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Posted by kidsgotlyme (Member # 23691) on :
I have never been diagnosed with lyme, but I have a lot of the symptoms. I come here mainly for my daughter who is in treatment now.

I decided that I would do a test on myself just now. I ran all of the lyme frequencies on myself just to see what would happen.


I feel like I have been run over by a Mac truck. The whole time I was running the frequencies, my head felt like it was going to explode from the pressure. Btw, I have a lot of brain fog and cognitive issues.

Anyway, I just wanted to know if it is normal to feel this bad right after a treatment?

I also ran the yeast frequencies.
Posted by kidsgotlyme (Member # 23691) on :
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
"Q: " . . . is normal to feel this bad right after a treatment?"

- Yes - Sounds like a major herx from too much, too soon. So, if too much, yes, it's the expected reaction. Did you do 10K at the end? If not, you can do that now. It helps calm inflammation. It will not cause a herx, but help calm it.

- And, No - because once we can figure out just how much to do, especially at first, such a herx can be avoided. By ending with 10K, that helps to prevent a herx. By going slowly, this need not be torture.

Much depend on how many frequencies were used and how long. And that is the tricky part. Sometimes, starting with just one or two frequencies for even one or two minutes can be too much for someone.

Generally, for lyme patients, with rife lyme frequencies, just a few minutes of a couple frequencies every 12 days is allowed when starting out, due to the release of toxins and the load that puts on the liver and kidneys.

Do you have some gentle liver support on hand? Be sure to be very kind to your liver and kidneys, enough water but not too much, etc.

Do not run lyme frequencies for at least another 12 days, and then only if you feel able to handle it. Every day, though, you can run 10K (the frequency, not the race).

In the future, if you run any frequency and your head feels like it is going to explode, please stop.

� Keep journal notes now, though, as to which frequencies caused problems. Next time, I'd start with the others and when you are up to it, go slowly with the more problematic ones.

For now, be sure to rest and take excellent care of yourself. It may take a while to get back to your normal. A small glass of carrot juice would be a great help. Greens - lots of greens, too.

MAGNESIUM, is also very important right now.

And, you might want to ask your child's LLMD if you should be formally assessed.

Good luck.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
In case you've not seen this:

RIFE Support Discussion Thread


You likely have the book but, just can case you may not - or for others:

Book: Lyme Disease and Rife Machines by Bryan Rosner


A cross search for videos at YouTube for: Rosner, rife


Lyme-Rife discussion group on Yahoo
Posted by jarjar (Member # 8847) on :
Sounds like you did way too much for first time. Not sure what machine you are using but some have auto detox frequencies programs such as mine that help eliminate headaches and other die off symptoms.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
YIKES!! How many minutes did you run it? When I first started Rife, I ran the machine 2 minutes.

Yes, you herx while using Rife.
Posted by kidsgotlyme (Member # 23691) on :
I did three numbers for lyme, two numbers for yeast, and was about to do the 10K when my battery went low. I only did 2 minutes each.

Keebler, you said that if you feel at any point that your head is going to explode to stop! I felt that way the ENTIRE time!

What causes that feeling?? It was awful, but I just thought that was normal.
Posted by D Bergy (Member # 9984) on :

What kind of device are you using?

The head symptoms usually happen at some point after the treatment, but we all do not respond the same.

My wife feels the immediate treatment, and used to suffer for a day or two after the treatment. That has gone away with lots of treatment, as the Lyme and Bart has been minimized.

I would go slow, and one or two frequencies at a time. Keebler has some good guidelines to follow.

You have to find a pace that works for you. Everyone detoxes and recovers at different rates, and the older you are, the longer that takes, in general.

Keep us posted on your experience, and good luck.

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by D Bergy:


What kind of device are you using?

That's what I was wondering??

--Thank goodness you didn't do anymore than that!
Posted by METALLlC BLUE (Member # 6628) on :
Sounds like someone has Lyme Disease! Welcome to the club. Keep treating it, but try going to the Rife thread (The big one), and ask questions before diving in deep too fast.

It's good that you confirmed the diagnosis though. The Rife Frequency Handbook is the one I recommend to people usually, but because if it's excessively cost, I fear people may ignore the purchase.

I would buy it, if I was them, in-spite of the cost. It's well worth it.
Posted by kidsgotlyme (Member # 23691) on :
I bought mine from DT. I can't remember what he calls it.

Anyway, the battery I was talking about is for the box that you put the frequencies into. I don't know what that's called either [Smile]

I have suspected for a while that I have lyme, but have been focusing more on my daughter. Also my Mom has Alzheimer's and I'm scared to start treatment because I need to be able to function.

Lately I have been having some MS type symptoms so I'm getting a little worried. Not sure what I'm going to do.

Anway, thanks everybody! I will check out the rife thread a little more.
Posted by METALLlC BLUE (Member # 6628) on :
Originally posted by kidsgotlyme:
I bought mine from DT. I can't remember what he calls it.

Anyway, the battery I was talking about is for the box that you put the frequencies into. I don't know what that's called either [Smile]

Frequency Generator.

I have suspected for a while that I have lyme, but have been focusing more on my daughter. Also my Mom has Alzheimer's and I'm scared to start treatment because I need to be able to function.

Lately I have been having some MS type symptoms so I'm getting a little worried. Not sure what I'm going to do.

Anway, thanks everybody! I will check out the rife thread a little more.

Perhaps try treating your mother with the same frequency. You never know, right?
Posted by D Bergy (Member # 9984) on :
I forgot that the frequency generator can be used with a battery on these. I have one of those, but have never used it with a battery.

It is likely Lyme, as I can't think of any other reason you would have responded to Lyme frequencies, with Lyme die off reactions.

No need to disable yourself, just go slow and work up as you can. I wonder if Lyme is involved with your Mother's condition as well?

Posted by kidsgotlyme (Member # 23691) on :

I believe that it is definitely a possibility that my Mom has it. Who knows? She's always been sick with one thing or another. I've been the same way.

My daughter has been sick with horrible allergies since birth. I know for sure she was bitten by a tick at four and started having weird symptoms shortly after.

Less than a year later, I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis, fibro, IBS, migraines. It was an awful time.

I feel like I have the flu today after the rife treatment, so I feel like I really need to get tested and start some type of treatment.

I just feel so sorry for my husband. Having a sick child is bad enough, I don't want to be down too.

BTW, I have tried talking with my parents about doing alternative things to help with their health and they think I'm a kook.

Maybe I will just do the rife for a while and see how I do. I will go slow and easy.

Thanks again for your help.

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