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Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
DO NOT, I repeat...DO NOT run out and buy berberine chloride and take it without discussing the following with your doctor FIRST!!!

Berberine may interact with meds you are on and it is imperative you understand (and your doctor understands) the MANY ways it works.

That said...

In 2011, just last year (!), researchers found an enzyme that Bb uses to survive.

Now bear with me...

First, one way berberine chloride works:

Berberine CHLORIDE *inhibits* an enzyme called aldose reductase

Aldose reductase catalyzes the NADPH-dependent

conversion of glucose to sorbitol,

the first step in polyol pathway of glucose metabolism.

Put the words "aldose reductase" over the ->

(berberine *prevents* that from happening) here:

glucose + NADPH + H+ → sorbitol + NADP+


Bb uses an enzyme to survive. It is this:

�The coenzyme A disulphide *reductase* of Borrelia burgdorferi �

PMID: 21923763

CoA disulfide REDUCTASE does this:

In enzymology, a CoA-disulfide reductase is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction:

2 CoA + NAD(P)+ <-> CoA-disulfide + NAD(P)H + H+


So Bb *reduces* CoA disulfide

*** leaving NAD(P)H+ H.*** (which Bb uses along with available glucose)

Berberine CHLORIDE prevents:

glucose + (NADPH + H) -> sorbitol + NADP

By inhibiting an enzyme called aldose reductase that goes over the -> above.

Trying hard.

2 CoA + NAD(P)+ <-> CoA-disulfide + NAD(P)H + H+

Bb reduces CoA-disulfide (cross it out)

*leaving* (NADPH + H)


glucose + (NADPH + H+) → sorbitol + NADP+

Berberine CHLORIDE stops the -> via inhibiting an enzyme called aldose reductase.

Bottom line, berberine looks to prevent Bb from metabolizing glucose via inhibiting aldose reductase.

In photosynthetic bacteria NADPH is produced.

I�m trying to convince you�Bb is very likely a photosynthetic bacteria that likely has rhodopsin as its light activated protein which is shielded by retinol. Rhodopsin = retinAL (pigment) + opsin (protein) complex that links to retinOl to protect rhodopsin from �free radicals�/oxidation.

Now go back and read my other posts about berberine and its uses/effects.

Dosages and timing need to be determined!!!


P.S. What is strange is that berberine looks to lower fasting blood levels of glucose and lower insulin release (PMID: 20953398) which indicates it functions like insulin...transporting glucose into the cells, but then interfers with the metabolism, i.e. breakdown of glucose.

Wait...I get it:

In vitro, recombinant AR was directly phosphorylated by activated PKC, suggesting that AR may be an in vivo PKC substrate.PMID: 12527382

Oh...inhibit AR (possible PKC substrate) and thus inhibit PKC. Tamoxifen is a man-made PKC ***inhibitor***...

P = protein
K = kinase = phosphate transfer
C= calcium (activated)

When cGMP gates are *closed*, this -> Na and Ca can't go in (!!!) and glutamate (toxic) can't go out.

Bb prefers the cGMP gates be open.

Bb uses NaCl for motility and likely Ca for biofilm.

[ 05-21-2012, 12:01 PM: Message edited by: Marnie ]
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
Will someone who is on this website AND on the European lyme website, PLEASE forward the above post to them!

And tell them to also look very closely at my other posts re: berberine...the many diseases it might help, the way it works, etc. - all linked too.

It appears Berberine CHLORIDE is the form needed.
Posted by sparkle7 (Member # 10397) on :
Can you put this in layman's terms?
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
what makes this urgent??
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
Layman's terms...simplified and without links (which have been provided elsewhere).

Berberine makes glucose unavailable to Bb because it interferes with the metabolism of glucose.

While it appears to help glucose go into the cell (and is used in insulin resistance situations - late onset diabetes), once in the cell, it interferes with the breakdown of glucose.

Bb is VERY glucose dependent...he needs the carbons.

Note...many websites touting berberine for various diseases and/or symptoms say just berberine - not what *form of* berberine.

However a select few specify berberine CHLORIDE.

Since it appears the chloride channels are very active in lyme, this form of Berberine maybe very important i.e., Berberine CHLORIDE.

How do I know this? Frontline for our dogs impacts the chloride channels in the Bb infected ticks attached to our dogs. NO, WE can NOT use Frontline!

Berberine inhibits HMG CoA reductase (like statins) which halt the cholesterol pathway...a pathway Bb takes to build "his" cell wall!

Berberine is a used to treat colitis.

Berberine is used for diabetes

Berberine is used to treat several cancers.

Berberine (given to mice with MS - multiple sclerosis) cured the mice. It looks to interfere with T17 cells which are often upregulated in "autoimmune".

Berberine is a natural antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, antiprotozal.

Berberine is used to treat AD...Alzheimer's.

Berberine lowers triglycerides and LDL...keeping HDL up (the good cholesterol)

Berberine is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

Berberine clears a fatty liver (can only be seen on a ***fasting ultrasound*** of the liver). Ongoing...a fatty liver is not good nor is it a "healthy" liver!

Berberine has inhibited some biofilms

Berberine ***inhibits calcium influx*** - linked to biofilm and Bb keeping the cGMP gates open...allowing Na and then Ca in and glutamate out. The presence of DAG keeps the cGMP gates open.

Bb needs Na(Cl) for motility, Ca for biofilms and sure as heck does not want toxic glutamate.

Calcium activated channels...Tamoxifen (for breast cancer) is a man-made inhibitor of calcium activated - phosphate transfer onto a protein. More than one lyme patient develops cancer...various cancers...DOWN THE ROAD.

Berberbine is a vasorelaxant.

Berberine inhibits inhibits TNFa, MCP-1, and IL-6 in AcLDL stimulated macrophages (IL-6 -> STAT3 -> NFkB -> TNFa and IL-1B + MMPs which break apart proteins). Not all bad...Body is trying to destroy Bb's outer cell walls - break up the proteins - cleave/chop them apart, but...what then remains is a cell wall deficient pathogen in biofilm in macrophages that are targeted to die...and release CWD Bb.

Ongoing inflammation is a cancer trigger..."Google" the words: inflammation cancer.

Inflammation is needed as a part of healing, but it is supposed to shut off.

Berberine - possible therapy for heart failure. (Patients were NOT on beta blockers when the trial was run.)

Berberine + tetracycline for cholera. (Conflicting research re: that combo....some say okay, others not okay)

Berberine displaces (toxic) bilirubin which happens when the red blood cells break down. Bilirubin -> liver and becomes a component of bile. (The inbetween steps maybe significant with regards to the products of heme breakdown.)

Berberine + Rx Daraprim for malaria.

Berberine has a slight anti-depressant effect.

Inflammation taming:

Berberine has been shown to inhibit MMP-1, MMP-2, and MMP-9 as well as controlling different signaling molecules like IL-1�, IL-6, TNF-a, and NFkB�all upstreaming

regulators of the inflammatory cascade and MMP activity.

(MMPs = metalproteinases which chop apart proteins. Proteins are chains of amino acids - building blocks)

Berberine-containing herbs have a long history of use in Chinese (***Coptis chinensis***), Western (Berberis vulgaris, Hydrastis canadensis, Berberis aquifolium), and Ayurvedic herbal medicine (Berberis aristata).

Dosage and timing had yet to be spelled out though some websites give us an indication of how much, how often.

I would NOT take this supplement without talking to my doctor and without checking with a pharmacist (or two) about potential drug interactions.

It was just last year, 2011, that researchers found the enzyme (an inhibitor) that Bb needs to survive!!!

I looked at how Bb's enzyme inhibitor works and how an enzyme that berberine effects may very well

work in concert and lead to Bb's death.

These are the 2 enzymes involved:

Bb = coenzyme A disulphide *reductase*

Berberine = *inhibits* an enzyme called aldose reductase
Posted by pamoisondelune (Member # 11846) on :
I take herbal ground barberry root plain, by the spoonful.

Would that work like berberine chloride or not?

I also take Coptis chinensis extract drops--- would that work like berberine chloride, or not?


Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
Coptis chinensis looks to contain some berberine chloride et al.

Enough? Not likely, but possibly will help.

Are you also on abxs?

I bought simply "Berberine" on Amazon to try.

It was from Get Well Naturals.

Then I found the form of Berberine...chloride...might make a difference so I called the company to ask which form of Berberine that is.

The company representative said that it is berberine sulfate, not berberine chloride.

Though he said they used to carry berberine chloride, but he was told the sulfate form is safer.

Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
Just found another amazing connection....

Once activated by ATP depletion, ***AMPK switches on catabolic pathways that generate ATP*** while switching off anabolic pathways and other ATP-consuming processes, which restores the energy balance.

Berberine activates AMPK!

�Activation of AMPK by berberine promotes�� PMID: 21536037

From the first link, AMPK switches on catabolic pathways that ***generate ATP.***

Thus�berberine activates AMPK which switches on catabolic pathways that generate ATP.

AMPK is not required for the activation of glycogen breakdown and glycolysis;

the key enzymes in these pathways (phosphorylase and phosphofructokinase) are directly activated by increases in the AMP:ATP ratio.

Phosphofructokinase (PFK) � Bb depends on that enzyme which controls glycolysis!

The structure of a pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase from the Lyme disease spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi.
PMID: 12015149

Phosphofructokinase is

inhibited by high concentrations of one of its substrates, ATP,

an inhibition which is reversed by AMP.

Summary...punch line:

Thus berberine, by activating AMPK which switches on pathways to generate ATP -> inhibiting phosphofructokinase which Bb is dependent on.
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
Up. Read the punch line at the bottom of the last post.
Posted by TerryK (Member # 8552) on :
Wow Marnie!!! Amazing info. Thanks for posting. I have diabetes and lyme so this looks very promising. [Smile]

Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
I wish others would pay attention too. This maybe another "universal remedy"!

Inflammation down, HMG CoA reductase inhibitor - so long Bb cell walls, lowers T17 = autoimmune cells, increases ATP - energy transporter, lowers PFK = rate limiting enzyme for glycolysis that Bb needs...

The list goes on and on.

All we need now is:

Correct dosages and correct timing and a very reputable source for Berberine Chloride/HCL
Posted by WakeUp (Member # 9977) on :
Excellent post-- thank you.

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