMD has done a brain scan of some kind.

A SPECT or PET will show blood flow. Also, just published last week was an article showing how inner ear dysfunction can CAUSE low blood flow in the brain. But it's a tricky business figuring out what is causing what and which came first.

And that is why it's important to see a NEUROTOLOGIST. It would be great if they were lyme literate but if you can't find one who is, they can still offer you a great deal of insight.

Ask your LLMD &/or local lyme support members for a referral. Check the patient communication person at the area hospitals about a local VESTIBULAR DISORDERS Support Group where you could ask about specialists.

Just AVOID STEROIDS. Non-LL ear docs often push steroids and that can spell major and long-term disaster for lyme patients (even if they are much better, the spirochetes can still be on board and will have a party with steroids).


Cardiac dysfunction can also cause vertigo. This link is helpful:

Topic: To everyone with cardiac symptoms please read!


[ 12-29-2009, 03:02 PM: Message edited by: Keebler ]
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
In addition to the usual coinfections from ticks (such as babesia, bartonella, ehrlichia, RMSF, etc.), there are some other chronic stealth infections that an excellent LLMD should know about:;f=1;t=069911#000000

TIMACA #6911 posted 03 August, 2008

I would encourage EVERY person who has received a lyme diagnosis to get the following tests. . . .

- at link.


Book: Healing Lyme: Natural Healing And Prevention of Lyme Borreliosis And Its Coinfections - by Stephen Harrod Buhner



Topic: Buhner Healing Lyme Q & A links have changed


Book: Lyme Disease and Modern Chinese Medicine - by Dr. QingCai Zhang, MD & Yale Zhang

web site: try and use "clinic" and then "clinic" for the passwords or call Hepapro through


This article is not at all about lyme but still of interest regarding vertigo (but be aware that Meniere's Disease can often be a trash can term when there is an underlying cause needing to be addressed):

Treatment of Tinnitus, Vertigo, and Meniere's Disease with Chinese Herbs


If pharmaceuticals are not well tolerated or are not totally effective, you might consider RIFE:

Book: Lyme Disease and Rife Machines by Bryan Rosner


To find past threads/posts here at LymeNet:

Search: RIFE in subject

Also search for posts by D Bergy - Member # 9984 (He is very well informed about Rife)
Posted by Jbmarley (Member # 23803) on :
I am very happy to see the responses from everyone. Thank you so much! It's wonderful to know that there are others out there that can really understand what we are going through. I will take all the resources provided and get the proper testing done. Thank you everyone!
Posted by Jbmarley (Member # 23803) on :
Keebler- Very good information and it is much appreciated. Most of what you pointed out is new to me! I have been treating Lyme with antibiotics for 1 1/2 years. Over that time I have tried doses of(excuse my spelling >>)doxycycline, zythromax, plaquinal, a liquid drink to treat babesia, and amoxycillin. I was about 90% recovered until about 3 months ago. I then started having the dizziness and joint/ muscle stiffness so my LD doctor put me back on plaquinal and zythromax. I am also taking heavy does of antioxidants daily including grape seed extract, CoQ10, and a high dosage of multi vitamin/mineral. Today my joints are 90% but the mental fog and diziness is still keeping me down. I am having trouble concentrating at work and even walking is sometimes difficult to balance. I will try the suggestions you have sent and report back. Thank you again for everything!
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Jbmarley writes in two posts above:

I am very happy to see the responses from everyone. Thank you so much! It's wonderful to know that there are others out there that can really understand what we are going through.

I will take all the resources provided and get the proper testing done.

Thank you everyone!


Very good information and it is much appreciated. Most of what you pointed out is new to me! I have been treating Lyme with antibiotics for 1 1/2 years.

Over that time I have tried doses of(excuse my spelling >>)doxycycline, zythromax, plaquinal, a liquid drink to treat babesia, and amoxycillin.

I was about 90% recovered until about 3 months ago. I then started having the dizziness and joint/ muscle stiffness so my LD doctor put me back on plaquinal and zythromax.

I am also taking heavy does of antioxidants daily including grape seed extract, CoQ10, and a high dosage of multi vitamin/mineral.

Today my joints are 90% but the mental fog and diziness is still keeping me down. I am having trouble concentrating at work and even walking is sometimes difficult to balance. I will try the suggestions you have sent and report back.

Thank you again for everything!

- Jbmarley
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

Well, your eyes must be handling the dizziness better than mine. I had to break up your posts to be able to read them. Many here can't read paragraphs that are more than 3 lines or so.

(So, when you next post, it would be good to keep that in mind and just use the space bar between thoughts - or just to add some white space, like a breath, every so often. Thanks.)

Hey, I hope you feel better soon, I have to say - adding: You've been treating lyme for 1.5 years and your LLMD has not discussed vestibular matters with you?

Surely you are taking good liver support and protection (Milk Thistle?). Most, but not all LLMDs, know about that, too.

Most LLMDs are very well aware of inner/middle ear connection, etc. - especially for patients taking zithromax.

If you are still taking zithromax, you might ask for a different Rx. Of all you mentioned, that can have a dramatic effect on the ear/balance system. You might also find LL ear specialist. If not LL, they tend to want to give steroids and that can be disaster with lyme. So, ask your LLMD, your lyme support group for a LL ear specialist.

It would be best if you had a LL Neurotologist do a full exam.

I know this is a ton of information and a lot of work - but this can get better. Good luck.
Posted by Jbmarley (Member # 23803) on :
Just wanted to check in with my updates..I'm still working on the mental fog and dizziness thing waiting for it to lift.

I went to my LLMD last month and she advised me to stop the plaquinel and started me on Cefaclor because I had sever side effects (strange because I didnt have side effects the first time on Plaquinel).

I mentioned all the tests/comments from previous posts to my doc and she just dodged all my questions saying that it is the lyme to blame.

I think I will have to work on the other tests on my own. My doc is big on trying new abx and thats about it.

I am still having the lightheadedness and foggy feeling. Some days are worse than others but it is every day.

does anyone think this could be the herx reactions from previous antibiotics treatment I was about 6 months ago?

I'm thinking I never received enought treatment or the right abx for my body. I did test positive for Babesia and was treated with Mepron and Zithro but I'm thinking it's the coinfection that could be still messing with my brain.

I'm going to make an earlier appointment with my LLMD to discuss all my concerns and next step.
Posted by EyeBob (Member # 12572) on :
I'm not an expert, but it's entirely possible that it is a result of kill off. I say this, because with each new symptom that I have gotten (and subsequently gotten rid of) my LLMD would say that. I'm stuck now with light fog and a light dizzyness too. I have some days that are better than others which implies that it may not be permanent, hence I continue the ABX.
Posted by Jbmarley (Member # 23803) on :
Hi all, I'm back and just wanted to check in. I know it's been a while!

I have been tested for heavy metals with the DMPS/EDTA challenge and found that my mercury and lead were through the roof! They were so high that the measurement in the test could not measure any higher.

I am starting IV therapy and just went to my first session. I will be taking IVs of DMPS and EDTA to chelate the metals.

I will be taking 6 sessions of each and then test again to check my levels. My doc thinks this may be one of the biggest factors of brain fog.

Also my free testosterone was low which I am treating. My doc also recommended to treat candida with Nyastatin without testing first. She assumed the years of abx and metal toxicity caused yeast build up.

No major signs of feeling better yet but I just wanted to post my findings and encourage everyone to test for underlying conditions such as candida, metals, hormones, and other levels.

Also the book Insights into Lyme Disease is a great resource! I recommend to everyone even though it is a little expensive for a book.

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