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Posted by lymenotlite (Member # 33166) on :
Apparently essential oils are common in Europe and I'd like to give them a try on lyme symptoms and I'd like to learn more about how to use them and which ones are the most effective.

Several days ago I went to a workshop on essential oils and those people were selling a product called DoTerre. Of course they claimed that their products were the best but who knows? They only use herbs from areas in which the plant is native and they do a lot of testing on their products.

Anyone know of a good forum on essential oils and/or a good intro book?
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
The best company is Young Living, in my opinion.

I really like using the oils myself. There is a desk reference available but I don't have one yet. I'll see what info I can find for you.

Here is one:

I think ABE Books has the same one a bit cheaper. It may be used.
Posted by Razzle (Member # 30398) on :
doTerra puts synthetic ingredients in their oils, thus they are not safe to take internally.

I agree w/ Lymetoo - Young Living is the best. They are the only oils company who's oils are regulated by the FDA, and all of their oils are medical grade, meaning they are safe to take (with proper knowledge of how) internally.

I'm using some oils topically for Lyme/Bart. & Viruses. I herx from them, so am going slowly.

I've also been using certain oils for allergies and getting good results.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Cleveland Clinic uses Young Living oils.
Posted by faithful777 (Member # 22872) on :
Just go to the Young Living website. You can learn a lot about the oils there and which ones do what you are looking for.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Essential oils can be very nice yet they are for breathing or diluting with a carrier oil for a skin rub. Not for internal use and, alone, not enough to address lyme -- although certainly many symptoms may be lessened, even alieviated, with their use - for some people, sometimes.

For those with MCS (multiple chemical sensitivities) aromatherapy or topical treatments with ANY essential oils may be far too much.

Many with MCS say that lavender is like the "kiss of death" and I'm included in that.

I can "do" plant oils but not fragrant flower oils. Lemon, Mint, Bergomot, are fine. But the flower scents cause terrible reactions for myself and several other frieds I have with both lyme and MCS.

Thieves makes me pass out, literally. It's just too strong for me right out of the little bottle or in a difuser with water to clear the air. It is not about it's "regular action" but the fact that strong chemicals - even when from good sources - if so concentrated can clobber those with MCS. I found this out the hard way.

This can differ, of course, for those with MCS can all have different "triggers" - it's just good to always start with ONE DROP of whatever in a carrier solution.

Keep that little bottle then inside of a glass jar between uses.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
I also agree that Young Living is the best. I enjoy their lemon and their bergomot.

Thieves oil is the one that is most relevant for those with lyme. Just start with ONE drop in your carrier oil for topical application or in water in your difuser.

I would not start with a difuser unles you are certain that you will be okay with any particular oil. You could just put a drop in with a 1/2 cup of water in a shallow dish first.

Thieves Oil from Young Living
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Yes you CAN ingest the YLEO.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
For those with MCS, a sniff of lemon oil can help when explosed to exhaust fumes in traffic (and the road fumes on hot days, too).

I keep a small vial with me for that very purpose. It helps to clear the brain fog that can clobber instantly from vehicle exhaust.

Mint oils can have similar action and both can also lift the mood very nicely.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Good catch, TuTu.

To clarify, when I said not for ingesting, I was thinking more along the lines of as tinctures would be.

Yes, some (not all) YLEO can be ingested but something like one drop to 2 cups of water. I put one drop of Bergomot in 15 ounces of a green tea and make my own green Earl Grey.

Essential oils can burn very badly if not diluted enough and some are just too strong to go down the hatch at all. Even those that may be fine ingested, though, the dose that would be safe for an essential oil would not be enough to treat lyme, alone.

I have a hard time saying exactly what I mean and I still have not achieved that but still want to help prevent any burning experiences.

As aromatherapy or topical application, for a while years ago someone told me that would cure me. It did not. There's way more to it. However, there is so much of value in this method that I see it important as part of a plan.

As with most things, there are specific ways to do this. Just find the best guides you can.

A LL ND might also be of great help.


SAGE ESSENTIAL OIL - AVOID it. It can trigger seizures in those who may be more at risk for those (and anyone with lyme can be). It can also cause hyperreactivity, panic attacks, irritability, etc. Too stimulating for many.

Sage, as culinary herb, is just fine, though.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
When considering herbal / nutritional / adjunct methods:

if at all possible - because each person & each case is different - it's best to consult with an ILADS-educated LL ND (lyme literate naturopathic doctor) (or similar) who has completed four years of post-graduate medical education in the field of herbal and nutritional medicine -

- and someone who is current with ILADS' research & presentations, past and present, and has completed the ILADS Physician Training Program (see: )

Many LL NDs incorporate antibiotics (depending upon the licensing laws in their state). Some LLMDs and LL NDs have good working relationships.

When possible, it's great to have both a LLMD and LL ND and even better when they have a long-standing professional relationship.


How to find an ILADS-educated LL:

N.D. (Naturopathic Doctor);

L.Ac. (Acupuncturist);

D.Ay. (Doctor of Ayurvedic Medicine);

D.O.M. (Doctor of Oriental Medicine);

Integrative / Holistic M.D., etc. (Be aware that those in this category can have various levels of formal herbal &/or nutritional education, perhaps even just a short course. Do ask first.)

Links to many articles and books by holistic-minded LL doctors of various degrees who all have this basic approach in common:

Understanding of the importance of addressing the infection(s) fully head-on with specific measures from all corners of medicine;

knowing which supplements have direct impact, which are only support and which are both.

You can compare and contrast many approaches.


BODY WORK links with safety tailored to lyme patients,


BIOPHOTON - BIONIC 880 (& PE-1) links, and

RIFE links.
Posted by lymenotlite (Member # 33166) on :
Thanks for the input.

When went to the workshop on the DoTerra oils, they gave us a lot of samples to sniff. When I got home, I was quite dizzy so it became clear to me that the oils can be potent.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Yes, very potent.
Posted by jjourneys (Member # 39813) on :
Yes, essential oils may be used for many symptoms. Yes, many can be taken orally.

I use Nature's Sunshine and Young Living.

I have the Young Living PDR if anyone has specific questions.

I have used essential oils for years! Can't say anymore about my experience or the moderators will delete my post.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Yes, we're all trying to behave here.
Posted by jlf2012 (Member # 36002) on :
I've recently been learning more about young living essential oils.
The lady I bought them from told me to put the drops in a capsule and take orally. Right now I'm just rubbing them on my feet. I've been using cloves and thyme for a few months. I haven't noticed an improvement, but I'm also off of my abx now. I just purchased oregano and thyme. She wants me to start with one drop of each in a capsule and take daily to begin. She's not an LL ND however, so I'm a little skeptical at this point. I'd love to find an LL ND nearby.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
It would be very good for yeast, jlf. I've done the cloves and lemongrass in capsules. It's supposed to break up biofilms.

I put a little coconut oil in the capsule also.
Posted by faithful777 (Member # 22872) on :
I was told by my LLMD to use oregano oil to prevent yeast while on abx.
Posted by jlf2012 (Member # 36002) on :
I meant to say I'm using cloves and *thieves* right now and may start the thyme and oregano soon. Good idea to put a little coconut oil in the capsule lymetoo!
Posted by jlf2012 (Member # 36002) on :
Just reading on FB of a lady who says she has two people taking young living essential oils and have felt remarkably better in two weeks after being very ill for years. Sounds too good to be true. A homeopathic lady told me the oils by themselves would not cure my lyme disease. So many opinions.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I doubt they will cure Lyme, though I've heard of that claim before.
Posted by jlf2012 (Member # 36002) on :
Just a friendly warning...there are people out there selling the oils who claim they will cure lyme disease. They may have a few "testimonials". One lady who sells the oils and recommends them for lyme disease calls our illness "lyme's disease" and says it is a viral infection.

It angers me that people are being led to believe that the oils can cure anyone without other treatments in place. It angers me that many people selling these oils do not educate themselves on this disease as they should. It angers and saddens me that there are so many desperate lyme disease patients who are being given false hope.
Posted by lymenotlite (Member # 33166) on :
I was sent a link to a DoTerra doctor who gave a 2-hour talk on lyme and essential oils and more. He seems to be recommending for lyme to take one or two capsules daily of --- 3 drops oregano, 3 drops clove, 3 drops thyme, 3 drops cassia, 3 drops melissa for 10-14 days. Then take a break for a few days and start the process all over again.

It was a 2 hour video so I may have missed things.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
It's very hard to put oil into the capsule without some getting on the outside of a capsule and causing burns to the mouth or esophagus.

The kind of capsule used makes a huge difference, too, as some can dissolve too soon, also burning - sometimes terribly - tender mouth or throat tissue, etc.

Best to go for a gelcap (premade - Gaia is a good brand for Oregano) but, even then, some oils can be too strong for some people.

Enteric coated tablets are another way to go.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I would not be willing to ingest DoTerra.

The capsules work fine if you add the coconut oil to them. Then I wipe the outside of the capsule with a tissue.
Posted by lymenotlite (Member # 33166) on :
Thanks for the tips. I have a lot of coconut oil and will use that.

I will be using Aura Cacia oils for a trial. I already have all but one of the above oils and will start with one drop rather than three.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I wouldn't ingest those either!! Use on your body.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Most brands are not safe to ingest. Seriously. Some of these can be grown with chemicals, go through chemical processes and contamination. And some oils are just not at all safe for ingesting.

Those that are, still, are to be done so with extreme care regarding how many drops, with what else as the carrier oil, etc.

Contact Young Living and talk to them. SOME of theirs are safe for ingesting and they are a very reputable company, with good practices and sources.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Still, there is no essential oil protocol, plan, formula that is a treatment or a cure for lyme. None. Zero. Not one.

Some symptom relief may be found by wisely (and according to directions) using some - and often as aroma therapy.

Some may help with specific lyme SYMPTOMS but that not to say they actually treat lyme. There is a huge difference.

Again, Young Living is the company that I would trust. I use some of theirs in various ways now and then. I only ingest ONE DROP of Bergamot in a Green Tea to make it a Green Earl Grey.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

Young Living Essential Oils
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
There is a big difference between an "essential" oil and other forms of oils from plants. It can be confusing.

To take out some of the guess work, I would start with an Oregano oil gelcap by this excellent company, GAIA:

Gaia Herbs, Oil of Oregano, 60 Vegetarian Liquid Phyto-Caps
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by Keebler:

Contact Young Living and talk to them. SOME of theirs are safe for ingesting and they are a very reputable company, with good practices and sources.

MOST, if not ALL.

editing to add ** most **

[ 06-08-2013, 07:08 PM: Message edited by: Lymetoo ]
Posted by Razzle (Member # 30398) on :
EO's are extremely powerful. I have seen before/after pictures of test results that strongly suggest EO's can heal things regular medicine cannot heal.

I personally am trying the oils as an adjunct to abx, as my gut will not let me take more abx than what I am already on. And I am herxing from topical use of the oils.
Posted by girl (Member # 18022) on :
Be careful with essential oils as they can easily DRY OUT the mucous membranes. Also, if there is a doc suggesting people take 15 DROPS A DAY he is leading people to danger! Seriously...

Also, I would NOT ingest Aura Cacia. That can't be safe. Aura Cacia is nice to smell, or to use topically but that's it.
Posted by jlf2012 (Member # 36002) on :
I've been told by the lady I purchase young living oils from that many are safe to ingest; however, I have only rubbed them on my feet so far. She also sent me this article.

**deleted link per lymenet rules**

[ 06-11-2013, 10:34 AM: Message edited by: faithful777 ]
Posted by GretaM (Member # 40917) on :
Hi All. Today I started diluted Thieve's Oil as a muscle and skin rub. One of my more persistent and annoying symptoms is a full body spotted rash (think Rickettsia) that I have had since my initial tick bite in 2002. The rash is improving with abx, but there are now many many scars and fading purple and red spots on me. I thought I would try diluted Thieve's Oil to help support my skin from the outside. So after my Epsom bath today I applied the dilued Thieve's Oil. I rarely herx with any abx or treatment, so it will be interesting to see if I herx with the oil.
Posted by Messa (Member # 38065) on :
Don't get me started on healing Lyme with essential oils. I use oils for some symptoms but the oils alone will NOT cure Lyme and coinfections.

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