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Posted by jwick25 (Member # 15190) on :

I've been treated for a candida overgrowth before. I have chronic lyme/bartonella/babesia.

I think I might be dealing with it again, but some of my symptoms are making me nervous.

I've seen lists of related symptoms, but has anyone ever had a feeling in their abdomen as though their insides are expanding/stretching ?

I might be a little bloated, but my stomach does not look any more bloated than usual. I am getting freaked out worrying that an organ (appendix, etc.) might be about to burst.

I have been eating badly and temporarily stopped my Kolorex. So it makes sense to be candida.

But, does it make sense to have this weird expanding feeling in my abdomen?

Could this be my appendix ready to burst?

Sorry for rambling.....just feeling really lousy and extremely anxious.

Thanks so much!
Posted by YinYang (Member # 36358) on :
As I understand it, a burst appendix is very painful. Are you having any pain?

Perhaps because of your poor diet recently you are getting some inflammation or overgrowth? Discontinue any sugar and focus on healing your gut to balance things out (you probably know this). Eating lots of fermented foods (at every meal and beyond) and regularly taking on a good probiotic will be helpful. It sounds like you may need to restore your intestinal flora.

If you start feeling some severe pain, of course, listen to yourself and get things checked out.
Posted by jwick25 (Member # 15190) on :
Thanks so much, YinYang.

I've been having some pain in my back, sides and belly. I think that could be candida related as well.

I also stopped taking my fish oil which I believe helps with inflammation.

My pains are not severe...more annoying than severe.

Where do I get fermented foods? This is new to me, and I'd like to do it if it would be helpful.

This expanding feeling is just really freaking me out. I don't remember having this the last time around, but I think it can affect us with different symptoms each time.

I'm laying on the couch I need to go get this checked? I'm also having crazy anxiety.

Thank you again for taking time to reply. I really appreciate it!
Posted by YinYang (Member # 36358) on :
You can easily make fermented vegetables at home. The easiest to start with is cabbage or cucumbers (pickles). Just get a mason jar, chop up the cabbage or cucumbers and fill the jar with the cut up veggies. Dissolve 2 cups of water (not chlorinated, filter it if your tap water is chlorinated) with 1TB of sea salt (not iodized salt). I like celtic sea salt, but any natural salt not stripped of it's minerals will do (usually the right salt isn't bright white). Fill the jar to the top with water. Cap it lightly. Sit it in a room temperature dark place and let it sit for a few days. Shake daily, some liquid should seep out and you should see bubbles inside. Taste it and when it is vinegary enough for you it's ready to eat and store in the fridge.

You can also buy kimchee, bubbies pickles or real pickles pickles from a health food store. Real fermented veggies will be in the refrigerated section.

You gut health is so important to your overall health and especially your mental health. When those little buggers get out of balance, it isn't ever fun! Hang in there!
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
Your appendix would be in the lower right side of your abdomen about even with the top of the hip bone.

When the doctor checked our son for appendicitis, he pushed in at that area and released it quickly. If the person has a lot of pain with releasing, it can mean appendicitis.

Also if the person can't stand up straight. They tend to bend forward so as not to stretch out the lower right side of the abdomen.

My husband had appendicitis as a child and when ever one of the children had lower belly pain, I sent them to ask Daddy if he thinks its appendicitis. His usual response? Not enough pain!

One son did have it and that time he thought we'd better see a doctor.

I'm guessing its not appendicitis in your case. But if you do get a lot of pain in the lower right side, I'd get it checked.
Posted by jwick25 (Member # 15190) on :
Thank you, both! I tried pressing and releasing around the lower right abdomen...and no bad pain.

Hopefully, this is a candida issue.

I will definitely look into the fermented foods. Thanks, YinYang, for all the details! Since I'm not feeling well lately, maybe I'll start with just buying at the grocery store.

Wondering what these taste like?

Thank you both again for your replies. These are very helpful and appreciated!
Posted by lax mom (Member # 38743) on :
I think if your appendix bursts you would vomit and have a fever.

I know what you mean about having severe anxiety. A year or 2 ago, I was literally afraid that my intestines were going to burst because I had some belly tenderness.

Looking back, I can laugh about it. But at the time, I was worrying myself sick.

I've been doing guided meditation. You can get 10 days free from this website:

The person who created this was previously a monk, so he knows his stuff. It's just general meditation, no religion involved.
Posted by YinYang (Member # 36358) on :
They are yummy. If you want to start with something most palatable start with the pickles, they taste like...pickles [Smile] next easiest is the sauerkraut. Then you can start experimenting. Miso is also one - I don't fancy that taste so that's why I didn't mention it. Also, if you eat dairy (I don't) Kefir is full of probiotics.

You also might be interested in this article by "famous" herbalist Susun Weed:
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
jwick.. you are OK... if there was something seriously wrong with one of your organs you would be in serious pain.

That said, candida can indeed cause pain!!

Get back on a good diet and up the probiotics. Fermented veggies have TRILLIONS of probos in 1/2 cup! I eat 1/2 cup with each meal.



This video will help! (Preview) .. 10 min long.

I've been using the second recipe:

Here you go:

Two of Our Favorite Beginners' Recipes

Version 1
3 heads green cabbage, shredded in a food processor
1 bunch kale, chopped by hand
(optional): 2 cups wakame ocean vegetables (measured after soaking), drained, spine removed, and chopped
1 Tbsp. dill weed

Version 2
3 heads green cabbage, shredded in a food processor
6 carrots, large, shredded in a food processor
3 inch piece ginger, peeled and chopped
6 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped

To Make Cultured Vegetables
1. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl

2. Remove several cups of this mixture and put into a blender.

3. Add enough filtered water to make a "brine" the consistency of a thick juice. Blend well and then add brine back into the first mixture. Stir well.

4. Pack mixture down into a glass or stainless steel container. Use your fist, a wooden dowel, or a potato masher to pack veggies tightly.

5. Fill container almost full, but leave about 2 inches of room at the top for veggies to expand.

6. Roll up several cabbage leaves into a tight "log" and place them on top to fill the remaining 2 inch space. Clamp jar closed.

7. Let veggies sit at about a 70 degree room temperature for at least three days. A week is even better. Refrigerate to slow down fermentation. Enjoy!
Posted by jwick25 (Member # 15190) on :
Thanks, you guys. I know I was a head case today....but that anxiety can be killer!

I love the recommendations and recipies and will definitely get into this! Are pickles candida diet legal?

lax mom: Thank you for the guided meditation link! I love this and actually listen to one from Belleruth Naparstek. It really does help!

Thank you!!!!!
Posted by WPinVA (Member # 33581) on :
My doctor just told me that if I had systemic yeast (as opposed to thrush/GI system), I would be very ill with high fever, etc. That made me feel better!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
jwick.. NO, pickles are not OK on the diet. Vinegar kills good bacteria.

WPinVA.. I don't think that is true. Not really. SEVERE systemic yeast is life-threatening. But you can have systemic yeast and NOT be even CLOSE to having fever.
Posted by WPinVA (Member # 33581) on :
Lyme too- thanks for the input. I think you know more about yeast than my LLMD.
Posted by jwick25 (Member # 15190) on :
"Lyme too- thanks for the input. I think you know more about yeast than my LLMD."


Hope you're doing ok, WPinVA.
Posted by skies (Member # 28064) on :

Regular pickles aren't ok on that diet, but the pickles put out by Real Pickles are. They are naturally fermented and raw. They don't contain vinegar.
They are delicious too.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Thanks, WPinVA! [Smile]

True, skies! Fermented foods are A-OK!

Skies.. here are your pickles!
Posted by jwick25 (Member # 15190) on :
Oooohhh...this is great to know! Thank you!

I'll need to check them out. I also want to see where I can find kefir. Still not even sure exactly what it is.....but I'll look it up. [Smile]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
You can find kefir in any grocery store near the yogurt. Look for the lowest in sugar content. That would be the PLAIN kefir. You can always add stevia to it.
Posted by jwick25 (Member # 15190) on :
Thanks...I'll definitely try this.

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