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Posted by Karen Mc (Member # 23354) on :
Im just so confused and needing advice.


I do have an appt this coming Fri with my LLMD

I was on flagyl for a week and I actually felt better than I'd EVER felt in over a year (tues-thurs) but I stopped it thurs pm to pulse for a week. This was the 2nd time I had taken it for a week..first time I felt alittle 'loopy' but this time no problems

500mg am----500mg pm

Slowly my symptoms came back-first head weird...ringing in ears worse until BAMN at 4 am this morning I was back to full blown symptoms.

My head is killing me, face is numb, whole body achying (like flu) legs sore, sweating.

Ive tried reading all the posts on flagyl to try to find my answer but my head is spinning.and will of course talk to him but what Im wondering is if I should start back on flagyl for atleast until the appt. I WAS FEELING BETTER now I feel like I used to and I HATE IT.

I know you have setbacks but IF it was the flagyl helping I want to feel better again. I see where some have said they took it without pulsing.

Or is this perhaps a consequent that lyme etc are just starting to cycle at the exact same time I stopped Flagyl...I would think it couldnt affect you --getting out of your system that quick??-the meds that is

I do have bart and babasia and my Dr uses the Marshall Protocal

PLEASE thank you ANY one for advice or opinions.

I also pulse artemeninsin and am scheduled to start that back today

Bless all,


Oh yeah, I also ate at a local fast food rest yesterday afternoon-Mc cause I was feeling better and out (I have been watching what I eat--I know its not good for you) and now I thinking ghese could that 1 meal do this to me---I know probably not but I guess im just trying to figure out what I did or didnt do ..

as far a neuropathy it seems like its now (like I used to feel with muscle aches) before I was on flagyl and as I said I was much better this past week--NO muscle aches in leges etc I 've just had intense itching on and off.


[ 03-06-2010, 05:29 PM: Message edited by: Karen Mc ]
Posted by jpsmom (Member # 23895) on :
I am also??? flagyl vs. pulsing & even not sure if I want to continue with antibiotics. This gets so fustrating. I will be following your blog for some good pointers. I am not set up with a llmd yet only a holistic md. He did do something called a muscle test of doxy vs. flagyl & flagyl generic. He said the generic was working best??? Good day & God Bless you
Posted by MariaA (Member # 9128) on :
Hi Karen,

I asked my LLMD about continuing on Flagyl long-term after he first gave me a 3 week course of it, and it seemed to help. He told me that he thought the science on it wasn't totally settled and he told me I could keep taking it if I felt like it was useful. now, three things about that:
-I was taking smaller doses than you, in conjunction with a few other drugs. your dose seems pretty common as far as what other MD's prescribe
-I was getting liver enzymes testing done. This drug might be hard on your liver, I'm not sure
-in SOME animal studies, it's been carcinogenic for SOME animals (like rats vs hamsters, or something like that). its not clear if that applies to humans, but short courses like 3 weeks are thought to be totally safe. Many, many Lyme patients have been treated long-term with Flagyl (as have people with C. Difficile infection and more) by doctors who know the science.

My feeling is that your LLMD has some reason why they want you to pulse, but I don't think that it's really dangerous for you to take it longer right now if you think it's helping, just based on the fact that many doctors prescribe it for far longer than a week.
Posted by TF (Member # 14183) on :
Your lyme doc wants you to pulse flagyl because he follows the Marshall protocol which calls for pulsed antibiotics.

My doc followed the Burrascano protocol. So, he had me take high dose flagyl for 60 days straight. I didn't pulse any antibiotics.

Read up on the Marshall protocol to understand why your doc is treating this way. Or, ask the doc if you have time at your appointment.

I suggest writing up your questions for the doctor in advance. Then, put them in order of most important down to least important. This way, you won't forget your questions and you will at least get your most important questions answered before your appointment is over.

So sorry you are feeling so poorly. Hope things turn around for you very soon.
Posted by seibertneurolyme (Member # 6416) on :
Were you on any other meds with the Flagyl?

Besides working on Lyme, Flagyl may have some effect on babesia. The headache since stopping almost makes me think it might have been helping with babesia symptoms.

Bea Seibert
Posted by WildCondor (Member # 434) on :
Usually Flagyl is taken for 2 months straight at first and then it is pulsed. Pulsing is not normally started by itself. In my experience, Flagyl was a tremendously important part of treatment.
Posted by Karen Mc (Member # 23354) on :
Thanks for ALL the info it really does help. I did go back on the Flagyl and will continue until Friday when I can discuss with my LLMD at my appointment.

Wild..I only pulsed it 1 week so hopefully starting it back will be ok..

TF..thanks for the info...I actually did for the first time have enough wits about me to write questions down before the last visit and it did help ALOT...I will do that again (still ended up missing some things but heay...its a start).

I havent heard of the muscle test.

Yes, I am taking all kinds of other meds.

Bactrim DS
Minocin m-w-f
zitro t-th-sat
and lots of supplements-vitamins, detox,
adrenal support

The muscle aches have eased up since going back on Flagyl but my head just feels like it is in a vice...hard to describe and the ringing in ears is ALWAYS awful. My head just feels sooo weird.

Liver damage does concern me but my Dr is real good about doing lab work..I just had some last month or Jan? thats how I found out my VitD and others was so low... so I am sure he will continue to have me monitor with lab work.

Still not feeling good..mostly slept yesterday and rested today--wanted to go to church but just didnt have the energy...I really hate that but perhaps I'll be better tomorrow...I have 3 days of work ahead of me that I DREAD.

Again, A MILLION thanks to're life savers.

Bless You,

P.S. I hate and have a hard time reading stuff on computer but I did get a new ink cart. for my printer so I am going to try to find the Marshall Protocol online so I can print and really beable to grasp the entire concept of it.

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