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Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
I think I'm on my 3rd week raw veggie only diet.

With bits of cheating, but very bit! [Big Grin]

First I got used to kimchi, while eating normally.

It took a couple of months, as kimchi is EXTREME: high content of allicin, full of sulfur, and still chili pepper + garlic + onion + ginger, all that raw, so... well, it's a KILLING and CLEANSING bomb.

Plus, it gets waaaay too many probiotics, that can also have an explosive effect: so I just do it at home, and start eating that slowly, when fermentation is starting, slowly (instead of taking the ready product that has way too many probiotics).

Then, when I stopped herxing somehow with kimchi (I'm fighting chronic candida and God knows what else in the joints + sinuses + uterus), I started my raw food 'diet'.

I inspired in the 80/10/10, but I don't follow the proportion. I just eat raw, that's it, no animal protein.

I had to back kimchi when I started raw veggie, because that alone was also extreme.

Not the first days, but it came slowly but surely. Herxes, herxes, herxes, cleaning, binding, herxes, more cleaning, more binding...

I never thought a body would herx only due to raw veggies + fruits. I'm eating fruits freely, no restriction.

My body always liked raw, that is why I decided to see how it works, as there are some people saying they got good results against chronic candida.

Well, it was impressive. The big turn was about day 14 or so, for me.

I was OFF kimchi, as otherwise it would be too much. Just raw veggies + fruit + some nuts. NO milk, no butter, no animal anything.

Now (week 3), I'm re introducing kimchi just to see (and because I love the taste).

Herxes just with raw food decreased, that's why.

There, there is fermented anchovy sauce - fish sauce (you can do veggie sauce too, but as I had anchovy sauce here....).

Feet candida stopped at almost 100%, I just have my small finger on the hand that is still with inflammation.

During these weeks, I got a sort of purging in the uterus (it was gross, sorry, but I'm glad whatever was growing there is out), and I think most of my joints have been cleaned up.

I'm 52. For the last 7 years or so, I felt my joints started to become harder to move, and some joints clearly had arthritis (no Borrelia arthritis, that is long gone).

It was very probably candida-arthritis. Fingers, toes, right shoulder for sure.

Then my left sinuses were stuck with the rest of a cavitation infection from about 12 years ago (surgeon tried to clean, but it was waaay too deep in the bones, going up to my eyes!).

These were my 'only' left problems to solve since lyme went dormant 8.5 years ago.

I don't know how long I can stay on this raw veggie fruit diet, but as long as I feel cleaning is undergoing, as long as I see candida is low-gear, I'll keep going.

First week was hard, but after, I got used, no problem to eat like this. I just feel cold, and need coffee (that is not raw, but I don't mind...).

I keep testing stuff energetically, and definitively, milk products make my candida flare (when I cheated, I saw it!).

Eating cooked anything (potatoes, even meat or pumpkin) made me also flare, so I went back again to raw.

First time in life that I do not eat any bread, any grains (no rice, no potatoes, no nothing...) for so long.

Before I did fasting with a fruit a day, but I could never stand longer than 10 days. I'm way too thin to continue for longer.

So definitively: this is working like fasting, but it's somewhat better, as I do not feel hungry and I am sure I can keep on this for longer periods.

Is anyone here also on raw foods only??
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
What was crazy with the veggie part, was that all my joints started cleaning-mode: even my elbows, that never got any symptom that I remember, they kept stinging... on and off.

And the uterus, was a surprising thing: I read that Candida parapsilosis love the ovaries and uterus, so probably, that is what I got there without knowing.

I started having stinging pains there, then it got slowly cleaned.

Left sinus too: it keeps moving (liquids), and I do feel some sort of cleansing going on there.

All on its own, without adding any treatment whatsoever.

This was without any kimchi. Only due to raw veggie + fruit.

Today I noticed that my stools smell NOTHING.
This was also funny. Nothing at all.

I take chlorella + bear garlic + MSM for herxes, a couple of times a day, depending on what's happening.

Certainly, something is happening from inside out, without adding any treatment whatsoever.

I'm positively surprised by the body's inner ability to heal, specially in difficult parts such as shoulder joints.

It's been at least 3.5 years that I notice my right shoulder is a bit stiff, then I had pain there (arthritis). It's not yet totally gone, but it's really like just 10% or less than what it was.

Whether this stays or not, I have no idea...
I'm just glad I found another way to fight degenerative diseases linked to aging in a natural way.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Last 2 days, I started herxing in my neck?!

I start to wonder, whether I would have had symptoms there one day (like arthritis or osteoarthrosis?).

I mean, I think something was already there (low grade arthritis) but I thought I was symptomless.

The only thing I can say, is that my neck feels so much more mobile than before, but I never had got pain there (that I remember).

Cleaning is going on, slowly but surely. I wonder if the neck did not start cleaning when I re-added kimchi.

I feel more painful overall (not too bad but still...) since I re-added kimchi.

I start to feel I need more nutrients, but I still cannot take any animal product (they test energetically bad).

This FEELS really like FASTING!

But as I never had fasted for so long, I can't compare anymore.

What I can say is that eating raw (veggy + fruit only) makes the body go into detox mode automatically, like fasting does.

Some big advantages:

- you are not hungry,
- you can do exercises,
- you can be fully physically active,

- it is a cheap diet (easy to find organic)
- you save on many cleansing supplements,
- your mind gets very clear (at least mine),

- it's like you are getting daily lymphatic drainage.


- you got to keep shopping quite often,
- it takes some time to prepare your food (contrary to what people may think),

- socially it is a hard diet,
- you need a sort of strong mind set in the first 3 days or so (then it gets easier).

If anyone would like to try this, I would like to know what are your experiences.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
I will do raw foods a month at a time. I always feel GREAT when I do!!! Are you on Instagram? You can guess my screen name there. I recently finished a month of raw foods and posted some of them. They're so beautiful compared to cooked foods!!!

The only reason I went off raw is because I'm in Ohio and it's getting cold. I don't do as well on raw when it's cold. When I finally am in FL completely, I'll eat mostly raw with some fish and some occasional splurges. I simply have more energy when I eat raw.

Adding warming spices might help. I found drinking teas that have cinnamon and other warming spices made it feel more balanced and less "cold".

Also, adding things like chocolate pudding made with avocado, or kelp noodles with an almond cream sauce, give you something different.

Be careful though. The first time I did raw for a month, my kidneys couldn't keep up with the detox and I ended up in the hospital with a kidney infection.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Brussels... my neck hurts when I ingest salicylates. (That's not all that hurts, but it's one I notice the most.)

So .. don't overdo the sals. They can bite back in big ways.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
OMG Six!!

I know what you mean by a kidney infection! I had that with my violet ray: extreme detox.

Thanks for sharing your experience.
I'll take your advice with the warming teas.

I never dropped coffee for that reason (warming reason).

Yep, I feel in the moon, very 'high' even.

I am still detoxing, specially after adding kimchi these last days. Today, I'm having a break: waaay too much detox going on.

Well, today, for the first time, I ate a bit of cooked wild salmon. It tested good. So far no flare.

Chocolate pudding with avocado? No idea what's that... I'll try to google.

I eat at least 2 avocados a day: I just make a smoothy with one banana, and I love this stuff (that's basically my breakfast).

I would not have survived without avocados, I think.

It's amazing how my skin is soft, how my joints keep detoxing, no stop.

Lymetoo, it's not a bad pain: it's detox pain. Now I feel nothing, but the last 2, 3 days, wow, stinging pains like with lyme arthritis!!!

Now my neck movement is totally free, unblocked, like oiled. I can even bend it down better than before, so I do think it was just a herx + cleansing reaction.

Plus, I get those toxic feelings after (EXACTLY like lyme herxes), and that anxiety / fatigue disappears after a cocktails of binders (again, exactly like lyme herxes for me).

So, so far, I can only recommend.

I would never imagine this would give me so much energy, physical energy. I need smaller meals here and there, but it's fine.

I started it with a short fasting period (of 5 days or so), then slowly added more raw food.

So now, I'm certainly about a month on this diet and today, it was the first ever piece of animal I took (and boy, it felt HEAVY!!!).

Anyone else did or is doing raw diet here??
Posted by koo (Member # 30462) on :
Check out Fully Raw Kristina. She has been doing this for over 10 years...quite amazing.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
There are a lot of delicious recipes for avocado pudding/mousse. Most use raw cacao powder, avocado, and some kind of natural sweetener, plus vanilla extract. All healthy stuff.

Dehydrated foods are great, too, if you're needing a "crunch"!
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Thank you two for your answers!
Nice website (christina's website).

Is this the avocado mousse recipe, Six?

I guess, this diet stuff depends on each person (like Mercola said).

I do think that this is doing me good, somehow.

I ate a coconut curry yesterday evening... with salmon.

Very cooked!
[Roll Eyes]

And rice, for the first time in a month.

Fully bloated, hard to digest!!

I will go back grain-free today.

I notice my left sinuses have already some inflammation again (in the morning). It's light, but it's sure.

My toes start to feel some inflammation.

And more fingers too (before that meal, only one finger was red, now pretty much of my right hand is red).

Definitively, I gotta go back and start one thing at a time (not both curry + rice).

today I'll make a pause on all cooked stuff, tomorrow I'll see.

If inflammation goes down, I'll try to add only either a cooked fish or a raw egg.

I'll let you know.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Six, I tried to do the chocolate mousse (my version...).

It was good. I sweetened it with a ripe banana. Chocolate taste goes well.

thanks for the tip!

I did not eat badly today, and indeed, inflammation goes down again...

It's crazy
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
That's one. Here's another. I don't like to use agave, I prefer coconut nectar, honey, or maple syrup. This one uses dates. I don't use a recipe, I just use an avocado, some cacao powder, a sweetener, and vanilla. If it doesn't taste right, then I add more of something.

A plain frozen banana makes great ice cream. I have a Norwalk juicer and just run it through the first phase of that, but I've seen "recipes" that say to run it through a food processor. I sprinkle cinnamon on top.

Rice bloats me. I avoid it. The coconut curry with salmon sounds great though!!
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
It looks great, but way too sweet (dates + maple syrup?), I agree with you.

I'm enjoying bananas, they are easier to digest (than dates, for example).

Today I added a piece of beef. Let's see.

What is great for me, was that I thought I could never get rid of carbs (like get totally rid of potatoes, rice etc).

Every time I cut rice or potatoes, I felt awful. Totally awful.

This time, I just did a whole fasting, cutting everything (just let a fruit a day).

I felt good. After 5 days, I added more fruits.

I felt again good. That's when I had the idea of adding a salad bowl. And I felt great!

Then I kept adding, more dried nuts of all sorts. Fine.

Then I cheated and took cheese: felt awful.

Back again to salads and fruits. Great again.

Then I added kimchi again (wow), herxes...

Backed down. Now I'm again back with kimchi.

Still detoxing.

Yesterday evening I took an egg. No problem.

I cheated once with rice and curry: awful again.

So it is looking like I'll be doing a sort of mixed RAW + cooked animal protein for a while.

It's been a month raw vegetarian only, and I do miss some animal protein, I think.

Only nuts and avocado are not making me feel 'complete'.

I'm though truly glad that I could finally stop all pure carbs.

So I guess, my diet will be something like: no pure carbs (potatoes, grains), of course no added sugar (I've been doing that for ages...), no preservatives & no additives in food, as fresh as possible, no milk products at all (no goat, no sheep, no butter either).

I just took a coconut water mixed with pure chocolate powder, no sugar, no sweetener, and it tasted wonderful.

The advantage eating raw for quite some weeks is that flavor experience gets enhanced, like 10x more (I feel any tiny bit of sugar or salt in anything).

In summary:
- no pure sugar / carbs (no pure carbs, no sugar)

- no milk products at all

- no additives, preservatives, colorants, added sugar, ready made food etc. Organic as much as possible.

+ daily probiotic foods

+ daily raw veggies and fruits, cold pressed oils

+ nuts, dried fruits

+ fish and animal protein

(before I added the animal protein, I realized that my tinnitus is .... gone?)

During lyme, I had bad tinnitus. Low sounds, on and off, then other sounds (on and off).... Some pretty loud.

After lyme, all those low sounds disappeared, but slowly something developed: like high pitched sounds, constant, like birds singing in a forest.

It's been years, and those birds kept singing, day and night. Very low, but certainly there.

Yesterday, I tried to find the birds, but they were nowhere!

Could this diet be doing something against tinnitus?? [confused]
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
After a month on raw veggie only, I'm introducing animal proteins, but no milk products.

After week 2 came a big reaction (detox, I suppose).

Week 3 and 4, I still detoxed, candida was still present but low gear.

I started adding animal proteins (fish, mainly, and eggs), and now it feels almost complete.

I do need some amount of nuts to feel good. I'm consuming a lot of kimchi again, without any big reactions.

This weekend, I added the Hulda Clark zapper (because I wanted to know if I have parasites).

This zapper never really did anything to me in the past (it never helped my lyme disease, anyway).

But I swear I'm reacting to it in unexpected ways. I did 30 minutes, then crashed Saturday for 2 hours (I literally fell asleep).

Today, again, 30 minutes, and I crashed again for 2 hours (I did not sleep, but felt very tired immediately after the zapper).

I'm taking some anti parasitic herbs (chinese and Western herbs), plus some DE...

I see that candida went from about 10% on my skin, to next to nothing now.

Many of my joints are achy from the zapper. Not bad, but something is happening.

At least, I think I found a function for this zapper. I thought it was good for nothing, but it's definitively doing something!
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
When I finally get moved down to Florida, I plan on eating a diet heavy in raw food with a cooked dinner of veggies and maybe either quinoa or fish. Not strict, maybe once or twice a week a more "normal" meal.

I am so energetic and as you say, it all tastes so good!

However, in Ohio when it's getting cooler, I feel better with cooked food.

I think it's about balance like some of the eastern medicine philosophies say. Balancing warming and cooling foods with the climate.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Definitively, without my roasted coffee beans, that raw diet would never be pleasant in cold weather...

Also, the excess of spices makes it again 'warming', such as kimchi. Kimchi is almost like cooked, because it is pre-digested, and it's got a warming effect.

I added cooked animal proteins, eggs, fish, shrimps, maybe will try mussels soon, but no carbs. Energetically testing bad (all carbs!).

Nice to know you'll move to the south!!! It doesn't sound ... cool!! Happy for you.

I do think cold is a stress to my body. The Chinese say that 95%++ of diseases come from cold.

I'm doing just 20 minutes with my zapper, and guess what happened today?

Bladder infection!

I got to laugh (now that it's under control).

I HATE bladder or kidney infections!!!

I was noticing the zapper was making my urine darker, but did not think there were so many toxins after a month on raw food.


I prepared a urine nosode, on different dilutions, and photooned it for about 20 minutes. Now I feel fine again, but I hate that pain and anxiety, feverish feeling.

amazingly, the whole body's lymph gets pulled out still during photooning sessions. Despite so many teas, juices I took, my skin got shrunk.

An hour later, it gets pumped back, it's really a reaction of the body to photons + nosodes.

It's the first time EVER Hulda Clark's zapper is doing something clear to my body. I guess, the clean diet made it work due to synergy?

Gluten free, milk products free, absolutely no sugar, no sugar additives, mostly raw, no carbs at all, kimchi daily, some animal protein... + a simple Hulda Clark zapper = crazy detox reaction?

Detox in many senses, as I feel my candida got fried with the zapper!

I suspect that that is what caused me the bladder infection: candida die-off toxins.

Whatever, I hope I won't have to take antibiotics.

This auto urine nosode already helped me out in the past, so I'm betting on it now.

I wonder if most chronic lyme sufferers start on a super clean/tight diet, if most treatments won't start working for them?

I mean, seriously, this Hulda Clark zapper would be the solution for my 30 year old chronic candida? I can't believe that...

I guess that the diet is what enabled that simple cheap zapper to finally do something it never did before...

The max it did, was to help some colds, but that ended there. It never made any effect on candida or lyme whatsoever.
Posted by anuta (Member # 22646) on :
Wow Brussels- bladder infection...Thank God for the urine nosodes.

In the beginning of my Lyme I've had bladder nfection for a whole year. I tought I would die- for me it was the worst symptom ever. If only I knew about nosodes back then....

I definately will go easy on my diet - few days on and few- off.
I'm horrified about kidney infections.

I hope you feel better!
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Yes, the raw food can cause a bladder or kidney infection. The first time I ate raw food for a month, by the end of the month I spent 4 days in the hospital for a very bad kidney infection! I had no signs of it coming on. No UTI first. Just suddenly got sick.

It was just too much for me at the time. I've never had candida problems, mine were always more bacterial. Either could cause a UTI though.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Yep, definitively these detox reactions can be drastic!

I ate a big meal at lunch (I was hungry), mostly raw, but with meat balls.

If I were fully sick with a bladder infection, the last thing I want to do is eat.

But I was hungry, which was a good sign.

After the meal, I did still 7 minute zapper.
Then I felt tired.

I know it's my body wanting to heal.
I slept 3 full hours...

Now, end of the day here, I barely feel any burning sensation, body is relaxed, so I do think the bladder infection will be solved on its own.

Before I knew about urine nosodes, having bladder infections was the only situation I had to go get antibiotics. The pain was unbearable.

I'm glad the last 2 episodes of bladder and kidney infection were solved on its own with nosodes...

I think it was the zapper the last drop of water.

I've been on this diet for more than a month now...

It was adding the zapper, the herxing, crashing that put the extra toxins, I think.

It's crazy that my whole body is reacting to this zapper. I'm kind of baffled. It's causing me a profound change in ALL spots I had trouble AFTER lyme was gone.

It does feel like the zapper is roasting my candida in all joints, skin, gut...

I won't do more than 7 minute zapping today.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Pandora box opened...

My dumb brain made me do the zapper again, because I felt better: bad idea.

I can still control the bladder infection, but wow... My whole body was in pain, joints, neck, spine, my big toes, even bones! Hand bones, shin bone...

I'm taking binders 4 times a day, or I can't survive THIS.

Positive thing: the skin on the ankles got thin (not like a baby, but sooo thin!! like I have no memory).

Dr. K says thick skin on ankles = candida.
Even when my candida is not apparently active, my soles had been thick. Forever, since I have memory of...

Why now are they getting so much thinner NOW??

My tinnitus is still here though.
It's lower, though.

I mean, the tones are still very high pitched , like birds singing, but the intensity seems to have got lower...

I wonder if tinnitus has to do with candida or what?...

now I only can hear I have tinnitus in complete silence....

Another positive thing: it's the first time I feel my body finally decided to stop getting worse with age.

In the last 10 years, it was clear: teeth dying, loosing weight (slowly, but surely), getting more allergies, joints getting more stiff here and there, some osteo-arthrosis signs appearing in smaller joints...

Could anti-oxidant diet practically alone invert that?! [confused]

I feel deep changes in my joints.

Herxes are continuous, from deep inside joints, brain, even inside bones...

That is what causing toxins to be pouring off (and bladder infection).

All parts that got ONCE problems are like 'alive' again, herxing in and out...

Old cavitation sites, joints that were sick with lyme 10 years ago + (that I got no symptoms at all in the last 8 years), smaller joints that got TB and candida...

Even an old accident part (coccyx).

I took Ruta gravelens homeopathic and it does feel helping my body 'forget' those old accidents / infections / spots with chronic inflammation.

The pain from herxes (muscle or nerve pain) clearly diminishes after Ruta graveolens.

Visible candida signs are all gone.
If not 100% gone, next to.

I feel no signs of inflammation, just this herx-like feeling, or a sort of body rebooting.

There must be inflammation inside my body still, but I can't see it visually.

I'm eating 3 eggs a day, at least, very little cooked, and I definitively will stop the zapping until this calms down, still carb-free, milk product free.

I'm 52, and I don't think that carbs and grains ever did anything good to me... I start thinking about that. What the heck?

I'm still testing energetically food for me, and potatoes do not test good either.
The max I can eat cooked are animal proteins and some cooked veggies.

In this way, the re-booting process continues, non-stop.

I'm almost sure that this way of eating is what made the zapper work. This simple zapper cannot make miracles... unless the body is already functioning somewhat well.

that's just my feeling...
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
I also do better with no grains or few grains. Non-grain grains are fine, like quinoa. I eat blue corn chips with no water retention, but only the blue ones. Any other grains adds water retention by the next day.

The only dairy I eat is when I feel like pizza. Against the Grain has a good grain-free pizza, but it has lots of cheese. I also sometimes will have cheese on things like tacos or chili. I have found some good almond flour tortillas. My chili is made with grass fed beef and tons of veggies, no beans. I just can't eat mostly raw this time of year, but I do think a good detox every so often is beneficial.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Six, what problems do you think your grain-free diet helps you mostly?

I thought I couldn't live without some grains (like rice, for example).

I'm asking my body (energetically) about quinoa, amaranth, sweet potatoes, taro potatoes, yams, nothing absolutely tests good (maybe because I'm already on a very sweet diet, full of fruits).

I don't miss them, actually, if I eat enough proteins.

Absolutely all milk products come as 'no', even my beloved buffalo mozzarella...

as long as I eat eggs and other proteins, I feel fine. I just need my high dose avocado, nuts, bananas for that...

I never lived what I'm living now. For short periods, yes (during fasting). But never ever I had such a detox reaction going on, non-stop, like it's happening to me, in these last 4-6 weeks.

I'm actually glad, even though I feel very tired after this bladder infection. It could have gone wrong, to kidney infection.

I wake up with headache (because I don't take binders in the night), then it goes away pretty fast after either MSM or chlorella.

What's happening is almost like a miracle to me.

Had I known about that before, I would have tried this much earlier.

Herxes pains are annoying though, this up and down in fatigue due to constant releasing of toxins too. But as for hunger, it's somewhat very much under control, I think.

When I crave something, it is usually not cheese or grains, so I just go for it. Lots of dried fruits and nuts too.

I never thought I could live carb free (I mean, without any pure carb portion for so long). I'm so thin already.

I stopped the antiparasitic herbs. I'll resume when this bladder problem stops.

The urine this morning was almost like Coke still... It's massive detox.....still going on, despite so many weeks on detox-mode ON.

It's like my body simply decided it's dumping-mode ON and it just simply doesn't turn it OFF.

Without my chlorella and MSM, I think I would have long given this up.

Another good point is that I see the deep inside flesh color of my skin (specially hands and feet) changing to a normal skin color, like it is dumping toxins which were accumulated for decades.

That keeps me going.

Without animal protein, in colder weather, I would not be able to go on, I think.

I'm also eating cooked veggies now, in form of soups. That feels also good.

How old are you now, Six (if I may ask)?

Guess what happened to me today? I got my menstrual cycle back! It had stopped for about 6 months or more. I think last year I got it 2 times.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
I'm 54, so just a couple years ahead of you (still no menopause). [Smile] Six kids. Four grandkids. I get around as well as my children do. No pain unless I start bending over the wrong way while teaching Pilates, then my back will hurt.

When I did raw food when it was warmer out, no cravings for me, either. I also never tested well for the carbs you mention. I did eventually start testing well for sweet potatoes and quinoa. One of my go-to meals is quinoa with veggies since it's so easy to prepare.

I'm only eating meat a couple times per week. I snack on dates, nuts, bananas, dark chocolate. Usually my snacks are a more concentrated calorie food than raw veggies because it's usually when I've been teaching for a few hours.

Your experience is a lot like my first experience eating raw for an extended time. I think it's good you've added cooked foods back in. Now, I do fine and just feel more energy.

Right now I'm finally, after all these years, going after my lymphatic system. I've always had a little bit of bloat and water retention. Any time I rebound, it's made me sick/tired.

Last summer, I added in high intensity interval training (HIIT) twice a week in addition to my Pilates. A couple weeks ago, I started using my sauna 5 times per week. Now I've added in rebounding. The rebounding will make me fatigued if I don't get in the sauna immediately afterward. I'm noticing more color/cloud to my urine like you have mentioned, which I attribute to getting these toxins out of my lymphatic system, finally.

I'm having rashes and goopy eyes from this. I'm not feeling either better or worse, but I am losing some of the water retention I hadn't lost eating raw food. It's happening slowly.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Hey, nice to know your experience looks so much like mine.

I was wondering, how can this food diet be changing my body so deeply???!!

I'm still not used to it though, still herx-like, still with stinking urine, still with my lymph going like tides (in and out), but at least, I don't feel craving carbs!

I do miss my mozzarella though!

I also added dark chocolate!!!

But I eat many more animal proteins than you, I think. I ate today a tahini / tajini of chicken, and I did eat 4 pieces of chicken! Half a chicken!!!!!

I also added a raw egg on my juicing with avocado.

It felt so nourishing.

I'm so glad that I'm not craving food, and that my weight stabilized. I can't afford losing more weight...

but contrary to you, that has water retention, this diet makes my lymph move violently out of my body.

That is when all toxins are pumped out, and I need my 4-5 times intake of binders.


I'm trying the sequence: chlorella + magnesium .. wait... then MSM... wait 30 min... Vit C... herxes... chlorella again, and so on.

I think I finally found a solution for this 3 decade candida!!!

I'm still praying that this diet was THE answer I was looking for. It is not as hard as I thought.

I mean, carb-free, milk-product free.

So dr. Rau has been right the whole time.
And even Sanum literature, on that sort of diet.
I never bought into that.

I'm still with pains in many joints, still fighting bladder infection (low grade now), still detoxing like hell.

But candida is almost gone, my tongue has no more red spots of inflammation (like it always had), but boy, I'm exhausted from this non-stop detox!

I still couldn't re-start the zapper, nor the violet ray, I'm only on a few drops of anti parasitic herbs.

I could barely make ONE child, but you, with 6 kids and 4 grand kids!!! Amazing!!!

I started menopause at around 50.
But now, it's coming... back??!!

I don't know if I should be happy or sad about that.....

I'm kind of mobile too (still can do most yoga positions...), but in the last years, I felt my joints were accumulating too much junk.

I'm so glad these toxins are pouring out now, and that I'm doing NOTHING else but diet!

what if it was not bad diet that keep us sick, basically?!!

What if the bad detox pathways we have are not caused by certain classes of food?!

And if we eat only ONE of these foods, our detox pathways get blocked (for some reason) and then we accumulate toxins (such as heavy metals),

... and then pathogens decide to colonize us forever (exactly where toxins accumulate)??

How can carbs and milk mess my detox pathways?!
Posted by minimonkey (Member # 8693) on :
I am about to embark on a full fast, and then transition to a mostly-raw diet. It's labor intensive if you want to get fancy about meal prep... but it really IS a great detox -- I did a few months of raw a couple of years ago, and it really was a great experience. I'm on antibiotics at the moment, so it's no sugar (even fruit) and next-to no starch.... and I'm already vegan... so I will have a very limited diet... but I am determined to get well again.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Great to know, Mini!

I hope you'll manage!!

That transition from fasting to raw food went so smooth. It was so easy, really.

It's time consuming because of buying fresh stuff all the time, then washing, cutting, inventing (as I was not used to eat so much raw foods).

When you have carb, you gotta cut very sweet fruits (in my own experience).

But that does not really cut down inflammation - you just don't get too much worse (but not better either, unfortunately).

I'm now getting more and more certain that what kept me ill with candida and chronic inflammation for decades was CARB EATING!

Either carbs alone OR carbs + milk products (even if I ate goat or sheep, basically), one of these was blocking my body's ability to detox on its own!!

I hope you survive without fruits.

It would have been very hard for me without my beloved fruits...

Do you intend to eat probiotic foods? Or are you already on them?
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
I don't feel that I have ever fully cleaned my lymphatic system. Even on the raw food. I think it's improving now.

I actually gave birth to 5 kids, one is adopted. [Smile] We adopted a foreign baby from an orphanage years ago. It did take a toll on my body. Each pregnancy was harder than the next.

Maybe for some of your meals you can eat some mozzarella with raw foods. Sounds good. That's what I've done sometimes if I feel like cheese.

I don't think diet is the only piece of the puzzle. I was eating 80% fresh fruits and vegetables (not all raw, but a lot raw and I was juicing) when I got bitten by the tick that made me crash. I already had Lyme for decades, but that's when I contracted babesia and got much sicker.

I'm glad it's still going well for you! I look forward to eating raw again in the springtime. For now, it's mostly cooked for me. [Smile] Breakfast and lunch were raw today (except for a cassava flour tortilla with lunch). Dinner was cooked.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Definitively, diet is not the only piece of the puzzle, and not everyone will react the same way.

I am convinced we are so complex and different, that there are no single truths for anyone.

Nice you adopted a child too.

I imagine how hard should have been to give birth to 5 and still RAISE all these goofy kids!!!

You're certainly in better shape than I ever was, I'm sure.

I do think that eating non-organic can make a big difference too.

I'm eating so many avocados, now meats, olives, olive oils, nuts etc... but I feel my skin is getting so clean from inside out (it's visual, the skin is getting clear and clear)....,

... and I don't see where the oils I ingest are going to??!

In my case, it's like my body decided to be a PUMP, that pumps water out, then let them in (cells), then out and in, the whole time, and with that, it is flushing toxins out, on and on again, non-stop.

I never drank so much in my whole life, and the amount of oils I'm ingesting is quite high (cold pressed organic).

I start to think these oils are being used to dissolve some nasty toxins inside me and they are flushing these toxins out (because now my skin is getting drier).

The whole cleaning process is not just the same: my body is going through healing phases, the herx-like pains keep moving, now my menstrual cycle is a bit back...

Hair loss improved about 80%. I used to lose a lot of hair, but now, it's like nothing compared to just 2 months ago.

One funny thing is that my skin used to peel under the shower, if I stayed longer. Now, the ONLY place that peels is the feet, where I had chronic candida.

The rest of the skin does not peel anymore either, not even after 20 minutes, after much rubbing!

Could that be that my body is putting all these toxins out (including glyphosate), and correcting the whole problem of leaky everything ??

Leaky gut, leaky brain, leaky kidneys, leaky skin...?! my skin feels much firmer, harder to break.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Interesting about the skin!

I eat a ton of oils. Always have.

I've always drank a lot of water, as well. I am drinking less than I did when I was sick though. I used to constantly feel thirsty then. I still drink 2 quarts, at least, per day.

I'm so happy that you're seeing such positive changes!
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Ruta graveolens...
I'm taking that daily, and this feels soooo good.

Thanks to Look up, who posted about it!!

I'm herxing less, but I guess it's because I'm cheating more...

Two days eating out...

Yep, the skin change is crazy. I'm peeling whole body less, but still pealing on the feet (where my problems were the worst, for so long!!)

the water pump effect is still going on, daily.

Now, if I want to reactivate it, I simply eat veggies (raw), with or without fruits (raw) and wait a bit, ... my skin, and wow: my skin starts to shrink, water goes out, then the skin gets full of water again, shiny.

this cleaning process is what feels healing, I think!

I guess that eating raw makes me avoid processed foods, and that is what my body wanted, in fact!

Plus, there are more vitamins and probiotics in raw.

I can't believe that what I mostly needed to get back to health was so simple!

while everybody gets hungry after carbs, I don't!! I swear that now, I feel like I feel clearly less hungry than when I was on carbs + milk!!

I mean, each meal feels like lasting longer, maybe because they nourish me more ?

I'm adding cooked stuff, mostly animal protein, otherwise, I do feel hungry.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Good news of the day: I could eat a whole apple, without reacting to it!!

I had developed allergy to most apples (all apples, basically) in the last 3-4 years.

I needed to cook them, or they burned by mouth.

It's gone!! I hope!

At this moment I'm writing, my skin is shrinking again, after drinking a juice with an avocado + banana + apple + chocolate powder.

I feel still some pains here and there, like stinging pains in bones (cheekbone, specially, one or 2 teeth...).

I'm still tired from the 2 week bladder infection, I'm still detoxing bones and joints (stinging pains), so I don't know when to start back again with anti parasites and KPU supplements.

I gotta wait, I suppose.

My liver is getting no treatment in the last 1 or 2 weeks, and it's doing fine!!

Only chlorella + MSM are taking care of it, no need to take other supplements.

I still wake up with some headache and my urine is still dark, so detox is still going on.

My skin of hands and feet changed color: from deep dark purple or almost black to next to normal pink, clear color. It's been about 2 decades I got dark skin color in colder months. Very deep dark.

It's the same effect of my ionic tooth brush in the gum flesh, but now extended to my arms and feet. I mean, changing from black to pink.

Another thing I've been noticing, is that electrosensitivity is decreasing clearly.
I feel much more grounded than usual.

I eat clearly much better than I ever ate, because everything that enters the mouth is practically alive!, with a clear function.

I think the amount of glyphosate I'm ingesting dropped considerably.

Zero processed foods, 90% + organic, about 70% raw, no sugar, no milk, no carbs.

Some seeds, nuts, cold pressed oils, vinegar, lots of avocados, still on kimchi, and I'm concentrating on fish or sea products.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
It'll be soon 2 months NOT eating carbs or milk products.

I'm eating loads of raw veggies and fruits and daily some animal proteins (eggs included).

I do not feel really hungry for carbs any longer.
I guess that not feeling hungry is what blocks that anxiety with carbs.

I have no doubt that I was addicted to carbs and that eating carbs made me MORE HUNGRY than now.

I think that when I dropped carbs, as I need to fill in the emptiness with other foods, and all these foods are nutrient richer than carbs, well, the equation is solved: less hunger, more nutrition!

that is what makes my body detox on its own (with the support of binders, of course).

Each meal preparation is somewhat more work than usual, but as it this is keeping my candida turned off, despite cold weather, I'll continue doing this.

When I add kimchi, there is a lot of killing activity in my gut.

I don't have loose stools anymore from the fight, but I know that eating more kimchi is doing a lot to the gut (lots of noises, and stools keep changing...)

I found a good morning recipe to keep me hunger free for longer:

- 1 banana
- 1 avocado
- 1 raw egg (I wash it before breaking it, or bacteria can come to my juice)
- 2 cups of water (or 1 cup of coconut water and 1 cup of water)
- few drops of VERY salty water (I use rock salt, Himalayan salt), for electrolytes
- 1 or 2 teaspoons of raw cocoa powder (optional)

And I juice all that.
It is delicious, even better with the egg, I find.

It's rather easy to do.

If I'm still hungry late in the morning, i snack some nuts, carrots, or fruits still.


Another new tea recipe I'm trying, that feels gorgeous (even though I like the taste less...) is this one (Golden Detox drink):

golden drink detox

I'm still new on this 'tea' though, but it is VERY easy to do!! It is warming, because of so much pepper, ginger...

It does feel good, like my head get clearer, almost immediately after taking it. Sinuses also feel like cleaning.

What I notice with this diet is that my body continues cleaning (lymph drainage is INTENSE) and that is what keeps my toes and fingers without ANY swelling at all!!

In winter, my toes and fingers get red and swollen, usually. Now they are super thin, absolutely painless, so this 'diet' is helping my body to detox and be fighting constantly against inflammation!

My skin never felt so clean like now.

Face, body, the skin is much firmer, even though still dry. I think the detoxing is happening due to good oils.

I'll be adding primrose oils or other oils in capsules, I think. I'm already eating a lot of olive oil, sesame oils, and so many avocados, now added coconut milk (this is waaaay too hard to digest though).

I do think that my body is using all these oils to pull the toxins off, because despite ingestion of oils, my skin feels super clean, absolutely not oily at all.

I wonder where is the oil I eat going?
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :

Just adding this link, that has good liver-cleansing recipes.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
I find I'm less hungry when I'm eating nutrient dense foods. The body knows. If I eat food with more calories/bulk/whatever-you-want-to-call-it but less nutrition, I'll feel hungry an hour after eating. I can go hours between eating with nutrient dense food.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Yep, nice to know it's not only me!!

I can compare with husband and daughter, who continue to eat carbs.

They eat similar to myself, but WITH carbs.

Both will be feel often more hungry than I do.

Which is funny... I thought carbs would keep me hungry-free for longer, but it makes the exact opposite effect.

One hypothesis is that carbs make digestion harder too.

So even if they eat the same as I do, they may absorb less nutrients... (?)

It keeps amazing me, how much my body goes into lymphatic drainage mode, on and on again.

I feel being squished, like a lemon, all water comes out, then slowly comes back again to my cells.

I guess this is all due to excess of poisonous toxins in my cells.

Sometimes the drainage is so intense, that many joints or nerves get painful. Like my joints and nerves are also squeezed.

Then hours later, I feel all goes soft, smooth again.

How the heck couldn't my body do all that before??
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
I didn't have the lymphatic drainage that you're having. The rest of what you describe all sounds familiar though.

I am working on lymph now. I just don't think mine moves well. That might be part of why I got so sick when I had Lyme.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Now, I believe that that could be the main part of the puzzle for me too, Six!!

I wonder WHY is that my lymph is doing that to me NOW??

I had lunch at 2 pm today.

I ate:
- a big salad bowl with kimchi and lettuce, basically. Olive oil, sesame oil.
- half a raw carrot + pieces of cucumber
- one cooked leg of chicken (organic)
- for dessert, I ate 1/4 of a persimmon (quite sweet) then 1/2 banana (also sweet).

Unfortunately, one foot is starting to react to the food (with light inflammation). I guess, it's the fruit sugar + cold weather. And from the zinc I re-started today.

So after finishing eating, I felt swelling of a few toes, pain from inflammation. Quite acute pains, meaning, the inflammation is flaring.

I felt uneasy, so I took chlorella.

I also took a capsule of the KPU zinc supplement today in the morning (that may be the reason I'm getting inflammation, as it makes my body detox heavy metals).

Every time I get a successful chelator, I get some inflammation and/or infection. It may be due to the zinc, then...

At 3.30, my skin was shrunk like hell. Again that lymph drainage stuff happening.

I noticed my head got then much clearer, that flare feeling (fight and flight mode feeling, anxiety) was then gone!

I took no killer, nothing, and the pain is reduced to 10-20%.

The flare totally stopped when the skin literally shrunk.

Now it's about 4.30 pm, and I do feel again some sort of dizziness coming. That means toxins, infections, inflammation or anything in that sense...

I hate KPU supplements, but I guess, there is no way out, if I don't work on them.

Now that I'm finally detoxing, I have to fill in that empty space with minerals, or again, I'll have toxins inside.

Did you work on KPU too?
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
It started snowing.

My cold breakfast juice of avocado and banana kind of feel not appetizing...

I decided to make some cooked fruits with carrots.
This was FAST and astonishingly tasty!

I'll let it here:

1 apple in big pieces (or pear)
2 medium carrots in smaller pieces
1 banana (even not too ripe is fine)

turmeric (or curcuma) powder (1/2 teaspoon)
cardamon in powder
cilantro seeds grounded
bits of coconut milk
lots of cinnamon powder
some chocolate powder (optional)

I added very bit of water, started cooking the apple, then added everything else.

It tasted actually very good!
Plus I added turmeric as it's antioxidant. And also the pepper for heating my body and helping the turmeric to become more bio-available.

The coconut milk gives a very good consistency to the whole thing. It looks like a curry, but it tastes sweet.

I can't digest well coconut milk when it is cold. But warm like that, it was very smooth.

It's very fast to do, but it does take time to eat (as I left the carrots a bit raw).

This kept me without feeling hungry the whole morning.

Next time, I'll try with some pumpkin instead of carrots. I may add some chestnuts too...
Posted by Lyme248 (Member # 51011) on :
I am trying to add more raw foods to my diet. It works really well to just eat veggies one meal of the day(I do cook the broccoli). I feel a lot better If I do.

I don't do a lot of smoothies or anything else, because by the time I wash all my veggies I'm too tired deal with the blender or a recipe and I don't really feel like it since everything usually tastes good in a salad with oil and vinegar.

My problem is when I do too much and get really tired, all I feel like eating is cheese and peanut butter, which are really bad for you according to most of the things I've read.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Hey, I just use a hand portable blender... It's much easier to wash.

something like this:

I think it's already a good idea to do one meal with veggies like you're doing.

It IS much more work to eat lots of veggies and fruits than to eat animals, bread / pasta, cheese or milk products. I agree.

As for the milk product craving, I think it has to do with toxins (at least for me).

The more I herxed, the more I wanted to eat pure butter or any super oily food. Oils bind to many toxins that are only OIL-SOLUBLE.

If my memory is good, heavy metals blend with oils = that is why breast milk, that is very high in fats, is FULL of heavy metals

(breast feeding cleans the mother from the toxic burden, but charges their babies with them....).

When I feel toxic, I take my binders in greater amounts (chlorella + bear garlic tincture + MSM or whatever feels good),

... rub oils on my skin many times a day, take the antioxidant teas / food and now am consuming more avocados.

Dr. K is lately recommending zeolites as binder. I used to use that in the past, but it was too strong for me.

I'm going to try it again.

I do think avocado, salads with lots of different cold pressed oils, nuts like almonds etc (that I put in water for at least 24 hours), give me the amount of oils my body is asking for.

Almonds and other nuts are very hard to digest though, and during lyme, they ALL made me allergic.

I learned that if I put them in water, the nuts think they are going to sprout, and they start producing enzymes to be ready for sprouting.

And then, they become more easy to digest.

And probably, much less prone to create allergies (my feeling).

And I have to say, they taste BETTER when they are left in water. I think next time, I will add bits of salt in the water too and let them there.

One super easy way to get good oils is sesame seed, chia seeds, flaxseeds on salads. I used to be able to digest them, even without putting in water.

But now I'm thinking to put them in water too, before consumption....

The more I do this all, the more my body goes on detox mode, and it's never ending.

Detox = off with toxins, off with pathogens too!

I don't see detox as too DIFFERENT from anti-microbials.

It's been so many years I'm fighting chronic infections, and I have no doubt that CLEANING toxins means cleaning pathogens at the same time.

Inflammation is directly proportional to toxins.

But being on detox-mode intensively is tiring for the body.

I feel I need more magnesium, omega 3 (for the brain), and I'm taking other oils too (borage oil and evening primrose oil) because I'm detoxing so much.

If you add these good veggie oils, you feel less hungry for animal oils.

Another thing that breaks the cycle of oil-craving for me is consuming high amount of eggs. Any eggs, chicken, guinea fowl, duck if you find it...

I always crave eggs when I'm detoxing from candida die-off toxins.

I also find that eating raw eggs make the nutrients much more available. So the proteins are much more absorbed (than if I cook them).

I wash the eggs before breaking them though, as some bad bacteria can be on the shell.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
I re-started consuming one meal with carbs in the last 3 days (rice, or potatoes, so far).

The reason is that my heart started to feel strange (like fluttering).

I had that I think, when I stopped eating carbs in the past.

It is TOO cold now to go on without pure carbs, I think... I'm SUPER thin, and my body hates cold weather.

Inflammation is a bit back though.

It's not like wild and out of control, like it would be, if I were without anti microbials...

I think my inflammation is about 20% to what it usually would be in cold months like now.

I have the impression that this recipe is making that lymph drainage against inflammation:

1 avocado
1 or 2 ripe bananas
3 teasp of cocoa in powder
bits of cardamon in powder
5 drops of very salty water (himalayan salt)

Without the egg though.

It does test energetically as helping to keep inflammation down.

But I need it 3 times a day!!!
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
I can't eat the raw foods in the winter either. I can't wait to get back down to Florida so more of my diet can be raw.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :

I was reading about TCM and that they think most diseases come from cold.

They think that cold from OUTSIDE (climate) is bad, and can cause disease, but also, that cold INSIDE can cause disease (meaning from food, drinks etc).

Well, the Chinese do not eat raw, only rarely.

At least, my Chinese friends don't really eat salads like I do, mostly they eat cooked.

My inflammation is under control, fortunately, but it's still annoying me (like 10-20% active now).

I am eating more cooked foods, like 50-50% (today, I ate even more cooked than raw).

Once a day, I take a small snack of carbs.
Rice or potatoes, for the moment.

It looks like it's enough for the whole day.

I think the problem for me is the mixing of proteins + fat and carbs: they do not go well together!

I'm having a die-off reaction from something, not my skin infection, but something in my gut (or liver?).

I suspect parasites, as it started by high consumption of pumpkin seeds, that I put in water for 2- 3 days.

I had headache and strong fatigue after that, that is why I suspect that...

And I'm testing positive for Mimosa pudica powder.

I could start again the Hulda clark zapper. Today I did almost 30 minutes, and I do feel things moving inside my liver and my gut.

As for food, it's extremely hard to fix one diet that fits summer and winter!

I'm enjoying soups, tahinis, curries...
And adding cooked things to my salads.

Could the Chinese TCM be right saying that chronic inflammation, chronic infections come from cold?

In nature, fungi grow on dark and cold, lack of circulation of air, lack of light.

Chronic lyme is seen by them as such a disease: when the body rots from lack of circulation, too much humidity, lack of light and heat.

I'm increasing then all Indian spices, pepper, cinammon etc in my food.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
I think it's all about balance. Cold food feels really good during Florida summers. In Ohio winters (yeah, Florida all summer, Ohio all winter, long story), cooked foods including healthy meats or healthy carbs feel much better.

I also mostly food combine. Probably 90% of the time or more.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :

Still got candida under control!!


I HAD to change my diet, because it's waaaaay too cold (and my house is 260 years old ++), badly insulated , so it's cold inside too.

What I'm doing is the following:

1) eating the proportion:

veggie + fruit = 60%
protein (egg, cow, fish, ....) = 20- 30%
carbs (rice, potatoes, some amaranth) = 10%

2) if I add anything from milk, I get a mild but CLEAR flare!!

So milk products are all off, included goat, sheep, soya yogurt (even if soya is not milk, it does not test good), butter...

3) Cooked or not, I'm not paying much attention.

What I care now is the MIXING of foods:

- Veggies go with everything
- Fats and protein do NOT mix with carbs or FRUITS

So my meals go:

- fruits + carbs (gluten free bread or rice crackers without anything on top)+ veggies early morning

- some protein 2 hours after the breakfast

- one meal or 2 meals with proteins and veggies

- afternoon some snacking of carbs

- evening whatever I feel missed : veggie soup, salads, kimchi, bits of proteins (eggs, bacon, fish), bits of carbs, but paying attention not to mix proteins with carbs or fruits.

The reason is that proteins need acid to digest (in the stomach) while carbs and fruits need basic to digest (in the gut).

Mixing them is not good, as it can create FERMENTATION due to undefined pH...

4) still avoiding added sugar, gluten, milk products, still on my kimchi (almost daily).


Parallel to diet, I'm trying to fill up the minerals, slowly.

My body is accepting zinc (after a treatment), and so is my daughter (after more than 10 years of failure in the past!)

We're taking anti parasitic tinctures, on and off.
With herxes and tummy pains, from times to times.

After the lecture of dr. K on aluminum in great amounts through chemtrails, I'm on a product called Metal Detox (from Vital Force), that I spray and sniff, and also take drops.

it feels it clears the nostrils and throat feels better.

I continue on bits of magnesium, Vit D3, K2, Omega 3, some Vit B complex (just started), B12, and on two hormones (pregnenolone and estridiol) in energetic form due to hot flushes (menopause).

Of course, we never leave chlorella, MSM, sometimes, bear garlic.

My daughter takes pretty much the same thing, but she needs borage oil for gama-linolenic acid while I'm on evening-primrose oil.

With this diet, I feel I can adapt to the cold weather. Without carbs, it would have been too hard and not very healthy, I feel.

I continue to do my dead sea salt foot baths, about 2x week, in very hot water. It is full of magnesium, and it feels wonderful.

On and off, I STILL use my violet ray, as it DOES increase my energy levels.

I dislike winter, darkness, cold, and anything opposite - light treatments + warmth - make me feel better.

My urine continues to come out dark-orange, despite a lot of liquid intake, coconut juice (that I start to enjoy now), teas, coffee.

I still feel my lymph is moving a lot (I wonder if this is bad or good), but at least, I think the low-tide phase makes inflammation go down to almost zero (when water is pumped out).

My hair is though again falling... I guess this cold was way too much, too fast. It's a bitter cold, wet feeling...

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