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Posted by yellow01 (Member # 40519) on :
Hi Everyone, I'm new to this site.

LONGGGGGGG story short, I've been dealing with A LOT of symptoms over the past 2.5 years.... It all started after I came home from GA in August 2010 (after playing in the woods) and got sick (thinking it was just bronchitis)...The "bronchitis" never went away.

Since then I've had problems with:
-EXTREME fatigue
-weakness/numbness in my legs and hands
-burning feeling in my leg
-hands hurt like arthritis
-bad headaches
-HORRIBLE concentration
-foggy feeling
-dizzy spells
-nerve issues
-stiff neck
-can't spit out words

I've had every test done and they all come back negative... OR so I thought! My Primary "told me" he was doing a lyme test on me 2.5 years ago and come to find out 2 days ago, he never did it!!!!!! My husband has suspected Lyme for a long time now.. I know it's REALLY hard to diagnose. I'm beyond frustrated!!!!!! I question all doctors now....

They've thought: MS, Neuropathy, chronic epstein barr, Meniere's disease, etc etc etc etc.......

I have ALWAYS worked out!!!! Since I was 14 (I'm 34). VERY much a fitness gym person. Nowadays, my workouts are almost non-existent [Frown] I have a 6 year old son... I would NEVER have all these symptoms "be in my head" ( I feel some doctors think it is after tests come back negative) and have this effect my son!!!!!! Ever!!! I have no energy for him 50% of the time. It makes me feel horrible... About a year after my symptoms started, a Infectious Disease Dr and neurologist tested me for Lyme and they were both negative.
I need answers!

I have heard about Dr. P in South Florida (mixed reviews). The office says it's 1,000 for first visit and 3,200 for all the labwork. Does that price sound about right? (they said they ONLY send it to a lab in CA) They said most insurance won't cover that stuff, but will more than likely cover the "treatment"....

**I edited your topic so that it reflects the fact that you are new and need advice... let me know if that is not OK!**

[ 04-21-2013, 10:11 PM: Message edited by: Lymetoo ]
Posted by faithful777 (Member # 22872) on :
Holy Cow!! Some LLMD's are charging that much for a first visit but I think the average is around $700 for most. Never heard a doctor not use a local lab except for some kind of specialty test.

First of all, the longer you have been sick, the less likely your immune system will make antibodies to make a test positive.

I didn't have that much lab work done. This is a clinical diagnosis and other than asking for an Igenex western blot which may or may not tell you anything, the blood work I have done is normal stuff to make sure you are tolerating abx.

Even with testing adrenals, thyroid and hormones that sounds like a lot.

My insurance covered most of what I had done.

If you are willing to travel, send me a pm. My LLMD is fabulous and you can visit once a year and she will do phone visits the rest of the time.
Posted by droid1226 (Member # 34930) on :
That's normal for a first visit. That's a lot for labwork though. You can save some money and and get an IGENEX full lyme and co infection test. Just ask the dr. if he will use that, it's the standard anyway.

It's around 1200.

If you are hard up for cash and want to just run the 188,189 Igenex. That will tell you lyme or not pretty accurately and it's only 200.

That will tell you everything you need except adrenals, thyroid, and other basic labs which shouldn't be more than a few hundred bucks at any hospital.

By the sound of it, it sounds exactly like every other story on here that is posted over and over again.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Normal IF THE DOCTOR IS ONE OF THE BEST IN THE COUNTRY MAYBE... but not for THIS doctor, in my opinion.

Igenex lab is one of the very best for Lyme testing. They are in CA.

But please, find a better LLMD.
Posted by Sammi (Member # 110) on :
I sent you a private message.

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