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Posted by WPinVA (Member # 33581) on :
I've been on Mepron now for a few months. I tolerated it fairly well for a while but my mood has been pretty low for the past several days. I'm wondering if this is a side effect of the Mepron (thanks so much to the previous posters who pointed this out).

My question is whether this can resolve on its own if I don't stop the Mepron, or do I need to stop the Mepron in order to clear this up?

Also, once stopped, would I be able to go back on Mepron?

Would a prescription for an antidepressant help if it is a side effect of Mepron?

I just e-mailed my dr's office, but I wanted to get an idea what might be coming.

Posted by FamilyFive (Member # 37206) on :
Ironically I am about to start malarone and am concerned about the same thing. However, I can tell you that I am on Lexapro, and it has worked extremely well thus far.

I've been on other medications and herxed very badly, but still didn't get the depression and anxiety many other people experienced (and I had severe anxiety in my past). I do think this was due to the Lexapro. Since depression can also be a symptom of babesia, it's difficult to know if it is a symptom of a herx or a side-effect of the mepron.

I've seen other posts talk about psychotherapy helping as well (which I also did), but since the depression with Lyme is a purely chemical reaction, I found the only thing that really took the edge off was the Lexapro.

I wish you good luck. Depression, anxiety, and depersonalization are the absolute worst.
Posted by baileypup (Member # 22824) on :
I had the exact same experience WP.

A few months into treatment, had a "down feeling" come over me. I backed off of Mepron for a day or two, and then restarted with no side effects. Had it happen once again, months later and backed down for a day, and have been fine ever since.

I've been on Mepron for 2 1/2 years.
Posted by WPinVA (Member # 33581) on :
Baileypup - Yes, that's exactly what it feels like - a "down feeling" that I can't shake. I know it's not a major depressive episode but I don't want it to get there. That's good to hear that you were able to restart but I'm sorry you've been on Mepron for so long. Are you almost done?

My LLMD was very responsive and he took me off of Mepron and I'm supposed to go back on a low dose of Art in a week or so IF this clears.

I understand I have to back off the Mepron but it's really frustrating to have one more roadblock to wellness crop up. I also didn't expect this now since I've been on Mepron for months.
Posted by baileypup (Member # 22824) on :
WP, you may not need to back off the Mepron for too long. Stay off a few days, and if you're feeling better, restart it.

We've talked about getting off Mepron, and I'm working my way off meds now. It's hard to stop something that has helped so much - I'm afraid of relapsing.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Have you seen this?

Mepron Blues

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