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Posted by one4islands (Member # 28187) on :
For the past two days I have had pelvic/abdominal pain that I have needed to take 2 Aleve to help ease.

Today I've been quite bloated and gassy, but unable to pass much and my belly is gurgling.

I finished 30 days of Zithromax (low dose once daily 250mg) and took a one week break.

I am now on my 5th day of Clindamycin (low dose 150 mg once daily).

I have noticed twice in the past week that the vaginal discharge has smelled just like beer.

I have no itchy or thick discharge.

I did eat poorly (all the no-no foods) for the xmas break-3 days in a row.

Could this be yeast so soon and with such low doses of abx?

I've been on the no dairy, no sugar, no wheat, no gluten diet, but have strayed a teeny bit.

I am taking two Florastor a day and one 50 billion count probiotic.

I am wondering what to do now.

I read about a product called Threelac (not Theralac) that is to help with Candida, is anyone familiar with it?

I'd appreciate any input.

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Could this be yeast so soon and with such low doses of abx?


Oh yes. It doesn't take much!!

Just make sure to monitor your symptoms because Clindamycin is notorious for causing c.diff.

I've never heard many good things about Threelac. It sometimes causes even more stomach distress due to an additional ingredient it contains. (can't remember what it is).. but I've heard many complaints over the years.

I would get Theralac or VSL#3. Until you can get those delivered, increase your count to 100 billion CFU's.

(which one are you taking?)

Also... call your LLMD on Monday and ask for some Diflucan and/or Nystatin. I stayed on Nystatin tablets the whole time I was in treatment.

Excellent probiotics:



Candida diet and elimination:

DIET, DIET, DIET is the key. Then, be sure to follow the 5 step plan outlined below. It was developed by my naturopath. It works.

"Successful control and elminiation of a Candida Albicans overgrowth requires a multifaceted program as described below. Failure to follow ALL the steps simultaneously will result in slow progress and will lengthen healing time significantly. The program should be tailored to the individual and must balance the need to eliminate the Candida and deprive it of its food source while insuring proper nutrition for the individual."

Five Steps to Candida Elimination:

1. You must starve it into submission by eliminating its food source.

2. You must kill it with anti-fungal herbs and supplements. [e.g....garlic, onion, caprylic acid, Pau D'Arco capsules or tea, clove, grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf extract, oil of oregano, tea tree oil, Echinacea, Goldenseal, black walnut, MSM, barberry root, uva ursi, neem leaf, biotin]

3. You must reestablish the proper balance and quantity of probiotic bacteria in the digestive tract. [...multi-strain lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus capsules with FOS should be taken between meals to maximize repopulation of the digestive tract by beneficial bacteria.]

4. You must reestablish proper levels of all B vitamins (yeast free) and utilize other immune enhancing supplements to boost immune system function. [e.g ... B complex vitamins (yeast free), biotin, beta 1-3 glucan, colostrum, maitake mushroom, vitamins A, C, E, zinc and selenium]

5. You must cleanse and heal the digestive tract to promote proper elimination of toxins and Candida and assimilation of nutrients. [e.g...chlorophyll, MSM, omega 3 fatty acids found in flax seed and salmon oils, GLA found in borage, evening primrose and black currant oils. Pantothenic acid, digestive enzymes between meals]
Posted by one4islands (Member # 28187) on :
I am taking the Florastor to help w/ the C-dif.

I am currently taking a Vitamin Shoppe Ultimate 10 Probiotic (10 strains w/ FOS) 50 billion count.

I suppose I better order the Theralac as well.

I just bought Olive Leaf extract capsules, Samento and Banderol which I haven't started yet.

I have an important event to attend on Friday night and didn't want to feel lousy for it.

I suppose some plain yogurt with some flax seeds thrown in should help.

If it is yeast, it appears it is new, so I am hoping w/ diet and these antifungals I can stop it.

I don't think I need a product like Duflican (sp?) yet or do I?
Posted by penguingirl (Member # 28688) on :
Tutu - do you recommend powder or capsules for VSL#3?

Can we take it together with Theralac?
And Florastor, and SBC?

Or is that overkill..
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I've always found yogurt to be counterproductive since it contains too much sugar.

penguin... I'm using the powder form.. but it doesn't taste all that great. You CAN take it with a little bit of juice thrown in, but I don't. I tough it out.

Also, it comes in a lemon flavor. I can't do citrus, so that is out.

I'm sure you can take it with other probiotics, but you wouldn't need to. Mine is double strength .. prescription only. It's 900 billion CFU's twice a day!

If you have good insurance, consider the prescription.. very cheap that way!!
Posted by penguingirl (Member # 28688) on :
Wow 900 billion CFU's twice a day!

I'll ask my LLMD about prescription strength then. It would simply things for me!

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I pay $80 for a 3-month supply!

Islands.. in order to be in good shape on Friday, eliminate all but about 30 grams of starches per day ... and don't eat it all at once.

I was horribly ill two weeks ago from eating a very small piece of chocolate "pie." No more for a very long time!!! I was SOOO sick. I've been limiting carbs since then, gradually adding them back. (only GOOD carbs)

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