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Posted by disturbedme (Member # 12346) on :
Hey guys.

I'm a little scared.

I've had this cyst on my left ovary for quite some time. But yesterday I went to the ER because of the pain it was giving me. I thought maybe it had ruptured, but it didn't. It's 6 cm (2 inches) at the widest part. I don't know the other two dimensions of it.

I'm a little worried. It's a complex cyst, so it has fluid and solid matter in it. Meaning it may or may not be cancer. Not a big chance of it, but I'm still very worried.

I'm 27 years old.

I've had this cyst for at least half a year. Though I am pretty sure I've had it longer - at least a year or more. When a CAT scan found it half a year ago, it was rather small. Now, it's 2 inches (6 cm). Half a year ago they also saw fluid in my pelvic region which could be due to a cyst bursting or other things... but I'm pretty sure it was not because of a cyst bursting since they did not say that is what they saw on the CAT scan.

Anyway, I'm worried and scared and depressed. [Frown] I am going to call my doctor tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure I'll have to have surgery to get it out and I really don't want to have to especially since I have so many health problems that might complicate surgery.

Any ladies out there that have had complex cysts and what is your story? Those with simple cysts can post in reply as well, but simple cysts are nice since with those you KNOW it's not cancer and generally never need surgery to remove them.
Posted by jkmom (Member # 14004) on :
I don't remember if they called mine a complex cyst, but I had one that they thought could be cancer.

We have a family history of ovarian cancer so even the doctor admitted he was concerned.

I had to have it removed and biopsied quickly. It took a week to schedule the surgery and I was scared the whole time.

My doctor recommended that I have the one ovary removed laparoscopically and biopsied. If it was cancer, then do a full hysterectomy.

Since we have the family history, I wanted a full hysterectomy with both ovaries removed so that I wouldn't have to go through that again.

He ran a CA 125 test, which is a marker for ovarian cancer. Right before my surgery, the test came back low enough that we were pretty sure it wasn't cancer.

I still went ahead with the full hysterectomy. I was 40 and done having children.

Even with that, my recovery went pretty well. With the laparoscopy, it would be even quicker.

I think I had Lyme then, but I didn't know it. My only possible symptom was migraines.

I hope your doctor can ease your fears and you can get it removed quickly so you will know.
Posted by txgirl09 (Member # 21612) on :
Hey Disturbed!

Have you been to your gynecologist for a sonogram? 2 years ago I had a "complex ovarian cyst" picked up on a CT scan. My obgyn said that CT scans are not very reliable to determine if its complex or not. Mine ended up going away on its own.

However, I just had surgery to remove an endometrial cyst on my ovary and it was not fun. This cyst was 7.7 cm. Make sure you go to your doctor regularly to check on your cysts.

At your age, even if you do have a complex ovarian cyst, chances are very slim that it would even be cancer.
Posted by disturbedme (Member # 12346) on :
Yes, I had two ultrasounds... intravaginal and one on the stomach. This is how they saw that the cyst on my left ovary was 6 cm (2 inch) and it is what has been causing me so much pain lately.

I've been having weird pain come and go for quite some time now. I was having menstrual-like cramps during the times it wasn't my period and was worried why it was happening at such odd times... now I know why!!!!!

I really don't want to have the surgery. I am hoping maybe birth control will shrink it? I don't want to do birth control either as I've purposely stayed away from it because it's not 'healthy' and not letting my body do it's normal, healthy thing. But obviously, maybe my body just needs a rest from all the hormones! :-\

As much as I'd love this thing GONE, I don't think surgery is a good idea for me because of all the health issues I have including anemia, pernicious anemia, low white blood cell count, a very screwed up immune system, low blood pressure, and heart issues. I would be terrified to be put under anasthesia.
Posted by momlyme (Member # 27775) on :
About three years ago, I had major pain and a constant period... went to the OBGYN and I had a complex ovarian cyst that was about the size of a baseball...7.5 centimeters.

They operated the next day. I gave them permission to take one or both ovaries if necessary. They didn't wind up taking either. They removed the cyst.

From that day forward, I had no period.

I went back and voiced my concern about my missing period... they did hormonal testing... no problems found. Maybe it's early menopause. I was 37, then.

I am 40 now.

Three months ago, I found out the house I bought 4 years ago is very moldy. We moved out.

I got my period a week later and it was black.

Now, I am regular (red) and every 28 days like clockwork. Just like I used to be.

I think that ovarian cyst (way back in the beginning) was caused by the mold.

That's my story, and the mold theory is my opinion. My current LLMD finds it interesting and quite possible... but we have no proof this was the cause or that moving out was the cure. Although I have no doubt in my mind!
Posted by disturbedme (Member # 12346) on :
Anyone else?

My aunt talked to me supposedly trying to be nice, but then she goes and tells me her daughter in law had a cyst on her ovary when she was 19 and it was cancerous! I really didn't want to hear that. I hate when people try to be nice but then they actually do the OPPOSITE! :-(

I'm terrified and don't have an appointment with my doctor until Thursday to see what they say about it. Don't know how I am going to get through the next few days without crying like crazy and obsessing over it.
Posted by amk33 (Member # 13206) on :
I have a cyst, which the gyno has said is probably a dermoid cyst. I have been having pain on the opposit side, but the gyno says it's not related. He recommended seeing a gastro. Ugh!

Anyway, I feel horrible all the time, and have SVT's, but, underwent a procedure last year to remove a uterine polyp. I was under anesthesia, and didn't have a problem with it. You may be better off having the cyst removed, to ease your mind.

Good luck, and try not to worry.
Posted by feelfit (Member # 12770) on :
Most doctors will watch and wait with a complex cyst at your age.

I had the same in 2010. A complex cyst. We watched for awhile and it became larger. I had both abdominal and transvaginal ultrasounds to monitor.

When it appeared to be growing, my doctor said a biopsy was absolutely necessary. A hysterectomy was at first recommended, which i refused.

So I had laproscopic surgery. When the doctor was operating, many more cysts were discovered (7)...

The complex cyst and all others were benign. I still had my ovaries removed as becoming pregnant was not in my future.

I really think that this illness has a propensity for forming cysts on various organs that usually are benign.

Disturbed, when I posted about this back then, I think that every woman that responded ended up with benign cysts.

Hope that this makes you feel a little more comfortable.
Posted by riverspirit (Member # 19435) on :

I had a complex cyst on my left ovary at your age, which brought me to acupuncture. All my symptoms left with acupuncture.

Then it returned and i went for acupuncture treatments again with a very sensitive and experienced woman, who was quite gentle.

I also used various herbal remedies over the years.

The last time i had the sonogram was about 12 years ago (had pain, etc.) It was recommeded that i have the laproscopic surgery, but i didn't. Instead i went back to have acupuncture.

Have never had any surgeries on my pelvis and it is all these years later and i'm fine in that regard.

If you can shrink it/control it with acupuncture then it is not cancer ~

There are many different types of acupuncture treatments and styles. If you choose to go, i'd work with someone you feel very comfortable and peaceful with.

Sending thoughts of wellness and peace ~
Posted by viva (Member # 8183) on :
Hi Disturbedme,

First, the disclaimers: I don't have Lyme and co, and I'm a good bit older than you (52). But I did have a couple of complex ovarian cysts, and I was scared too.

This is not medical advice, just my experience. When I found out, my OB suggested waiting a few months, and doing a follow-up ultrasound. In the interim, I remembered a Chinese herbal remedy that an acupuncturist had once prescribed for me.
Her version is called Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan.

There is a very similar product sold by First Chinese Herbals. It's called Cinnamon and Poria Teapills, made by Plum Flower Brand.

I took as directed--sorry, can't remember dosage or time frame, whatever it said on the bottle. When I returned for my follow-up ultrasound, the technician looked for a while, then asked me if I remembered what side the cyst had been on. She couldn't find anything. It was gone.

Of course, the doc discounted the effect of the teapills when I 'fessed up. But I think they had an impact.

So, just something to think about. If it interests you, the people at First Chinese are wonderful about replying to e-mails with very personalized information.

Please try not to be scared (easier said than done, I know). You do have options!

Best to you,
Posted by hopeful4 (Member # 8486) on :
I'm so sorry that you are going through this. So, first of all, sending you good thoughts and hugs.

I haven't had this specific problem. However, I have had breast cancer, and had preventive surgery to remove my ovaries, tubes and uterus.

I have had the fear. About that I can say that fear can be immobilizing. It can freeze us in our tracks, and prevent us from taking action that can help us. The thought of cancer can be so frightening it can stop us from acting on our own behalf.

What you have may or may not be cancer. But I urge you to find out as soon as possible. If it is not cancer, then you can proceed with whatever treatment will help you. If it is cancer, the sooner you know, the better for your treatment. Once you know, either way, you can act. Acting is empowering.

From my own cancer experience, I recommend seeing a gynecological oncologist. Those words may sound intimidating, but if you can find a good one, that is in your favor. They will know what tests to give you, and give you a proper diagnosis, and treatment recommendations. You can also get a second opinion, even a third opinion.

Wishing you well. Take care.
Posted by IckyTicky (Member # 21466) on :
Deep breaths...I've been there and I remember that crippling fear I had.

I was 28 and found out that I had severe endometriosis AND both ovaries had complex (chocolate) cysts. One was 6 cm, the other was 4 cm. I was scared to death.

Because of it being on both sides and with the severe endomitriosis I had to have a complete hysterectomy at the age of 29. No cancer found in the cysts. I worried myself sick for nothing.

Sad that I had to have the hysterectomy...but at least I'm not in pain anymore.

It was a year later I found out I had LD...which my LLMD believes caused the endomitriosis.
Posted by IckyTicky (Member # 21466) on :
I also wanted to say that I had anemia and heart rhythm issues as well.
Posted by IckyTicky (Member # 21466) on :
Thank you viva for the info on the Cinnamon and Poria Teapills...I just ordered some for my teen daughter!
Posted by disturbedme (Member # 12346) on :
Icky - Was your doctor able to tell they were 'chocolate' cysts just from looking at the pictures from the ultrasounds?

At the ER, they didn't tell me anything from the pictures from the ultrasound except that it was a complex cyst of some sort. I assume ER doctors don't tell you much... :-\

Thanks for the reassurance. I would not want to have a hysterectomy, but I do go through tons of pain with my period. Extreme pain every month. :-\ Don't know if I have endometriosis but it wouldn't be a surprise to me if I did.
Posted by IckyTicky (Member # 21466) on :
You know, I can't say for sure. This was 6 years ago when I had the surgery but I do remember someone saying "chocolate" cyst and it was before the surgery. They did say it was complex too..and if I remember correctly all "chocolate" cysts are complex?

For me, I had ovarian pain when I ovulated (so does my teenager now) and sex was painful...because of the endo and because of the cysts too I guess.

I wouldn't have had to have a hysterectomy if it were only the cysts I think... but the endo was as bad as it gets.

I just remember being where you are and feeling so scared. It was an awful feeling and I drove myself crazy worrying about it. Don't do that to yourself [Smile]
Posted by disturbedme (Member # 12346) on :
Icky - Thanks.

I have pain when I ovulate too. Not ALL the time, but sometimes. I've been having a lot of weird pain because of this cyst though.
Posted by IckyTicky (Member # 21466) on :
Mine was so bad that I couldn't even turn/twist without severe stabbing pain (from the cyst). It was pretty bad [Smile] Keep us up to date! I don't think I had any MRIs, I only had the ultrasounds.
Posted by disturbedme (Member # 12346) on :
Icky - I see the doctor tomorrow morning very early... I am really scared as to what he'll say. But I'm also glad to be going because I want this taken care of. I want it gone.

I will either post here or message you with what the doctor says at the doctor appointment.
Posted by disturbedme (Member # 12346) on :
I saw the doctor, but have another appointment on Monday for another opinion.

The doc I saw today I did not like at all. She was very to the point and had no compassion. Didn't seem to care about me at all.

She just wants me to get some blood work done, have an MRI and then have surgery. I was hoping she'd do more ultrasounds and give an educated 'guess' as to what kind of cyst it looked like so that maybe I'd have another choice like maybe birth control. She didn't help at all and she only made me feel worse.

Can't some docs look at the ultrasounds and give an educated guess as to if they are 'chocolate cysts' or 'dermoids' or something????

Really feeling so hopeless. [Frown]
Posted by lululymemom (Member # 26405) on :
I've had a complex cyst and commented on it in the following thread:
Posted by IckyTicky (Member # 21466) on :
Wow.... doctors can be so heartless. My gyn was the same way and I was not pleased. But I was so scared I would have done whatever she said.

I hope your second opinion will be better!
Grr..that just makes me so mad.
Posted by disturbedme (Member # 12346) on :
Icky - do you remember if you ever had to have an MRI or CT scan for them to 'see' the cyst better or did they just do an ultrasound and that was it?

My doctor wants me to have an MRI, but I would rather not do that because she wants it with contrast and I have had an allergic reacton the CT scan contrast and am afraid it would happen again with the MRI one and I don't want to put myself in that position. :-\
Posted by IckyTicky (Member # 21466) on :
No, I didn't have an MRI or CT scan for my cysts. Just the two ultrasounds.

If you had a reaction to contrast I would not risk an MRI. If they already saw it on ultrasound why do an MRI? Doesn't make any sense to me.
Posted by disturbedme (Member # 12346) on :
The doctor wants to see what is 'inside' the cyst and with an MRI it would be much easier to tell what it's composed of. With an ultrasound, it's a tad harder to see that. But I agree, I don't want to do an MRI. That is why tomorrow morning I am seeing a differetnt gyno for a different opinion. Not sure if he'll be better than the woman I went to. She was just cold and standoffish and didn't really let me say what I wanted to. I was hoping she would just do some more ultrasounds and that was it. That is what I am going to ask this doc I see tomorrow and I hope he understands and agrees to it. Because I don't feel like running around to find ANOTHER doctor or another until I find one I like because the longer I wait, the bigger this cyst is going to get. :-\
Posted by disturbedme (Member # 12346) on :
Well, this week has been extremely exhuasting.

I am having the laparoscopy August 17th. I'm very scared. We still don't know what exactly the cyst is... but I am having an MRI on Wednesday and another sonogram done tomorrow that should be more thorough and hopefully it will be able to see what exactly the cyst is. I am hoping it's not cancer. :-(

I'm terrified of having the surgery done. I am so scared of being put under and about my other health problems. I'm afraid my body won't be able to handle being put under. Also not happy I have to do two enemas before the surgery. :-\
Posted by txgirl09 (Member # 21612) on :
Disturbed, I'm so sorry!

I did not have an MRI either. My doctor just did a sonogram and could tell one of my cysts was endemtrial, a chocolate cyst and the other was a simple cyst.

She said she can usually tell if its cancerous by if there is a ton of blood flow, and other chracteristics.

I bet you will do better than expected for the surgery. I just had this surgery done, 12 days ago, and I was absolutely terrified of the anesthesia. I am actually recovering well.

I wish you the best.
Posted by disturbedme (Member # 12346) on :
txgirl - if there IS a ton of blood flow that means it's cancer? When I was at the ER last Saturday, they checked the blood flow to my ovary where the cyst was to see if there was blood flow because if there wasn't then it meant the cyst was twisting my ovary. There was still blood flow so it was not twisting my ovary.

Wow, you JUST had it done yourself? Were you really worried about the surgery? I have this horrid fear that I won't wake up from the anesthesia. Just a phobia I have. Did they just take out the cyst or did they take anything else out with it?
Posted by txgirl09 (Member # 21612) on :
No, I don't not think we are talking about the same thing. I am not exactly sure what my dr was talking about, but I *think* there would be lots of blood flowing within the cyst. She also said it would appear a certain way, and something about the borders.

I was terrified of the surgery! I had the same fear about anesthesia. It put my mind at ease when I got to the hospital, the sweet nurse told me she had been in the surgery pre-op for 14 years and had never had a single patient not wake up from anesthesia.

My cyst was huge, actually 2 cysts, and they had to remove my ovary and the cysts.

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