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Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
But I knew you'd open this up to see!!!! [Big Grin]

I've been battling yeast lately and I just blew something out of my nose that looks awful! I've never seen anything like that, though I'm sure my ENT has.

It looks like fungus... kind of hard, and about 1/3 to 1/2 the size of a raisin.

My question... Do I refrigerate it? I want to show it to my doctor on Thursday.

PS.. I think the reason it was so large (and by the way, it was firm, not mushy or anything) was that I had that sinus cleaned out with surgery about 3 yrs ago. A normal sinus size would prevent it from being moved out.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Thanks, was just getting ready to eat lunch! If you're saving it, I'd probably refrigerate it. I don't think anyone will mistake it for food!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Nope.. no worries on that!! [Big Grin]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
If I refrigerate it, could that keep him from culturing it??
Posted by glm1111 (Member # 16556) on :
Sounds like, I am not gonna say Parasite. I have no idea, but TuTu, could you give a more exact description, like color and whether it's a solid mass or has any extensions?

Could it be old dried up blood.?Call a lab and ask them how you shoud preserve it.

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Good idea about a lab!!

It's solid and black. Irregular edges; doesn't look like blood at all. Looks like a tiny raisin.
Posted by kitty9309 (Member # 19945) on :
It might just be a hard booger! lol I've had that before.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Pretty big sucker!

I don't know. I've never seen anything like this and I'm OLD!! [lol]
Posted by sillia (Member # 23994) on :
A fossilized blood clot?? (You did say you were old...) I don't know but I hope you come back later and tell us what they found out.
Posted by glm1111 (Member # 16556) on :
Does it resemble any of these suckers?

Can you unravel it with maybe a toothpick? Could it be a balled up Filarial Worm? I've had them come out and they were balled up
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
You are too old to be putting objects in your nose Tutu. Maybe it's a raisin from childhood that finally worked it's way out? lol

Don't worry. It's probably some dead parasitic thing. Gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
You did make me look!!!! I kept passing over it, then I said 'what the heck'.

Take a picture! The good thing is that it came out!! Hooray for that.

I would call the doc or lab to ask how to handle. Please let us know when the mystery is solved.

Take good care, Tammy
Posted by 'Kete-tracker (Member # 17189) on :
Refrigerating it will not make it "unculturable" (assuming it's "alive"), but freezing it would.

Put it in a little vial next to the milk. ;-)~
The Doc'll probably toss it as it's likely just a mummified 'booger'.

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by map1131:
[QB] You are too old to be putting objects in your nose Tutu. Maybe it's a raisin from childhood that finally worked it's way out? lol

Hmmm... now that's an idea I hadn't thought of!!

I can take a pic. How do I post it??

Thanks for the info, kete-tracker. Will do!
Posted by TS96 (Member # 14048) on :
I had sinus surgery back in 2003 and my ENT Dr. said he pulled a large grape sized ball of gunk out of my sinus.

I didn't think at the time to ask him to culture it, but knowing what I know now I'm sure it was fungus growing in there.

I had the septoplasty and my turbinates enlarged as well as a bone spur taken off of my ethmoid bone.

The surgery helps to keep things flowing but I'm still suseptable to sinus troubles esp. when I eat any carby thing.

I don't doubt it was some fungus just growing in there. Better out than in.
Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :
Wow Tutu,

I was just having a bagel and glass of red wine....long day.

Yeh......maybe I'll finish that later.

What about something from the mouth entering the nose?

Like, a bacteria ball from the throat or some type of food stuff?

I'm reminded about the child in AFV who had pasta coming out of his nose. I'm thinkin' it's undigested food.

Sounds crazy, but may be.

I am so glad we can all be so truly graphic.

That's family.

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I know, TS. Mine had a big BLACK chunk of gunk too. He claimed it was bacterial, not fungal. Said it was surrounded in biofilm.

2roads.. I did wonder if it could be a piece of food...really gross. My doctor is so lucky, since I'm going to share this with him. [Big Grin]

oh .. and .. 2roads.. Nobody forced you to open this thread!! [lol] [Big Grin]
Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :
[bonk] [bonk] [bonk] [bonk]

[Big Grin]
Posted by lpkayak (Member # 5230) on :
when my daughter was 7 she put a puzzle piece-the state of rhode island up her nose and ended up in the er...then she wrote a story about the experience in school

i know i shouldn't put this here...but you were talking about putting stuff up there

she actually ended up having sinus surgery many years later in philly when she was in college and the ent said it was the worst sinus he had ever seen. she was treated for lyme for a year when she was 10. i think she still has it (well i know she does) but she is in denyal and quite successful in her life so the Bbs are just cookin in her i guess
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
the state of Rhode Island, huh!? [lol]

-- sorry to hear that she probably still has Lyme --


forgot to reply to "glm".. No, didnt' see anything familiar there
Posted by azdaisy (Member # 25357) on :
I support you!! I love GROSS!! I'm a Lymie I live with gross are you kidding?! I have bugs running around my body perferating it...
I love science and considering myself one big experiment!
Can't wait for your MD's opinion. My MD is a cross between Depok Choprah and Patch Adams and he would probably wet his pants laughing if I brought him a big black nasty old bugger~ I LOVE it!!! Thanks for the smile if nothing else.

A childhood friend stuck a pea up her nose and it sprouted and many surguries to clean it all out. A lot of things like that nice warm wet environment...who knows?
Please keep us posted!!
Posted by Cold Feet (Member # 9882) on :
Don't stop cleaning out your sinuses! Keep going: nettie pots, xylitol (Clear products), etc.

If it came out that easy, there may be other long lost raisins, car keys, lost socks...

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Both of you are cracking me UP~!! [lol]

Got a little more icky stuff out today...not impressive enough to "save." hahaha!! My doctor is pretty cool. I hope he doesn't write me off after this! [Big Grin]

I think I'd better do some nasal washes.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Saw my dr today. I told the nurse I had a little item to show the dr. She asked me what it was and I told her. She laughed and said he'd love it! [lol]

I said, "Good... that's what I thought!" [Big Grin]

Anyway, when he saw it he said, "Whoa!" [lol] He got out his magnifying glass and told me to take it home and put some hydrogen peroxide in the bag. If it fizzed, it was a blood clot.

YEP, it fizzed! It really did NOT look like a blood clot to me.

End of mystery! Glad I got the chance to gross everybody out! [Big Grin]
Posted by azdaisy (Member # 25357) on :
Right on!! sometimes it can be just regular stuff huh? makes you feel almost regular =)
Posted by sillia (Member # 23994) on :
Yay! What do I win? What do I win? :-) That was my guess--because of the sinus surgeries it would make sense.
Posted by Misfit (Member # 26270) on :
Gross! Is the blood clot left over from having your sinuses cleaned out? I gotta tell you..just the THOUGHT of that sends shivers up my spine.

I had it done ONCE..and NEVER again. They only got one side done, too. I came up outta that chair and bolted out of there quick!

You're braver than I am.... [bow]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
sillia... YOU WIN, YOU WIN!!! I never thought a blood clot could look like a raisin. [lol]

Misfit .. I am NOT braver than you. They knocked me OUT for the surgery. They cut out a portion of the bone... no way you can do that in a chair.

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