This is topic Does any body knows about the list of misdiagnosis for LYME, Example Schizophrenia in forum Medical Questions at LymeNet Flash.

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Posted by felo (Member # 32923) on :
I would like to know if anybody here knows of a patient or have first hand experience of lyme misdiagnosed as a schizophrenia and chronic fatigue?
Posted by momindeep (Member # 7618) on :
My daughter was diagnosed with chronic fatigue and had just about every phychiatric diagnosis known to man...but it was Lyme disease...which I knew, but had a hell of a time getting anyone to listen.

I read your post in Seeking a Doctor...there are doctors in New York and someone will send you a list.

I am so sorry felo...I feel so bad for daughter was hospitalized many times too, for phychiatric problems.

She is so, so much better these days...there is hope.

Posted by t9im (Member # 25489) on :
Hi felo:

My daughter was originally diagnosed with chronic fatigue by an infectious disease MD. As the lyme continued to progress she developed new and advancing symptoms.

He indicated it was pyschomatic and she didn't have lyme (she failed the elisa).

The neurologist ran tons of tests but the WB came back negative (we didn't know at that time to request the band readings in advance).

The rheumatologist just indicated she didn't have JA and said she was in good hands with the infectious disease MD.

We were fortunate in the sense it only took 8+ MDs, 2 childrens hosipitals, 8+ months before we learned of the controversy and met with a LLMD.

She has lyme and babesia, diagnosed by a LLMD, based upon symptoms. Her WB is still CDC negative (she has had up to 3 positive bands).

We assume the babesia strain is not duncani or microti (the only two strains which can be commerically tested).
Posted by Annie C (Member # 14) on :
This question will open many doors for you. How long have you had symptoms that gave you the CFS diagnosis? And were you told this by the same Dr. for both ailments?

Have you been to a LLMD?

Im glad you found this place.

Welcome to all the new Trail Blazers trying to find there way to just feeling better

By being here and understood and accepted always makes me feel better.

Laughter comes and goes. But you will always have this wonderful group of people. Yes PEOPLE who can care and help you find your way each day is different for all of us.

[bonk] This is what I feel like doing, to people that just refuse to listen. OR to myself for trying to explain it to those who refuse to listen.
Posted by felo (Member # 32923) on :
Excuse me for the delay. bitten by a tick 9 years ago. diagnosed with lyme some months after and re-affirmed the diagnosis when going to a hospital and they detected lyme again. Antibiotics for a month 'cured' then later on within a year of the bite diagnosed with schizophrenia and drinkin pill after pill since then. I need help.few months ago read about some contraversy on tv about lyme and then started researching and found so many diseases related or associated with lyme my gooness I couldn't believe there was hope. Please advice leave in new York andn tomorrow I thiking of having or making an appointment with Dr B in NY. Any advice before I take that step? They advise me to collect all the records from all the hospital which unfortunately I have been since the schizophrenia diagonosis. Really tired sometimes, don't think straight, mental fog, somtime hear voices if I stay away from antidepressant. I hope is lyme and all these parasites goes away once in treatment...

Help please.....................

**edited name of LLMD and the city**

[ 10-16-2011, 03:49 PM: Message edited by: Lymetoo ]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
There definitely is HOPE!! You are on the right track. I will send you some info, because you may want to consider other LLMDs.

There are several threads with many links and info in the top 5 or 6 topics at the top of the Medical Questions page.

here is one link you may want to read:
Posted by felo (Member # 32923) on :
I read that hopefully we will have good luck with ***. And I haveread there are so many protocols for this disease other than antibiotics
***please read the rules in the link I posted***

[ 10-16-2011, 03:49 PM: Message edited by: Lymetoo ]

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