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Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :
I noticed that I generally need tiny doses of herbs/supplements or it sets my system off.

Is this chemical sensitivity? What's the cause and can I fix it?

An immune disregulation?
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Do you have MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity) regarding scented products, chemicals, diesel exhaust, gas heat or a gas stove top, paints, personal grooming products?

If so, then it does make sense that your body might also be more sensitive regarding herbs.

However, aside from MCS and whether that's part of your picture or not, if certain herbs are just too strong for your body, it could be more from lyme/TBD &/or liver damage or exhaustion not necessarily MCS.

The body take a huge hit with lyme and getting back up to speed can be very slow.

If you have any liver dysfunction, THAT can lead to MCS or other processing difficulties, especially due to excess porphyrins (re: the porphyria variations).

And - it could be that certain herbs are just not right for YOUR body at THIS time. Even "regular" folks who have what may seem identical colds may require totally different herbal formulas for treatment.

So, really, in the wide wonderful world of herbal medicine, it's really best to find a doctor who has graduated from a four-year post graduate medical college that is just about that kind of medicine (such as Bastyr Naturopathic College or one with similar rigorous curriculum).

There are thousands of herbs (and even more combinations of such). I've studied this area for many years - just on my own. The most important thing I've learned is that it's best to seek out a naturopathic doctor or one of parallel education and certification (DOM, D.Ay., L.Ac.)

I know, though, that budget restraints may prohibit that. So, don't push it.

Talking adjunct support here, not so much about antimicrobials that can cause a herxheimer reaction,

if something does not work for you, don't push it. Lower the dose tremendously first. Many with lyme can tolerate only tiny doses of certain Rx and also for certain herbs.

Don't hesitate to stop it. Set it aside for another time or give to someone else if it might work for them. Read up and try something else. But, even with the web and books, we just don't have the all the information at our fingertips.

I hope you can see a ND, one who is also LL. Their knowledge is (nearly always) remarkable.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Though not at all about lyme, this is one of the best reference resources on my bookshelf that has wonderful chapters, many graciously available through their website.



He is a doctor of Ayurvedic Medicine; She a doctor of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncturist. The third co-author is a doctor of optometry.

Understanding Herbs

Essential Concepts and Vocabulary
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :
I think it's from exhaustion as you mentioned because my mom has same issues and she definitely doesn't have chemical issues.

Adrenal Exhaustion would make sense. Just becomes hard for the body to utilize higher doses?
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

LIVER & KIDNEY SUPPORT & and several HERXHEIMER support links, too.


Parsites should also always be considered when one shows sensitivities. Just as with lyme & heavy metals . . . parasites create a toxic load and a toxic load is often to blame for sensitivities.

Also be sure to go scent-free if you've not already done so. It's very important.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Q: Adrenal Exhaustion - Just becomes hard for the body to utilize higher doses?

I think it's not so much that the body can't "utilize" higher doses but it just can't even stand being in the same room with them, so to speak.

Too much creates a flood and all systems are kaput. And "too much" can be a tiny amount - or just the wrong herb for you.

Some of this may be about balance but probably mostly about the dose itself, or the form (if alcohol tincture, that can be impossible for some to tolerate).

As you've posted a lot about Rhodiola and adrenal stuff lately, remember that some just can't tolerate ANY Rhodiola, even if in a balanced formula.

And, it's not all about what we take but also our food and our rest / gentle exercise stuff. You may need more rest or exercise may be too much right now.

I've seen some do very well with Tai Chi or Qi Gong. It seems rather tame but can be very strengthening, indeed.

Also, you may well need Cortef. I've read that many with lyme just can't seem to achieve success with just herbal support.;f=1;t=119975;p=0

CORTEF / Hydrocortisone. Safe Physiological replacement dose range is discussed here.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
The matter of PARASITES - deserves its own post. Seek out Gael - posts by glm111 for detail.

I'd start there, actually. It's often overlooked with lyme and it's really the place to begin, as I think many are finding out.

Of course, Liver support is still a must, always and forever. In order to be able to best manage any treatment, the liver & kidneys need TLC.

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