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Posted by TN Kim (Member # 26729) on :
Just what I need .... the past two nights, I have been awoken abruptly by peeing myself in

bed! This morning is was so bad that I couldn't stop it and peed all over myself while trying to

get to the bathroom. Surely to goodness I don't have a bladder infection with all the abx I am on?

Any help or suggestions?
Posted by hadlyme (Member # 6364) on :
This disease screws up many body parts.

I would address this with you LLMD.

[Embarrassed] ) hang in there..
Posted by nspiker (Member # 22824) on :
I don't have the bladder issue when sleeping, but there are times when I would have to run to the bathroom with extreme urgency.

I don't know if it's the infection, or my body detoxing. I think a little of both, and lean toward detoxing.

The first time I had seven days of IV clindamycin, three days later had to urinate literally 25 times in one day. I think my body was trying to get rid of toxins and stuff.
Posted by TN Kim (Member # 26729) on :
I am used to going a zillion times a day, since I am diabetic. I just found that I had leaked more

since I have been up this morning! I know I have neuroborreliosis ... does it cause this too? [Frown]
Posted by TS96 (Member # 14048) on :
just some ideas that may help

If you are not already... Avoid caffiene and citrus both are notorious for bladder leaking. I had this and while it may not be as bad as yours it helped alot.

Also doing the Kegel exercises where you several times a day tighten the perineum muscles. Your GYN may have mentioned that at one time or another.

Another thing that could be an issue is sometimes the cecum (part of the lg intestine) drops down and sits on the bladder causing urgency. I still have this problem and just try to eat really small meals so I don't get so full.

just a couple thoughts...

Be Well.
Posted by TN Kim (Member # 26729) on :
TS, thank you. I always drink diet and caffeine free drinks, so it's not that. I can't drink reg.

fruit juices because of the high sugar content since I am diabetic. The only thing different I

have had to drink the past two nights is fruit-flavored seltzer water. It has NO CAFFEINE, NO SUGAR,

NO CALORIES .... and the seltzer is just carbonated water which is no worse than a soda, right?
Posted by kidsgotlyme (Member # 23691) on :
It could be the diet drinks. That stuff is AWFUL for you. It can cause a whole host of problems, including making some of your lyme symptoms worse.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. You would probably do better by just drinking water.

Also, you might want to avoid products with a lot of acid.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
It's possible you have a bladder or urinary tract infection. I got one.

My regular UA come out fine but the culture came out positive. This bacteria only responds to certain abx so if you are not on a specific abx it may not be hitting the bacteria.
Posted by TN Kim (Member # 26729) on :
I know the diet drinks aren't good but I've been drinking them for years. I have to have something

enjoyable! I swear, if I truly cut out everything that is "bad for me" there wouldn't be anything left.

I am too sick and exhausted to make the effort to shop at specialty stores and look for items that

I have never even heard of. I guess if the Lord wants to take me for my eating habits, then He can.

I've never smoked, drank alcohol (not the first sip) or done any illegal or recreational drugs. Eating and drinking foods that I enjoy is IT for me.

If I can't get some pleasure in food then I seriously give up.

Posted by lyme987 (Member # 22148) on :
My lyme doc says this can be a symtom of lyme-at least urgency-is

I had it pretty bad but it subsided with treatment. I hope yours does also!
Posted by TN Kim (Member # 26729) on :
ok, thanks. Sleeping on a towel tonight.
Posted by Rumigirl (Member # 15091) on :
Call your LLMD. You likely do have a bladder infection. And Lyme is known to hang out in the bladder and affect it like this, so that can be part of it.

D-Mannose is a supplement that can take care of and prevent bladder infections, so you could try that.

Unfortunately, this is a known problem sometimes with Lyme---lovely isn't it?! I've had it. The D-Mannose helped a lot, but sometimes I needed abx for it (but different ones than we usually use for Lyme).
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

My guess is the diet drinks are connected but, still, even without that I've experienced the same things, in bed, on the way to the bathroom, unable to stop the flow once it began. It just goes with lyme. With some of the advise above, this should get better but it will get better mostly with treatment.

The early morning hours seem the worst. When awakening, sometimes, I'd be somewhat paralyzed for a few minutes and could not move. I learned to sleep with protection on my mattress and on my body.

Coughing can also be a problem and all the kegels in the world didn't help me. I think it's actually a seizure thing.

You say you have "diet drinks" - these can be terrible with lyme. And they can trigger seizures. That could be the bladder accidents.

Seltzer may irritate the bladder. Seltzer is also not good for us to drink as it can irritate the G.I. tract. Once in a great while, maybe, but not too often.

There are MANY alternatives to diet drinks. Many. Teas, lemon or lime juice with a little stevia (not splenda or aspartame).

This will get better. Really.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
You might compare the diet drinks to those discussed here:

Video - EXCITOTOXINS: The Taste That Kills

Video lecture just over one hour by the author of the book, Russell Blaylock, MD (neurologist)


Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills - by M.D. Russell L. Blaylock

This is the 1997 edition

No customer reviews at this link but you can look inside the book and read (59 customer reviews) at the link for the 1996 edition of that book -

The customer reviews, in themselves, are well worth reading.
Posted by ptbrisa (Member # 16269) on :
Diet drinks are worse for you than alcohol. I would avoid anything that says, "diet" Try drinking flavored water, using tea or honey or anything but diet stuff. Becoming more conscientious with our dietary intake can make a huge difference in how we feel.
Posted by kellephant (Member # 24885) on :
cutting out diet soda and products with artificial sweetners has helped my bladder problems TREMENDOUSLY!!!
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Although bladder failure can be from toxin overload that is just hard to escape with lyme treatment - and from anything else that can irritate the nerve endings (including food dyes and additives) . . .

I just remembered that there were a few times when I was trying anti-seizure medicines and the bladder failure was a sudden burst, especially in the middle of the night or early morning. These meds seemed to turn all my muscles into jell-o.

Sleeping Rx might also do this for some as when muscles are relaxed by drugs, ALL muscles can become relaxed, including the bladder.

In case you might be taking sleeping Rx - or pain Rx - that could be causing bladder relaxation and urgency, here are some other choices:

Topic: NATURAL SLEEP - Links to articles & supplements


Topic: Looking for long term pain management


A few safety notes until this is resolved.

* non-skid bath mats

* non-skid sturdy footwear that will not cause you to twist an ankle in a sudden dash (I broke my foot last year due to this - separate from the nose bleed slide mentioned below).

Because of a cough Rx I was taking about a year or two ago, (benzonatate, also called Tessalon Perles) . . . my muscles were not working very well . . .

For me, sudden pain or noise in my ears can trigger seizures &/or muscle contractions or lack of strength. So, coughing sets of a kind of seizure that affects my bladder.

I severely injured myself when my bladder failed just inside the bathroom door - with no time to slip into my sturdy clogs, and no rugs on the floor, I had dashed in my bare feet which went flying from the flood on the floor - and my face was slammed into a towel rack (at the bridge of my nose). My nose started bleeding profusely and I landed on the floor. Not a good day.

Now, this is not pleasant to imagine and are NOT details I'd normally share, except for the fact that the safety issues around bladder failure are important. My telling this may save others from injury.

As much as you'd not want to have to launder rugs (especially if you are in an apt. with no W/D) . . . if you put down a couple of smaller latex backed rugs, it could save you from injury.

The smaller rugs would be more easily laundered than one large one but you'd have to be mindful not to trip, of course. Tripping is so common with lyme anyway.

I'm allergic to rubber/latex so my floor has to remain bare (save for a cork bath mat that would be of no help in a flood).

You might also want some non-skid rugs by your bed.

Another thought is to wear non-skid ballerina-style slippers to bed and when lounging about.

Remember, this can get better. My guess is that something you are taking (food, drink, meds) are contributing to this. Be sure to read all med doctor's inserts for side-effects, too. Yes, lyme causes all sorts of neurological disorders, including the bladder functions . . . still, with some muscles exercises and awareness of what you ingest, this may become just a blip on the screen.

As long as I avoid any medicine that relaxes muscles, I do very well now.

Be sure additives are all gone and the support supplements are in place. They make a huge difference for me.

The worst part of bladder issues is the isolation created. I have to say the protective garments are awful. Just awful. They really don't work at all with a total flood, a total muscle control loss event.

The week I was coughing so much, and the bladder so spazing, my best friend died. I was not able to help her through her last days or to say good bye.

So, the better we can understand and care for our bladder, the better we can be with our relationships - or to even be able to be around people. Had I realized then that the cough medicine would have done that, I would have found some other way.

Of course, with coughing, I could not be around others, anyway, for their safety . . . but I have since studying much more about how to keep my lungs healthy, too. My lungs are connected to my ears and my ears are connected to my bladder, big time. Who would've thought?

[ 09-09-2010, 03:15 PM: Message edited by: Keebler ]
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
For women (and maybe for men, too ? ) hormone imbalances can also cause bladder urgency and frequency.


Video links: Oprah talks with experts and patients about Bioidentical Hormones


Not at all about lyme - or the endocrine problems with lyme - but this book is a great place to begin. You can also get it from your library or they can order it by interlibrary loan. It is in the national library system.

You can look inside this book and read customer reviews here:

Women's Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine: Alternative Therapies and Integrative Medicine for Total Health and Wellness

- By Tori Hudson, ND

About $17 at Amazon

Forward: ``This is a book that should be in every woman's health library and every alternative practitioner's library. It is a resource for the new breed of conventional practitioners who are open to a more integrative health-care system.''

--Christiane Northrup, M.D., author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom


Also look up her books: Christiane Northrup, M.D


Adding a current thread I just noticed:

Topic: Estrogen
Posted by TN Kim (Member # 26729) on :
Thank you all for the advice and the wealth of information. As a woman in the midst of peri-menopause, I have already experienced weak bladder

issues prior to Lyme. Sneezing, coughing and even laughing have been known to have bad effects! [Wink] I did even have an infection a couple

of years ago that made me have the loss of control as well ... I just figured with all the abx that I am currently taking, that the chance

of a bladder infection was far-fetched. Guess not! [Wink] As I stated above, the only change I have made in the past week in my drinking habits

was to drink flavored carbonated "water". Both nights after a day of enjoying fruit-flavored seltzer have been the nights I have wet myself.

Guess the no calories, no sugar, no fat, no caffeine was a trade off for the artificial sweetener and seltzer and now, pee pee issues! uugh!

Keebler ... that is terrible about your bathroom "spill" ... no pun intended ... ok, maybe it was! LOL! [Wink]

I know all about foot and ankle injuries. I've had so many breaks and bad sprains that I had to

take physical therapy for spraining BOTH of my ankles at the same time a couple of years ago!

Just call me "Grace"! NOT! So, now with the neuro-Lyme issues, balance is a real issue for me as well!
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
TN Kim, I have bladder issues too. They seem to flare with other symptoms and have gotten worse recently. Problem for me is that I get no warning. When it hits me, I have to go now! Not able to hold it so I literally run to the bathroom. Sometimes I don't make it even when the bathroom is only about 10 steps from my bed. And once I start I can't stop.

Some days I feel like I have to go all the time. Then other days I can wait hours without a bathroom visit. I've tried a couple of the irritable bladder meds, they help with frequency but not the urgency episodes.

It's not a problem people my age usually talk about. And I've never had kids so that's not the cause. I hope that these symptoms go away with my Lyme treatment.

TN Kim, since this is a new symptom for you, you should talk with your doctor about it.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Also to consider:

Kidney Peril Found in the Pain Reliever Ibuprofen - The New York Times

April 16, 1990


PubMed Search:

Ibuprofen, kidneys - 406 abstracts

Ibuprofen, kidney+damage - 6 abstracts
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
And, anything that overwhelms our liver can also put added stress on kidneys. Acetaminophen adds to all that.

Acetaminophen is also hidden in some drugs. For instance, Vicodin contains 500 mg of Acetaminophen and that can be very hard on the liver.


Each VICODIN tablet contains:. Hydrocodone Bitartrate 5 mg. Acetaminophen 500 mg


Tylenol (Acetaminophen) Liver Damage


. . . Even though Tylenol most likely does not cause serious liver damage in recommended doses, it can cause elevations of liver enzymes in the blood suggesting injury to the liver.

In a study of 145 healthy subjects who were randomized to receive placebo or 4 grams of Tylenol daily for two weeks, subjects in the placebo group experienced no elevations of ALT, a liver enzyme, but 33%-44% of the subjects in the Tylenol group had ALT elevations greater than three times the upper limits of normal.

The highest ALT elevation was greater than 500 which is approximately 10 times the upper limit of normal. All enzyme elevations returned to normal after stopping Tylenol.

Thus, recommended doses of Tylenol given to healthy subjects for two weeks can cause mild to moderate reversible liver injury.


All Things Considered, July 4, 2006

. . .But a study in this week's Journal of the American Medical Association shows that ordinary doses of acetaminophen can cause liver damage. . . .


PubMed Search:

Acetaminophen, liver - 3566 abstracts


Last modified: February 11, 2009

Normal acetaminophen dosage can trigger liver failure in alcoholics

HOUSTON -- (February 10, 2006) -- It only takes a few pain pills to do life-threatening damage to your liver if you drink too much alcohol, say liver experts at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston . . . .

. . . "These people may have lesser ability to detoxify acetaminophen and a greater likelihood of producing toxic byproducts even if they take acetaminophen for the right indications and do not exceed the maximum recommended doses," said Vierling, also professor of medicine and surgery at BCM. . . .

Here's what is of concern from that last article: Lyme toxins damage &/or stress a patient's liver and decreases the liver's ability to detoxify. Therefore, it would be likely that lyme patients are also at greater risk for damage from even normal doses of acetaminophen.

Add to that other drugs that require a lot of the liver detox system and that could accentuate damage.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

One more link and then I'm unplugging my computer . . .

You mentioned balance problems. Yes, neurological function - and blood pressure and blood volume issues can be to blame but the inner ear also often takes a hit with lyme. For more detail on what can help:

Topic: TINNITUS: Ringing Between The Ears; Vestibular, Balance, Hearing with compiled links - including HYPERACUSIS
Posted by TN Kim (Member # 26729) on :
Thank you, Keebler!
Posted by farraday (Member # 21494) on :
I guess you might have what my doc calls my "neuro bladder". I am either running to the bathroom or not able to pee at all. For years I had to self catherize. Fortunately that is no longer necessary.

I gave up sodas and limit coffee to one or two cups a day. I keep a gallon jug of filtered water by my side, a thermal jug of ice and a huge bottle of diet cranberry juice. Then I dilute my water with a little of the juice.

That keeps me happy and drinking as much as I can. The juice is sweetened with Splenda so I have no problem with it. And of course the juice is good for my bladder.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Trader Joe's (and other places) carry unsweetened cranberry, and also pomegranate juice. You can add stevia (from plants).

Most LLMD advise no artificial sweeteners. While not seemingly as bad as aspartame, Splenda can also have some harsh side-effects.

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