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Posted by Beagle (Member # 29698) on :
Has anyone had Lyme Menengitis? Can you have this with no fever? Been treating for Lyme and Co's for a year. Positive since 2005. But removed embedded tick last October and now new symptoms head ache going down back thru neck cannot turn head and pain radiates to bottome of neck spreading toward shoulders and down back.

Advil does not help, Vicadin helps a little. But I have no real fever, just always cold. I have spine issues so hoping it's just a huge flair up.
Am currently on Zithro, Plaquinil and Mepron. Can't see Doctor for at least a couple of months.

Has anyone actually had Lyme Menengitis with no fever?


Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Maybe it's a herx?? NYLymelady has had several bouts of meningitis... I haven't seen her around lately.

I hope you feel better very soon!! [group hug]
Posted by fflutterby (Member # 28081) on :
I get this when I am herxing. Try some Ice on your neck. I think this is common.
Posted by paulieinct (Member # 17514) on :
I've had similar symptoms when herxing. I say herx.
Posted by Beagle (Member # 29698) on :
could it be a babesia herx? Or just Lyme?

(neither ice nor heat made any difference)

You guys made my day! Hoping it is a herx. Although none of my meds have changed except I started Plaquinil again after stopping it for many months.
Posted by willo7 (Member # 24263) on :
My husband had Lyme Meningites with no fever!
Posted by siiren (Member # 26797) on :
When I had my initial infection, I had Lyme meningitis.

Intense stiffness in my neck. Felt like I had slept for a year on a rock or something. THE WORST HEADACHE i have EVER felt. And fever.

I was hallucinating while in the ER but it could've been the Vicodin. Kept seeing bugs on the walls.

My back and lower shoulders were unaffected.

Never had it since then. I agree with the above posters in the opinion that you were/are probably herxing.

It is possible I suppose that you were reinfected. BUT, I can only speak from personal experience and I had had fever. And no back pain.

Oh- I do have frequent burning pain in my neck to this day, but not stiffness, and never a headache like the one I felt those couple of days.

My Doc says the burning kind of pain in neurological. Ice never helps...
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
I think it's a babs herx (going through it now). As soon as my doc put me on a babs med, it started. It's been four weeks of stiff neck pain. Acupuncture helps.
Posted by Sunshine Daydream (Member # 33237) on :
Yes I have lyme meningitis now. I do not get fevers

often. My body temp is extremely low so when I do

get a fever it is rarely above 99.0 Be very careful

using and pain relievers such as Vicodin because

they are full of Tylenol or acetaminophen which is

very hard on the liver!
Posted by Rumigirl (Member # 15091) on :
I would call your LLMD. It doesn't sound like a herx to me when you have barely changed your meds. Plus, it doesn't look like you are on anything much for Lyme.

Also, ask the office to put you on the cancellation list. But it sounds to me like to you need to talk to your dr soon, even if it's short and not a real consult. It sounds like you got reinfected.

If you can barely bend your neck, yes, it is possible it's meningitis. It also may be a reinfection with not much for Lyme meds.
Posted by hadlyme (Member # 6364) on :
I have had it and was hospitalized for four days. Spinal tap was positive for viral. Its the most horrible swollen feeling in your head and its like all the spinal fluid is infected all the way down your spine. Each step you take is painful. These are my worse herxes and now I know I would test positive for it. I didn't run a very high fever but I'm always low so hard to tell how 'high' it was.
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Could you have a low grade encephalitis though from Lyme that causes head and neck pressure but no fevers? Or even a low grade meningitis either of which lasting for many months to years?
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Could you have a low grade encephalitis though from Lyme that causes head and neck pressure but no fevers? Or even a low grade meningitis either of which lasting for many months to years?

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