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Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
My daughter suffers terribly from huge sores on her tongue.

Need help desperately.
Posted by aimeebeth (Member # 21359) on :
is she taking valtrex? i went for a year withouth any sores from really works.
Posted by glm1111 (Member # 16556) on :
Taking Lysine in higher doses could really help.

Google canker sores + lysine and you will find the answer in more depth.

P. S.

Also google canker sores + pain relief remedies

Posted by lymie_in_md (Member # 14197) on :
Gargling with 15 drops of grapefruit seed extract in water for a week should kill the virus. Right after you gargle, gargle again with sodium bicarb in water to take the acid out of the ph to protect the enamel on you teeth.

This might help as well if you choose lysine.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Excellent suggestions. Thank you!
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Are canker sores on the tongue always viral in nature?
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
They can be from many different things, I think lyme and other bacteria can be the cause as much as some of the stealth viruses (such as HHV-6). It would be hard to know for sure but getting tested for HHV-6 would be a good idea. I have tested positive for that.

Andrographis helped me the most and it covers a wide array of infections. Here are my notes about what worked:


Aphthous ulcer - details - and photos


For four straight years I had a mouth on fire - and with many Aphthous ulcer. Allicin helped at one point but I had to stop due to how it raised tinnitus for me (most patients do not get this effect, though).

Several months ago, after starting on andrographis, within one week, my mouth markedly improved. Within two, nearly all better. And it's stayed that way.

I've taken a week off here or there and the mouth is still good. Amazing stuff. But, as the allicin was a bit too speedy for my system, andrographis is very sedating for most. So, be aware.

After the first week or two that gets a bit better - and it is very calming to the central nervous system so that helps me in many ways.

Andrographis can also cause some stomach upset, so it's best to take it with food at first.

The probiotics in the mouth - and a spilanthes mouth rinse helped, but it was not until andrographis that I found total relief. Still this is a great mouth rinse:



CankerMelts - a licorice disc.


LICORICE ROOT (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

WHAT IT DOES: Licorice root is sweet in taste and cooling in action. It detoxifies poisons from the blood and liver, and reduces general inflammation and pain.

It moistens and heals the lungs and digestive tract.

- Full chapter at link above.


If you have high blood pressure, it'd be best to have the DGL kind of licorice:

Deglycyrrhizinated licorice

Excerpt: ``DGL has also been reported to help treat aphthous ulcers (canker sores).[1]''

Here are some choices for DGL:


This is the andrographis that I use:



PubMed Search:

Andrographis - 225 abstracts

Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice - 17 abstracts


Andrographis is mentioned here: (through Amazon)


- by Kenneth B. Singleton , MD; James A. Duke. Ph.D. (Foreword)

You can read more about it here and see customer reviews.

Web site:


Andrographis has a full discussion here:

Book: Healing Lyme: Natural Healing And Prevention of Lyme Borreliosis And Its Coinfections - by Stephen Harrod Buhner



Topic: Buhner Healing Lyme Q & A links have changed

Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
More about where to get tests for other chronic stealth infections -

In addition to the usual coinfections from ticks (such as babesia, bartonella, ehrlichia, RMSF, etc.), there are some other chronic stealth infections that an excellent LLMD should know about:;f=1;t=069911#000000

TIMACA #6911 posted 03 August, 2008

I would encourage EVERY person who has received a lyme diagnosis to get the following tests.

- at link.
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
Have you tried swishing with salt water? For some reason this seems to help heal sores in the mouth.

Just pour a good amount of regular table salt into a cup, add a little warm/hot water, swirl the salt around until it is mixed somewhat, then swish in mouth, spit it out and repeat. It tastes kinda bad but I've been told that it helps to heal.

If the sore is really bad then salt might irritate it. So then you can try a mixture of Mylanta and Benadryl.

I'm serious, mix equal parts Mylanta liquid and Benadryl liquid. Have your daughter swish the mixture in her mouth and spit it out. If she can't swish well you can put the mix on a Q-tip and put it on the sore. This will help relieve the pain and numb the area a little bit. You can gargle the mix for sore throats too.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Sammy, good idea about warm sea salt water. It can be very soothing.

I had to stop Mylanta because of the Aluminum hydroxide in it.
so, if you do use that, be sure to rinse repeatedly and spit it all out - some aluminum will still get absorbed though and that can be neurotoxic so, together with lyme toxins, that can make nerves much more easily irritated.
Posted by Carol in PA (Member # 5338) on :
Salt water that has the same concentration of salt as in the body is very soothing to oral sores and sore throats.

One cup water
One half teaspoon salt

If you use more salt than that, you'll end up leaching fluid from the tissues, which will irritate them.


A new way to heal mouth sores is to use LED light therapy.

There are a number of brands available.
LED light therapy research:

Several people here at LymeNet bought this one:

It's also available from vendors on


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