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Posted by pammypim (Member # 42609) on :
The tick that I pulled off my thigh yesterday is a Lone Star tick. Once I saw it in the sunlight (taped to a piece of paper), I saw the white mark on its back. There are not too many of those yet in the Wisconsin area from what I understand but I got one! Is this worse than a Lyme-bearing tick? The reaction of Urgent Care is the same at this point. Wait & see. Monitor the bite & any symptoms.

Anyone here bit by one?

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I'm sure that is what bit me. I'm from Texas and the Lone Star ticks were the main ticks there.

Were you given antibiotics???

Posted by pammypim (Member # 42609) on :
No. Same thins as we are told when bitten by a deer tick. If symptoms develop then report them. I am hoping I got it off me in time. I think it climbed on me sometime on Friday because it was on my inner thigh & when one sits down on the john, hard not to spot. I pulled it off me in a bathroom at around 10 am yesterday (Saturday). There's a red rash about the size of a silver dollar & it itches.

I saw a naturopath for the tick that bit me about two weeks ago & I see him again on Tuesday for another treatment. Also have a remedy that I am taking that his wife makes up.

I would like to "take" something that would repel these things. Maybe garlic. I have liquid garlic but how to take it & how much?

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
If you have a rash, you have Lyme.

Get to an LLMD right away!!

You are playing Russian Roulette with your life if you do not seek treatment.
Posted by Judie (Member # 38323) on :
"There's a red rash about the size of a silver dollar & it itches"

That's what mine started like. The tick was attached for less than 5 minutes.

It just needs to be attached. Length of time doesn't matter. The guidelines are out dated.
Posted by BoxerMom (Member # 25251) on :
Mine was a Lone Star in 1990. I got Lyme, Bartonella, Babesia microti, and probably Ehrlichia. Maybe filarial worms. And more unidentified infections.

No rash.

Got the initial tick flu, which was not identified as tick-borne infections. Told I had the flu, in spite of meningitis, high fever, vomiting.

Fully recovered and was fine for about two years, then crashed badly.

Misdiagnosed for 15 years. Lived in survival mode, barely able to work. Finally diagnosed and began treatment in 2008.

Still treating. Still in survival mode, barely able to work.

I would sell my soul for a time machine to go back to 1990 and treat properly. I would have treated all infections for at least three months.

Tick-borne infections are much more virulent and difficult to treat now. The pathogens have become incredibly aggressive.

If you have Babesia duncani, you will know it.

Lone Stars are also carrying the weird bacteria that make your body allergic to meat. Look out for that. It's an anaphylactic type reaction.

Doctors don't know any of this.

Good luck. You have some big decisions to make.
Posted by pammypim (Member # 42609) on :
People around here get bit all the time. I've talked to friends who have all been bit more than once. Some take a short course of Doxy & others simply don't. It's amazing how blase folks are about it here. I don't understand it at all.
Posted by GretaM (Member # 40917) on :
Yes growing up we would get bit by wood ticks (dog ticks) all the time. Just a part of life.

The big scare in those days was RMSF.

The tick that got me in November was a female pacific deer tick...was not engorged, in fact was barely attached, but gave me RMSF, Lyme, Bart, CMV, EBV.

And more coinfections.

We're just focusing on Bart and Lyme right now because my spleen is in a bad way.

I don't have the mental stamina to focus on the other coinfections. It makes me very depressed to think about it.

But the university of Alberta has identified a bunch more new species of ticks. Yet unnamed. So the "safe" ticks are no longer safe.
Posted by GretaM (Member # 40917) on :
Sorry my point was that folks shouldn't be blase about ticks anymore.

Anaplasma and erlichia are nothing to sneeze at...and if we look at canine statistics those are very common in ticks.

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