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Posted by abby-do (Member # 25440) on :
In June 2009 when I visited the Doctors in Jacksonville Fl and they did the first testing for Lyme, the MD also suggested I be tested for heavy metals due to my head tremors. This test showed I had very high levels of lead and moderate levels of mercury both levels were abnormal. When I got the results, since the lead was the highest I concentrated on a treatment to remove it and after researching, found that the Government used EDTA during the second world war to treat soldiers who suffered from lead poisoning.
I found EDTA at Vitcost (where I get most of my supplements) and started taking them and did so daily for about a year and half�.then decided to take a break from the EDTA, not knowing what the side effects might be from taking it for so long so I then switched over to Cilantro capsules which I continue to take daily and chlorella when I have bad herxes from treating the Lyme and Babesia.
Thinking it was time to be retested, I did so about a month ago and results came back that both Lead and Mercury are almost at acceptable levels, they are just over the line into unacceptable high levels so I will continue with the cilantro and might even go back on the EDTA for few more months to eliminate more of these toxic metals. I am very pleased with these results and believe the EDTA was doing its job.
I still have head tremors but much less and some days not at all so think when I win the battle over the Lyme, I will not have the tremors and I believe what�s left is due to Lyme as it gets worse on days I am herxing real bad.
Posted by MattH (Member # 30846) on :

Congrats on your progress! My mercury was much higher than my lead but I also had tremors and fainting spells. I started on DMPS infusions about 1 per month. I am going to start EDTA next month and got mine from Vitacost as well.

The lead was much lower on my first dmps 5 hour test. So I can only think that once the mercury started coming out it revealed the lead.

After three years of treatment (17 chelations) I am down to about 1/3 starting from 22 on Doctors Data. I could not go at the mercury to quickly since I have to get all my fillings out (18 in all).

All the Best, MattH
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :
EDTA is a weak chelator in my experience.
And cilantro just mobilizes. Better hope you can bind it all up.
Posted by abby-do (Member # 25440) on :
Hello Canefan,
The EDTA was the only thing I took and if the lab test are accurate (and who knows that) then it has helped me....for binders I use fruit pectin and chlorella...

As for the celantro the Dr I go to for my Thyroid suggested it....she won't treat the Lyme.

What would you recommend as an oral chelator, can't use anything that requires prescription or IV as I don't have a Dr to treat me.

Still want to reduce metal levels further.
Posted by abby-do (Member # 25440) on :
Hi Matt, are you still having tremors and when you say DMPS infusions, do you mean IV.

Congratulations on the progress you made, I know it can get awfully discouraging treating this Lyme and co.
Posted by jlp38 (Member # 27221) on :
So glad to hear this. I'm doing IV EDTA for high lead. I'm 15 treatments into a 30 treatment plan. I hope it is working good for me like it has for you.
Posted by Rivendell (Member # 19922) on :
So, Abby-do, EDTA, cilantro, and fruit pectin. Do you think that would be enough to remove heavy metals?

I'm a little afraid of the chlorella, because of possible radiation.

I'm trying to do the most basic things to help healing.

I'm also doing herbs, improving my diet, etc.

Posted by Hambone (Member # 29535) on :
Originally posted by abby-do:
In June 2009 when I visited the Doctors in Jacksonville Fl and they did the first testing for Lyme, the MD also suggested I be tested for heavy metals due to my head tremors. This test showed I had very high levels of lead and moderate levels of mercury both levels were abnormal.

Do you mind if I ask what kind of testing they did? Was it a challenge test where they give you DMSA or something similar?

My LLMD refuses to test me right now. He is adamant that a challenge test is the only reliable test and that it will make me too sick right now. ( I agree with him that I don;t need something that will make me sicker, but disagree with him in that I need to know! ).

Just curious as to how Mayo tests their patients. Every regular doctor I asked around here in the same area as Mayo poo-poo'd heavy metal testing.

Besides hair analysis, what is THE BEST WAY to be tested for heavy metals that won't make me sick?
Posted by abby-do (Member # 25440) on :
Rivendell, I only know that it seemed to help me.

I got my chlorella before the sunami in Japan....I don't know what I will do when I need it next time. Hoping to find a source that is not from Japan.
Posted by Rivendell (Member # 19922) on :
abby-do, do you think that the chlorella is essential? Or would the other things be enough.

I'm so glad that you are getting results.
Posted by Rivendell (Member # 19922) on :
abby-do, do you think that the chlorella is essential? Or would the other things be enough.

I'm so glad that you are getting results.
Posted by abby-do (Member # 25440) on :
Hambone, yes it was a 6 hr. challenge test with DMSA, I was pretty sick at the time and with severe brain fog....didn't notice anything different at the time.

Never having been treated by a LLMD or anyone who knew anything about Lyme, could be I was lucky.

I don't know anything about Mayo.
Posted by MattH (Member # 30846) on :

I currently am doing a 5cc dmps push infusion. So it is not a drip IV. It is pushed into the vein for about 12 minutes.

I also tried which is an oral dmps 30 day plan. The doctor that sells/supports this believes once the dmps gets things moving it helps to keep it moving. I have not been tested again since I did that treatment. Only downside was my arms itched a bit and I some days felt a little more ADD.

Right now I am focusing on knocking back parasites and taking ABX for the lyme. I continue to get the dmps infusions monthly.

All the Best, MattH
Posted by Mindy159 (Member # 31149) on :
Abby, do you have amalgams? Just curious if this worked with amalgams.
Posted by abby-do (Member # 25440) on :
Rivendell, I do think the chlorella is important, I don't know what would be a good substitute. Hopefully someone has some suggestions.

Mindy, yes I do still have amalgams....getting them removed is not in the immediate future.

Matt, all the best to you , 2 years ago it was recommended that I have IV vit C therapy, but I couldn't find anyone local to do it and was too sick to travel....the trip to Jacksonville, fl to get the diagnosis was a big chore. EDTA oral was all I could come up with at the slow and steady seemed to work.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :

I'm very pleased for you that you have made progress on your EDTA, then cilantro with chlorella and pectin and hope this translates into evr-improving health status.

I'm treating lead and mercury too, but have had to take a break becasue after a few cycles of DMSA + EDTA suppositories, I started reacting very badly to DMSA, even with a reduced dose.

After a pause and plenty of binders, I will be starting again on a tiny dose.

Good luck for your continued improvement,

Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :
I hope you guys chelating metals understand how serious the treatment selection is.

I see a lot of things in this thread that I completely disagree with and know many people who regret having ever done them (IV DMPS pushes, etc)

Lots of redistribution going on here
Posted by tickled1 (Member # 14257) on :
Can someone explain to me what their reactions have been to DMSA? What were the specific symptoms? I did a 6 hr. test a few mos. ago and have been feeling really bad but don't know what exactly to attribute it to. Thanks!
Posted by tickled1 (Member # 14257) on :
Can someone explain to me what their reactions have been to DMSA? What were the specific symptoms? I did a 6 hr. test a few mos. ago and have been feeling really bad but don't know what exactly to attribute it to. Thanks!
Posted by Karensky (Member # 21350) on :
Dr . K says to not undergo metal chelation without a trained

practitioner to guide you as it can be a very serious challenge to the

body and may do even more damage ... also... curious here... but if

you are detoxing heavy metals and still have the silvers in your

mouth... do you not think the mercury is being pulled out of

them too ? I am not questioning your knowledge on this but only

wondering aloud if this is a safe route to take with the amalgams

still present ?! At the very least I would think the amalgams

would continue to leak mercury into your system so you will

never be fully able to detox unless they are removed ?

Possibly one needs to reduce the metal loads before amalgam

removal ? sorry ... no disrespect meant ... just wondering aloud...
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Don't know what to say all this you are doing here. It is insanity to attempt heavy metal detox without the guidance of an expert. It is dangerous and the damage is not easily undone, if ever.

Just remember, there is no "best" test for heavy metals. It doesn't exist. Without energetic testing, it is impossible to know where the stuff is, whether it is exiting or simply shifting and moving into other, often worse, areas. Cilantro, remember, crosses the blood brain barrier - both ways.

In general, if you have problems tolerating DMSA, think mold. A six hour urine test should not cause problems.

Unless you rule out KPU and/or treat it if that is a problem, detoxing simply does not work because you do not have the essentials on board to handle it.

If you are allergic to toxic metals, detoxing is very difficult also. The body does not recognize the metals as toxins. I know of no other therapy that will eliminate the dysregulation as Allergie Immun does. I have tried them all.

You are wasting precious energy, money and time if you attempt metal detox on your own. It cannot be done,
and even if you have learned it from an expert, it is still difficult. It is not possible to do without energetic testing, because there is no lab test that is conclusive. You may show different numbers on different tests, but we have no way of knowing how much remains, and often not where it has gone/moved to.

Sorry about this, but that is what I have learned over the last fifteen years of my own struggles with toxic metals. As long as they remain, the battle with pathogens/lyme etc. is reality. They love that terrain.

Making any headway eliminating metals
is difficult unless you treat parasites who are the keepers of the metals holding them in their coats. As long as metals are present, fungi will persist. The body creates fungi to protect itself from the damage of the metals which would otherwise kill us.

Read some of the old posts on the subject and, please, don't try detoxing metals on your own. Karensky and Canefan are so right.

Take care.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Ticked 1, I appeared to cope OK when my LLMD gave me the 6 hour Challenge test with DMSA to do before I started cycles of treatment.

I became increasingly intolerant of the 3 day cycles of treatment, however, and since my bad reactions started before I used the EDTA suppository [ie on the first day], I know the reaction was to DMSA itself or indeed to too much metal. I felt suddenly extreme malaise, was icy cold and needed hot water bottles and extra blankets in bed, even though it was August.

Since then I have had worse breathing issues than usual, which I put down to mould or fungus in the airways, and also eyelid flicker more than usual, although that has taialed off a bit. I can't be sure that either of these are related to the DMSA.

I am using plenty of chlorella, clay and pectasol, have tightened up my anti-candida diet and am taking antifungals, at present oil of oregano rotated with Tanalbit and pau d'arco.

I hope you can get to the bottom of why you are feeling worse,

Posted by lymenotlite (Member # 33166) on :
I sent away yesterday for 4 bottles of DMSA to begin chelating. I'll be following the Andrew Hall Cutler protocols. He is down on EDTA and DMPS. His books are at where they are half the price of Amazon.

I did a hair test recently and it came back high on cadmium and uranium and higher than desirable on lead and arsenic.

The thing is, I had my mercury fillings removed a long time ago. The people at Yahoo group frequent-dose-chelation have told me that mercury won't show in the test if your fillings were removed a long time ago. If the mercury is there, whether showing or not, it will skew the results and make the test results invalid. If the essential elements are out-of-whack, that will also indicate mercury and will invalidate the toxic metals part of the test.

Things to consider. I'll judge by my response to chelation.
Posted by peejay (Member # 34892) on :
I've been told by my Lyme Dr and my Eco-Dentist (who's also an ND!), and read in various sources that you must remove the amalgams before chelating, or it will pull more Hg from fillings and redistribute in your body, increasing the toxic load. Supposedly cilantro can do this too, not just dmps, dmsa, edta...

Consulting a professional sounds smart, or at least get some good witchy kinesiology done!
A skilled and intuitive AK tester can get a read on metals, affected systems, what order to remove them effectively, what to bind them with and even dosages! There are, of course, limitations and variables to be managed, and I believe in testing frequently (at least every couple months) as course corrections are often needed to deal with the ever changing state of Bb hosts...

I hope to shed my mercury by an appreciable amount, started on Detox ND (chlorella and probiotic tincture) and I feels like its doing something!
Been swallowing (can't bring myself to chew them as recommended:x) chlorella tabs for 8-9mos without noticing anything... does anyone know if chewing them actually helps more than it makes mouths miserable?

Posted by MattH (Member # 30846) on :

I took the hair test and not much showed up. I then got a doc that treats heavy metals and follows Dr K before he made the switch to lyme. I did the 6 hour DMPS challenge test and was 700%over on mercury and 200% over on lead.

I took 4 DMPS's while I was having my amalgams out over about 8 months. I was having fainting spells and wild mood swings and the DMPS stopped that after the 3rd infusion.

I read the book and tried the Cutler protocol but found it too difficult to stay with.

I have since moved to DMPS infusions. I have had about 18 so far. I have had two subsequent challenge tests and am about 40% of where I started. I do take binders daily (charcoal, chorella, zeolites). Most of my heavy metal symptoms seem to have resolved but I am not totally sure because lyme symptoms can be similar.

I see my DO about every 5 months and see my LLMD every two months.

I also did oral DMPS for a month called MercOut.

All the Best, MattH

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