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Posted by sutherngrl (Member # 16270) on :
Hey everyone! This is an update on my status.

I have been off antibiotics for 8 months now. A month or two ago I was questioning whether I was improving or not. But the last month things have been better.

I am now walking a mile a day at a fast pace. My fatigue has improved and I am feeling better than I have in a long while. Still not 100%; but I am seeing improvement.

Not sure that I can ever say that Lyme and co-infections are ever really totally gone; but maybe I will change my mind on that in the future.

All I know is that I am feeling stronger and healthier and seem to be slowly but surely moving forward.

I have asthma, and anxiety and sometimes wonder if it is babesia. The problem with that is, I don't want to have to go there, so I'm just trying to move on. Maybe its denial. I may eventually go get the babesia test, but for now I just can't.

When I look back at where I came from, so disabled and so ill, I am so much better today, and want to give hope to others. Just hang in there and be patient. I believe you can eventually feel better and be able to live a more normal life.

Posted by poppy (Member # 5355) on :
Glad to hear it. Hope things continue to improve.
Posted by lifewithlyme (Member # 4557) on :
Hopeful updates are always appreciated!! Thank you so much [Smile]
Posted by OtterJ (Member # 30701) on :
S-girl, I have been off antibiotics since last July,2012, and feel pretty good but if there is a twinge of something, I try to analyze(maybe overanalyze) to see if its the bug coming back. I too, have asthma and even though I've tested twice negatively for babs, I wonder if I have it. I have just started A-Bab, a Byron White herbal tincture, a treatment that has previously flummoxed me. I am going to give it a try again and see. I thought I might be allergic or over sensitive to some herb in the tincture, but we shall see. My allergist is concerned about the condition of my lungs and I understand this and so am attempting some parasite removal on my own to see if any of this helps. Wondering about the salt C protocol and other parasite-ey stuff. Has anyone seen info about bad genes and asthma? Allergist says this is a whole syndrome....
Posted by glm1111 (Member # 16556) on :
Glad to hear that you are feeling better, really. Just to let you know so you can get rid of your asthma and anxiety that you should consider treating parasites.

Both are HIGHLY indicative that you have a parasite/worm infection. I got rid of my SEVERE ashtma that I had or forty years by treating G. I. Parasites.

Both those symptoms are on the list for parasites. Asthma can be from a lungworm infection. Google parasite symptoms.

Posted by Ellen101 (Member # 35432) on :
Sometimes asthma is just asthma...not Lyme or parasites. It could be due to allergies or be hereditary. I have asthma so did my my mother and grandmother. Glad you are doing so well. Can you share your story?
Posted by terv (Member # 29410) on :
Have you treated for yeast? My mom has noticed a huge flair of asthma when eating small amounts of sugar or fruit.
Posted by surprise (Member # 34987) on :
Thank you for your post!

I've been off antibiotics and herbs that 'kill' Lyme and Bart for about 5 months- still using quality support supps, probiotics-

Also have improvements, and have been consistently working out with weights and building strength, which feels wonderful.

Recently had a gastro setback, and it was very difficult- decided to do another round of herbal parasite and yeast treatment -

Working on my gut- the setback put me in an anxiety tailspin, which feels like my Bartonella Hen.

Sometimes it's hard to discern is it my life stuff (which has some stressors) or, infection? I know that worry.

Picked up Buhner's new book, and will be adding some herbs and supplements to see if I get a reaction or improvement which may or may not be Bart. again.

After my gastro upset, I really did not feel well for a few days, and the paranoia that it might be infections crashing down is rough-

But.... I have definitely had improvements after aggressive treatment--- I am learning I will always have to mind my gut and health.
Posted by lyme in Putnam (Member # 11561) on :
That's so great. I messaged you times, I'm happy. God bless.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Hope you continue to improve, suthrngrl! I would hit yeast hard too... it can definitely cause asthma and anxiety.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Congrats to you on hitting that next level!! I hope you continue to get better and better. Enjoy your life!
Posted by CherylSue (Member # 13077) on :
Way to go southerngirl! I remember your posts when you were so sick, and so was I. It's good to hear you made it to the other side of abx.

I'm still on them, but am adding Byron White's A-L. I hope to join you in the next year. Your post is so encouraging.!
Posted by sutherngrl (Member # 16270) on :
Someone wanted to hear my story. Here it is in short form. Well as short as is possible.

I was ill for 2 years, undiagnosed. The first year I spent going from doctor to doctor. Many of us know that all too well. Finally got diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I immediately did not believe in that diagnosis. I think because I just didn't believe you wake up sick one day and no one knows the cause. Thank goodness I didn't accept that.

Anyway, I spent the next year staying away from doctors and researching on my own. I stumbled up on Lyme Disease symptoms one day and after reading them, a light bulb went off. I had so many symptoms. Many neurological things, pain, severe fatigue, etc.

I tested negative at first; but my LLMD treated me based on clinical symptoms. I did not improve for the first two years. But after that I started to very gradually feel better. I treated 4 and 1/2 years all together.

After one year of treatment I did test positive with bands 41 and 23. That kept me going, because at that point I had not begun to feel any better. I needed that conformation to go on.

The asthma is a concern, except that I have had it off and on all my life. Also I am going through menopause, which has some of the same symptoms as Babesia.

The fact that I can walk a brisk mile everyday makes me think I must be well. However, if I can't push on even farther, I will probably end up getting the test for babesia and my doctor mentioned toxoplasmosis.

But right now I am just trying to move forward and live life. I wish this for all of you, and will keep all of you in my prayers.

I will come back periodically and update. I know when I was so ill, positive updates would always give me hope.

Never, never, give up hope!!!

Posted by blinkie (Member # 14470) on :
I agree to treat yeast extensively at this point. It won't hurt. Also, are you gluten free? I have an asthma flare up of wheezing after I eat gluten.
Posted by didogs (Member # 40101) on :
Great news!! Thanks for sharing. Wishing you continued good health!
Posted by terv (Member # 29410) on :
Are you off all pain medication for the fibro? If so how did the weaning process go?
Posted by LAXlover (Member # 25518) on :
Great news! Congratulations and thank you for sharing "your story".
Posted by Kudzuslipper (Member # 31915) on :
Congrats. I am so happy for you. I totally get your post. I too have been off abx since december. I am not 100%, but so much better. I suspect Bart remaining , but just can't go there... I think we will both know when we have to, and that for now it is ok to just live!
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Right on!
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
I'm very happy for you!

Thanks for posting so others that are very sick can have hope for better days!
Posted by beths (Member # 18864) on :
How did you know to go off abx if you still had symptoms? Had you plateaued?
Posted by sutherngrl (Member # 16270) on :
Beths, yes I guess you would say I had plateaued. The symptoms I had left were just some stiffness in some of my joints.

However, the last couple of weeks have been worse for me. I just went and got tested for Babesia and Toxoplasmosis. We will see what comes of that. I will let you guys know.
Posted by nefferdun (Member # 20157) on :
I am glad you are doing so much better. Bands 41 and 23 are specific to protomyxzoa rheumatic so you should get tested for it at F Labs. It has many symptoms similar to babs.

I treated it with ivermectin and had amazing results. I also do the low fat vegan(ish) diet. When I stray from the diet I get symptoms back but I have gone for months without any drugs at all except LDN.

You could do a trial run of the diet to see if you can get to 100%. You might not even need the ivermectin.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Just remember that babesia testing is as flawed as Lyme testing. Unless you did it through Igenex, your chances of finding it are just about nil.

Even then, it's hard to find it on a test.
Posted by Insomnious (Member # 40960) on :
For breathing problems, I've found my overall sense of wellbeing improves when I keep mineral levels, magnesium and sodium, high. Mg helped with anxiety, breathing problems, energy. Na helped with digestion and cold tolerance (adrenal support).

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