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Posted by SickSam (Member # 45330) on :
Hey all,

I've been herxing for 5 weeks straight. This is the first time I've been 100% sure I was continually herxing, so I'm kinda excited that I can actually tell what's happening for once.

I'm wondering when this herx might let up. I've read about people who herx for up to 7 months before they see improvement. How typical are those long herxes?

Doing detox the best I can, will be adding cholestyramine very soon too.

Thanks everyone.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
"Detox" can be defined in various ways. Be sure it's more supportive than aggressive.

If you are herxing so much, IMO, cholestyramine might not be a good match for your body. There are other ways that aren't so harsh.;f=3;t=030792;p=0

LIVER & KIDNEY SUPPORT & and several HERXHEIMER support links, too.
Posted by SickSam (Member # 45330) on :
What I'm doing now is more supportive. It's never been enough though. so I'm ready to try something a little more aggressive. I'll start low and slow though.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I honestly can't tell the difference between herxibg and not feeling well in general. Hopefully you are supporting yourself pathways...
Posted by Bartenderbonnie (Member # 49177) on :
I was so sick with neurolyme, I thought I was gonna die.
Then I started treatment, and I really thought I was gonna die.

It took me 7 days to start herxing when I first started antibiotic protocol. Everyone said you should feel something after 3 days.

I herxed for a full 4 months. Thought about taking a break from meds but thankfully plowed through.

To me, a herx is the killing stage which lessens in intensity as treatment goes on. Never get used to the sufferring, ugh.

Can't quit. Stay the coarse bud.
Posted by SickSam (Member # 45330) on :
HW, I was the same way for a very long time, but I can finally tell the difference thankfully. I do support my pathways.

Bartenderbonnie, that is exactly the information I was needing. Thank you! At what point did your herxing reduce a little? Was the herx full-force the entire 4 months? I'm almost 8 weeks into this herx now and it is unbelievable.
Posted by Bartenderbonnie (Member # 49177) on :
According to my journal, I started to feel better in the middle of month 4. Meaning, 2 good days per week. Little things, yet big things. So subtle yet encouraging. . . . . . . . .

Month 5 was the AH HA moment. Meaning that AWLFUL hangover feeling every stinking morning you open your eyes, magically disappeared and never reared its ugly head again.
I could string 4 or 5 good days in a row.

As we all know, everyone's body reacts differently. Don't get discourage if your healing is taking longer than others
I ve had many relapses, a bad cat scratch, 2 additional tick bites, IC bladder pain and allergies that have set me back months in my wellness. But I will get back there my friend, and so will you.

That's why I love lymenet. We are here to route each other on.
We are in this together at the same moment in time.

P.S. How could I forget to mention the one thing that helped me most during that AWLFUL herxing period ?

No matter how sick, I forced myself everyday to take Epsom salt bath and take alka selzer gold. Instant relief although only temporary. Hang in there. [Smile]
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Depending on your body's strength, herxes can do more harm than good.

I would not risk just because you can lose all energy you need to fight, digest, walk...

Plus, when it starts to affect the heart, breathing, it can be even fatal. Not an exaggeration.

Just try one neurotoxin binder after another, try to find the right dosage, then add another, and again, try to find the dosage, and so on, until your herxes feel like nothing.

Pushing through can be good when your body (liver, kidney, gut) is still somewhat okay.

When it reaches the bottom line, pushing through is not beneficial.

If herxes stop, it does not MEAN that pathogens were all dead.

It MAY also mean, that pathogens got used to the regime of pills you were taking, and went on cyst or dormant just for a while, but they are either already coming back or as soon as you stop meds, they will come back again.

I usually prefer, like Kleeber, a more long term strategy: support the detox organs, take AS MANY BINDERS your body can stand (and that 5, 6, 7 times a day, when herxes are bad), so that you do not collapse and that your immune system can come back.

Herxes, in my opinion, take off the body's strength to fight pathogens, to digest, to clean the body. Most bodily functions get compromised DUE to herxes.

So once your meds do not help in killing anymore, what you got is 'your body got exhausted from herxes' and then, pathogens simply take the front line again.

Then you change your antimicrobials, and start herxing again. Your organs go again sick, tired, exhausted. So does your immune system, digestive system, detox system...

And long term, there can't be good outcomes, UNLESS your body is strong enough to detox most toxins effectively.

The fact that you crash means, no, your body is NOT able to flush neuro toxins.

In my head, it's crystal clear: HERXES and pathogen toxins are the MAIN GUN that pathogens found to colonize my body LONG TERM.

It's a perfect gun: you kill them, they poison you, they make your immune system crap, and ALL OTHER BODILY SYSTEMS (you can barely even sleep , right?).

Long term, they win, because they simply go dormant somewhere, they know your body is low gear, specially your immune system, they wait to come up again.

I learned, with time and experience, that finding the good binders, combination of binders, trying several different options, and taking these FULL COCKTAILS of binders many times a day,...

.... plus a very good clean diet, allergy free (each ingredient tested for me), was the only way to rebuild my body, so that when antimicrobials are not there, my immune system can STILL kick in.

Herxes make the opposite to my body and immune system. Herxes help PATHOGENS, not me.

so listen to Kleeber and clean your bodies. Dedicate as MUCH time and patience to research neurotoxin binders, because that will pay back long term.

It's just my opinion!
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
Brussels, your opinion is GREAT info. I hope people will consider the damage that can be done by herxing too long and too hard.

Posted by SickSam (Member # 45330) on :
Yes Brussels, your insight on binders is what's first alerted me to their importance. Thank you! I recently added charcoal, and it helps. I tried chlorella but it didn't agree with my gut. I will absolutely continue my quest to find the binders that work for me. Questran is on the list, although I understand it may initially intensify a herx.

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