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Posted by avalery (Member # 45646) on :
Hi everyone,

My mom started oral antibiotics mid May and IV antibiotics on June 9. She has neurological lyme and so far we have not seen much improvement. She had Babesia confection. She has actually gotten weaker with the Herx. When do people start seeing improvements? 3 months? 4 months? This is hard. Just looking for some positive reinforcement.

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Sadly, it could be months and months, especially if she has babesia. It's very hard to clear.

The most important thing is a VERY good LLMD and a method of detoxing.

How old is your mother and how long has she had Lyme?

If she has a recent bite, she may feel better in a few weeks.
Posted by avalery (Member # 45646) on :
She has had it for 2.5 years. She just got diagnosed 3 months ago after seeing 17 drs telling us that they didn't know what she had. Lyme test came back positive for Babesia. She is 66. I need to add better detox. The Dr's protocol seems good, but she can't walk well, and has issues swallowing liquids like water. Thanks for responding.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
That's really rough. It will take awhile then. Babesia was the worst for me, but I am well now! I still have many health issues but I had Lyme for 42 yrs undiagnosed .. so it's to be expected.
Posted by WPinVA (Member # 33581) on :
Yes, detox is so important. It can help a lot.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Regarding WPinVA's excellent reminder of what can help, detail here:;f=3;t=030792;p=0

LIVER & KIDNEY SUPPORT & and several HERXHEIMER support links, too.
Posted by Andromeda (Member # 45866) on :
It's been a year for me and I am very sick. Some people start to improve, some people take two years before they feel better. It's a long long road.

I thought in 6 months I'd be back to work, I was living in denial. It's different for everyone so no one can give you an exact time frame.
Posted by Joe Bob (Member # 45015) on :
I am on month 7 and month 6 is when I started seeing improvement. I have had lyme, babesia and bart for 44 years before being diagnosed. Detox needs to be her job everyday. Lemon water, alka seltzer GOLD and an infarred sauna.... are the easiest things to do. Sauna is $170 on amazon. You detox with sweat and the sauna makes you sweat!
Posted by Nula (Member # 38409) on :

So sorry to hear about your mom. Sending good vibes her way. It's hard to see someone you love suffer.

Does she have a good LLMD? Is he/she working with herbs as well?

Don't give up. Your mom really needs you.
Posted by LisaK (Member # 41384) on :
I went undiagnosed for at least 16 years and it was pretty bad neuro stuff and it took me 4 weeks to feels something different, but I don't think I felt 'better' for a long time- like a year or more, I mean to the poiont of me actually feeling good enough to say I feel better, if that makes sense.

that was around 2 years ago I think that I was dx.

now I feel way better. but it is an ebb and flow kind of thing . two steps forward, 5 steps back is how it felt for me for many months. persistence is key. best of luck to your mom! [Smile]
Posted by TF (Member # 14183) on :
I had lyme, babesiosis, and bartonella for at least 10 years before I was diagnosed. I was in my early 50s when I got on lyme treatment.

It wasn't good lyme treatment. But, in about 6 months I felt a little bit better.

If the treatment is not the proper treatment, you will just get a little bit better and then eventually the disease will continue to progress.

For example, being on just one antibiotic that treats lyme is poor treatment. Totally inadequate. It doesn't matter that she is getting it through IV.

If you don't know what good lyme treatment looks like, STUDY the Burrascano Lyme Treatment Guidelines. Otherwise, your mom could waste YEARS on lousy lyme treatment like I did.

The Guidelines are here:

See Combination Therapy on page 12 to understand how lyme can evade any one antibiotic, even in IV form. It is simple for lyme to do that.

Hope your mom is getting correct treatment. You can post her actual meds here if you like. They don't like us to post dosages usually. You can look up the dosages in Burrascano to be sure they are high enough.

If dosages are too low, treatment is inadequate. So, everything has to be right.

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