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Posted by jessicabooklover (Member # 39427) on :
Hi everyone...I have barely been able to get out of bed for the past several days and when I do, it is a struggle to do much of anything. I do not know if it is from the flu I had, the loss of weight, the meds I am on or the infections themselves, but I am weaker than a newborn kitten and with the weakness comes depression.

I am trying very hard to remain positive and hopeful. I do not give up ever and I won't now either, but I am overwhelmed by just how suffocated I feel by this damn illness lately. I still have my sense of humor and I seem very up and happy to everyone but only my fiance really sees how deeply I am struggling at the moment.

Any suggestions at all for quick energy boosters? I am looking even for temporary fixes right now...anything that even gives me 2 or 3 hrs of energy at a clip. I just cannot take being this weak all the time. Thanks so much in advance for any responses. Jess.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Jess: Have you tried coffee enemas. When you are toxic from treatment they helped me a lot... a LOT. I can tell you more if you would like to know. I am sorry you are feeling so rough. I empathize. My fiance has had to do this journey with me as well. NEVER, NEVER, EVER GIVE UP. I was thankful to see that on my fridge this am. A good reminder.

Sending you well wishes and healing thoughts...
Posted by jessicabooklover (Member # 39427) on :
Will-no I have never tried any enemas because things tend to move so fast and furiously through my GI tract that I never saw the need heh...Also I didnt know if they were safe, so I have always been reluctant to try one.

Thanks so much for the kind words. I am IMMEASURABLY lucky to have my fiance. He sees me at my absolute worst and he just doesn't flinch or waiver in his support one iota.

Last night I was sick as hell and I looked in the mirror and I looked like a skinny and pale little girl to myself and my fiance walked into the room and hugged me and said, "Look how beautiful you are"...oyyy I have a keeper haha.

Thanks again so much. Jess
Posted by glm1111 (Member # 16556) on :

When I first got sick with Lyme back in 83, I was bedridden and couldn't talk or barely walk. I could barely lift my arm to eat I was so weak. I was very underweight and pale.

I didn't know I had lyme back then and was very, very ill. The only thing that helped was rest. The reason I am telling you this is so you know you can recover, but you can't push your body any more than you are.

You are just recovering from the flu. YOU NEED TO REST!! The only thing that comes to mind that may be able to help is Adrenal Health by Gaia Herbs.

I never took it, but AKA canefan reported that he had very good results with it when nothing else worked. He took ONLY 1 drop in water to begin with.

Getting it ART tested would be a good idea. Bottom line is you NEED TO REST and not pushing your body anymore than it is capable of right now. It takes time, but you can and will recover.

Wishing you the best.

Posted by glm1111 (Member # 16556) on :
P. S.

coconut water could be very good for you right now to help balance out your electrolytes.

Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
Rest helps you heal faster! My husband is basically bed bound the past month.

Yesterday he did more and felt like he'd overdone it.

Today he is taking it easier and not trying to do so much. He sat in the rocking chair in the sunshine awhile this morning. Now he's back in bed hoping to get a nap before lunch.

His idea is.... the more I rest now, the faster I'll get well, and be up and about again. He's learned it does NOT work to push beyond what he is able to handle.

And all those "helpful people" who keep asking if he's walking around, coming out to the table to eat, etc, etc can just go fly kites! He will do what he's able to do, when he's able to!!

This too shall pass.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Nutrition has to get in someway. Juicing, greens powders, BONE BROTH, are all things I hope you are doing.

Your body won't be able to do anything without enough nutrients and calories.

I know you started back on TPN (IV nutrients) due to gastroparesis, but TPN, alone, is not enough.

In recent posts, you sometimes remark that you barely can manage any food at all, maybe a few hundred calories a day. That will not sustain life.

I've not seen you talk about JUICING, GREENS POWDERS, BONE BROTH or PUREED foods, WARM SOUPS, though those have been suggested over time. If you need suggestions for HOW to put this together, people have lots of suggestions to help.

With the reports of your calorie and total food intake, it seems the logical place to go back to before addressing anything else.

A stainless steel immersion blender for stovetop use in soups is so handy but, at your strenght level, it would be safer for someone else to do that. You could come up with the rccipes.

That gastroparesis book suggested earlier has lots of great ideas, too.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
"Quick Energy Boosters" can be a disaster for a weak body. Be very careful about any herbs or supplements that promise "energy boosting" - very careful.

Anything that gives you a "quick boost" is also likely to drop you like a ton of bricks.

Calories from the best nutrients- sustained all day long - are the best energy you can give your body for a start.

Here's that book link again, to help you get the fuel you need to move forward:

Living (Well) with Gastroparesis! � by Crystal Saltrelli, CHC

A Gastroparesis Patient-Expert and Certified Health Counselor . . .

. . . professional training in Health Counseling and Holistic Nutrition at IIN . . .

. . . seven years of personal and professional experience managing the physical and emotional symptoms of gastroparesis. . . .

Her book (with 75 recipes), & reviews:

Living (Well!) with Gastroparesis: Answers, Advice, Tips & Recipes for a Healthier, Happier Life

December 2011 - About the Author:

. . . currently the only Certified Health Counselor specializing in gastroparesis management and one of very few health professionals with both personal and professional experience with the condition. . . .

You can LOOK INSIDE the book here

Over 30 Customer Reviews, each a top 5 stars

The reviews are very encouraging.
Posted by jessicabooklover (Member # 39427) on :
Thank you so much everyone for the thoughtful responses. Jess.
Posted by CherylSue (Member # 13077) on :
So sorry you are ill. I've been in your place in the past, too, after being sick upon top of being sick.

You are in a relapse right now, but you will get over it all in time.

My LLMD has me taking a detox powder that has lots of nutrients, protein, and good things. I mix it in my blender every morning. It's called Detox 365 and the cheapest price is the online site of Vitamin Research Products.

Expect a slow recovery. Do not push, but get the nutrients in your body that you need.

God bless.
Posted by Razzle (Member # 30398) on :
I certainly agree, you do need to rest and not push yourself.

This profound fatigue can be from herxing, after-effects of the flu, the infections themselves, and the ups & downs with your calorie/nutrition intake...

Even going back on TPN again can bring on some fatigue as your body re-adjusts to the nutrition (re-feeding syndrome).

Please ignore ALL food advice EXCEPT what YOUR body says is OK for you...those of us with Gastroparesis have to eat what we can, when we can...

I also would not do coffee enemas in your situation. You need to build up, not drain out stuff...and caffeine is a draining substance.

Instead, I suggest tons of rest, whatever food and/or liquid you can tolerate/keep down, and snuggles with your fiance. As much and as often as you can.

And you may need to reduce or skip a dose of the abx now and then to give your body a chance to catch up with the die-off.

Ok, so for detox:

Something that won't deplete you is epsom salt bath soaks. Even just a foot soak in a plastic dishpan would help.

Soak no more than 10-15 minutes at a time, and make sure the water is warm/comfortable and not too hot.

Can do these soaks 2-3 times/day if needed...

Deep breathing exercises are also excellent for detoxing.

And if you can stomach it, peppermint or other herbal tea (no caffeine - use the real herb and put it in a tea bell in boiling water, then turn off the stove and let the peppermint herb steep for about 10 minutes)...

Can throw in a chunk of ginger root before the water comes to a boil...and then can sip the tea once it is finished steeping.

Ginger is good for detoxing, but also helps with nausea and is anti-inflammatory...all of which you need right now [Smile]

I wouldn't do more radical detoxing stuff (coffee enemas, sauna, etc.) pectin is ok, maybe (if it doesn't bother your gastroparesis), as a binder...

Your primary goal needs to be building up your nutrition, hence why I don't think more radical detoxing is a good idea right now.

I hope this helps...take care,
Posted by jessicabooklover (Member # 39427) on :
Razzle-once again you are a godsend. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! xo Jess
Posted by jupiter76 (Member # 37697) on :
try taking larger doses of vitamin B12. One case in infection is the generation of nitric oxide which inhibits the energy snthesis in the mitochondria. B12 inactivates nitric oxide. This helped much in my case. Also Glutathion injection/infusion and vitamin C infusion. Make sure you don�t have a severe histamin intolerance which I had. Avoid eating milk products.
Posted by Kudzuslipper (Member # 31915) on :
Jess, refresh my memory...this is the first time you are doing ABX becasse of c-diff right?

I think the best thing you can do is go with it... give in to being sick for a while...sleep, watch tv, read, or do nothing at all... sleep all day if you have to... your body needs it.

I slept and was in severe pain for the first month... and then up and down.

just rejoice in the fact that the meds are working and you are killing the buggers...

and if you wake up feeling good one day, enjoy it, but don't overdue it.

take this time to take care of you... and try to find peace with being slug... it's only for a bit in the whole scheme of things.

this article helped me a lot in dealing with the bad times...

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