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Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
my nuclear heart catheterization came back. dr said absolutely no blockages, damages, etc., however they found this:

focus of subpleural groundglass type opacification with nodularity in left upper lung lobe.

wth? another issue. they asked if i cough alot. I said I have for over six months but every dr says allergies.

because I've had three tests with contrast within weeks, he said they wont do lung scan until November.

I really don't need this.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
How long ago did you have pneumonia? Likely related, or to some other kind of chronic infection.

Do you know the exact type / strain of the pneumonia that you had (I think in this past year if I recall correctly)?

Though they might not have done an actual blood test and just gone with a clinical diagnosis (again, I think I recall asking about this at the time).

Have you been assessed for mycoplasma pneumonia infections? Or for Cpn - chlamydia pneumonia?

Either of these (or other kinds of lung infection-connection issues) would also help explain exhaustion. It can take even a typically energetic person months and months to regain strength after even a "typical" pneumonia.

You say your regular blood work is "fine" but these other kinds of chronic stealth infections require specific testing. Most LLMDs and LL NDs would know what that would entail.

And most MDs simply do not believe that that these can be of a chronic nature.

If an infection, this could reverse itself over time with proper treatment and anti-inflammation support methods.

That's likely why they are waiting until next month to do a lung scan but also to give time for your body to work out the recent contrast solutions. Be sure liver support is solid.

There can be other reasons for these things but infection is the number one thing to consider, the inflammation from such actually.

It's distressing, surely, yet it does not have to be a big ticket thing and may lead to uncover some underlying issues that might then lead to overall improvement.

TURMERIC / CURCUMIN would be good to include to help reduce inflammation and also offer antioxidant support -- but check regarding any Rx that you might be taking to be sure of compatibility.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Again, this requires very specific testing methods &/or assessment - usually not available within the typical medical center settings.

MYCOPLASMA research website

Institute for Molecular Medicine - Garth Nicolson, PhD

He is the premier researcher in the area of chronic stealth mycoplasma infections
excellent article:

symptoms, page 3
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Again, this requires very specific testing methods &/or assessment - usually not available within the typical medical center settings.

Chlamydia pneumonia help website

Getting started

Finding a doctor
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
practically every year I get bronchitis and I've had pneumonia at least twice in the last 5 years or so.

I'm damned tired of being told it's allergies.

sometimes my chest jus hurts but xrays are normal.

I can't take most drugs cause of malignant bp.

but positive side of walking is heart rate is down from 90 to about 66-70. and my skin feels warm, even my legs. mom always said I felt like a stone cold corpse!!!! I mean scary cold all over.

I used to sleep under two blankets, one in summer. now I sleep under just sheet and thermal blanket. and recently just sheet.

I've lost 5 pounds. good...95 to go... many wierd things happening...

and now some of his presurgery tests are coming back not good. more stress....

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
randi .. at least that will help explain why you are so short of breath .. maybe you will be given an inhaler or something helpful

What happened to the ischemia of your heart?
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
they said nope...heart was good. didn't mention it.

they did give me albuterol inhaler and said one puff daily but I didn't refill it cause the pharmacist said it was a steroid.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Albuterol is really a rescue inhaler. The steroid type would be what they usually give for long term breathing issues.
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
Heart...check. That's good news. It's also good news that someone did see that you have something going on in your lungs.

Just another test randi. I know it gets old.

Take care of you.

Posted by sunnymalibu (Member # 9586) on :
Randibear- maybe symptoms of sarcoidosis?
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
nope. looked it up. symptoms really don't match.

I just have a nonproductive cough all the time. sometimes it's pretty harsh, other times jus a short bark.

annoying as all get out.

anxiety maybe????
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
A non-productive cough can be caused by certain BP meds. Aren't you taking Norvasc?
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
I take diovan and nadolol. cardiologist wants to put me on norvasc and toponol xl.

I'm resisting as ive heard real nightmares and my sister was hospitalized due to norvasc. he gave me a water pill too.

I want to continue exercise and weight watchers to bring down bp.

but this cough is not normal. my sister has it too.

could it be lyme??
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Look up the side effects of the ones you are on. It's much more likely to be from that than from something like Lyme.

My mother was on Norvasc and when we took her with us to Texas one Christmas, she coughed constantly. Had to take her to the doctor there and he said immediately that it was the drug. Yep, sure was.

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