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Posted by troutscout (Member # 3121) on :
I have a huge decision to make.

I have been struggling with Candida a life threatening situation....and need to find a VERY aggressive Therapy thru a Medical Doctor practitioner that KNOWS and TREATS Candida on a daily basis.

So.....what is your choice or thoughts.....please...respond ASAP or PM me.


TRout [Wink]
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
I just wanted to wish you the best of luck. It sounds scary. I assume you've done the high-dose nystatin, diflucan, and other supplements like caprylic acid, olive leaf extract, etc?

Doesn't Dr. C have suggestions? He seemed to have lots of protocols?

I hope something works. I recall DaisyRB said there's a miracle product sold through Dr J's office (holistic practice) that cured her after nothing else did.
Posted by troutscout (Member # 3121) on :
Thanks Dear!

yes.....Dr C has protocols
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :
Cleaning up the diet is more important than any single supplement/herb/antibiotic available.

Some people THINK they have their diet squared away, but don't (not saying that's you... but you could post a sample of foods you eat)

Dr B has good oral brushing methods. (brush mouth, tongue, mouthwash, sprinkle probiotics on tongue)

Buhner recommends the Master Cleanse, then supplementing caprylic acid among a few other things.

Says a fast is a great way to starve yeast. (you won't be able to do water fast... too demanding)
Posted by zil (Member # 12048) on :
I had yeast on my tongue and the Dr finally gave me diflucan that took care of it. I take nystatin 4 tabs daily while on antibiotics and that takes care of it as well as probiotics.
Posted by NMN (Member # 11007) on :
The best yeast treatments for me is doing enemas. It gives me total control over it. I do garlic and oregano and apple cider vinegar, Garlic + acidophilis, milk thistle and L-Glutamine.

Diet is obviously crucial but enemas give me the ability to "undo" any bold diet lapses. I had bad inflammatory bowel for many years due to bartonella but its completely healed now due to enemas and bart meds. L-Glutamine is great for healing the gut.

If you need any tips give me a shout. I had yeast issues even on nystatin. Now that I do enemas regularly I have not have to take nystatin at all. I just pop the odd diflucan once every couple of weeks for good measure.
Posted by troutscout (Member # 3121) on :
Posted by troutscout (Member # 3121) on :
Nothing but meat and veggies.....

No Beef. No Pork. No Chicken.

Nothing Starchy. Just water for liquid.

I love to blend fresh veggies and add garlic and ginger....yummy. That and Lemon.
Posted by Queenie Pie (Member # 6306) on :
Five years ago when I developed severe Candida, after being on Antibiotics for 3 years, my Gastroentonologist put me on Phase One of the South Beach Diet for 6 Months and it worked wonderfully along with Probiotics.....I was off Antibiotics for 5 years and am now on them again and hope I don't develope anymore Candida problems.....Would highly recommend the diet...
Posted by jarjar (Member # 8847) on :
Body Biotics a SBO works wonders going after yeast, candida in your system. There have been test done on the product to verify it with yeast/candida issues. You can google and read about it. I took it for a year and had a stool speciman sent to Great Smokies and my doc said he had never had a lyme/cfs patient come back with such a candida free result. You can pm if you want the cheapest site to buy it from. I think it's sacred mountain. I have no affiliation with the company just a satisfied customer. Diet plays a roll also as mentioned.
Posted by chaps (Member # 25286) on :
Cleaning up the diet is more important than any single supplement/herb/antibiotic available.

If that's correct, then it's not good news.

My understanding is that on an anti-candida diet, you can't eat any fruit because of the sucrose. What? No fruit? Are you kidding? The best food group for vitamins, bioflavoids, alkaline formation, and immune-boosting properties is fruit. Seems to me if you stop eating fruit, you might kill the candida, but you also kill yourself in the process by starving an already low immune system.

Then they say for anti-candida, "no starches." Another great source of immune-boosting vitamins, particularly antioxidants A, C, and E are found in the root and squash families, such as sweet potatoes, white and yellow nam root, turnips, rutabagas, carrots, beets, malanga, calabasas, and others. All of these are starchy.

Nothing but meat and veggies.....

No Beef. No Pork. No Chicken.

Nothing but meat, then in the same breath, no beef, port, or chicken? What's left? Lamb? Ugh! Turkey? Allergic. Fish? Loaded with mercury. Beans? No, starchy and acid-forming. Where are you going to get your protein? Many people with leaky gut (me) are allergic to soy.

Even if you COULD eat chicken, beef, and pork, combine that with the non-starchy vegetables that you're permitted to eat on an anti-candida diet, all you can eat is a bunch of acid-forming foods with very little immune-friendly vitamins and minerals. If you read Baroody's book "Alkalize or Die" you'd surely think that you're going to die on an anti-candida diet. It seems like kill the candida, but kill yourself, too.

I'm not refuting what you say troutscout. I'm just expressing frustration. When you look at what you can't eat due to the candida, then subtract the things to which I'm allergic, I'm left with celery and water. No one can live on that.

There's gotta be a better way.
Posted by WhitneyS (Member # 25666) on :
sorry its true about the diet.

Also: grains and fruit are NOT good sources of vitamins, or minerals-- they are mainly sugar and carbohydrates (which are basically the same thing) should do some reading on nutritional content of foods.

Vegetables really are the best source of minerals and antioxidants. Protein is also very important. I'm not sure about the no beef, or chicken-- and there are fish choices that are very low mercury, you can google search that. Fruit is also not off limits for candida, just sugary fruits, blue berries are ok.

There are no vitamins, minerals or antioxidants that are exclusively in grains, fruits or starchy vegetables, so they can be 100% removed from your diet and replaced with non-starchy vegetables without any nutritional losses.
Posted by arkiehinny (Member # 26546) on :
In all things there is a balance. Cutting down on sugary, starchy things is a plus. Then, if there is no improvement, cut back a little more; plus add the GOOD things, the probiotics, etc.

I'd die without the meat protein. But be conservative with portions. I say all things work together for a healthy immune system. TOTALLY eliminating one basic essential crutch can be hard on the body, as well.

My choice is to cut back on the starches/sugars. Not eliminate entirely, but way back. If I crave a piece of cake or cookie, I'll eat it, usually sugar free, but not in excess. Then I'll slug down some Kefir or add more GOOD bacteria. Balance.
Posted by stork (Member # 24167) on :
I might try powerful anti-yeast herbs. Oil of oregano, olive leaf extract, cumanda. Starve and kill. Be careful - the die off herx can be worse than lyme.

Most important thing in my experience is cutting out yeast itself, not necessarily all carbs.

Some fruits have a more complex sucrose structure. I don't really know anything about this, but I'm sure you could learn about this and eat accordingly. I agree that cutting out all fruits for a long time isn't wise. I will eat wild bluberries on occasion. Highest Antioxidant fruit.

Good luck.
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
read the yeast connection handbook by william g. crook.

he's got complete listings of foods.
Posted by sparkle7 (Member # 10397) on :
Yeast Cleanse by Solaray worked best for me.
Posted by troutscout (Member # 3121) on :
I eat beef once a week. Only boneless, skinless chicken breast on occasion and folks....absolutely NO fruit of any kind.

I am stage four Candida....very rare, Chronic Mucomembranous Candida with an IgA difficiency along with food allergies. sugar. No matter what way you get it.

I am also low in RBC's and Hematocrit levels...
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
What about Vfend or or Noxafil. They are used prevent and treat serious fungal infections in immune compromised patients. Sounds like you maybe?

Sporanox is also very effective, generic is itraconazole.

Find another doctor. You are not out of treatment options.
Posted by BackinStOlaf (Member # 23725) on :
I was told you can eat some fruits in moderation, like apples and berries. They have lower sugar content.

You can also eat sweet potato and brown rice
Posted by chaps (Member # 25286) on :
I just took a Diflucan about 2 hrs ago and now I'm feeling dizzy and funny. I know that's one of the side-effects but I wonder what it's from. Is it die-off of the candida? I took one of these for the first time yesterday and didn't notice much of a reaction, but today, a rather noticeable reaction.

If it's die-off, I guess that's good. If it's not, I'm not sure I want to continue taking these things.

On a different note,
I was told by a guy who sells anti-candida products that sweet potatoes are a no-no. They're both starchy and sugary. Although I found it suprising when he told me that white potatoes have more sugar than sweet potatoes. That doesn't sound logical when considering that when sweet potatoes are baked in the oven, they ooze out a sweet orange syrup. White potatoes don't do that. Go figure.

BackinStOlaf, if you know of an internet source of a candida diet that I can reference please direct me to it. All I have are just general guidelines.
Posted by Need Lots of Help (Member # 18603) on :

A candida die off can be intense. I know, I had one! Headace, nausea, dizzy, sweaty, and such a whammy of fatigue.

Wait to take your diflucan at night time. That is what I do.

This medicine has helped me more than any other medications I have taken, and I have taken a lot. Please give it a chance.

Good luck!
Posted by Amelia (Member # 17677) on :
I use Candex and you can get it at Nutrition Geeks. This has saved me. Twice a day - two pills- and this worked when diflucan etc stopped working. I also take probiotics -- watch carbs etch. It saved me!
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
trout - I sent you a pm.
Posted by troutscout (Member # 3121) on :
All very good stuff.....I know most of this already and have been practicing most of it already, along with the last set of drugs.

I like the good company I am keeping on this guys rock.

Posted by troutscout (Member # 3121) on :
You guys have been incredible sources of information.

I haven't been a regular poster on here for quite a few years...

I miss this website.

Great People...searching for answers.
God Bless YOU!!!

Trout [Wink]
Posted by Pocono Lyme (Member # 5939) on :

I recently read an article, on Wikipedia, about resistant candida in the U.S..

In the article it stated that adding Lactoferrin in with Diflucan overcomes the resistance making it very effective again.

Good Luck
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
i am battling yeast also but unfortunately my pcp doesn't believe in systemic yeast. i'm looking for another doc.

he did give me three 150 mgs of diflucan and i've got 15 days of 100.

i'm doing total sugar free. mike hunts so we have plenty of game, venison, bison, etc. and all kinds of fish.

i'm pretty sure maybe ALL of my symptoms could be severe yeast right now.

i keep the book yeast connection out and read it every day practically!!

but why is the herx harder than a lyme herx?

what about this threelac stuff?
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Randi... Theralac is better than Threelac.

trout... I would go with VSL#3 for now! Body Biotics is good too. I'm also on BlueBonnet probiotics. Not available online...only in stores.

Body Biotics: That's the one Jarjar is recommending. I like it too.
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
what about the prescript assist?
Posted by Remember to Smile (Member # 25481) on :
Dear troutscout, et al.

Best treatment? imho, it's a combo:

* Outstanding adherence to strict GF Candida-control diet. That includes NO cow dairy products except plain yogurt.

* Lots of high-quality water all day and quality nutritional supplements.

* Florastor (beneficial species of yeast) taking 1 cap 2x/day at all times while on abx AND for 2 months after.

* Body Biotics (probiotic caps). Vary dosage based on symptoms.

* 2 to 3 oz. coconut kefir 2x/day

* AZO Yeast homepathic tablets (available at Target)

* Ignore all ducks! Any U.S. "healthcare practitioner" that doesn't understand most Americans suffer from chronic yeast overgrowth should not have a medical license and shouldn't have their ignorance rewarded by patients paying for "visits."
Posted by jennie46 (Member # 20953) on :
Originally posted by troutscout:
I eat beef once a week. Only boneless, skinless chicken breast on occasion and folks....absolutely NO fruit of any kind.

I am stage four Candida....very rare, Chronic Mucomembranous Candida with an IgA difficiency along with food allergies. sugar. No matter what way you get it.

I am also low in RBC's and Hematocrit levels...

I too struggle with yeast most of the time.

How do you know you are stage 4? Is there a test?
Posted by troutscout (Member # 3121) on :
No test...just te degree of systemic involvement
Posted by troutscout (Member # 3121) on :
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm coconut kefir?
Posted by Elizabeth S. (Member # 22405) on :
If the immune system is really bad, from my experience the only thing to help aside from prescriptions (which I cannot handle, though short-term they do work) actually has very little to do with the diet. It has to do with taking MULTIPLE things at the same time, at higher-than-average doses, and rotating them every five days so the yeasts do not develop resistence. You need to KILL the yeasts, and the diet doesn't do that effectively.

I mean obviously staying away from sugar and white products should be a major concern, but aside from that, all these things people talk about have little effect. Eat, because a lack of proper well-rounded nourishment just makes it much worse.

I take olive leaf extract, oregano oil, caprylic acid, Candex, grapefruit seed extract, houttuynia, aloe vera gel...two or three products at a time, and then five days later I mix it up and take two or three different things, and so forth.

Two hours after each dose (which is twice a day) I take probiotics (VSL #3 capsules, which are about 120 billion per capsule) and beneficial yeast (s. boullardi). Antibitoics while having a systemic yeast problem is imposible, but I trust you already know that much and have stopped. Luckily most of the things i mentioned up there have antibacterial properties as well as antifungal, so you won't be completely unprotected.

Iv'e been through the lot and for me and my dysfunctional immune system, this is all that has worked. I order just about everything from New Beginnings, because they have affordable but trustworthy products (my LLMD gave me a catalog, actually).

Diet is important, probiotics (including s. boullardi) are important, but you need to KILL the yeasts, not just starve them or try to outnumber them; you will lose that way.
Posted by BackinStOlaf (Member # 23725) on :
Good advice Elizabeth
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
yeah, but here's a question.

my doc did mention that when you have a yeast problem you may also have an overgrowth of yeast and therefore, taking s. boulardi is compounding the problem by feeding all the yeast, whether it's good or not.

so he says to stop the s. boulardi while trying to treat yeast/fungi overgrowth.

anybody heard about this? he said probiotics are fine, but adding additional yeast is bad.
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
Some say monolaurin, but I think caprylic acid is even is in virgin coconut oil or there are capsules (Capryl).

Caprylic acid is the key component in a "medicinal food" called Axona for AD.

I've posted as to HOW it works.

Candida, lyme/Bb infection, et al have definitely been linked to AD.

Go SLOW! Be prepared to counter if you have a "histamine" reaction - allergic.

Have Benadryl on hand.
Posted by glm1111 (Member # 16556) on :
GiGi posted a parasite symptom thread a while back and on the list of symptoms was chronic candida.

Have you done any parasite cleansing? I had very bad system yeast from all the yrs of abx tx and the continuous use of the antiparasitic herbs and coconut oil has knocked it out. Just a thought. Hope you can get on top of this.

Posted by Elizabeth S. (Member # 22405) on :
Thank you BackinStOlaf [Smile]

randibear: Sachharomyces boulardii displaces some of the candida, but doesn't colonize in the gut, so after taking your antifungal dosage, you want to take s. boulardii with your other probiotics to occupy some space; it eats the candida, and then moves along. People used to think that s. boulardii was bad, some even said it caused disease, but now they're finding out it's actually very good for you. My LLMD said he knows doctors who won't even start treating Lyme unless their patient is on this beneficial yeast, first.

ETA: A link explaining their relationship

And Marnie, I second the antihistamines!

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