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Posted by mattnapa (Member # 26414) on :
Posted by D Bergy (Member # 9984) on :
I personally do not care to use colloidal Silver.

It does kill bacteria, but is not very selective in which bacteria it kills. It leaves a residue, which I do not like in any treatment.

I think there are better methods than using Silver for internal use.

Having said that, you always have to measure the risks of what you are treating, against the risks of the proposed treatment.

There may be some situations in which Silver makes sense.

Posted by lymie_in_md (Member # 14197) on :
I also don't like the idea of putting something in my body that might not come out. Just as much as I don't like pharmaceuticals which have residues that may be with you forever.

Dr Weil is too conventional (possibly in pharmas back pocket) oriented for my liking, so he wouldn't be a source I totally trusted in IMO.
Posted by lululymemom (Member # 26405) on :
I don't think all colloidal silvers should be lumped together. There are some out now that consist of very tiny particles. There are people on here that claim they have been cured or almost cured with the use of colloidal silver. (ocean being one)

It should not be discounted as a treatment.

I personally would not believe anything Dr. Weil has to say. The only time I have ever heard from him or seen him on TV was when he was bashing alternative medicine.
Posted by mattnapa (Member # 26414) on :
thanks for the responses. I had seen others here earlier who asserted that the claim that collodial silver could cause argyria were false. Or at least that several types of CS would not cause such effects. Weil ,akes no distinction and simply claims it is a significant risk
Posted by D Bergy (Member # 9984) on :
Agryria is such a rare occurrence, the average person would never have a problem with it.

The people that have experienced it were taking massive amount of CS, far more than any normal person would even consider.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
There are many different silvers.
Some are very effective for certain infections, etc. I posted about it several years ago. We use Biopure's.

We use it selectively when it tests energetically
and it works great. Maybe dig up my old posts.

Dr. Weil also said way back when (1998) when I first consulted his writings that mercury is no problem.

Well ---- I got well basing my treatment on massive research that all toxic metals eventually kill if you wait long enough.

Even too much water drinking will eventually be damaging because it flushes away all essential metals=minerals and then you are in worse problems than ever before. Nothing works when minerals are deficient.

Take care.
Posted by mattnapa (Member # 26414) on :
GiGi the water issue is confusing for me. Is it not possible to take additional minerals while drinking water? There seems to be befits to water if the minerals remain consistent. I know of the Kagan alkalinized water a little, and since alkalinization usually relies on minerals, I am wondering about your thoughts on it

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