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Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
This is one symptom that debilitates me the most of many. I just don't understand. I'll be sitting down or doing whatever and all of a sudden feel like i need to throw up.

I gag and gag, but never has anything came out. It's almost like it's induced neurologically. Kind of an odd deep pain in my jaw or neck. Not searing, not sharp, just dull and achy and then I start gagging. I can never have a normal life if this isn't controlled. I'm very worried about it.

My wife wonders if it's my gallbladder, but it doesn't seem to be triggered solely by eating. Sometimes it feels like it's deep in my ear.

Ginger capsules don't help. Lemon water maybe a bit at times.

It's very scary and I feel helpless. I need to talk to my LLMD about it soon. I'm sure they'll have no answers though. No one ever has. Never had it before I fell ill in 2007.

Any ideas. Violent dry heaving is very tough on your back and neck muscles too when it is prolonged. I usually have it for a few minutes and then i stop the heaving and just feel nauseated.

I will be making an appt with my gastroenterologist soon just to make sure it's nothing more. Who knows. I never had bad reflux in the past and had a normal upper GI in 2008.
Posted by lisag (Member # 6798) on :
i had this until i COMPLETELY cut wheat and gluten from my cheating, no more dry heaves.

before that i would wake up every single morning the violent heaving you describe, that in itself makes you feel horrible for the rest of the day.

good luck...i know your pain
Posted by bigz123 (Member # 23755) on :
I get this too all the time!
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Interesting Lisag. I had off the charts Giadin IgG antibodies on a blood lab in 2008. I have 'thought' I've been gluten-free since Aug-08, but now I wonder at times. I pay no attention of bathing products used, cleaning products, non-ingestables basically.

I recently found out the Pad Thai I had at a restaurant named Noodles & Company somehow snuck gluten in their darn chicken breast. I was shocked. They called it gluten-free dish.

Now I wonder if perhaps there is more to this. I don't check my medications either for gluten (vitamins I do).
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
My thought was that maybe it's a supplement of some sort that may not be agreeing with you. Maybe give yourself a break from them all for a few days and see what happens.

Just recently I started using the pendulum method and I have begun testing every single pill I take. Very interestingly, sometimes I get a 'no' in the morning, but 'yes' at night. Or something my body wanted yesterday, it does not want today.

Best to you,
Posted by djf2005 (Member # 11449) on :
Try chiropractic
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Have you been to and looked thru the lists of OK foods/ingredients and the NOT-OK foods/ingredients? VERY important.

I did the same thing years back. I thought I was following the diet, but I wasn't. I got no result the first go-round. I was not aware that gluten could be hidden in SO many things.

I don't know about the Thai restaurant .. but all soy sauce contains gluten unless you make a special purchase online or at a health food store.

You cannot buy rice at any restaurant. They use chicken broth to cook it. Always ask for a gluten free menu. If they don't have one, then the restaurant is likely not safe.

Also... canned foods can contain gluten even though they are not marked. You need a book that contains a list of all store-bought products that are gluten free.

I sure hope you are able to solve this! Sounds horrible!!
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Lymetoo, Lachoy soy sauce says gluten-free (soy only). Am I wrong? That's what I use?

No restaurant ever mentioned using chicken broth to make rice and I have yet to come across a chicken broth with wheat/gluten in the ingredient list. I eat a lot of bonesless chicken breat. As they are typically in broth, they'd all have gluten right IF your assumption is correct?

How on earth can canned food have gluten if not marked as containing wheat? Are you serious? I'm in trouble if this is all true. [Frown]

Derek, I've tried chiropractors many times. They've all been useless for me sadly. They don't know much about medical conditions either around here. They think Lyme is a fruit. [Smile]

I recall Bea's husband has this issue bigtime and they never solved if after 8+ years. I think she believes it's infection-based. I wonder if Babesia is doing this to me or Lyme or diet? Gosh, I wish I knew what to go after. It feels like intense inflammation that comes on suddenly. It's scary.
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
Have you done a round of Ivermectin or similar? This reflex is seen in most animals who are wormy.

I did a couple of rounds to be sure....And I ain't sure...LOL
Posted by jkmom (Member # 14004) on :
I've been GF for 4 1/2 years and think that I am pretty sensitive to traces.

I don't go by those detailed lists any more but watch for wheat, malt, barley, oats, rye, and natural flavor. Natural flavor can be malt (usually from barley.) I also avoid anything that says it may contain traces of wheat. All 3 of us GF people in my house have reacted to products labeled like that.

I also did not respond to the GF diet the first time around when I only avoided obvious wheat.

I have used La Choy soy sauce in the past. I believe it is GF if it doesn't list wheat.

My daughter has had nausea recently and her LLMD prescribed a PrimaBella bracelet for her. It is FDA approved for pregnancy so insurance didn't pay for it, but she was able to get it. The bracelet sends a pulse to the nausea center in the brain. It seems to have worked for her, where nothing else did. It is fairly new, I think, but you might see if your LLMD or another doc will prescribe it for you.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by seekhelp:
[QB] Lymetoo, Lachoy soy sauce says gluten-free (soy only). Am I wrong? That's what I use?

No restaurant ever mentioned using chicken broth to make rice and I have yet to come across a chicken broth with wheat/gluten in the ingredient list. I eat a lot of bonesless chicken breat. As they are typically in broth, they'd all have gluten right IF your assumption is correct?

How on earth can canned food have gluten if not marked as containing wheat? Are you serious? I'm in trouble if this is all true. [Frown]

LaChoy.. good to know! Thanks! But what does the Thai restaurant use?

Ask next time about the rice. I found out by chance while eating at an Outback restaurant. They told me very few restaurants cook their rice with NOTHING in it.

I was going to order rice and chicken breast from their regular menu and then asked about gluten. They gave me their gluten free menu and the RICE was NOT on there. I asked why not!! I was shocked to hear the reply.

Rice at Mexican food restaurants is also not gluten free.

A "pure" Thai restaurant might or a "true" Vietnamese restaurant might.. or PF Chang's for example. Hope this is making sense!! You can tell sometimes if it's white rice with nothing on in it. ( I can tell)

Rice pilaf is a no-no.

Companies do NOT have to label things with gluten!!!!!!!!

IF the product contains WHEAT, I THINK they have to put that on there. But gluten is found in barley, rye and oats too! It is found in yeast extract, etc... Yeast extract is used in ALMOST ALL STORE BOUGHT CHICKEN BROTH.

Progresso is the only one at a regular store that is gluten free. (comes in a box, not a can)
Posted by glm1111 (Member # 16556) on :

I agree with Pinelady and am glad she posted that because I am sometimes reluctant to mention the parasite/worm thing. These things make their home in the small intestine and could easily make you gag. They can cause a blockage in the small intestine.

Your body could be trying to expel them. I used to get violent projectile vomiting and diarrhea until I go rid of the.

Do you have any antiparasitic herbs on hand that you could try? Sorry you are suffering so. [Frown]

Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Gael, I have taken Alinia for 5 days and it did make some swelling go down in my stomach, but it was no 'cure.' My 3 day stint of Coartem was very beneficial 10 days after being off it.

I admit I have not consistently hit the parasite threat day to to day. I've done a couple rounds of Humaworm over the years with no big improvement / reaction.

It almost does feel creepy like something crawls and then the nausea hits. [Frown] I do have some Kroeger Wormwood on hand I could take. I'm on very high dose Flagyl right now, but almost done on it. My old LLMD wanted me to start on slivers of Flagyl. No slivers here. lol. I jumped into the big ocean w/o a life jacket.

Thanks for the tips Lymetoo. I do only eat at Pei Wei when it comes to eating out and I know they have a great reputation for being g/f accommodating.

I have not taken Ivermectin. Even though I see the best LLMD in the country, their office doesn't seem to be too parasite focused. Finding good treatment for it is impossible unless one can afford to see Dr. K in WA (and actually get an appt).
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
The one thing I haven't cut out is MSG. I know Keebler would be all over me. lol. I had electronic testing once and was told I'm highly highly allergic to MSG, but I think the testing is fraudulent honestly. But.....
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Crap, I have a LOT of these:
Posted by glm1111 (Member # 16556) on :
Seek, About a year or so ago you did some salt/c I believe and you posted a picture of what looked like a worm. Someone else tried to convine you that it was a sprout or something. I am 99% sure what i saw was a worm.

I have seen enough of them. ONE ROUND OF ANY ANTIPARASITIC IS NOT ENOUGH!! Dr. K. uses Alinia, albenza, biltricide and maybe one other for 3-4 mos! He also uses salt/c.

I had to take 6 mos of 16-20 caps of antiparasitic herbs for 6 mos and then salt/c until I got results. These parasites are MASTERS at survival. If you have a lot of those symptoms on the list you posted,

I think it's time to pay attention. I really think people that are gluten sensitve and have chronic candida, have a parasite issue behind it. If you have the Hanna kroeger herbs at home, I would definitely consider taking them at some point. Maybe after you finish the Flagyl. [Smile]


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