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Posted by DaleS (Member # 44571) on :
I have been having signs of lyme encephalomyelitis for about 2 months. A couple days ago I

starting having burning issues when urinating. I also have pains in my sides, it feels like I

am constipated. I also havef the urge to go frequently. The weird thing is my

encephalomyelitis sympts have decreased during this time. I ve been on cipro 250 mg twice

daily for 3 days but symptoms are getting worse. ANy thoughts? Is this candid, and if so how would I tell and treat it?
Posted by DaleS (Member # 44571) on :
there is white spots in my urine
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Which symptoms are worse??

You do know about Cipro as being potentially dangerous, right?;f=1;t=130342;p=0#000000
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< DaleS >>>>>,

When TxCoord/hubby, got a serious UTI in January he got white spots in his urine,but he also got blood in the urine.

The VA ER Dr. said the white was pus from burst cysts. But I don't know if the pus would show up while on antibiotic???

Hopefully others w/ Cipro experience will weigh in too. I am glad Lymetoo posted about the Cipro danger. That can be scarey medicine.

TxC' and I are still praying for you, will keep this in mind as well.

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by DaleS (Member # 44571) on :
Thanks for the help. I didn't know cipro was dangerous. What does it do.

My uti symptoms keep getting worse despite being on cipro. I'm drinking so much fluid to try to pass it but it isn't helping much.

I was on abx before this and was thinking maybe it was candida.

Also drinking cranberry juice and taking creanberry pills.

Should I still be taking activated charcoal and gold alkaseltzer?
Posted by docluddite (Member # 36032) on :
Cipro is a fluoroquinolone, that fluo- prefix means it has fluoride in it, which can displace iodine from thyroid hormone, and make the hormone ineffective. If your water is fluoridated, you should find a source that isn't.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Dale.. be sure you are taking probiotics too.
Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :
Not sure you're saying this - if you are constipated, drinking mangosteen juice can regularize the bowels. I recommend the Mango-Xan version, as it is the most tart. Found in healthfood stores and online.
Posted by DaleS (Member # 44571) on :
I am on probiotics, burt when I was on abx before I wasn't. I'll have to go find some mangosteen. It s just a weird

feeling. Lots of pain in sides, lack of appetite, and white cloudy crap in urine. it isn't responding to abx, has gotten

wrose since abx. should I stop taking abx or give it a little longer to try to work? Today is day 4 of abx. I'm taking

extra probiotics as well.
Posted by TF (Member # 14183) on :
A burning sensation when urinating and the urge to urinate frequently are symptoms of a urinary tract infection.

Cipro treats urinary tract infections.

Are you on the cipro for lyme or for a urinary tract infection?
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
The white stuff could be yeast. Watch your diet too.
Posted by DaleS (Member # 44571) on :
I'm on cipro for urinary tract infection. About 2.5 months ago I had the same symptoms but they were much milder. I'm trying to eat as healthy as I can, but it's hard when we are away from home. I'm starting to get

some pain in my kidney area.
Posted by nonna05 (Member # 33557) on :
HI ! [hi]

What about the pain in the sides of body.
? How about unusual odor?
Comes and goes,but not this time.
Posted by nonna05 (Member # 33557) on :
How is the infection and pain now?

I got up about every 30 minutes to pee, felt like no control waist down.
Then around 5 this morning I was on my way to bathroom and right leg buckled and gave out.

Had to call husband in other room to get me off the floor.

I don't know if it's tied together or not.
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
do you have pain in the bladder area or upper back?
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Nonna.. Please start your own thread. No one will see your questions under Dale's thread.
Posted by DaleS (Member # 44571) on :
The infection is not getting better. I do not have pain in the upper back. I have pain in my sides, lower back and abdomen.

I'm also getting weird knee pain and my knees are a little swollen. My appetitie is better than it was a few days ago. I was

only eating 1 meal a day 5 or 6 days ago, now I eat 2 good meals a day and snack some. Don't know if this is good or not

because my other symtpoms like pain in my sides isn't getting better. still have white particles in urine. I don't have urge

to urinate as much.

I've been

basically staying away from gluten as much as possible. waiting results on urine analysis.

My dr wouldnt consider candida so I'm calling up the llmd and see if he can order me a test just to rule it out.
Posted by DaleS (Member # 44571) on :
Would a urine analysis show candida or not?

In addition to a probiotic and I've been drinking keifer.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by DaleS:

[QB] Would a urine analysis show candida or not?

No. Most people know when they have yeast. Gas, bloating, maybe some itching. Head feels funky, etc. The pain in your sides could even be from gas and bloating.
Posted by DaleS (Member # 44571) on :
Thanks for the help. I don't have any gas, but do feel bloated so that would make sense. The llmd said he would do a urine culture so

thank goodness for that.
Posted by linky123 (Member # 19974) on :
Pain in the sides (flank pain) could be a sign that the infection has gotten up into your kidneys. This can be serious.

I'm wondering if the cipro is doing the job on the UTI?

You might need another/different abx to get rid of it.

I had a kidney infection a few years ago and ended up in the hospital. Needed IV abx to get rid of it.

Probably worth a visit to the md to see what's going on.
Posted by DaleS (Member # 44571) on :
I saw a dr on wed. She said I wasn't given a strong enough dosage so I'm up to 500mg of cipro now. If i don't start to feel better

then I need to go back in. Stressful and makes me worry.
Posted by GretaM (Member # 40917) on :
Try not to stress.

I was the queen of UTI's (read-actually a bartonella symptom).

The great thing about UTI's is the IV meds the hosp uses also tends to be the same meds that are effective against bart.

So if the oral abx don't work, and it progresses to your kidneys, the IV abx will sort out the UTI and Bartonella temporarily and then you'll feel REALLY good/better.

(for a few weeks at least)

The silver lining in the UTI storm cloud...
Posted by linky123 (Member # 19974) on :
Sounds like the doc did the right thing to up the dose.

Hang in there. It'll be ok. [group hug]
Posted by TF (Member # 14183) on :
Dale, hopefully things will now turn around.

I was just put on 500 mg of Cipro twice a day for a sinus infection. So, I'd say it was good that the doc upped your dose.

If you are no better by Monday, go back in. They may need to culture the bacteria making you sick to find the right medication for you.
Posted by nonna05 (Member # 33557) on :
Sorry___ Lymetoo

questions, comments, varied, symptoms, experience on and on.
Dale even mentioned swelling and knee pain. Pain in sides etc.

just seeing that some one thought it could be tied in with Bart was useful.

I would still like to know if he is better, any more issues happen with body or anybody else with this issue and maybe what to try.

I'll just stay out of it and watch what other people know and have gone through with this.
Posted by DaleS (Member # 44571) on :
Thanks everyone. I'm still not feeling better. Seem to be getting worse slowly. No fever or diahrea, but lots of

flank pain still. I'm still hanging in here. I will go in next week if I'm not better for sure.

Still knee pain and swelling and my hamstrings are tight. I'm still trying to drink tons of fluids and also taking

cranberry capsules as well as juice. Also still on probiotics and kefir.

I think Greta might be right that I need iv abx.

Being on these higher doses of abx does make my lyme symptoms reduce.

The llmd did a urinalysis with culture if indicated. Does that mean if they find something they would do a culture?

That's what the lab paper work said anyways. Thanks for all the suggestions, help and support. If anyone has any

other ideas I would try them as well. I need to get rid of this crap

How long did your uti's last Greta?
Posted by lookup (Member # 44574) on :
I was talking to an acquaintance who had chronic

UTIs and her experiece was that to take the whole

cranberry pills is much more effective,

not the cranberry juice, as the juice is too

acidic. She took Chondroiten/glucosamine 1-2

times a day with

the cranberry pills and she finally got out of

the chronic UTIs.

Also, Omega 7 is good for urinary tract support

as it helps bacteria not stick to the lining of

the urinary tract. This is my favorite:

You would have to look at those things and see

if they would agree with your regimen.

[ 12-06-2014, 07:51 PM: Message edited by: lookup ]
Posted by DaleS (Member # 44571) on :
Thank you so much. I'm going to look into this now.
Posted by GretaM (Member # 40917) on :
Dale: my UTI's were about 8 months.

(But really bartonella-they could never culture anything)

At one point, the wbc count in my urine was so high, it was like peeing syrup. The doc called all the other docs to "have a look at this wbc!"

If the dipstick test at the lab is postive, they will try to culture the bacteria and then should test which abx is effective against the strain you have.

If you don't have a fever and aren't peeing blood, and pass the kidney "thump" test, they won't likely give you IV's.

D-mannose is a great help also.

You can google d-mannose and UTI's. Lots of good info.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< DaleS >>>>>,

Checking in to see how you're feeling, sorry it hasn't gotten better. UTI's are so painful, hopefully it isn't getting into kidneys and bladder.

I didn't see it if you listed headache or sinus issues as a symptom, I get headache and sinus issues with UTI's, tho' I am suspicious that that may be yeast related.So many odd symptoms can occur w/ Lyme and Co's.

We'll continue praying for you for relief and healing, I'll let TxC' know too.

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by DaleS (Member # 44571) on :
Thank you Greta and Silverwolf.

I'm not seeing much progress. My appetite has improved some but I still have some much flank pain and some lower back pain. Not peeing blood either, just white particles still. I don't think Im

going to be better before the abx run out so I'm going to have to make another apt. I will google d-mannose, thanks for the advice. The drs still hasn't called back

so I'm getting restless about the results.

Thank you for praying for me. I pray so many times a day.

No ear ringing recently or pressure behind my eyes but having headaches/upper spine pain again the last couple of days with some popping noises.
Posted by DaleS (Member # 44571) on :
Despite my symptoms like flank pain, lower back pain, abdomen pain, burning and white particles in urine my urine test, kidney function, cmp, wbc are all normal It really

feels like a uti. I have been in so much pain recently I can hardly sleep. I've been eating very little gluten.
Posted by DaleS (Member # 44571) on :
Less burning now but feel more abdominal than before.
Posted by linky123 (Member # 19974) on :
It might just take some time to get rid of the infection, sounds like a stubborn one.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< DaleS >>>>>,

I'm thinking Linky' may be right, if this is an extra stubborn UTI it's gonna take some time,to get over.

That's one of many problems w/ Lyme and Co's, it seems to make any health problems take way longer to calm down and heal up.Likely because our bodies are so stressed and worn down.

I can sympathize, and empathize about the headaches when they act up, been having more of those lately... no fun. I get neck and back pain from all this as well. It seems to hit so many of us like this.

That's a good thing about having access to Lymenet, most of the time when we are feeling weary,worn down and discouraged someone else that's been thru it will come along to lend some comfort.

More hugs for you <<<<< DaleS >>>>> [group hug] , TxCoord/hubby and I will continue praying for you.

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by DaleS (Member # 44571) on :
Thanks for the help and prayers. This really is a stubborn infection. I think I just realized what is going on. Urinalysis and culture were both clean. I think its tbe.

This would explain the urine and intestinal pains as well as back pains. Holy crap. Next llmd apt isnt until the 22nd and my headaches and ringing in ears are getting worse.

I talked to the llmd today and he said start taking doxy for the anaplasmosis. I think if I treat that first its going to be too late for the tbe. More worried than ever.
Posted by SacredHeart (Member # 44733) on :
Dale, you sound exactly like me from last November to March. I guarantee you the infection is in your prostate. Once there it can be difficult to deal with. Simple unpleasant finger test from a urologist would confirm. I was put on two months of a specific type of amox that penetrates tissues better. Back and flank pain began to subside. I then started my lyme and bartonella treatment the following month. My sperm was also getting weird, white chunks in it. I hope you start feeling better soon. The flank pain is scary. One of my legs was stiff too. Write me if you need to brother.
Pax Christi
Posted by SacredHeart (Member # 44733) on :
Forgot to mention a prostate infection isn't going to turn up in tests for UTI. My urine was always clean. The best they can do is culture from pushing on the prostate. I don't know if lyme would culture out, but other infections might.
Posted by DaleS (Member # 44571) on :
Thank you so much SOnatina for the great ideas and the time you spent writing that. I will try them both.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
SacredHeart has a very valid point.
Posted by DaleS (Member # 44571) on :
Yup he does. I'm calling up the drs first thing monday am
Posted by TF (Member # 14183) on :
And, a prostate infection (prostatitis) is difficult to cure. You will treat it a long time if that is what you have.
Posted by TNT (Member # 42349) on :
We have seen near-miraculous results with D-mannose for acute UTIs. It may even help with prostate infections if it is a result of a UTI or the same bacteria.

It's cheap and readily available, with no side effects...
Posted by DaleS (Member # 44571) on :
Thanks for the help. Any brand better than others or are they all equal? I'll order some this afternoon or tonight. Got another apt tomorrow am so we

will see what the dr says.
Posted by DaleS (Member # 44571) on :
Hopefully they can figure it out. These symptoms are getting worse and i'm having an increased difficulty sleeping. Probably slept 3 out of 9 hours I was in bed last night
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
This worked for me: 1 tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water twice a day. I know it sounds so simple, but it works. The baking soda keeps bacteria from adhering to bladder walls.
Posted by DaleS (Member # 44571) on :
Cool. Never would have thought of that. Thanks!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I use NOW brand from Swanson's... capsules.
Posted by DaleS (Member # 44571) on :
Thanks. Just like it was suggested I have been diagnosed with prostitus.

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