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Posted by carolann2013 (Member # 39964) on :
I have read so much, I think it has clogged my brain...

I was really hurting with my muscle and joint pain (trying to work etc).

My family doctor gave me something for the pain. It is working really good. Just a hint of pain.

My first appointment with an LLMD is April 9. I have tested negative on a Lyme Test from LabCorp.

I understand that LabCorp is not very reliable. I do have a test kit I got from Igenex. I just hadn't gotten the blood tests done to send off yet.

I am also on salt/cProtocol. This is my second full week on it. I have not seen a lot. Maybe a few things looked 'suspicious'.

My confusion starts with the medication I am taking for the pain. So far the medication is doing pretty good for the pain.

Of course I still have the other symptoms:
Ears are really messed up/ringing, hurting and full.

My glands are still swollen in my neck.

I am still slowly gaining weight. Since I have been on the salt/c, the ebook says eliminate all sugars, table salt. Eat 75% veggies and fruits.

I have done this. My weight still seems to climb.

My eyelids are getting worse. They swell something fierce.

Otherwise, I feel okay.

My pain (due to the medication) seems to be under control.

I am wondering if maybe I don't have Lyme.

I know I still have some of the symptoms. But they aren't 'intolerable'. I guess my biggest pain was the joint and muscle pain.

I am so thankful that thus far I have that pain under control I guess I am wondering if maybe all these other symptoms are something else beside Lyme.

I read these posts constantly. I think everything I have absorbed has scrambled my brain.

If I send the Igenex blood tests back and it says negative, then most likely I don't have Lyme.

I have read on these posts that Igenex can also miss Lyme. I realize that. But if it does come back negative,

I would hate to cost my family so much money chasing after my assumption that I have Lyme and come to find out I really don't.

The thing that seems to make me think I have Lyme is of course all of the symptoms, but I have a tick bite on the back of my knee from 2010 that keeps coming back.

There is no mark on the back of my knee. About once or twice a month the bite starts to itch and swell up. Then it goes away.

Please advise...I am really to a point I don't know what to think.

It is such a shame that the LLMD's are so far away and only deals with cash.

It is also a shame that regular family doctors ignores Lyme.

Thank you so much to all of you for answering and commenting on my posts. I very much appreciate it!
Posted by glm1111 (Member # 16556) on :
If your eyelids are swelling while on salt/c. I would suggest going to lymnestratgies and asking them if this is a common issue while on salt/c.

Also, if you have seen suspicous findings in the toilet after staring salt/c, it would be indicative of parasites. Trying some antiparasitic herbs could help push these pathogens out.

Posted by carolann2013 (Member # 39964) on :
Yes, I think I am going to get some Humaworm. Waiting until payday......
Posted by Razzle (Member # 30398) on :
The symptoms at the bite site flaring once a month strongly suggest has a cycle to it, that often causes symptoms to flare every 3-5 weeks...

Would be good, I think, to consult with a Lyme-Literate medical professional (MD, DO, or Naturopathic Physician).
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
A tick bite and a recurring itch and swelling on that spot, etc cannot be ignored. If you get your Igenex test you will be able to tell by the bands that show up whether or not you have Lyme.. even if the test is overall negative.

What kind of meds are you on for pain?

Have you read this?

Western Blot Explanation
Posted by carolann2013 (Member # 39964) on :
I am taking Meloxicam.
It is really working pretty good thus far.
Posted by Judie (Member # 38323) on :
"If I send the Igenex blood tests back and it says negative, then most likely I don't have Lyme. "

Not so. Even though Igenex does good testing, there are many reasons a person gets a negative blood test. I have a friend who did the Igenex test 5 times and one the 5th on it finally showed lyme.

What were the test results from Labcorp? Did you have any positive bands? Post them here if you have those results.

Another issue is that the test can show lyme but isn't being interpreted correctly.

I took antibiotics for a month before testing. This helped my body make antibodies against lyme and my test was positive.

The body can just gives up making antibodies for lyme while you still have lyme and lyme goes deeper into the system. It doesn't just stay in the blood stream.

[ 02-16-2013, 03:37 AM: Message edited by: Judie ]
Posted by Judie (Member # 38323) on :
Also, here are reasons false negatives on Lyme blood tests are common:

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