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Posted by jennie46 (Member # 20953) on :
I want to have a root-canal extraction. It is located next to the back tooth on the bottom left side. What are my options for replacement?
Posted by Dawn in VA (Member # 9693) on :
I opted for this type of partial prosthetic/denture for 2 of my top teeth that needed to be extracted. It's not a bridge and does not "connect" to any of your teeth. It's a tiny, simple resin-type thingee that's flesh-colored with the necessary teeth built in. It looks really real and is quite comfortable.

I don't know how to really describe it in full w/out a picture, but it may be something to ask your dentist about. MUCH MUCH MUCH cheaper than implants for sure!
Posted by mattnapa (Member # 26414) on :
I hope they warned that a root canal toooth extraction can be very tough and painful. I was in the chair for two hours of really bad pain and with the constant expectation thatwhen they did finally pull it that was really going to hurt. Second most painful event of my life behind a kidney stone. I am a little susceptible to not numbing well, so it is probably not that bad for most people. however I had an extraction previously that was a wlak in the park. I was pretty irritated that they did not warn me a little better on this, so jsut letting you know. I have not done anything with my tooth in terms of a replacement and it is not really a problem,
Posted by mattnapa (Member # 26414) on :
Also if you do not mind me asking, is the root canal tooth failing, or do you want ot to get rid of it because of the potential for hidden infection?
Posted by BoxerMom (Member # 25251) on :
I got a root canal in my back lower left tooth when I was around 14. The nerve had mysteriously died.

After the procedure, my jaw swelled and I ended up in the hospital getting a jaw infection drained. Did anyone say "Hey. Maybe we should remove this tooth?" No.

When I started getting sick, I read all about trapped infections in root canals. I had no dental insurance and I couldn't afford to have it extracted.

I think I was 32, and very sick with Lyme, when it finally cracked. My dentist wanted me to get a crown, but I said "No way! I'm getting this thing out!"

By this time, I had dental insurance, and they had to cover the extraction because it was a cracked tooth. My NEW dentist showed me the tooth when he pulled it. It was yellow and black and FULL of infection!!!

I opted for a titanium implant. My insurance covered most of it. I've had it for close to 10 years and have had no problems.

Long story. Probably TMI.
Posted by linky123 (Member # 19974) on :
I've had extensive dental surgery, seven root canals pulled and cavitation surgery over the past year. It has not been easy, but necessary. Every single one was infected and the jawbone as well.

I have a bridge in the front that I don't like at all. It traps food that I have a hard time getting out and the adjoining teeth are very sensitive to hot and cold. I have to be very careful not to bite on anything too hard.

I have not gotten my final impression yet, but might opt to have the bridge removed and make it part of the partial instead.

Some people are happy with the bridges, but it just hasn't worked for me.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I would opt for a simple partial after making sure the dentist cleans out the area well, well, well.

When I had that problem many years ago, I had a bridge for one tooth; then another tooth, then another tooth. The drilling involved in cutting down teeth to accomodate bridges usually end up killing the nerve. That way I ended up with 12 root canals over a number of years. They would have killed me when I got Lyme, probably the reason I got Lyme that my body could not handle any longer, and they are all gone.

Do not get a root canal. They eventually fail soon, or later, or much later. But your health will be affected by the constant dripping of toxins (thioethers) into your body by the dead tooth.

Please do a search here - many lymenetters are having questions about that.

I would also not get an implant unless you are totally well with a healthy jaw and mouth and no spirochete in sight. They love the jaw because of lack of oxygenation.

Best wishes to all.
Posted by jennie46 (Member # 20953) on :
Originally posted by mattnapa:
Also if you do not mind me asking, is the root canal tooth failing, or do you want ot to get rid of it because of the potential for hidden infection?

Don't miind your asking at all....Potential for hidden infection.

Sounds so complicated with tooth replacement though...maybe I should wait until I do have problems.
Posted by jennie46 (Member # 20953) on :
Originally posted by Dawn in VA:
I opted for this type of partial prosthetic/denture for 2 of my top teeth that needed to be extracted. It's not a bridge and does not "connect" to any of your teeth. It's a tiny, simple resin-type thingee that's flesh-colored with the necessary teeth built in. It looks really real and is quite comfortable.

I don't know how to really describe it in full w/out a picture, but it may be something to ask your dentist about. MUCH MUCH MUCH cheaper than implants for sure!

Does this look like an implant? Does it have a plate that fits in the roof of your mouth?
Posted by jennie46 (Member # 20953) on :
Is it ok to get amalgam removal while still on abx and pretty sick with lyme & co?

Also...what about crowns? They are not mercury, but I suspect mercury could be trapped underneath.
Posted by Dawn in VA (Member # 9693) on :
jennie, yes, it has a small (does not cover whole roof of mouth, just the front portion) "plate". It also can be made to "wrap" around another tooth/teeth to hold it in place- mine does.
Posted by Camp Other (Member # 29797) on :

I have had a root canal and dental work done when on antibiotics at a less symptomatic point in my treatment and it went fine - didn't cause a flare-up or crash right afterward. The root canal hurt a lot, but that would for people even if they did not have Lyme.

This is my experience. Others may report something different, and say that it is imperative to remove amalgams to get better. It's anecdotal, but I have heard of people getting even sicker if they have amalgams removed while highly symptomatic with Lyme and coinfections.

Whatever you decide, I recommend finding a dentist who works with safe amalgam removal.
Posted by mattnapa (Member # 26414) on :
It is my impression that there is some debate within the holistic dentist community for root

canals to harbor significant unseen infectious agents or deleterious health effects in general.

Among other things there is debate about whether a how root canaled teeth effect the

acupunctute type energy meridians that are supposedly effected by the health of the teeth.

Again, from what I have heard, the question
remains open on how these energy meridians are effected by having no tooth or an implant.

However there are those here who are recommending no root canals that know way more than I and I defer to them, but I did want to report on what I have seen
Posted by mattnapa (Member # 26414) on :
Jennie- I feel I should add that my root canal tooth had been very painful, as I let it go a long time ,and was significantly chipped away.

Also I did not get a crown and it had become to some degree reinfected with bacteria

So it was probably a particularly bad case, and I am sure most root canal extractions are not so traumatic.

I do however wish there was some kind of metric that could tell us how tough they are in general.

If we had patients rate their pain and then collect the data that would be nice.
Posted by hadlyme (Member # 6364) on :
Root canals done by good dentists should not hurt during or after.

If you have infections after a root canal,then they were not done in the correct way.

Extractions, whether on endo treated teeth or live ones, will also depend on the dentist you go to.

Holistic or general dentist... nothing should hurt. If it does, he/she is not a good dentist.

I get so tired of hearing these horror stories of dentists and pain. Get to dentists that care enough to do things right please.

If you want an extraction and then replace a tooth, you do have many options.

Depending on how many you are replacing, you can do a bridge that is attached to anchor teeth on each side which is permament.

You can fill in those void spots with a 'flipper' which is a removeable retainer with the missing teeth on it.

You can have a regular partial which is made of acrylic like the flipper but it will have metal arms that clasp around anchor teeth on each side.

OR, you can have implants in which they go into the bone, with a crown on top to look just like a tooth. Crowns are made of either all porcelain or porcelain fused to metal depending on what type of tooth it is (molar or bicusp).

If this tooth is not hurting, why would you get rid of it. If you endo treated tooth was done correctly, then you're fine keeping it.

The thought that all endo treated teeth harbor bacteria is not a mainline, proven idea. It's a holistic selling point actually.

I deal with both holistic offices and regular offices... they all use the same products and procedures. Holistic call is by different names and make you think they are doing things 'different'.

Sorry.. I've been in dentistry way too long and have seen regular dentists that can't get patients (as they're horrible dentists) go into holistic to make their money...... believe me or not... it's everyone's choice in how they want to spend their money.
Posted by mattnapa (Member # 26414) on :
hadlyme I do think I have been to a lot of discount type dentists, and that is probably been the problem.

On the other habd I do think there are some people that are either more difficult to numb, or have a diffrent kind of wiring for pain.

I assume the problem is getting the novocaine shot in the right spot.

During my two extraction sessions they were shooting me with novaicaine all the time, and after the second session I remained numb for about ten hours.

So I assume they were trying but just could not get me numb.

One final note, I find it odd that dentists do not seem interested in working out any type pf plan regarding how you might be able to medicate yourself before coming to the office.

For instance taking anti anxiety or pain medication before coming to the office does not seem to be a problem in interacting with novacaine or anything else.

Yet they seem completlely diinterested in seeing it as an adjunct to their procedure.

I still have pain from my extracted tooth though it has been over a year.

I know this is supposedly not possible, but most of my dental experience seems to involve pain that I am not supposed to have

Jennie- sorry to intrude on your thread with my story, but I jsut want to see if hadlyme had thoughts on this
Posted by hadlyme (Member # 6364) on :
So sorry that you've had those experiences. The dentists I've work for were gentle, great guys with numbing and doing procedures.

Lidocaine is what is usually used. If you had hr's of numbing afterward, then they used Maricaine which is a longer lasting anesthetic.

There are a few people out there that are 'harder' to get numb, but usually finding the right nerve to inject to is the trick for the dentist.

Not condemning anyone, or their dentists... but, word of mouth for any dentist or for that matter, dr. is the best route to take.

Whether it's a reg. dentist or holistic one, it's important to ask questions about sedation, semi sedation, payments, you name it, everything up front.

Most dentists I know, do and can prescribe a valium type of relaxer, or use N2O, and would prescribe pain killers.

Again, with anything... ask questions before they get you in the chair for work. Ask friends/relatives/co-workers.... for referrals.

You can also go to a website called '' and go to Dental Lic, then to your state, and anyone and everyone can see dentist's licenses and see if there's any complaints against that dentist.
Posted by jennie46 (Member # 20953) on :

My root canal does not hurt at all. I just thought root canals were thought to be "deadly" and all amalgams should be removed. All of mine are very old fillings, but no problems.

I do feel that I am probably too sick with lyme & co at this time to undergo all the dental work. At the same time, I feel I need to start somewhere if I need to get all the mercury out.
Posted by hadlyme (Member # 6364) on :
Glad the endo treated teeth do not hurt. I would leave them alone is my feeling.

Find a dentist that you're comfortable with, whether holistic or general to get the alloys removed.

Some people do not feel any better when removing them, some do. I used to assist with many MS, Parkinsons patients that wanted them removed as to feel better... non of them ever improved.

There are the same vacuums used in all dental offices to suction the vabors and particles. Most dentists use(or should be using) rubber dams when doing Any procedure.

Best of luck... I don't even think I have all my alloys out. When I first didn't know what was wrong with me, I was tested for mercury poisoning.. since I handled it and had it in my mouth. Numerous tests always came back neg for me having it in my system.

But again... we're all so different.
Posted by mattnapa (Member # 26414) on :
hadlyme thanks for your comments. the liscensing will hopefully be a good resource on how not to see at least.

I assume that some of the voices that were here earlier proposing that root canals can be a significant resevoir for bacteria might agree that treating should proceed the risk posed by root canals

Also do you if many of the patients that you saw removing their amalgams were also chelating?

Garry Gordon seems to be having fantastic results, but I will admitt i have not heard him address Parkinson and MS symtoms directly
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Of course, simply removing the amalgams is not going to change things much. If you have studied the subject, mercury leaves the filling in vapor form to become a solid metal again when it settles in other places, usually the brain and central nervous system. We have to remove it through a thorough and long detoxing protocol.

What is left in the teeth will follow the same route over time.

Lab tests are inconclusive, because if the body has turned allergic to the toxic metals, it is unable to release them. Further, mercury does not live in the blood and you will only find it in acute poisoning situations, if that. If you have Lyme, you have a problem with toxic metals. I have never met anyone in 12 years since I have become involved in this that anyone does not have a toxic metal problem.

Do some honest research. You seem to have expressed the similar opinion here before, If you have been sick several years, I think it would be wise to do more searching. This is especially true if you have worked in this field.

I am not sure if there are any statistics here in this country, but the Canadians Public Health Department have published several years ago that 24% if their dentists are on disability. Dr. K. has expressed that all of his MS, ALS, Parkinson patients have similar problems with toxic metals. Denying it is not going to change things for any of us. There is no doubt whatsoever that mercury is one of the worst and destructive toxins severely affecting the central nervous system.

I had twelve root canals and none hurt. They are dead teeth. But dead body parts do not contribute to good health. They drip the
thioethers and mercaptans, carcinogens we do not want on top of everything else. Google for the research. It's only a matter of how much the body can take before it finally succumbs.

Again, only removing the fillings does not repair the damage. We have got to get it removed from the brain and central nervous system, joints, bones, etc.

I don't think you can find your way permanently out of Lyme unless you reduce and eliminate the toxic burden, the majority of which are toxic metals, poor dental work, and continued exposure to more of the same.

Take care.
Posted by hadlyme (Member # 6364) on :
I do not have any toxic metal problems, I've been tested for that years ago.

I know no dentist or staff that ever have had problems with mercury or any chemical substance from the dental office ever. (24yrs now of dentistry)

I've been 'good' enough to always work full time in all my treatment protocols. First treatment 1999-2001 and then now with a relapse in fall of 2009.

And I for one will always argue the fact that the replacement of plastic resin composite fillings will some day give everyone more problems than any alloy ever did. There isn't enough time and studies on them yet. Read the MSDS on some of the bonding agents some time.. it would turn your head in circles~

You are correct in saying that one can not get out of lyme if you have poor dental work. No one's health can be fine if you've had a shotty dentist not clean out roots the way he/she should or decay as they should. Our mouth has to be clean for our insides to be clean.

As you can tell, I'm not a Dr. K lover. He's one man with one man's opinion. We all have our belief's..but when it's only one man, I would be careful to take a bigger picture in what is being said.

With that said.... we all have to do what's best for our bodies and our minds on what is right for ourselves. I in no way will tell anyone 'what' to do, but give choices on what to think about, as we all should.

I have been able to treat my diseases and stay healthy enough to work full time throughout all these years. I've been blessed to have found great llmd's that have helped me through this process.

Posted by momlyme (Member # 27775) on :
hadlyme - my dentist had mercury problems... that is why he became a member of the

His hands started shaking so bad that he could not control his tools. He had memory problems and one day could not find the bathroom from his bedroom.

Do you know where the phrase "mad as a hatter" came from? The chemicals used in hat-making included mercurious nitrate, used in curing felt. Prolonged exposure to the mercury vapors caused mercury poisoning. Victims developed severe and uncontrollable muscular tremors and twitching limbs, called "hatter's shakes"; other symptoms included distorted vision and confused speech. Advanced cases developed hallucinations and other psychotic symptoms.

I had a car accident which broke my jaw in 6 places. Oral surgery for 28 hours put my teeth all back in the right places. When my jaw was unwired, I needed many root canals and fillings.

I begged the dentist to just pull my teeth and give me false ones but he insisted that I would be better off saving my real teeth. I disagree.

My illnesses began just a couple of years after all that mercury was placed. I know, no big deal, right.

Explain this, my son has very high mercury levels. He has never had amalgams or been exposed to mercury. His levels are in the 97th percentile.

Not too long ago, I watched a video by the owner of the site and she said that 2/3 of the mother's toxin load gets passed on to the first born child. It's one of her 3 intro videos - because those are the only ones I have watched.

Here is a great page on mercury poisoning:

Of course, the video that first made me aware that my fears of mercury were correct:
Smoking teeth, poison gas

The Dangers of Dental Amalgam:

I can't find the 60 minutes special on amalgams from 1990. That shows how long the dangers of mercury amalgams have been known and covered up. Tammy N. has reposted it a couple of times too.

FYI - fluoride is another poison dentistry has been lying to us about for years.

Don't be fooled by the ADA, the FDA of the AMA. They lie to line their pockets with money. They would rather we are poisoned because then we are stupid and docile and they can have more power.
Posted by momlyme (Member # 27775) on :
Mercury and Reproductive Damage: Population Control

DAMS International Mercury/Amalgam/Toxic Metals Research & Medical Study Information
1043 Grand Ave, #317 St Paul MN 55105
Posted by hadlyme (Member # 6364) on :
You are so correct to have your own opinions and believe in what you want to.. what is right for you and your family.

In that... I am correct in believing in what is right for me and my family and in what I have studied and what profession I have choose to be in for all these years.

You state not to believe in FDA and ADA... That might be what your opinions are, but for me, I will believe in the studies and organizations that I am associated with.

For every bad experience you state with a dentist or two, there will always be those few that react to things differently.

No one will win this discussion and rightly so.

As I've said before... find what works for your body and mind.

I will find what works for my body and mind.

We will agree to disagree in this topic and leave it at that. I won't change your mind, you won't change my mind.

We all want answers to our health... keep searching and smiling~
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :[/URL]

Scroll all the way down.

Anyone in doubt about the positive/negative aspect of mercury in the body - check out some of the references from all over the world.
Posted by mattnapa (Member # 26414) on :
Seems like some of the disagreement lies in the diagnostic to determine if one has mercury posioning issues.

Hadlyme says he/she has tested negative every time. Perhaps hadlyme might expand on the type of tests taken.

Most of the mercury sceptics seem to discount the usage of provacation testing.

I am not trying to pin anyone down, but this issue seems to be at the heart of the matter and I think some here would appreciate more clarity
Posted by momlyme (Member # 27775) on :
My son had a hair test at Doctor's Data. His mercury levels were 2.8 which is in the 97th percentile.

It is the leading test for mercury in kids with Autism, the test that is suggested in the book "Amalgam Illness" by Andrew Cutler, and the test that Dr. K uses.

I refused to do a challenge test using DMPS or DMSA on my son. I had doctors suggest this type of test and I decided it was not in my son's best interest.

I also had a doctor suggest that if there is no mercury in the blood or urine without a challenge, there is no mercury in the body. That is not true either. I don't have documentation readily at hand... but I have read that...

Only in acute mercury poisoning will you find mercury in the blood or the urine. After the initial poisoning, it burrows deeper into the organs, the fatty tissues and the muscles. It can be brought out at any time by stress, disease, diet or exercise.

For more reading on the truth about mercury, I will repeat the link I posted above to DAMS, International:

If you would like to see the studies that have been submitted to the FDA, look on that page for these links:

Scientific/Medical Studies submitted to FDA

List of Scientific/Medical Studies submitted by all parties to FDA

Summary of Findings of Articles submitted to FDA

Review of ADA science articles submitted to FDA

***The FDA and the ADA vs DAMS and IAOMT is much like the IDSA and NIH vs ILADS.
Posted by hammer (Member # 17201) on :
I had a root canaled tooth pulled. Two dentist said no infection. It bothered me just a little, but I wanted out for healing purposes. Infection was found upon removal.

I also had a crowned tooth pulled because of an abcess and refused a root canal. I ended up having to have that spot re-opened and cleaned out. There was "debris" left in the soft tissue. Again, the infection didn't show up on x-ray, but was very bad once opened up.

I made a lot of progress in my treatment after removing these teeth. I still haven't decided what to put in the spaces.

I'm not advocating pulling all your teeth. Just keep researching and trust your gut. I pushed my second dentist really hard and he was surprised to see "a tiny bit of infection sitting under that root canal -- but nothing I am worried about!"

On the other side of my mouth, he admitted it looked like a cavitation, but he wasn't sure what that meant.

I found a good dentist/oral surgeon in the Nashville area. Not a biological dentist, but quite knowledgeable.
Posted by hadlyme (Member # 6364) on :
Originally posted by mattnapa:
Seems like some of the disagreement lies in the diagnostic to determine if one has mercury posioning issues.

Hadlyme says he/she has tested negative every time. Perhaps hadlyme might expand on the type of tests taken.

Most of the mercury sceptics seem to discount the usage of provacation testing.

I am not trying to pin anyone down, but this issue seems to be at the heart of the matter and I think some here would appreciate more clarity

I had hair, blood and urine. End of my story.

Pin anyone down? It's an on going debate in here and in life. Two sides that can not come to any terms. FDA and all dental colleges and the ADA and most dentists in the US believe that alloy and it's low mercury content are the still the best choice for resorations.

But with the public thinking they are getting poisoned, they are now using plastic resin composite fillings in which no long term testing has been done yet.

Again.... agreeing to disagree as any link or story you all have, I would have the same amount.

This thread started out with wanting to know options for an extracted tooth.... shall we get back on track for the sake of the person that started it?

Posted by momlyme (Member # 27775) on :
Originally posted by jennie46:

My root canal does not hurt at all. I just thought root canals were thought to be "deadly" and all amalgams should be removed. All of mine are very old fillings, but no problems.

I do feel that I am probably too sick with lyme & co at this time to undergo all the dental work. At the same time, I feel I need to start somewhere if I need to get all the mercury out.

Jennie46 started this thread and she states here she is also considering having her amalgams out. I think it is important to have all the facts.

Negative tests for mercury mean about as much as a negative test for lyme.

The reason my son's test showed so high is because he is supplementing with zinc as per the HPU protocol... which is knocking the mercury out.

We are using binders like chlorella, apple pectin, bentonite clay and Diatomaceous Earth to help the mercury leave the system.

In this paper: Mercury Exposure Levels from Amalgam Dental Fillings; Documentation of Mechanisms by Which Mercury Causes over 30 Chronic Health Conditions; Results of Replacement of Amalgam Fillings; and Occupational Effects on Dental Staff

Found here:

The president of DAMS states, with many references:

"Dental amalgam contains about 50% mercury, as well as other toxic metals such as tin,copper,nickel, palladium, etc."

I would not call 50% a low amount of mercury.

hadlyme- I would love to see some of the documentation stating that dental amalgam is safe. I have never come across any scientific evidence that could prove this.

For anyone who is interested in what the FDA does know from the most recent hearing on dental amalgams(December 14&15, 2010):

There are many videos on it on you tube using the search term "amalgam hearing" or, just click on the link above.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
In case this has not become common knowledge: If the body for whatever reason (allergic, dysregulation information in DNA, unresolved emotional conflicts, structural problems, etc) is not able to release any toxic metals even while the body is loaded with it(as was the case with my husband and myself), a challenge test may reveal none, little, or a lot. As long as neurological symptoms are present, especially if you had or still have a mouth full of metals --aside from other exposures-- chances are that metals are a major part of the problem. The metals are where the bugs go and the bugs go where the metals are. We can argue about the chicken-or-egg thing a lifetime.

All nicely are surrounded over time by parasites, fungi and a few other contributors.

Hadlyme, talking about extracting a tooth or not -- what difference does it make? The tooth is a part of the body, and if the dentists would take the time once in a while to have lunch with a medical doctor who has to treat their root-canaled patient, they would quickly realize that the mouth is a very important part of the body and that the dentist's their work can either kill or save the patient.

Root canals can be tested whether they are still okay, failing, or have already failed by doing a TOPAS test. The scientists who developed this test tested hundreds of root canals and came to the conclusion - eventually they all fail. But for a long time, like my own, stay failed hiding out, because they cause no pain. They only distribute carcinogenic toxins into the body - and eventually we pay the price.

To this day, there is no toxic metal lab test available that will tell with accuracy what, if any, is hidden in the body, how much remains hidden in the body and exactly where. There are some testing methods with ART that will reveal some of this info.

And it also has happened that a person will not release any metals of consequence due to the challenge until the challenge has been done several times. And often it will not happen at all until some other structural, energetic, mental -- conflict is treated and the body frees up and is able to release. In no case will it reveal what is left inside the body, no matter how much or how little the challenge brings out.
Symptoms will tell what, if any, is left. And don't try to decipher between Lyme symptoms and toxic metal symptoms --

We know for sure that energetic testing with ART will reveal whether metals are part of the problem of a chronic ailment; we can find the areas where it is concentrated; and what we have to concentrate on first, find agents, to get closer to resolving the problem.

I am not disagreeing with you in any way. I am simply telling the facts as they are known to me to thousands of people who had to deal with this and who have found a resolution to the problem.

I will not argue with you as long as you let people read what others have to say and thereby have the opportunity to learn more, search more, and find the right people and methods to help themselves. So far you have not offered anything of substance.

Put yourself in the ADA's, FDA's or dental colleges' position
--- can you imagine the worldwide upheaval if any of them were finally to admit that they were wrong going back over a hundred years. They have had 150 years to admit to it - it is an ancient battle that resulted in the breakup into camps - some formed the ADA and whoever did not agree with their ideas, stayed out. (very similar to Lyme).

I can only encourage people to not stop searching. As long as symptoms are present, the chances that toxic metals (and chemicals) are still involved has already been proven over and over. I am one of them who got well because I did something about the teeth and the metals planted into my mouth by ignorant people. None of it was pleasant, but I did it and am glad that I didn't have to spend the rest of my life in poor health.

Take care.

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