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Posted by Keith55 (Member # 26469) on :
Hopefully someone can help me. About 2 weeks ago, I was diagnosed with Lymes.

It all started in February when I got what I thought was a very bad flu including a terrible headache. I didn't go to the doctor and just fought through it. A few days later, the flu symptoms went away, but the headaches remained.

After a few months of various blood tests and MRIs, one doctor gave me the blood test for Lyme which indicated positive. My only symptom was the headache.

I am now on Doxy 150mg 2x a day (15 days so far).

Headaches remain and are taking over my life. The strange part about the headaches is that they start around mid-day and get progressively worse until I lay down in the evening and then they go away. I wake up without the headache and the process starts over.

On the weekends I have very minimal headaches which tells us that work (probably the computer) inflames the blood vessels where the bacteria is sitting, but that is a guess.

Can anyone help?
Posted by Dawn in VA (Member # 9693) on :
IMHO, your doxy dose may be low. Headaches were one of my most debilitating (REALLY debilitating- all day long) issues when I first contracted Lyme and have not returned since I went on IV Rocephin. I had tried 2 months or orals prior. Headaches= Lyme CNS penetration or herxing from treatment. If the first, you have to be on something that can get into your CNS, which means a drug that has a small molecular size in order to cross the blood-brain-barrier.

Are you seeing a recommended Lyme-literate MD? If not, I'd highly recommend it. Go to the Dr Referral section of the Flash Discussions and post a request for an LLMD in your area.
Posted by Keith55 (Member # 26469) on :
Thanks Dawn. I am not seeing a Lyme literate MD yet, but am trying to find one. I do have an appointment tomorrow with an infectious disease specialist who has a few primary areas of expertise and one is Lyme disease so do you think that is sufficient?
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
What helps me:

Magnesium, Calcium, Fish Oil, and Turmeric. Corydalis is an herb helpful in pain relief, too.

And lots of WATER - & Green Tea.

Rest in the DARK, in QUIET. Or with soothing music.

Good luck.


Topic: Looking for long term pain management


Topic: NATURAL SLEEP - Links to articles & supplements
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by Keith55:
[QB] Thanks Dawn. I am not seeing a Lyme literate MD yet, but am trying to find one. I do have an appointment tomorrow with an infectious disease specialist who has a few primary areas of expertise and one is Lyme disease so do you think that is sufficient?

If he's an ID doctor you will likely be very disappointed in this dr.

The only glimmer of hope is that he will treat you for about 4 wks. That's all ID drs will do for lyme patients.... unless this one is one of those rare LLMD's who happens to be an ID dr.

This is where you need to post:
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

I'm so glad that Lymetoo caught what my eyes totally glazed over. She is correct in that most infectious disease doctors really don't know much about the severity of lyme or much about treatment. I do hope you can find an ILADS-educated LLMD soon. Good luck.


This explains WHY you need an ILADS doctor for proper assessment:

From the May 2007 issue of Clinical Advisor



Lyme Disease: Two Standards of Care

by Lorraine Johnson, JD (revised 2005)


ILADS - International Lyme & Associated Diseases Society

- be sure to read all the articles in "Articles and Presentions" Get the DVDs of ILADS of past seminars.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
How would you descibe the headaches. Are they in the front or the back? Is it an ice pick headache or more of a pressure headache?

My understanding is that Babesia headaches tend to be more of a pressure or odd sensation and are located more towards the back of the head.
Posted by Keith55 (Member # 26469) on :
They are always in the back of the head on the right side. I guess more of an icepick. I'll check out the Babesia headaches.

Posted by Sophie1234 (Member # 26412) on :
Hi, Midrin is a prescription migraine med that I have used in the past. It takes the edge off, at least. God bless you; hope they get better soon.
Posted by rks (Member # 24316) on :
I used to have really bad headaches all the time, then they went into the face bones as well.

I still have them, but not anywhere as much as I used to and usually not as bad.

One thing that helped me for a while was Feverfew in tincture formula.

It does interact with other med/supps and thins the blood so if you are taking anything else and/or have any blood disorders or take any blood thinners, you shouldn't take it unless your doctor says ok.
Posted by Dawn in VA (Member # 9693) on :
Ditto to Lymetoo and Keebler. You've gotta get into an LLMD; ID "ducks" will likely not offer the treatment you need, esp. with your CNS symptoms.
Posted by Keith55 (Member # 26469) on :
Thanks all. You were all correct. I was very dissapointed. The ID guy says he really doesn't think I have it bc the igg was negative (though 3 bands present abnormal). IGM was positive, but he said that could just be the way my blood always is.

He said getting lyme disease in february is unlikely due to the cold weather. He says I need to treat the headache, but my concern is where the headache is coming from and what will be next. I see a LLMD in about 1 month, so hopefully we will make some progress.

After leaving his office I was so depressed because now i don't know if I am going down the wrong path.

[ 06-18-2010, 12:55 PM: Message edited by: Keith55 ]
Posted by glm1111 (Member # 16556) on :
You need to go to an LLMD for correct dx esp since you have 3 pos. bands. You also need to be tested for co-infections of bartonella, babesia and erlichia which is what an LLMD will do.

Then you will know for sure. You can get Lyme disease all year round because ticks can hide under old leaves etc.

Make sure the dr you are going to see is an LLMD otherwise you won't get correct dx and treatment.


[ 06-18-2010, 12:51 PM: Message edited by: glm1111 ]
Posted by lymeinhell (Member # 4622) on :
ID docs here in Jersey (and elsewhere) are quacks when it comes to Lyme. My vet knows more about it than any of the 15+ doctors I saw trying to get diagnosed. 3 bands 'abnormal' and a positive IGM says yes, you have Lyme. Not only that, but a Lyme diagnosis is a clinical one - the tests are to aid in the diagnosis.

You'll be in good hands next month. However, please go back and edit your post and remove the dr name ASAP. just click on the pencil/papger icon on your post. We're not allowed to put their names up here, to protect their privacy.

Question about your headaches: Are they headaches, or head ACHES? As in, could it actually be muscle pain that starts at the back of your skull?

One of my first of many symptoms was what I thought was a headache, which turned out to be a muscle spazm at the base of my skull.

Poke around with your knuckle back there - can you find a painful spot? If so, press on it as hard as you can and hold and see if the rest of the pain in your head (maybe radiating across your ear, down to your jaw, or even up over the top of your head).

This is a muscle spazm, which constricts blood flow and will refer pain all over the place. It is typically caused by Magnesium deficiency, which is caused by Lyme.

If you are at work at a desk job, this would also explain why the pain would increase over the day, as you hold your head to look at your screen all day pulls on the spazm, restricting even more blood flow.

Getting rid of muscle spazms is tricky, but can be done. A 'trigger point' injection of Lidocaine into the spazm (or spazms - more than one are common), which blissfully numbs the area, but more importantly, the needle tends to break up the spazm.

Alternatively, have a loved one use their knuckle to press on the spot for as long as you can take it, and do this repeatedly. I know this sucks, but it will eventually force it to 'give' and all you will be left with is just a sore spot. Rest on heating pad, apply any type of lotion containing Arnica (which is an antispasmodic that does not require a prescription).

In the interim, I would suggest you get a topical Magnesium, as this is the most easily absorbed form. (Alternatively, you could do an IV, but you'd need your LLMD for that). Ancient Minerals makes a good Magnesium Oil -

Once you are low, taking oral magnesium will not be absorbed enough to get you back to 'normal'.

If it turns out this is not the type of headache you have, I'm hoping this will help someone else.
Posted by Keith55 (Member # 26469) on :
Thank for your thoughts. I did edit the post as requested.

Sometimes it starts in the back of the skull, sometimes at the top, so I'm not sure. I'll give your ideas a shot. I do work at a desk job and this seems to make sense.

My primary doctor is convinced it is Lyme and while not a LLMD, her daughter has Lyme for 2 years now, so she has some level of knowledge.

Is it strange that I only have this one symptom? (aside from flu like symptoms when the headache started 5 months ago)
Posted by lymeinhell (Member # 4622) on :
I hope it helps.

It's not typical, but perhaps there are other things going on that you either shrug off, or don't even notice because the headaches blind you to other issues.

To have a PCP who's been through it with a family member is at least helpful. And hopefully if you need further treatment, you'll have caught it in time before any fun new symptoms pop up.
Posted by 'Kete-tracker (Member # 17189) on :
"IgM was positive, but he said that could just be the way my blood always is."

"He said getting lyme disease in february is unlikely due to the cold weather."
Well, the first statement is just simply silly.
In fact, non-sensical if you mean 'CDC +' when you say "positive".
Presence of IgM antibodies indicate an on-going, active infection... by DEFINITION.

(Why IS it that these ID 'ducks', who are supposedly SO educated & specialized, continually make comments- when with their patients- that fly in the face of extensive research & even peer-accepted understanding?? [Eek!] )

The second statement is true, but in no means suggests you CAN'T come down with Lyme in February, esp. if you live in the woods & were out & about on a nice warm day.

It's also very possible a deer tick migrated from a "local" infected white-footed mouse... to You!
I'm pretty sure that's how 1 or both of the adult male deer ticks on me (all night) got "sick".

I'd ask for a copy of the Western blot results & find an LLMD A.S.A.P. for further evaluation, at a minimum.

I'm no doc. Just a recovered Lymie with several doctors & nurses in the extended family. [Razz]
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
Major migraine.

Get into a very dark room...go to bed.

Try sublingual(under your tongue) B6 = P5P/PLP by Source Naturals.

The label says "Coenzymated B-6".

"Vitamin B6 helps in breaking down both histamine

and MSG in the body. There is speculation that when the body uses up vitamin B6 to break down MSG, it leaves more histamine in the body.

Other chemicals that cause a depletion of vitamin B6 include alcohol, yellow dye #5, and many drugs."

Other Migraine Triggers Include:

low serotonin levels
shunting of the chemical tryptophan into other pathways
histamine-releasing foods
histamine-containing foods
alcohol (especially red wine)
withdrawal from caffeine
drugs that constrict blood vessels
emotional and hormonal changes (menstruation, birth control pills, anger, and ovulation)
muscle tension
the weather

Bb needs tryptophan (as well as many other of OUR nutrients).

From personal experience (son) out for annatto which is added to many processed foods as a coloring agent.

It can be very troublesome for some people.
Posted by kidsgotlyme (Member # 23691) on :
I have a friend who had this same symptom for years. That was her main complaint.

With proper treatment it got better. Good luck to you!

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