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Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
I find when I herx that I get a bit dizzy, get some face pain and increased head pressure. My eyes get a bit more blurred. I get ear fullness and my head feels heavy. I also get a bit more uncoordinated.

Anyone find they feel a herx more in the head?

I just had an ozone tx yesterday
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Yes, 99% in my head (also more uncoordinated).
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Wow catgirl, that sounds so much like me. Sure sucks. I feel like I am having a Lyme and yeast herx today.
Posted by geronimog (Member # 34875) on :
My joints get somewhat sore from a borrelia herx, but most of what's felt is in my head. It's a sort of itchy, swollen feeling.
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Yes the head does feel swollen. I get minor body pain but most is also felt in my head. I also get a bit off balance and sometimes my arms and legs don't work quite right.

I also find I get a bit short of breath, my chest gets heavy and it feels like my heart is racing even though it isn't. and my stamina isn't as good. My anxiety goes up a bit too.

It is all bearable compared to when I first started treating 2 years ago. This is also after having not treated since August.

Sure sucks though. I forgot what it felt like to herx.

The head stuff drives me the most nutts
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Is this all normal for a herx?
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Vestibular involvement, is my guess.

Still, really, the day(s) after ANY kind of intensive treatment should be crossed off on the calendar as a day to really take it easy. Your liver support may need some revision, too.

Best to talk with the doctor directing your ozone treatments. They need to know. It's very important so they can reconfigure your plan. It may have been too much.

And, be sure to study about ototoxicity here. Every symptom you list could be connected to the vestibular system & could be due to not having enough good solid liver support or going to fast with treatment . . .

See how ototoxic Rx / OTC can affect balance, coordination, vision . . . everything. And what helps:;f=1;t=065801

Topic: TINNITUS: Ringing Between The Ears; Vestibular, Balance, Hearing with compiled links - including HYPERACUSIS
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

LIVER & KIDNEY SUPPORT & and several HERXHEIMER support links, too.;f=1;t=123746;p=0

Topic: MAGNESIUM - LINKS sets -- to help with many of the symptoms and most notably, the anxiety reaction & heart racing

As for your statement about such low stamina, I know it's really hard not to have that but it is vital to rest. Your body is demanding rest (yeah, even still, after all this time). Do not try to push it. Nourish & Nurture so that your body has a chance to heal.
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Thanks for the links Keebler. The hearing thing comes and goes.

Oh crap I am getting heart palps and chest pain again. Stupid herx. I hate how they make me feel.

Did the ozone rx yesterday and was ok today till now. It usually takes about 24 hours for the herx to hit from the ozone tx.

Think I need to not do any rx for a bit since I was also taking ceftin for a week.
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Can herxes cause panic attacks?
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
ceftin is ototoxic -- maybe your liver / kidney support methods weren't quite as comprehensive as they needed to be?

Yes, a herx can cause a panic attack.

So can vestibular and adrenal issues, lack of certain nutrients (fish oil, magnesium, etc.) and low blood sugar or glucose instability with yo-yo habits. Be sure to eat good food and keep meals & snacks on time. be sure you are getting enough calories, in the right balance.

And, it's important to put behavior (slow, deep, steady breathing) and good rational self talking techniques in play to help with all the other support methods, too. Sometimes, we just have to know how to wait it out -- just don't hold your breath, so to speak.

Take good action, even if that means inaction, with assertive rest.
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
I just had my adrenals tested 2 weeks ago and they were in perfect shape

I have now stopped the ceftin and am drinking lemon water so I really hope this helps
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
I seem to get these attacks as toxins move through
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
I also get really shakey with these attacks and can slurr my words and feel like my body is weak and jello like.

I really hate these attacks.

My llnd says you can feel it in your head when your liver is really working hard.
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Wish I could find a good list of herx sx.
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Can a bad herx kill you?
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
My temp is also a bit low at 36.2. Is this too low?
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
37 Celsius would be the "ideal" (or 98.6 Fahrenheit) - so you may be just a very tiny bit low but, not really anything to be concerned about. There is a lot of variation throughout the day, with different thermometers, etc.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
A list of herx symptoms: see the herx links in the liver links set.

Still, a herx can manifest with any symptom being more intense.

Side effects of treatment are a different matter, and may require immediate action / medical attention

ototoxic or vestibular-toxic action is different in a way in that it may be more important not to try to ride it out if something needs to be avoided -- or if more support is required to make it work.

The liver links / herx set has many excellent links / articles for you to learn more about prevention, minimizing and care.
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Where do I find the herx link
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Q: Can a bad herx kill you?

It is highly unlikely if you have good liver / kidney support and herx management methods on board.

And a bad herx can feel like it might kill you but probably won't. If it's this bad, though, you need to do something very different. Something is off - whether the treatment type, amount, dose, timing . . . you may need to back off on something . . .

support methods can also too much or not enough (for instance, too much emphasis on the action of "detoxing" rather than good basic liver / kidney support) . . .

food, rest, habits . . .

call your doctor tomorrow and make sure that you herx management protocol is reassessed.

And, the way you see this matters, too. How you think about it. You may have more control than it may seem with the methods outlined above. There are absolutely ways to manage a herx.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

LIVER & KIDNEY SUPPORT & and several HERXHEIMER support links, too.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

You might go ahead and make yourself your very own folder and then when you see detail, you can just copy & paste that to a word page in your "health" or "study" file and find when you need it.

You can look at your previous threads where various detail has been posted in reply to your questions, too. Just click onto your name and see your posting history.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Maya, I'm no doc but doesn't oxygen feed babs? So wouldn't ozone feed your babs and make you herx? Just a thought.

Also, have you tried coffee enemas yet? If you're like me, you'll wonder what you ever did without them. I don't suffer with herxes for very long thanks to coffee enemas. I feel MUCH better in just 15 minutes. They are so worth it.

The cloud of pain goes away, and even my sense of humor comes back in just 15 minutes. If you haven't already tried them, give yourself this gift. It's not worth needlessly suffering any longer. All you need is a $14 kit at the drug store and some coffee, then the pain is over. Another bonus: they get the worms out.
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
I have wondered about babs and the ozone but my llnd says the ozone kills it
Posted by WPinVA (Member # 33581) on :
Yes, I almost always herx or flare in the head, as well as other things like a huge increase in fatigue.
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Does anyone also get really bad chills with a herx to the point where they just can't get warm?
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Yes, babs or proto.
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Uggg, I would assume the ozone and uv light hits this then. Since it flares like crazy after a treatment.
My depression and anxiety also spikes when I treat with the ozone.

Wish I could just get my head to stop feeling so pressured. I hate the pressured boaty feeling and the rib pain and shortness of breath.

Funny though I have had my blood looked at about 40 times on live cell at this point and only once did we see one babesia.

That was it. I was also negAtive for the babs Igenix test
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
When others herx and have chills does the body temp tend to go low or high. My body temp gets quite low. It was down to 35.8 last night but is back to between 36.7 and 37 now.

Is this common for body temp to go low in a herx?
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Also just wondering if a herx can make you feel hyper or aggitated like you have had too much coffee?
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Can anyone answer my questions above and also does anyone find their head gets very heavy?
Posted by nitsuj1225 (Member # 39866) on :
I herx in my head as well. When I was on antibiotics as well as after I rife now, I get an increase in head pressure that lasts anywhere from 2-5 days. Specifically, I get increased pressure around my eyes and the sides and back of my head. It's one way I can tell rifing is doing something because I typically get this type of feeling after rifing sessions. It must be an increase in toxins causing inflammation.
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
That's very interesting Mitsubishi. Thanks for telling me that.

That is very simmilar to what I get
Posted by Maya12 (Member # 36392) on :
Stupid auto correct , meant to say nitsuj

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