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Posted by wantmylifeback (Member # 32120) on :
does anyone have extreme anxiety.
Unable to do anything but pace, gasping for air and moaning.
So dizzy I just stumble around, can't sit or lay because dizziness is so severe that I just spin and shake.
Completely disoriented can't recognize my family or my house.
Skin is paper thin if I scratch makes big bloody red mark.
Skin numb from head to toe.
Veins popped out of left shin, one inch high, one inch wide all over
Severe burning in legs and feet and pain.
Severe head pressure.
Skin is crawling.
No coordination.
Can't read, write, watch tv, listen to music, drive or ride in a car, can't shave or shower or even do a simple task.
Severe DP/DR in another world
Only pass out for maybe 3 hours a night when I wake up I must jump up and start to stumble around.
No break
Does anyone have this? Know of anyone that has this??
Completely nonfunctional.
Jumping out of my skin. All skin is crawling like electricity is running through it.
Posted by crx (Member # 32128) on :
Sounds like you might have Bart??
Posted by wantmylifeback (Member # 32120) on :
Do you have these symptoms or anyone you know??
Posted by gryphon78 (Member # 31930) on :
I think I ve seen your other posts on here man, yea it does sound a little like bart. I can say I ve had most of these symptoms at one point, though I hate to say not as bad as your describing. Are you on any treatment for it yet ? I ve been on ABX off and on for a little over 4 months and the symptoms have died off quite a lot.

There were times early this year I was so nervous / dissoriented I couldnt even stand to walk out to my car for a 30 seconds without freaking out, much less drive. NOw I m out walking up to a mile a day, and driving 30 minutes at a time, with some mild anxiety albeit but still much better

Also had the head pressure, crawling skin, face would go numb all the time somtimes felt like my tounge falling out. Still have dizzy, depressed, somewhat unreal episodes but they seem to by waining. Oh and the gasping for air occsionally ( used to be more ) Sorry thats all I can think of off the top of my head
Posted by gryphon78 (Member # 31930) on :
Oh and for what its worth I ve found that the air hunger ( which personlly seems to be more of a mental than physical thing ) is what causes most of my anxiety. ONce I was able to focus on deep breathing and slowing it down it helped quite a bit, still there I mean just not as bad
Posted by Toppers (Member # 20083) on :
wantmylifeback, you are describing my symptoms exactly two years ago. It sounds mainly bartonella, maybe a small amount of lyme making things interesting.

Biaxin, Ceftin and Rifampin helped a lot with those symptoms and knocked the infection down, big time.

Good luck, there is a way out of this--it just takes a long time.
Posted by Hambone (Member # 29535) on :
I was exactly like you down to a tee five years ago from benzo withdrawal and underlying Lyme and Bartonella.

I really feel for you.

I got about 50% better before starting Lyme/Bart treatment, which I've been doing for 8 months now.
Posted by lululymemom (Member # 26405) on :
The dizziness and air hunger points to babs for me.. but the other symptoms sound like bart. Possibly both infections at play here. Judging by how sick you are I would guess both. My daughter had both clinically diagnosed and went through some of the same things.
Posted by wantmylifeback (Member # 32120) on :
Posted by Kerry23 (Member # 28383) on :
I think it sounds like both Babs and Bart.. I have Bart too and get severe anxiety and my feet hurt. I tremble to the point that i can't hold myself up. I am so weak too, on the couch all day. On a new regimen now so I hope it helps.
Are you being treated yet, if not, get going fast.

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