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Posted by josh123 (Member # 48198) on :
Hi all,

I have been having tummy issues for 3 months. Went to GI doc and ultra sound and upper endoscopy tests were performed. GI test came out good but came to know I have kidney stones in both kidneys. Went to urologist and they did CT scan was told they are 3 mm and they will pass on their own with drinking lot of water.

Friday I started having severe abdominal pain and I could not tolerate it so went to ER. Since I have kidney stones they thought kidney stones are causing the issue.. they put me in pain meds and sent home. After 3 hours I started taking pain meds they prescribed and I started throwing up including water. My pain was so severe than before so had to visit ER again. docs ordered HIDA scan and my gallbladder function was 21 % and said surgery needed to remove gall bladder.

I am still at the hospital and discussing different options to see if we can wait .. they were planning to do CT scan one more time to see no intenstines issue.. they think the pain is related to gall bladder. The pain is from ribs to belly button area.. some times right, left and through out.

So checking with you to see the pros and cons for removing gall bladder and it's implications.. can I wait to see on this.. doc is ok with any decision I take since he thinks it is not required to remove urgently but based on the symptoms I need the surgery sooner or later.

Can I do something to improve my gall bladder function? What things I can do before I go for surgery?

Any inputs and suggestions on this are really appreciated

THanks and Regards,
Posted by lookup (Member # 44574) on :
"Traditional Chinese medicine recommends the use of Gold Coin Grass (GCG) (botanical name: Herba Lysimachiae, Chinese sound translation: Chin-chien Tsao) to crush and soften the stones so that they will come out slowly.

This tends to take a relatively long time. However, centuries of experience has shown that Gold Coin Grass can be taken safely without side effects."

It sounds like a much safer way to dissolve stones than to do a flush.

There is also Stone Free by Planetary:

Those are a couple things you can run past your doctor.

Good luck!
Posted by josh123 (Member # 48198) on :
Thank u for the information lookup.

I do not have stones in the gall bladder but they think my gall bladder is functioning only 21%.
Posted by lookup (Member # 44574) on :
Would your doctor find it beneficial to thin the bile for easier flow? A-F Betafood by Standard Process is one product that can help.

For sure, your doctor informed you of a helpful diet for your condition?
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Also consider chanca piedra. It can dissolve stones. My husband got rid of his kidney stones within a week by taking it twice a day.

A diet high in oxalates can cause kidney stones, as well as other problems throughout the body. The gall bladder may also be affected .. but that has not been proven.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Do major detox, sit in sauna and sweat out junk as much as possible. Look up diets for gallbladder. See if you feel better after that.
Posted by Bid3 (Member # 47299) on :
The gallbalder is said not to return to normal function, regardless of what is done. That is why they pull them out on a whim. There are some Lyme docs that think removal of the GB helps with lyme recovery as well. It helped my son. Also note, My family gastro doc and the same said by the surgeon doc said 1 in 5 have the GB removed in thier life.

I doubt you will find any internet data that is real showing you can fix the GB. 21% is half the min score of 40%.
Posted by Bid3 (Member # 47299) on :
Josh123, what did you decide?
Posted by Rumigirl (Member # 15091) on :
I've been through this. From my experience, I would recommend trying Liver/Gallbladder Flushes with the 5 day preparation for it.

And doing a series of them, say, one every 2 or 3 weeks. And then see how you are.

My top GI doctor said that what the HIDA scan shows can vary from one time to another, and doesn't mean that having it removed will resolve things.

I've been through the horrible gallbladder attacks that you obviously went through---ghastly!! Writhing on the bathroom floor in horrific pain, sweating, throwing up. ER was useless.

OTOH, I tried for a year to save mine, and finally gave in and had it removed. Yes, it finally got rid of the horrible pain. BUT, as I was afraid of, my digestion went downhill by quite a bit. And I have not tolerated bile supplements well, either.

So, if you can save it, it would be ideal. Knowing though, that our lives are not necessarily ideal.

Of course, this is NOT medical advice. Just feedback from someone who has been through it.

BTW, THE Dr. B said to me that many Lyme patients have to have their GB's removed. He thinks it may be a reservoir of Bb. I had mine tested after removal, but they didn't find anything. Who knows?

Mine was wrecked by rocephin, in spite of taking the med to prevent it (can't come up with the name now).
Posted by ilovedogs (Member # 48866) on :
I had mine removed. I've never felt better GI wise. I received differing opinions on whether to take it out or not but finally went ahead and did it

It definitely gave me relief. Good luck with your decision
Posted by Razzle (Member # 30398) on :
Had mine out (huge stones) and don't miss it. Getting rid of it ended 14 years of near-constant nausea, and improved somewhat my chronic constipation. The surgeon said my gallbladder was full of inflammation and stones.

A "parasite expert" told me once that the gallbladder can become a focal point for allergies, and it also is his belief that most allergies are a result of parasite (meaning any microbe, not just worms) infection. The gallbladder could certainly be a reservoir for such infections...
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I had mine out. I went down hill FAST afterward. I thought my gallbladder was the issue (which I'm sure it was contributing),

But really it was lyme (took me 3 more years to figure that out). I ended up with gastroparesis. Could hardly eat anything for almost 2 years. Not sure if that was from getting my gallbladder out or from lyme.

It has slowly gotten better with lyme treatment, so I'm leaning toward lyme being the underlying problem.

Anyway, If I had to do it again, I would try to heal the gallbladder first before taking it out.

You have to decide what is right, though. Others seem to have a wonderful experience... Hard choice.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
I'm with HW88. I would try to heal the gallbladder. Once it's gone, it's gone forever. All great suggestions, Lookup and Lymetoo and someone said liver gallbladder flushes. Even if you don't have stones. While you're in hospital, ask a nurse if s(he) can do reiki on you (some are trained).
Posted by lymenotlite (Member # 33166) on :
I did not have a gallbladder issue per se but my liver had been taxed, as all of ours is. I decided to do a liver and gallbladder cleanse as written about in an Andreas Moritz book of similar title.

I did about 8 cleanses, the last yielding no stones so I'm done, for now at least. Liver stones are green so easy to spot. About the 4th or 5th cleanse, I expelled a lot of tan stones which Moritz says are from the gallbladder. That's the only time I got tan stones.

Good luck.
Posted by josh123 (Member # 48198) on :
Thank you all very much for your inputs and suggestions. I really appreciate and thankful to you all.

I was in hospital for 3 days back home now. General surgeon doc insisted to go for surgery but we decided to try diet changes and others and see if it helps and come back for a surgery if it does not work. Doc told me I would come back for a surgery based on my symptoms.. lets see how it goes..

doc mentioned about low fat diet for gallbladder. Started low fat diet..

Since I have kidney stones and gallbladder issues going parallel it took time to figure out which one is actually causing the issue.

I am planning to see homeopathy/ natural med doc for parasite treatment, kidney stones and gallbladder issues. Lets see how it goes.

The pain still exists but not like when I went to ER.

Could any of you explain what is the process of liver and gallbladder cleanse? How do we do it? Do we need to take any specific meds for this?

Thanks and Regards,
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
As others have stated, CHANCA PIEDRA / Stonebreaker can be so very helpful for many reasons, even if stones are not an issue.

I caution against any kind of cleanse if it's fast, like a flush. Steady consistent SUPPORT is safer. Some cleanses are slow and steady, and really a change of routine, diet, supplemental support. But some can really be just far too harsh. Avoid any that are "event" oriented.

And, as the gallbladder can really shoot you to the moon if too much oil / fat is on board, be very cautious with use of fats . . . and only use the very best quality of those you do use:

organic ghee from grass fed cows, organic extra virgin olive oil

BERBERINE can also help as can OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT.

For starters, to understand how the organ works:

Gallbladder Support - whether stones or not, this chapter has great basic information and good suggestions, too.

Though not at all about lyme, this is one of the best reference resources on my bookshelf that has wonderful chapters, many graciously available through their website.

After reading this chapter, then go back and search at the main page: Gallbladder to see Liver details that relate.



He is a doctor of Ayurvedic Medicine; She a doctor of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncturist. The third co-author is a doctor of optometry.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
While this may seem more common for help with kidney issues, it can also ease pain for gallbladder . . . along with other methods, too.

Table of Contents.

CHANCA PIEDRA - by Melody Elaine Thomas

Main article:


PubMed Search:

Phyllanthus nirurii - 592 abstracts

BREAK-STONE, Chanca Piedra (Phyllanthus niruri)
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
You say that you are " . . . planning to see homeopathy/ natural med doc for parasite treatment, kidney stones and gallbladder issues. Lets see how it goes."

I assume the "natural med doc" is an ND? or similar degree . . . so I'll just use ND.

I'd really not take anything until you ask the ND what do to until your appointment, They should have a couple suggestions for you.

Still, links above are still vital just FYI.

Also search "Stephen Buhner" gallbladder. He is a master herbalist and quite excellent in his wealth of information.
Posted by lookup (Member # 44574) on :
Let's not forget about Traditional Chinese Medicine. If anyone could rescue gall bladder function I'd put my money on TCM.
Posted by Badtick (Member # 9794) on :
I had great success with GCG when I was having acute GB attacks. Gave me relief overnight. I continued with GCG along with chanca piedra on and off for a year or so. I also did about 20 olive oil/lemon/turmeric flushes over this time. Looking back, the flushes were fairly burdensome to plan and perform but they were key for me.

I haven't had a GB attack now in 10 years and I don't follow any specific diet. I still have a 10mm calcified stone showing up on scans as of 8 years ago. Not sure if it is still there. As far as the GB being a reservoir for infections, I can't say. I was concerned about this, however, there was a period where I was in lyme remission for about 6 years after my acute GB symptoms came on.

I believe I originally messed up my GB by following a low fat diet. I was a vegetarian at the time. That along with dehydration. This is what caused the bile to stagnate and stones/sludge to form.

If you have kidney stones, you really need to take the chanca piedra. Then work to find and eliminate the underlying cause to why you are developing the stones.
Posted by josh123 (Member # 48198) on :
Keebler, Lookup and Badtick,

Thank you so much for your valuable suggestions and information.

I went to Homeopathy doc ( I believe he was a regular doc first and then moved to Naturopathic Physician). I explained all my issues and Lyme and like any ID doc he mentioned there is no Lyme here and there is some underlining issue which we need to fix. He said give me 3 months we will fix the issue. He gave some meds ( two different homeo pills) and I have asked the names of the them but he said he will give the names once we finish one month course. I was expecting more pills for my many different symptoms..

I have changed my diet not to have much fat and it is better now. Some times I get pain but not a lot now. Also started drinking lot of water. In between every month my hemorrhoids issue flaring up. Too many issues going on.

I have follow up in 10 days and I will ask for GCG and CHANCA PIEDRA meds.

I think I need to fix kidney, gallbladder and hemorrhoids issue before I actually start meds for Lyme.. I need to cross these hurdles first.

Thanks and Regards,
Posted by Overwhelmed (Member # 38499) on :
I had similar issues. My HIDA scan revealed a significantly lower ejection fraction- gallbladder was removed. A few years later the pain has returned. Turns out that I just needed to modify my diet. Pain is all around my right sided rib cage and side. Either way, you will be okay- I will keep u in my prayers:)
Posted by lookup (Member # 44574) on :
Good luck josh123! Sounds like it is getting sorted.
Posted by Kylie (Member # 52158) on :
Hello, I am sorry for your situation, but I hope everything will be fine and you will manage to pass-through all those problems. Medicine in our days is developed and doctors can cure almost everything on this earth, if not, they will find a way how to help you in any case. Scientists, biomedical engineers, are developing every day new tools, and devices that can be used in different kinds of surgeries.

**edited advertising links**

[ 05-25-2021, 05:50 PM: Message edited by: Lymetoo ]
Posted by Garz (Member # 52095) on :
i have traveled down this path also =

ended up in ER at age 40 - with the writhing around on the floor pain

turned out to be gallstones and gallbladder attacks

got so bad a single egg would trigger it

had the usual from my PCP - "needs to be removed"

asked to be referred to a gastroenterologist - rather than a gastro surgeon to understand the full range of options- they just sent me to a surgeon.

i was convinced the gall bladder was not just a nuisance appendage and in fact, had an important job t do so I investigated alternative treatments.

i did about 10 liver flushes over the course of around 12 months - none were painful - and by the end of it I was absolutely fine -able to eat anything.
i only found a single calcified stone - but lots of other stuff came out and GB function was tip-top by the end.

in fact it's just as well I did - as I now eat a fully ketogenic diet to help with the Lyme - and that would be near impossible without a gall bladder.

one of the things that convinced me was the safety record of these flushes = very good indeed as far as I researched it.

I used gold coin grass (TCM) and chiancre piedra also in between the flushes

also, I read many reports of people having their GB removed but having ongoing issues afterward and that was a factor for me.
Posted by Garz (Member # 52095) on :
PS there is a procedure where they go in with an endoscope through the mouth - and via the small intestine and up into the gall bladder.

here they inject some chemicals that rapidly dissolve the gallstones/sludge ( if present ) and then suck it all out using the endoscope I think.

Nelson Mandela had it done in his final year or so.

rarely offered as the conventional wisdom is that more gallstones will simply form - so they should simply remove it
but they clearly do not understand what's going on and are stuck with these medieval procedures

GB disease is thought to be Auto-immune in nature - but they don't tell you that
Posted by lymenotlite (Member # 33166) on :
If you're looking for an alternative approach:


They went in through the ureter for a friend to dissolve the stones but that did not go well for her.

Stone Breaker may help:
Posted by LehhyDav (Member # 52353) on :
Unfortunately, my best friend has the same problem. Precisely the same after cooling the urgency, she was hospitalized, and they said that she needs gallbladder removing surgery. Indeed, now she feels a little better. She was looking on different medical sites for some advice on what can be used to prevent and remove stones.


[ 05-19-2021, 10:01 AM: Message edited by: Lymetoo ]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :

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