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Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Maya suggested starting a chelation thread so all of us can help each other out. She asked me on another thread how I felt when I first started chelating. (answer below).

ALSO, anyone can post whatever they want here. This is not my thread. It's for us all. [Smile]

. . .

I started a year ago, but I still had amaglams in me which turned out to be a big mistake to do it with them in. Maybe it works for some, but it didn't for me. My metals were: high in lead, and I think mercury was in the middle (sorry, cannot remember the rest right now).

Originally I felt great on DMSA. Yes, I think you're right Maya, the NAC probably doesn't bother me now because my amalgams are out.

Chelating flares yeast, but that is probably due to me working on parasites as well. I think sometimes chelating metals flares other symptoms on me too though.

I saw that you take pleo- chelate, pecta sol, ala, NAC and minerals and vit c daily and Iv EDTA. Have you tried chlorella or DE? They make me feel better. Also, detox2 is a good chelator.

[ 07-03-2013, 11:01 AM: Message edited by: Catgirl ]
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Great idea, Maya and Catgirl! Are you saying that it is not good to take NAC until you have had all of your mercury fillings removed? Stephen Buhner highly recommends this as does my LLNP. I was just going to order more, but now am wondering...

I am gong to have my old fillings removed, but want to do it very gradually. I just had a tooth extracted and the recovery has been really tough. Quite a setback.
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Thanks catgirl that's awesome that you started this

My llnd said it is ok to take NAC and ala with fillings in since most does not get absorbed past the gut and out into the system . Both will chelate metals in the gut though.

I was worried about this myself and did some research and found that he is right. The bioavalability of both are quite low.

And catgirl I know how you feel I felt good with the first 3 chelations but now they make me feel pretty crappy.

Did this happen to you that after the first few they made you feel worse? Ie more metals moving now that they are circulating which makes you feel worse?

I also have a lot more biofilms circulating that have been broken up which I can see when my llnp does live cell testing on me.
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
I am also working on parasites and yeast at the same time as metals. It seems to be really tough for me.

How lOng have you been working on parasites catgirl and is the combined chelation/ parasite treatment tough for you too?

It was right around my 3rd chelation that I added in parasite herbs
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Dbpei, NAC is fine, IMO. I was referring to DMSA (sorry). ALA is good too. All dmsa did was pull the metals from my teeth and body and recirculate them. I had a mouth full of metals though. I don't know what one or two fillings would do. It's a shame Gigi is not here, she would know this. She knows more about metals than anyone I've seen or talked to. We were fortunate to have her on here.

Maya, I started to feel bad after a few months of chelating. It was hard to pinpoint as I was also working on parasites. I'm pretty sure the amalgams messed me up. Minerals too (wasn't taking enough).

There is so much involved when removing heavy metals and toxins. You have to make sure your minerals are at a normal level or you won't remove much. I think this is what happened to me, along with the amalgams.

KPU/HPU is a big factor and I would say that the majority of lyme patients have it. I asked my practitioner about it and he said that they just supplement with minerals. I'm not sure that was all that was needed, but that's what I did. So I stopped the dmsa and worked on my minerals. That said, Gigi has explained before that there is more to it than just taking minerals. If you do a search you will find it.

We are all different with heavy metal exposure, our ability to detox, etc. It's just so complex. Hopefully more people will chime in to help. It will benefit everyone concerned about metals/toxins.

Maya, that is great you are working on parasites and yeast at the same time. IMO, that's the way to do it. I agree, it's tough because I feel like I'm constantly battling something. But my gut says I'm getting somewhere. I also think energy and muscle testing is valuable doing all of this stuff. My doc says is the best tool we have.

Dbpei, I hope you feel better soon. [Smile]
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Hi Cat girl, I know what you mean about minerals. I am actually on daily minerals and also try to do a Myers cocktail once a week in between chelations. This is what my llnp has me doing and I think he is basically treating me for kpu at the same time, just at lower doses so not to liberate way to many metals.

I do have kpu. He has me on like 10 diff supps and I looked at them and they all seem to make up what is needed for te kpu.

I know I wish Gigi was here.

How are you feeling now catgirl? Now that you have been chelating and replacing minerals for a while?

I seem to be in a really tough spot right now.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
I feel better. The best thing I did was get rid of my amalgams. And replacing the minerals helps me feel better. Also amino acids. I am basically using an arsenal to get rid of metals, toxins and parasites. Colonics, clay baths even ondamed seems to help. Dbpei, ondamed would be great to help you heal from your surgery.

It's hard to see progress with the metal removal. That's probably because we are doing different things too. So many variables. It's a slow go but worth doing or docs wouldn't be doing it. Keeping a journal helps. I don't notice an immediate difference chelating, but see it months later, sometimes six months or more. I know I'm in a better spot today from working on metals and parasites.
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
I have gotten rid of my amalgams too and had a root canaled tooth pulled back in feb, march

glad you are now seeing definite improvement from the chelation now cat girl.
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
The progress from the metal removal is very slow and can get really tough, I agree but then when I see my blood in live cell and see all the biofilms circulating that I never used to see before chelation that gives me hope that I am really destroying the bugs homes and getting deep to the root of the disease.

I truly believe that you cant get rid of this without dealing with the metals and biofilms that the metals make up. This exposes the bugs more to be killed.

parasites and yeast are huge too since they hold metals and the yeast develops to protect us form the metals as well.

it is all so interrelated, you can't just kill parasites or try to get rid of yeast or just break up biofilms without getting at the metals as well

just my two cents, not a medical opinion
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Originally posted by Maya12:
I truly believe that you cant get rid of this without dealing with the metals and biofilms that the metals make up. This exposes the bugs more to be killed.

parasites and yeast are huge too since they hold metals and the yeast develops to protect us form the metals as well.

it is all so interrelated, you can't just kill parasites or try to get rid of yeast or just break up biofilms without getting at the metals as well

just my two cents, not a medical opinion

Well said Maya!
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Has anyone tried FIR sauna? I've heard this is really good for metal chelation.
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
I would love to if I could afford one lol, Costco does carry some good ones though

It is on my wishlist
Posted by Jamers (Member # 28016) on :
I thought I would chime in on this thread because I am starting to chelate next week. Im using Pectasol C because I had a strong reaction to it. I'm also taking glutathione, minerals, and using binders.

It seems that when you chelate it brings all kinds of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi to the surface. What are you taking to protect your immune system from this stuff? I'm a little worried that all these things will need to be treated again!
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
I am taking paracide and doing uv and ozone blood irritation and taking minerals to support my immune system

My llnp has told me that some of the bugs actually come out with the metals and biofilms
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Welcome Jamers and the paracide I am on has properties against Bart, babs parasites and some Lyme as well as yeast. Don't know about viruses
Posted by Jamers (Member # 28016) on :
Thanks Maya! Where can I get this Paracide? I believe the bugs got really mad when I used PectaSol. It was similar to a Babesia herx for me. I hope that they get cleared away with binders and such.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Jamers, you are so right, it does bring everything to the surface. It sounds like you are taking good support. You basically just prepare for battle with yeast, supplement with vitamins, minerals and amino acids, and detox like crazy.

I like lemon water, chia seeds, DE, lots of vitamin C. I also like pectasol and detox 2 because they bind well. You can also use clay. Removing heavy metals does seem to stir up viruses in me, so AEB-H6 helps. Rest and lots of vitamin C really help. I also need diflucan because heavy metal detox stirs up yeast.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Maya, your mailbox is full (tried to send you a pm). :)
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
I can't afford a sauna right now. Has anyone tried using one? If so, were you able to handle it?
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Oh shoot sorry cat girl I will clean it out and let you know when I am done
Posted by VV (Member # 38828) on :
Does anyone use TMG in their protocol?
This is a methyl donor that is supposed to aid in a number of things, one being metals detox.
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Ok catgirl I delegated some pms
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
And catgirl what are you doing about the bugs while chelating , anything other then the paracide?
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Deleated some pms, darn autocorrect on my eye phone
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
VV, I didn't know TMG was good for detoxing (cool!). TMG is in two things that I take, B complex and also methyl protect. I usually only test positive for one or the other though now.

Maya, parasite meds, but when I'm not on them I take whatever I test positive for (humaworm, hanna k, DE, salt/c). I haven't tried the paracide yet. Is that one easier for you to tolerate, or do you see more action with it?
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Oh the paracide is really good for results but it is a tough one I find.
It has a large dose of garlic in it which hits the bacteria as well.
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Hwy vv what is tmg, I haven't heard of it
Posted by Bitten in Bergen (Member # 34067) on :
Great idea for thread. I just started with my new LLMD (she's been doing great things for the rest of my family) this week.

I've got lots of mercury amalgams, and LLMD didn't skip a beat. I'm loaded up with mineral supplements, immune support, detox support, glutathione, parsley drops, and soon EDTA suppositories.

All while we are treating lyme, babesia, and bartonella, and biofilms.

She said that I should wait 2-3 months before I remove the amalgams. When we discussed my root canal tooth (which is still sensitive after 2 years), she agreed that I should have it removed.
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Are you not doing any abx at all catgirl? I'm not
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Maya, no abx right now.

Bitten, that is great you have a good doc. Are you working on parasites as well?
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
I did some detox2 this am. Detox 2 has clay and apple pectin in it (and more). It hits bacteria, mold, viruses, neurotoxins, ammonia and of course heavy metals.

I could tell it was working right away. My head and body started to tingle like whenever I take alinia. I herxed right afterwards. It's all good (it's working). I didn't even take the full dosage.
Posted by Hmm... (Member # 39308) on :
I don't understand. How would clay and apple pectin go after viruses or bacteria?
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
There is other stuff in it too. You could email Byron White company for info.
Posted by Jamers (Member # 28016) on :
I second Hmm... how does clay and pectin go after viruses and such? I noticed citrus pectin (pectasol) made my whole body tingle.
Posted by Jamers (Member # 28016) on :
I second Hmm... how does clay and pectin go after viruses and such? I noticed citrus pectin (pectasol) made my whole body tingle.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
I don't know the answer to this other than it was on the Byron White info my doc gave me. There is also more in it than just clay and apple pectin. Byron White company is good about responding to emails. You can contact them for more info.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Hmm and Jamers, I found my BW sheet. It says that it has two special types of clay that have a very small sieve weight which allows them to bind to many forms of toxins including the ones I listed above.

My herx subsided (yay!).
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Posted by nefferdun (Member # 20157) on :
I take LiphoPhos EDTA but not regularly as it tastes pretty horrific. EDTA does not get into your saliva so it doesn't leach the mercur out of your teeth.

When you take the LipoPhos it is bound to liposomal phosphotidylcholine. It crosses the blood brain barrier to bind with metals and take them out but it won't cross back over to redeposit them. It works slowly so your body has time to remove everything.

It also helps break down biofilm because it binds with the magnesium and iron in it.

I can't tolerate DMSA because of the sulfur.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
My lead is high, so this would be a good one to try (thanks Nefferdun). Breaking down biofilm is a wonderful benefit to this.

Yeah, the detox2 tastes really bad (like ink). I don't use it all the time because of the taste. It works well though.
Posted by Bitten in Bergen (Member # 34067) on :
Originally posted by Catgirl:
Maya, no abx right now.

Bitten, that is great you have a good doc. Are you working on parasites as well?

Hi Catgirl - some mild work on parasites. She did a review of my symptoms and prioritized what she thought needed work - we are working on babesia and possibly protomyxzoa (test results soon), but she was not too concerned.

On the other hand, my DH is also a patient and based on his symptoms, she put him on alinia ASAP.

So I know that she shares the parasite warrior philosophy, which makes me feel more confident with her.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Right on Bitten. It sounds like you have a great doc!

I'm still treating lyme and all my co infections too while working on metals and parasites.

Are you going to use a biological dentist? I highly recommend it.

Also, what kind of parsley drops do you use?
Posted by Bitten in Bergen (Member # 34067) on :
Parsley drops are nutrimedix.

Will definitely use the biological dentist, although I have a feeling that some of the teeth will actually need to be extracted. Some of the teeth have all three surfaces affected, so we're probably talking (gulp!) 3 or 4 teeth...

She also had me on interfase plus and drainage-tone (energetix), but it upset my stomach too much, so she took me off it.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
You never know. One dentist told me I need all crowns. The biological dentist only added one.

I've read before here that interfase plus is a good biofilm buster too. That's a shame it upset your stomach. Maybe the LiphoPhos Nefferdun recommended might be a good option. Darn, I have a bottle of interfase plus in my cabinet (haven't tried it yet).
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
I have been taking the Interfase Plus for almost a month. I have had no problems with it. I think it is a very mild chelator. I take 2 pills once a day on an empty stomach. So far so good.
Posted by Bitten in Bergen (Member # 34067) on :
Thanks, Catgirl - I'd Much prefer a crown to an extraction!

I'll keep my fingers crossed!
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Good luck to you with your dental work Bitten. I agree with Catgirl, it sounds like you have a great LLMD! I need to have a lot more dental work done and do not look forward to it.
Posted by desertwind (Member # 25256) on :
Just wanted to jump in and second the TMG. It is in Methyl Protect and I add some extra to the mix. It takes away the flashing lights I get in my vision but did not know it was used in metal detox. Very interesting.

Any chelation ideas for those who are sulfa, sulfur,sulfite sensitive? Great thread idea!
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Wow, that's wonderful TMG takes the flashing lights! Does it reduce light sensitivity as well?

Detox 2?
Posted by DaveNJ (Member # 17362) on :

i just had my amalgams removed...if you need a good dentist in nj let me know. overall i twas a very good experience.


ps..i am three+ months into chelation using Quicksilver IMD
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Dave, are you feeling better with your amalgams out?

How about the Quicksilver, do you notice a difference while using it as well?
Posted by Bitten in Bergen (Member # 34067) on :
So, even if you have amalgams removed, you still need to chelate, right?
Posted by DaveNJ (Member # 17362) on :
Unfortunately there has yet to be an a-ha moment. keep in mind i am chelating, doing KPU and treating babesia all started around the same time.

Some might think that is nuts but i found out all of this stuff at the same time and did not want to delay...esp. given i had back slide pretty bad with pysche issues...prob the babs.

so its still very much a wait and see.

Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Bitten, yes because the mercury still got in your body. Also, we are all still exposed to toxins in our air, water, food, makeup, supplements, etc.

Also, in the link I posted above (you tube) there is mention of how some people are non excretors, meaning their bodies cannot detox metals, so it's not going to show up in hair & nails tests, etc, but the metals are still in their bodies keeping them sick.

Dave, I don't think that's nuts at all. I'm chealting and dealing with babs, bart, lyme, myco, possibly proto (protomyxzoa), parasites and more all at the same time (had a few more but they're gone now). My doc goes full bore into it (does it all at the same time) to try and get patients well.

How is your KPU treatment going (I remember reading your KPU thread)?
Posted by DaveNJ (Member # 17362) on :

really hard to say what KPU is doing. i can say this i have been miserable for the past three months. Not sure if thats from KPU or from Mepron.

I have had a headache from hell and real bad leg cramps. i tend to think this is from the babesia treatment but your guess is as good as mine.

as bad as i feel its still better than the first 8 weeks on KPU. That was brutal...fatigue was awful.

still can't see my way out of this...

Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
I'm so sorry to hear this Dave. I wish Gigi were here. She knows more about this stuff than anyone, IMO, and could help us all through it. Lymenet, please let her back on!

I think it's a tough road for any of us getting rid of metal. It's not fun. It stirs up the co infections in my body, yeast too, so I'm battling them at the same time. Maybe this is what's happening with you too? I'm happy to hear that you feel better now though than your first 8 weeks on KPU. Hang in there.
Posted by Hmm... (Member # 39308) on :
Anyone know the role of ALA in chelation?
I read somewhere that it can bounce the metals around which can be bad if you are not prepared.

Also, what are the best mineral supplements to be on? It has to do with proportions, right?
Posted by Bitten in Bergen (Member # 34067) on :
My llmd has me on Thorne Trace Minerals while we do mild chelation with parsley drops and EDTA suppositories...
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
I am on rejuvinate which is a mineral supp by biological therapeutics .

Also ala is not that we'll absorbed by the gut so most of it passes through the gut unabsorbed into the body but it's role is to pick up heavy metals in the gut as it passes through.
Posted by Hmm... (Member # 39308) on :
Any word on using Modified Citrus Pectin or Zeolite for getting metals out?

They both look really good on paper, but I don't see too many studies on them.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Originally posted by Maya12:
The progress from the metal removal is very slow and can get really tough, I agree but then when I see my blood in live cell and see all the biofilms circulating that I never used to see before chelation that gives me hope that I am really destroying the bugs homes and getting deep to the root of the disease.

I truly believe that you cant get rid of this without dealing with the metals and biofilms that the metals make up. This exposes the bugs more to be killed.

Maya, have you thought about protomyxzoa? It creates tons of biofilm.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Bumped for people working on parasites and/or heavy metals.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Older threads with great advice (from Gigi):

What to expect from chelation:;f=1;t=090467;p=0#000001

MMS kills pathogens, neutralizes toxic heavy metals:;f=1;t=122980;p=0#000016
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
More great advice (oldies but goodies):

Heavy metal detox protocol:;f=1;t=121443;p=0#000000

DMSA or detoxamin;f=1;t=120292;p=0#000001
Posted by GretaM (Member # 40917) on :

I'm doing a heavy metal challenge tomorrow.


A little nervous.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
DMSA doesn't bother me at all, but you might want to wait until you're feeling better (your other post). [Smile]
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
I had no problem with this as well. But I agree with catgirl that it may be better to wait until you are feeling a little better. Good luck Greta. [Wink]
Posted by nefferdun (Member # 20157) on :
I will be doing this soon. I read EDTA does not get into your saliva so it does not leach the mercury out of your teeth. WHen I took oral liposmal EDTA it did not bother me at all, but I hope to do IV with the NP I recently started seeing.

She was concerned about my fillings. My mother took me to a dental school when I was a child and I have an enormous amount of fillings. What do you do when they are too big to replace with composites? Why are root canals bad?
Posted by GretaM (Member # 40917) on :
Does DMSA make your urine smell very badly of sulfur?

My urine this morning was atrocious smelling-smelled like boiled egg yolk.

Made my whole house smell like sulfur.


I know I am missing a gene that helps detox sulfur...I'm just wondering if it is normal to have sulfur pee or if it could be this gene interfering.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Neff, if your fillings are too big to replace, they will suggest crowns. I had a mouth full of amalgams too. I had one dentist tell me that mine were quite big and I would have to have all crowns instead of composites. However, a biological dentist told me I would only need a couple of crowns, and the rest composites.

I would see a biological dentist to get a proper assessment. Maybe even a couple of them to get second or third opinions. Whatever you do, don't use a standard dentist for this (my mistake). The most exposure a patient gets is at the time of removal. It is VERY important to have it done properly or lots of it will end up back in your body and make you sicker.

That said, some people get their amalgams out and feel better. Some people notice no difference. For these people, at least they are no longer off gassing mercury into their bodies 24/7 though. That in itself is a positive step for any lyme patient.

Root canals are a whole other story, which is why it takes a good biological dentist to assess what is going on. IMO, some people should remove them, some people should not. We are all different, so there is no across the board rule for everyone. A biological dentist can use EAV testing to help determine what is best for you.

As far as detoxing heavy metals with a bunch of amalgams, for me it was a mistake (didn't work). All I did was pull the metals from my amalgams and deep tissues, and re circulated them in my body. One day they went to my brain. I couldn't read that day. I understood what I was reading, yet tried reading something out loud to my husband and my words were jumbled. The metals would not leave my body until my amalgams were out.

Unfortunately, there is no short cut here. I tried it and it didn't work. It's a complex decision, and IMO should be based upon a proper assessment by a biological dentist.
Posted by nefferdun (Member # 20157) on :
Thanks Catgirl. My son is in his third year of dental school. Maybe I will wait and let him fix them when he graduates. Or I could go in his fourth year and have him do it.

I wish I could just be put to sleep and wake up with it all done. The idea of being in a chair having all of this done all over again is awful.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
You're welcome Neff. Have you checked out the book: Whole Body Dentistry yet (Breiner)? There's a new version out now (thicker) with more info. It will help you decide what to do.

Also, Accidental Cure (Yu) is really good but it is more broad spectrum (parasites, heavy metals, allergies, etc).
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Bumping this for someone on another thread.

Greta, I just noticed your post (sorry didn't see it before). Yes, DMSA does make my urine smell like sulfur. How are you doing on it?
Posted by nefferdun (Member # 20157) on :
I have made some improvement on the EDTA IV chelation. I have had 4 of them so far. After the last one I did a urine test for metals. I won't get the results for about two weeks. I am very curious.

In dental school my son is taught amalgams are not a problem. I am going to order the book you mentioned. Hopefully it will get here while he is visiting for Christmas.

When I was using camel's milk the person who is most knowledgeable about it, told me getting amalgams out is critical for autistic kids as well. She said most composites are also unsafe .

She recommended this type of composite. She said it is the only safe material to use in your mouth.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
That is great you are seeing some improvement!

I hope your son understands. Mercury is the most toxic thing on the planet and yet they are still telling students it's safe. Unfortunately, most people believe it. There is a composite compatibility test you can take (in the book). I highly recommend taking the test.

Once I started reading about mercury, I was shocked to discover what it does. It's sickens me that humans are contaminating themselves, and don't even know it (batteries & light bulbs have to be recycled or the mercury in them gets in the food supply).
Posted by Carmen (Member # 42391) on :
Originally posted by nefferdun:
She recommended this type of composite. She said it is the only safe material to use in your mouth.

I went to this site and it says that this filling material puts out a steady release of fluroide! ... not for me.
Posted by GretaM (Member # 40917) on :
I can't do fluoride either.

Can the inventors of this world not come up with a filling material that does not leech? Period?

We're sublingually absorbing these materials 24 hours a day, 365 days a year... Surely there is a benign filling to use?
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Posted by Carmen (Member # 42391) on :
I would think that ceramic filling made from silica would be a good choice. I think at one time they made them out of porcelian or ceramic, but they may break after a while.

Probably better to break than to have metals and fluroide leaching in all your life.
Posted by nefferdun (Member # 20157) on :
I didn't see that. I wouldn't want to use it either. My son says most composites have a material that turns to BPA when mixed with saliva.
Posted by Pebbles (Member # 43614) on :
I was wondering if anyone was using just Modified Citrus Pectin with success. It looks like most are using multiple things for chelating, but I have read that MCP is gentle and effective alone.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
I tried pectasol for a while (modified fruit pectin). I like that it's gentle but it didn't seem to pull metals as fast as other binders (slow is safer but I wanted them out). At least that was how I felt, and heavy metal tests showed some improvement, but I've gotten more improvement with other binders/products.
Posted by Pebbles (Member # 43614) on :
Thanks Catgirl, good to know. I am super sensitive so I need to stick with just one thing at a time. Although I am taking some Diatomaceous Earth too for help with parasites as I am trying to slowly address both. I know they go hand in hand.

I have some die off even with just small amounts of the MCP so I know it's working. At this point I am only dealing with candida, not Lyme anymore, and have been working on yeast for years, so I feel it's time to start addressing these other things too.

Just last year I had the last of my fillings removed so now it's time!!!
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
You're welcome, and awesome you had your fillings removed! That is good you are doing DE too. I know the more metals I get out, the better my candida gets.
Posted by Toby Wong (Member # 51419) on :
Which detox supplement is safe to take while still having amalgam fillings in the mouth?
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
I took chlorella, even before I took amalgams. Then after, I continued with it. But I suppose you can take anything that binds and do not move metals?
Posted by Toby Wong (Member # 51419) on :
Brussels, can you say me name of that products? I tried zeolite and feel a lot worse.

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