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Posted by disturbedme (Member # 12346) on :
Hey. I'm looking for people who have been through SSDI and had to see a psychiatrist even though they have physical health issues and not mental. I am in appeal right now and just got done seeing one of their doctors who told me she wanted to help me and she said she would, but in the end it was SSDI's decision.

So a week after I saw this doc, I get a call from SSDI and they are asking all sorts of questions about being 'depressed'. They said one of the doctors said I was depressed. Which is weird because I am not really much of a depressed person. I can get that way on occasion, but don't we all, especially those of us who have been sick for so long?

So now they want me to see a psychiatrist. Grrrr.... they see all these problems I have and yet they still think it's all due to depression?

Those of you who have been to a psychiatrist for SSDI, what did the psych talk to you about? I understand they are trying to see if you're depressed, but are they trying to rule out whether you're sick at all or just trying to see if you're depressed/have anxiety? Or what is the whole role of making me see a psychiatrist NOW? [Roll Eyes]

Thanks everyone!
Posted by sutherngrl (Member # 16270) on :
Its easier to get SSDI for mental issues than for physical as far as I have observed from some of my relatives that draw it.

My SIL has been drawing for years because she has severe depression and anxiety. I applied when I was so physically ill I could barely function, in severe pain, fatigue, etc. and was turned down.

The system is all screwed up!
Posted by hopeful4 (Member # 8486) on :
As part of the SSD process, I was sent to a psychologist for an evaluation. She diagnosed me with depression/adjustment disorder (as a result of my illness).

This was key to obtaining my social security disability benefits. Without it, I would not have.

I remember the session with her as very stressful and emotional, even though she was very kind and sensitive. So much was riding on it. However, I was just honest, and didn't try to play any games.

Best wishes.
Posted by METALLlC BLUE (Member # 6628) on :
I also had to see a psychologist as part of my evaluation. I was honest and went prepared. I brought my medical records as well. They record everything, including whether you came in "happy, prepared, sick looking etc." It's strange since you don't know it until much later -- but then again you all know it now.
Posted by street129 (Member # 23472) on :
mostly part of you getting disability.
Posted by djf2005 (Member # 11449) on :
This is standard operating procedure for most disability applications in most states.

I don't know of anyone who went through the process who was able to avoid a physc. eval.

I had to do this also, but first time around.

It was approved, but only because I was was very well prepared.

Bring all your supporting Dr. notes, tests, and anything that will aid you in showing the Dr the root of your issues is infectious.

They will most likely mail you who you need to see.

Usually, and this is what I did, you can request a substitution. Your run of the mill physc dr. is not going to buy into Lyme and Co.

I subbed their suggested physc. Dr per my request for a Lyme literate one and he gave me the proper dx that led to getting SSDI 1st time.

There are actually a lot of Lyme patients who get SSDI for their "physc" dx rather than infectious dx.

So, in short, if you can substitute for someone you know and trust, it's much better.

Also, if they want to dx you w/ Severe depressive disorder, GAD, or any other label, my advice would be to let them. Like I said before, it's easier to get disability on almost any dx rather than lyme.

Just the current state we are in.

Good luck.


Ps- I see you are in MD which can't be more than a few hours from Red Bank, NJ. There is a Dr there who is lyme literate and may be able to help, although you'd have to check. PM me for the info.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
First of all, since most doctors don't believe in chronic illness (especially chronic stealth infections), it's the medical profession that wants to label everyone with mood disorders. They also get lots of money to put people on the mood drugs and it keeps patients going back to the doctors forever. It's just way the system is set up.

And, mood problems can be very genuine and connected to toxic infections that invade every part of a lyme patient's body. But most doctors can't see the cause and effect and still just lump it all under a mood dysfunction.

I would advise trying to get another doctor to do the evaluation.

You may be able to find a LL psychiatrist to do the evaluation. Ask around around to find one, contact them to see if they are on the approved list and then contact the SSA to see if that doctor can do this for you.

I would not mention lyme at all but just that he has more training in the medical matters that you deal with - or that he office is a better set-up if less stimulating or quieter.

Even in the end, regardless of what the SSA decides is the reason, if you get some basic help in order to get well, that is what matters. Most of us have labels that have nothing to do with reality.

And no one has to know. The SSD files are not open for anyone (or at least not supposed to be).

Also, I can't imagine having lyme and not have some intense sadness about that. I don't see it the same as depression but the vocabulary of doctors and the SSA is very limited.

And, if depression is secondary, it's still a neurological reaction to a toxic infection. No shame in that, other than the shame on a medical system can will ignore patients to such a degree they become disabled.

Each time I'm up for review, I write to ask the SSA to explore lyme so that more patients are NOT tossed down this path. I do think if the SSA really knew early &/or aggressive treatment had good results, they'd be more proactive and get the IDSA to get off their collective *** to prevent lyme patients from getting so very ill - often to the point of no return.

But my note is probably not interpreted by them in the manner written.
Posted by lymednva (Member # 9098) on :
Check with your attorney on this, too. He may have the name of a good psychiatrist for you to go to.
Posted by disturbedme (Member # 12346) on :
I didn't know you could go to another psych? I thought that if they chose a psych or doctor for you, you HAD to go to the doctor they chose?
Posted by djf2005 (Member # 11449) on :
Yes, usually you can request a different Dr of your choice.


How often are you up for review? I am coming up on 2 yrs now and am wondering what will happen next.

Posted by jarjar (Member # 8847) on :
Best tip that I ever got from my atty for reviews. When you receive the paperwork that your case is under review. Make an appt. with your doctor and have them write a short letter saying you are under their care and you still are not capable of returning to work. Once they have a md. stating this there is little they can do but drop the review. It is important that you are seeing a dr. on a regular basis.
Posted by disturbedme (Member # 12346) on :
That's good to know, djf2005. My hubby called my lawyer and left a message about the psych appointment and if they have any recommendations for another psych.
Posted by djf2005 (Member # 11449) on :
Thanks jar jar for that bit of info.

I had many Drs letters initially which got my case approved but have not needed any since.

I am under the regular care of a Dr. but now knowing to get a letter upon letter review is very helpful.

My Dr has been very good about writing whatever I need so I am sure he will in the future.

Thanks again
Posted by LittleLymie19 (Member # 15610) on :
Hey D, long-time-no-talk! I miss you! I'll get on AIM and see if you're there. lol.

But I just wanted to tell you, that I just got a letter and they're sending me to a psychiatrist too.

Posted by ConnieMc (Member # 191) on :
Do it without question.

At the initial and recon levels, the claims examiner has to find a SSA "listing" to fit your claim into in order to award benefits.

My opinion - this claims examiner IS trying to help you. He/she probably believes that you are disabled based on the info in your claim file.

But Lyme is not a "listed" impairment and a claims examiner has to fit you into a certain set of criteria. At the DDS level, a person has to meet a listing to be awarded benefits.

Go to and click on "listings" on the left side of the page. Look through the adult listings and click on 12.00 Mental Disorders.

The claims examiner is trying to show that you meet this listing.

If you have cognitive problems or depression or any other mental impairment, then this exam can only help you.

Study the various sections under 12.00 Mental Disorders and plan what you need to tell the psychiatrist who is doing the exam. This will help you understand what they are looking for.

I am a non-atty accredited disability rep and have been representing SSA claimants for 5 years. Lyme is a different animal because it is not a listed impairment. You can only obtain benefits before the hearing level if you meet one of the adult listings in the listing of impairments.

Hope this helps!

Happy New Year.
Posted by 22dreams (Member # 17846) on :
My sister was granted SSDI first-time around (long process) and part of that process was seeing a psychiatrist of their choosing who conducted cognitive testing and an Interview, Q&A.

She was granted SSDI based on cognitive impairment (mostly & I think toss in a heaping of severe fatigue) + neuro issues (light sensitivity etc.) and obviously documentation by LL neuro and LLMD of her impairments (including dystonia and dyautonomia, + cognitive tests).
But the core of it was Cognitive Impairment.

She wasn't granted it based on evidence of presence of infectious agent.
Posted by disturbedme (Member # 12346) on :
Thanks everyone. This is really good info.

ConnieMC - thanks so much for the link. It's good to hear that maybe she is having me go to one to try to help me.

Anyone else have anything else to add?
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
Since you have such wonderful advise from so many people all ready...

And you ASKED for someone to "add" something else...

I guess I will!

Just tell 'em you're nuts and get it over with!


Happy New Year Disturbed. May your blessings be many.

And good luck with the review.

[Big Grin]
Posted by UnexpectedIlls (Member # 15144) on :
I was granted SSDI first shot after going to a Psych... no lawyers no hassle.. first shot!
Posted by disturbedme (Member # 12346) on :
Shandy, what did the psych talk to you about and ask you? Do you remember? I'm interested in what the psych will ask me.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
They may do a neuropsych evaluation. A set of questions where you are told things and asked to repeat them back. Or math. They may ask about your schedule and functioning ability but mainly if your brain is working well enough to work some sort of job.

Some of the tests can be for hours. Be sure to find out what is scheduled. The tests are not hard but I could not stay awake for most of the questions on even a short one-hour screening.

it's actually better not to know what will be asked, specifically. Just be yourself. Be honest and take care of yourself if you need to take breaks, have a snack to keep up blood sugar, drink your water if necessary - or even lie down or take a short nap, really.

A friend who had two full days of tests had to do all that. Because she was able to secure a different doctor than the one originally assigned, this Ph.D. knew about CFS. So, knowing in advance that might happen and when she rested, he just did some paperwork. No dramatics needed, nor heroics. Just honestly. It's what matters the most.

So just act normally and do what you need for your safety.
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
Good Advice. They are sending me to Chiropractor

Next week. Cos I can't move my arms above my

shoulders, I guess I could just tell them I'm

crazy, ain't nothing wrong with me. But if he hurts

me, he is going to know I'm crazy. LOL

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