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Posted by Weldon Hyde (Member # 28997) on :
I am interested in anyone who is or has used a rife machine with any amount of success. What are the criteria for sellecting the right machine?
Posted by Siciliano (Member # 15920) on :
Hi, Weldon! If you go to the Medical Questions forum and scroll down about 3/4 of the page--you will see a thread on rife machines. It was started by "Springshowers" a dear lymenet member here--there are over 1,700 postings on this thread.

I think you will like the thread very much! Hope it helps you. [Smile]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
moving to Medical Questions

Weldon.. There is a very good thread on Rife Machines in Medical. It may be on page 2 by now. I'm not sure.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Here's the thread:
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
In addition to the Rife discussion thread that LymeToo just posted:

Topic: Exactly what is a Rife machine?


Book: Lyme Disease and Rife Machines by Bryan Rosner


A cross search for videos at YouTube for: Rosner, rife


Lyme-Rife group on Yahoo
Posted by pamoisondelune (Member # 11846) on :
Is that your real name? You aren't supposed to use your real name.

I assume i have Lyme, Babesia, and Bartonella, but, thanks to using my GB-4000 rife machine every 2 or 3 days, i'm not sick, i'm like almost normal, except a few little faint painlets sometimes.

-----Polly Polygonum
----or Nilufar Knotweed
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Weldon Hyde,

Here's an official welcome - and an explanation as to why nicknames are usually best.

If this is your real name, while it's best to never reveal your identity on the world wide web, it is your choice. But many don't know when they do that they put themselves at great risk on many levels regarding security and insurance matters.

If that is your real name and you want to continue using it, at least consider obscuring the town and state you are are in as your privacy is open to all.

With just one search, I was led right to someone with "your" name in your city/town, your wife's name, home address and phone number.

And, among other details, if this is you . . . that " [wife's name] and Weldon Hyde came here for a Thanksgiving dinner and stayed two weeks!" . . .

Once your name is on a site, it is nearly impossible to delete that. But, specifically for lyme patients, things to consider:

� Medical Insurance companies like to deny lyme treatment. They do searches on social sites. Whatever you post here could be seen by anyone, even your insurance company and

� Life Insurance is often denied for those with a diagnosis of lyme

� Employer or prospective employer can see your lyme challenge - even ten years from now, this information could affect your career.

� If you post that you are taking certain meds, the crooks scouring the web for such know just where to find them

� If you post that you are going away for a week, or a day -- Home burglaries have occurred with such easy information. Crooks keep an eye on social web sites for all sorts of details.

- now, I hope you aren't scared away. LymeNet is a great resource. We just want everyone to be safe. The web is a window open to the world and not all eyes here are those of lyme patients.

I don't know how to change you name but you might be able to reregister with a different one (nickname) and then delete previous posts through the edit function. That will delete the entire threads, and your name. Be sure to first copy and save detailed posts as they will disappear when a thread is deleted.

Good luck finding your answers.

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